Chapter 207
"Your Majesty, the remaining enemy troops are gathering, and a large number of slave soldiers have been dispatched to the rear."


Lu Yi came here after the pace of the battle had slowed down. He said that those were necessary reminders. The troops that the coalition forces can command in the rear are nothing more than two possibilities, either to fight hard or to prepare for the retreat.

The battlefield on Xiami’s side can only be said to be half-fifty. Although the non-main battlefield Han has fewer troops, it has the initiative. After the attack on the camp, the coalition forces roared in the camp, and then blocked some main roads, achieving good results.The Han on the main battlefield can only be said to be parrying. After all, there are a large number of cavalry on the coalition side. Facing cavalry, which is a fast-moving unit, the troops led by Liu Yan can only focus on stability.

War pays attention to momentum, which is not only the so-called general trend, but also can be interpreted as the belief in victory, which can be simply summarized as morale.

The overnight attack on the camp plunged most of the coalition forces into chaos, and their morale was robbed while the camp roared.The inevitable result of the low morale of the coalition forces was that the morale of the Han side was greatly boosted. It took nearly two hours of fighting to strengthen their will.

Of course, there are many reasons why the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are determined. There are clearly several classes, and the treatment of each class makes the troops participating in the war have a strong desire to perform meritorious service. Furthermore, as a monarch, Liu Yan can also be on the front line of the battle. Boost morale.

The Yao brothers are mobilizing their troops as much as possible, not only slave soldiers, but also all the troops they can command. After urgent consultations with Liu Zheng, they agreed that they would only make one last attempt. If they could not grasp the advantage on the battlefield, they should Withdraw your troops and wait for another day to fight.

Wang Teng objected to the results of the three people's deliberations. He believed that either the cannon fodder troops should be left behind to drag Liu Yan away and the main force should withdraw. If he attacked, he should respond with absolute determination to fight to the death. How could he have two thoughts on the same thing? According to the original words, "If a wise man does not act, he will be defeated." But his words were obviously not accepted.

Several high-level coalition forces are mobilizing troops, and of course Liu Yan has to make relevant responses.

The battle has been going on until now, and the main forces of the two sides have been fighting fiercely for nearly four hours, which is the most tiring moment. Maybe the use of slave soldiers can rely on their strength to obtain unexpected results?
Compared with the command of the coalition forces, which needs to rely on people to run and deliver military orders, the Han Ministry has the semaphore to take advantage of the boss, and the speed of timeliness has often determined the victory or defeat of a war.Therefore, although Liu Yan has few troops, he can use them quickly and effectively, while the coalition forces may not be able to use them in a timely manner when they have many troops.

Wang Teng has been paying attention to the area where Liu Yan is. Whenever he sees someone waving the flag, he will show concern. After observing carefully a few times, how can he not know that the Han Dynasty has a set of flags that can quickly transmit military orders, and he can't help murmuring: "Such a simple method, why...", halfway through, he thought deeply again.

In fact, the semaphore has existed for a long time, and it is not mentioned in the Art of War, but as long as you are familiar with the history books, you will find that there are occasional relevant lengths in the records about Sun Bin, Pang Juan and other famous generals in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. The "yin symbols" of military orders are recorded in detail.

Wang Teng obviously remembered similar records, and thought: "It seems that Liu Yan's background... is very particular?"

It is necessary to have inheritance to understand relevant knowledge. Wang Teng's thinking is correct, but he will never think that Liu Yan is a time traveler.

The situation on the battlefield changed again, the coalition forces wanted to fight one last time, and the Han tribe also knew the victory or defeat at this moment.

It was Liu Yan who was the first to effectively mobilize troops. The troops from Zicheng and Yingzhai went out of the fortifications, and troops from the west gate of the main city of Xiami also poured out continuously.

Although Liu Yan had the upper hand, the advantage of the coalition's cavalry was once again revealed. Although the coalition was more than a beat late, it was the coalition's cavalry that launched the attack first.

After two hours of fighting, the number of coalition cavalry was still close to [-].

When the Han troops gathered in several directions towards the main battlefield, the Qiang cavalry wanted to seize the opportunity despite being tired.For them, the moving Han is the best time to attack. No matter how tired they are, they must endure hunger and fatigue, and drive their horses to charge.

"Sure enough." Liu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he turned to Lu Yi and said, "You will control the situation on the battlefield."

Even if Lu Yi had a thousand words at this time, he didn't have enough time. He could see that he didn't agree with what Liu Yan was going to do next, but he could only salute cautiously and said, "I understand!"

The sound of war drums was like rolling thunder, and the first group of people to fight roared. They were shouting "For the clan!"

Liu Yan was looking at the positions of several high-level coalition forces. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

War is about rhythm, doing the right thing at the right time.

At present, most of the cavalry of the coalition forces are attracted by the Han reinforcements coming from several directions, and only a small number of cavalry remain on the main battlefield. Infantry, but the time Liu Yan was waiting for has come.

Waiting, waiting continuously, the tired troops advanced slowly, and a sudden situation happened. It was Liu Yan who led the remaining [-] cavalry to break away from the brigade, and charged almost straight to the position of the enemy's banner.

It can be said that Liu Yan only frequently fought in person at the beginning of his business, and there was almost no chance to do it himself after waiting for the development of the Han Dynasty.This is the first time after three years that he once again personally fought the bloody battlefield.

The moment Liu Yan led the cavalry out of the brigade, several high-level coalition forces naturally noticed it.

"That's Liu Yan?" Yao Lan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a happy expression: "It's Liu Yan!"

Liu Zheng was also shocked at first and then overjoyed: "It's him, there's nothing wrong with it, it's him."

Yao Jing was not there, and he went to take charge of blocking the Han reinforcements from several directions.

Wang Teng stared blankly at Liu Yan, who was leading the cavalry, and frowned: "It doesn't make sense..." He glanced at Liu Zheng and Yao Lan, who were showing ecstatic expressions, and was about to say something when Liu Zheng over there There has already been action with Yao Lan.

The situation on the battlefield is stalemate, and fierce battles are taking place everywhere. From the perspective of a bystander, the situation on the battlefield can only be said to have advantages and disadvantages, and it is far from necessary for the commander to charge in person.

"Is Liu Yan using his body as bait?" Wang Teng tried his best to think from the perspective of a bystander: "Is it to attract the coalition forces to stay on the battlefield, or... is he trying to win the title of general among thousands of troops with his bravery? A manly thing?"

Liu Zheng and Yao Lan had already roared loudly to order the rest of the troops to attack, they were extremely eager to kill Liu Yan who had gone out in a daze.

More than a thousand Qiang cavalrymen attacked amidst the sound of hooves, leaving only [-] extremely tired and hungry infantry on the top of the coalition army.

Perhaps it was because of the tense moment that Liu Zheng and Yao Lan did not leave Liu Yan's eyes, and they did not notice any new changes in the leading troops of the Han Dynasty.

The leading troops of the Han tribe have been suppressing the coalition forces in the fight. Unfortunately, it is difficult to replace the lost system swordsmen, with less than [-] remaining.

The moment the more than a thousand cavalry at the location of the Allied Army's large banner were dispatched, the remnant system swordsmen in the lead of the Han Dynasty had already begun to move to the flanks, handing over the battle line to the replacement soldiers.

Liu Yan led his army to make a small detour, and the more than a thousand cavalrymen who attacked from the coalition's general position would naturally change their direction.

On the other side of the battlefield, about [-] system swordsmen collided head-on with the Qiang cavalry led by Yao Jing. At that moment, Yao Jing had the illusion that the cavalry collided with the infantry. In his eyes, the Han soldiers were terrifyingly brave, and the knockdown of the front rows did not affect the Han soldiers at all. The Han soldiers suffered a lot of casualties and forced the Qiang cavalry to lose speed. It was a massacre of infantry against cavalry.

Don't be surprised, that's a very normal thing. After the cavalry loses speed, they ride on the back of the horse in the infantry pile, which means that the cavalry is in a prominent position.In this case, although it is more convenient to attack from top to bottom, there are also many positions where cavalry can be attacked.

Almost in an instant, the Qiang cavalry who had lost their speed were chopped to death one by one by the Han soldiers. What made Yao Jing feel more chilled was that the Han soldiers dared to continue to advance against the continuous collision of the cavalry.He looked left and right subconsciously, but saw another scene, and opened his mouth uncontrollably.

What kind of scene is it?It was Liu Yan who led the cavalry in a roundabout way, and more than a thousand Qiang cavalry approached straight and forcibly. About [-] systematic swordsmen stepped forward to block in silence. When they hit it, the moment the human body was hit by the horse and flew out, the collisions continued to happen.

Liu Yan withdrew his gaze from the tragic scene in the rear, turned to look at the location of the coalition army banner, raised his spear and shouted: "Kill!!!"

Many people were stunned. They could not guess how brave and unafraid they must be to use their flesh and blood to rush into the cavalry. They just stared blankly at the battlefield where the cavalry galloped past. The corpses all over the ground stopped fighting for a while, and then continued to swing their weapons after a while.

"This..." Wang Teng looked at Liu Yan and about [-] cavalry who were galloping straight towards the big banner, and said in amazement: "It's really here to charge!"

Yao Lan could also tell that he was hesitant to go forward or retreat.

Liu Zheng was also hesitating at that moment. He felt that everything that happened was simply too ridiculous and exaggerated.

When the cavalry sprinted at full speed, they could gallop about 17 meters per second. Before Yao Lan and Liu Zheng could stop hesitating, Wang Teng had already retreated with his horse.

The so-called general must still be old and hot. Wang Teng has reason to believe that since Liu Yan dares to charge with his cavalry, he must have something to rely on. Furthermore, his own infantry near Dahu is already exhausted and his posture looks sloppy. I'm afraid things will go wrong?

Almost at the moment when Liu Zheng and Yao Lan made up their minds, Liu Yan charged forward...

(End of this chapter)

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