Chapter 163 Looking back to the west
In fact... there are too few people, and the elimination of the good and the bad cannot be carried out in the Han.

Liu Yan has been in this era for four years, and he has witnessed with his own eyes what kind of a fucking era this is. Arrogance is extremely arrogant, misery is extremely miserable, regardless of ethnicity, it only depends on strength.

The vast majority of people belong to the disadvantaged side, and only a few people will stand at the top of the pyramid. No matter what era it is, this structure will never change.

What did Liu Yan witness with his own eyes?It was the Jin people at the bottom who were in dire straits, and only some Jin people who built castles and forts were able to protect themselves.

Ordinary Jin people have encountered all kinds of misfortunes, and their dignity and courage have long been lost due to the extremely short and harsh environment. Survival is an instinct, and what they want before death is to have a touch of loess.

Those Jin people who can protect themselves pray for a stable life, and for this they can sell everything they can sell, including putting misfortune on those clansmen who have no power to protect themselves.

"Family..." Liu Yan started to wander around again. Recently, he especially likes to wander around, looking at the development situation in the narrow peninsula, and also looking at the people under his rule: "It must exist. How could it be?" does not exist?"

Yes, Liu Yan will go back to Hou Zhao's side after a while, and there will probably be another round of purges.

In the new round of purges, there will definitely be many families that need to be eliminated, because Liu Yan has enough confidence to no longer tolerate the "fence-riding faction"... It seems wrong, and he can no longer tolerate giving so much. The chance, the random betrayal that kindness brings!

"Your Majesty, after the beginning of spring, we have enough labor force to farm. It's just..." Lu Yi frowned for a while, and said, "The two mines we discovered need more slaves."

There are two mines in the narrow peninsula east of Liaoning.One is an iron mine and the other is a coal mine.

Liu Yan is not too sure whether the two mines existed in the first place, or whether they have been changed by the "system", and they tend to have them in the first place.

"The two mines need about [-] to [-] slaves to operate at full capacity." Lu Yi was talking about a figure: "The peninsula can provide about [-] people per month, but only about [-] laborers can be selected. into the mines."

Liu Yan also began to frown, [-] per month is a very uncertain figure, and the number will definitely decrease as time goes by.

Six thousand out of ten thousand were selected, all of whom were non-Han family descendants. It would not be distressing for those sticks and hunters to die.

It's strange to say that there are far more Han Hmong descendants in the Korean Peninsula than anyone imagined, probably about two out of every ten people.They still maintain the living habits of the Han family, and the living environment is much better than that in the Central Plains!

The Han tribe has obtained about 1 Han Miao descendants from the Korean Peninsula, but except for a very small number of people with craftsmanship who were immediately absorbed into the tribe, most of them still need a transition.

Now it is not so simple to become a member of the Han tribe. After all, the Han tribe is not the original situation. It is impossible for any newcomer to enjoy the treatment of "old people" immediately. Great injustice.

"We can only maintain a state of war against Goguryeo now." Liu Yan thought of something, grinned suddenly, and said: "This time, cleaning Changguang County and Dongmou County again will produce a large number of prisoners of war. Here There will be no shortage of labor in the mines."

Obviously, Lu Yi nodded.

It is true that the Han tribe will clean up many families, and those patriarch Han's relatives will definitely be killed, but under the so-called "killing only the head and evil", more people will survive.They will become part of the "criminal people", and they will need a long atonement before they can become free people. The most vicious group of people will definitely be thrown into the mines.

"Do you stay here, or go back with me?" Liu Yan still admired Lu Yi, who came from the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Lu Yi looked at Liu Yan in surprise, and said as a matter of course: "Naturally, it is up to the emperor to decide."

"Then come back with me!" Liu Yan stared at the village ahead: "Ji Chang needs to control the overall situation on the Korean Peninsula. There is Cai You here. You can handle the two counties with me."

In the village ahead, Liu Yan saw acquaintances, they were Li Kuang and Ah Xiang who were talking at the edge of the village fence.

Li Kuang came back from the Korean peninsula not long ago, and the people who returned to the narrow peninsula of Liaodong with him were those who landed and fought in the early stage. And a group of soldiers who need to see blood after training.

Looking at it from a distance, Liu Yan felt rather strange in his heart: "These two couples can chat peacefully?"

One thing to know, Ah Xiang has always been extremely resistant to Li Kuang, even if they meet each other in the past three years, she is absolutely cold-faced, never thought that she could smile at Li Kuang now?Looking at the smile, it's should I say it?It's looking forward to!
Li Kuang and Ah Xiang, including the surrounding people, naturally also noticed Liu Yan and others coming.

In fact, whenever Liu Yan passed by, his subordinates would bend down to salute, and slaves would kneel down in obeisance.Maybe...that's why Liu Yan fell in love with patrolling?

Wrong, big mistake, Liu Yan is simply a person who can't sit still.

From a psychological point of view, Liu Yan longs for companions, a group of companions who share common thoughts and strive for a common ideal.

Disaster!too difficult!Liu Yan needs a strong heart to face up to one point again and again, which is the difficulty of turning Jin people into Han people.

"Should it be land granted by military merit?" Lu Yi looked at the couple with a smile, and said, "The tribe only allows the land obtained by military merit to have private autonomy."

It is about the system implemented by Liu Yan after discussing with everyone, that is, land for military merit can be freely arranged, and the remaining land belongs to the tribe.

People like to have autonomy, which is the nature of intelligent creatures.Freedom in any era is precious, and freedom in cruel times needs to be bought at a price.The price can be all kinds of credit, or it can be exchanged with blood, but there must be a price!

In the future, there will probably be several types of people in the Han Dynasty, the ruling class, meritorious people, free people, servants, slaves, and criminals.

After careful consideration, Liu Yan decided that if he wanted to maintain expansion, he could only rule the country by semi-centralization and semi-centralization. How to do it depends on the actual situation, so that he can distinguish between the intensity of centralization and the intensity of enfeoffment.

Of course, the ruling class is the group headed by Liu Yan, with him as the core high-level, and then there are all kinds of nobles.The nobles probably exist in the form of lords, which are divided into two forms: internal and external. In a popular sense, they have vassals who belong to their own fiefs.

It is easier for the meritorious people to understand that since they are the group of profit-making meritorious people, they will have their own land, and no one will interfere with what they do on their own land.They may become the foundation of Liu Yan's rule, and they are the group of people who love Liu Yan the most.

The free people are simpler, a group of people who are not slaves.If they were called nationals during the period of the Zhou royal family, since they were qualified to wear armor and go to battle, they could use their merits in exchange for the promotion of their social status.

Servants are only one level higher than slaves. They are one level lower than free people and cannot enjoy social welfare. The objects of resettlement are slaves who have been conquered or purchased. The descendants of the Han family are born with the level of servants after entering the Han tribe. The targets of conquest and redemption of the Miao descendants of the Han family were slaves at the beginning.

Of course, Liu Yan will not speak out all the thoughts in his heart, and those hierarchical systems will not be made public, but will be advocated, and practical actions will be used to let everyone understand the difference in treatment.

"Your Majesty." Lu Yi pointed to the distance. What kind of trees seemed to be being transplanted there?He said: "Sangma is in the bitter cold in the east of Liao 1, so I'm afraid it's not easy to serve."

Inevitably, the bitter cold in Liaodong is definitely not a lie. Farming is inconvenient, and then there is much less labor time throughout the year than in other places.

"So we will not give up Changguang County and Dongmou County." Liu Yanman said firmly: "Not only will we not give up, but we will also look for opportunities to continue to expand."

The core class all know Liu Yan's persistence, and they are also the group that most hope that Liu Yan will have similar persistence.

The Central Plains, that is the Central Plains. In the eyes of quite a few people, only the Central Plains is the "world", except for the Central Plains, all are barbaric.Their strongest wish is that the Han tribe can develop and grow, and one day become a decisive force in the Central Plains.Even the most confident people have never thought about becoming the ruler of the Central Plains, and their hearts are not as big as Liu Yan's in this regard.

"We have already begun to consolidate the vested interests of the Korean peninsula, and may temporarily stop the war and turn our attention to the expansion of Qingzhou." Liu Yan frowned and said, "Dongnai Academy...may ignite the explosion in Qingzhou." The area is on fire."

That's what the information showed. Donglai Academy didn't stop collaborating. They pointed the finger at the Han Dynasty. It can be seen that the trend's ambition will not only be Changguang County or Dongmou County, but it is very likely to plot the entire Qingzhou.

What is the origin of Donglai Academy?It looks very complicated, the Cao family should be one of the forces, but definitely not just the Cao family.

"This time is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity!" Liu Yan is extremely eager to have a state territory: "We can't overly stimulate Murong Xianbei in Liaodong, and we can't stimulate their four countries to unite against us in the Korean peninsula. .”

It's too realistic. The Han tribe is strong, but not the first echelon of powerful forces. If they fight Shijie or Murong Xianbei alone, they may win, but they can only be defeated partially, and they cannot swallow an elephant with a snake.

"Take your time, we have enough time." Liu Yan said with great firmness: "Yes, we will have enough time!" But he was thinking in his heart: "Use the shortest time possible to upgrade the system!"

(End of this chapter)

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