sweeping the world

Chapter 128 Embarrassment after logging in

Chapter 128 Embarrassment after logging in
Thirty-four large ships are sailing the sea with their sails fully spread, and the only sailors on the deck are operating the sails and paying attention to the cables.

The Kirk sailboats developed by the Han tribe can hold 400 people each. Among the two ships at the forefront of the fleet, there are tribal armed forces who will be the first to go ashore.

Among the 34 ships in the fleet, 21 were Kirk sailing ships, and the remaining [-] were patchwork-like ships.They set out in the early morning when the tide is high, sailing specifically to the invisible far end of the coast, and will directly break into the coast midway.

It was almost noon when the big ship sailing at the front raised its flag and the entire fleet began to turn.

"Yes, it's called Jianghua Bay." Liu Yan was of course on the first ship of the entire fleet: "That is the most suitable landing place!"

Incheon?Yes, they landed from Incheon. Liu Yan had no intention of "taking an unusual path". Countries that invaded the Korean Peninsula basically started from Incheon. It was an offensive route that had been "proven" useful countless times. Liu Yan should Why is it that you are so arrogant that you don't follow me!

After the fleet turned around, the closer to the coastline, the more islands appeared.

Looking from the sea, there is no sign of human habitation on the islands, and it looks like deserted and green islands one after another.

It was the first time for Liu Yan to come here in person. He asked someone familiar with the situation, and it was true that he was going to pass through such a place full of islands.

It didn't take much time. About ten miles from the coast, a strange scene began to appear. A fishing boat from an unknown country appeared on the sea.

The fishermen of those fishing boats were obviously stunned when they saw the fleet of Hanbu. They probably had never seen such a big boat before, so they stood there blankly watching, and it took a long time to realize that it was a big boat. Shout.

"Shoot them all."

The fishing boat did not stop at the same spot, but waited for a while before entering the range of the bow. The archers on the boat shot several rounds of arrows, killing some fishermen, but some fishermen simply jumped off the fishing boat to dive.

"This place is at least seven or eight miles away from the coastline. Can people swim to the shore?"


No one has tried it, so how can they answer it?
There is not only one country on the Korean peninsula. In addition to Goguryeo, there are Baekje and Silla.

Baekje was a country established by the Buyeo people who went south. They conquered the original local Mahan tribe alliance, and the Buyeo people formed the upper-level ruling position.

It is rumored that Silla was founded by Park Hyeok-ju of the Jinhan Park family who lived in Xigan. It was established in 4 AD. The main tribal groups were the Pu, Se, and Kim clans, and these three clans took turns as chiefs. . (It's not called Silla now, it's actually a tribal alliance)
If Goguryeo is a relatively simple land country, while Baekje and Silla are mostly fishing and hunting, it should be the fishermen of Baekje who encountered the Han fleet?
Within five miles, there were no longer one or two fishing boats, which confused the crew a bit.

According to the most ideal invasion method, it should not be to quietly approach the shore without being noticed by anyone in the enemy country, quietly land ashore, and then quietly land and set up a camp.

However, the reality of what happened shows that something must be wrong!

There were a little more fishing boats, and it was impossible for the Han fleet to change course in order to catch that fishing boat. Liu Yan looked at the yelling fishermen, and it seemed that many fishermen were going to return after they realized it?

"Crash and sink it directly on the flight path. If you can't hit it, shoot the arrow."

In an era when they basically relied on shouting, Liu Yan spent three years cultivating a group of flag bearers who understood the flag language and quickly conveyed orders to the entire fleet.

The Han is about to attack, and if there is no delay, just drive over and sink. If you find it difficult...you can just ignore it. Anyway, the speed of the fishermen is simply not comparable to that of a full-sailed ship. Before the defenders come over, let the combat troops go ashore first and the goal will be achieved.

Probably in the middle of the sun, the fleet had already reached the coastline.Looking from the boat, most of the coast is deserted and deserted, and I only saw a populated place like a fishing village when I tried my best to observe.

The fleet was getting closer and closer to the shore. As long as the people in the fishing village were not blind, they must have seen it. As a result, the whole village immediately became chaotic, and some people ran to the shore to watch.

"Your Majesty, immediately slaughter this village after landing." Ji Chang said with a cold face, "It is our most precious time not to be discovered in the early stage."

Liu Yan smiled "hehe", but felt a little strange in his heart. They... seemed to have gone to the wrong landing place?

That's right, there is no GPS navigation now, and I suddenly turn into a place where I can't see the coast. It is completely understandable to go to the wrong place.

wrong?Do you want to give up the landing and go to the established landing place?Such thoughts were immediately suppressed by Liu Yan as soon as they arose.

Except for the leading ship, the rest of the ships have already lowered their sails, and all those who can stay on the deck are all watching the ship break through the waves and move forward bravely. Perhaps it is luck or fate, the ship passed all the way There was no collision or anything. When approaching the shore for about 60 meters, the sails were lowered, and the boat stopped when it approached about [-] meters.

Sure enough, this is not a natural port, but since it is here, there is absolutely no possibility of giving up landing.However, the plan for the tribal armed forces to land first had to be changed. It had to be Li Tan who took the sword and shield soldiers on the landing boat first.

There was a wrong plan, Li Tan brought the first group of people ashore and did not immediately attack the villagers of the fishing village, but moved towards the surrounding area.

The second batch of soldiers landed again, then the third batch, the fourth batch...

As more and more troops landed, it became clear that something was wrong with the villagers of the fishing village, and just as they began to scatter in all directions, the killing came.

How can a group of fishermen compare with professionally trained soldiers?If it wasn't for figuring out who landed, there would be no survivors at all.

"What, Baekje!?" Liu Yan was slightly stunned, and soon returned to normal: "After the fleet returns, the next batch will sail directly close to the place where you can see the coastline, and someone will light a beacon on the shore to remind you."

It's hard to say how bad it is, it's wrong to land wrongly, just advance directly from the land.

Now, the most important thing Liu Yan needs to do is to find out the specific location. If it were someone else, he would be completely confused. After all, knowing the place name requires a map.

Liu Yan checked the map in his mind, and it didn't take long to roughly determine that he was in..., well, he couldn't tell where it was, but it wasn't too far away from Incheon.

A new round of adjustments was made to the plan, and it took almost two days for all the troops to go ashore.They rushed to the north, and Baekje didn't react at all along the way, so they didn't have anything to do too much, they just kept heading north.

About forty miles to the north, I finally matched the mark on the map and arrived at the original landing site, which is Incheon.

However, things that made Liu Yan more embarrassing continued to happen. Now such a piece of land in Incheon does not belong to Goguryeo, it is located in the territory of Baekje. I learned from the captives in Chinese.

"It takes nearly eighty miles from here to reach Goguryeo?" Liu Yan tried his best not to twitch his cheeks: "Is there another river blocking the way?"

That river is called the Han River. In fact, Baekje should thank the Han River. It is because of its existence that Baekje can defend itself against Goguryeo.

Of course, after Goguryeo weakened, Baekje people would turn from being grateful for the Han River to being depressed, because Baekje people also need to cross the Han River to attack Goguryeo.

Liu Yan already knew that the Han River would block his way, so he had already made preparations for building a pontoon bridge!What he should be depressed about now is that Incheon does not belong to the territory of Goguryeo. Could it be that the Han tribe is also hostile to Baekje?

"It's not necessarily hostile." Ji Chang was of course depressed and speechless in his heart, but it was normal for him to have an accident for the first time in this kind of cross-sea combat. The only abnormal thing was that he didn't even know which country the landing place belonged to.He said: "Immediately send an envoy to find the King of Baekje."

The question is, what is the name of King Baekje?And where is the capital of Baekje?It seems that the Han tribe knows nothing about this.It’s simply too frustrating!
(End of this chapter)

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