sweeping the world

Chapter 223 The War Potential of the Han Dynasty in the Eyes of Outsiders

Chapter 223 The War Potential of the Han Dynasty in the Eyes of Outsiders
Ma 1 Shi 1 Jin, as long as anyone who knows the geography of Liaodong Dong will be familiar with it.

Since the early Han Dynasty (Western Han Dynasty), Mayishijinjin has been one of the important ports in the north. When the Han army taught the barbarians to be human, they were able to destroy Weiman and North Korea relatively easily by sea and land. They also beat Goguryeo people who have just come into contact with civilization and want to pursue independence.

After Guangwu's lineage represented the Han Dynasty, although the Huaxia Miao descendants said that they did not pay much attention to the ocean, their attention to Ma, Shi, and Jin has never been lowered.It was not until the period of Cao Wei and Sima Yijin that the importance of Ma Yishi Yijin began to decrease. After all, Cao Wei devoted more energy and attention to the civil war, while Sima Yijin was in a state of powerlessness.

Until Liaodong fell into the hands of Murong Yanguo, Ma, Shi and Jin were completely abandoned. After all, the Hu people knew the mainland, what is the sea route?
Mr. Gong Tao is a man of culture, even if he is not familiar with Ma Yishi Jin, he would still learn from some classics.He has imagined in his mind many times what it would be like if Ma Yishi and Jin fell into the hands of Hanbu who knew the role of sea routes.

It takes less than an hour to travel by sea from the Miaodao Islands to Ma1Shi1Jin. From a distance, it is actually impossible to see the pier from the circular terrain. The first thing you see is a towering lighthouse, and some look Definitely an archery tower loaded with bed crossbows.

Of course, Mr. Gong Tao didn't even know what a lighthouse was. There were no bonfires burning there during the day and reflections in bronze mirrors. He just thought it was a watchtower that was specially raised.

As the Han Dynasty's largest port on the narrow peninsula in eastern Liaoning, Mashijin was handling ships almost all the time. The natural "strait" was constantly filled with ships leaving from the right and entering from the left.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty paid great attention to boats, but they paid more attention to inland river boats. They haven't figured out the difference between flat-bottomed boats and sharp-bottomed boats until now, so much so that they have even done the thing of driving large boats out to sea. As a result, Even sailing close to the coastline was overturned by strong winds and waves.

In fact, coastline navigation is really not a capable thing. The closer to the coastline, the more open and hidden reefs will be. This is simply common sense, okay?But then again, is there any sea route that has not been explored clearly after countless explorations and the loss of countless ships and manpower?

"It's so many!" Mr. Gong Tao was extremely envious: "There are so many similar ships."

Seriously speaking, the coastline of Xiao~chao~ting in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is extremely long. They even did the thing of sailing out to sea. Although they are ignorant and fearless, it does not prove that Xiao~chao~ting also understands the importance of sea routes. sex?

Mr. Gong Tao has many missions, one of which is to obtain the blueprint of the sea navigation ship from the Han Department.Compared with the many "pig" nesting in the south of the Yangtze River, he was in the Central Plains where he could die if he was not careful. He had an extremely clear view of some things. The opinion of those "pig" was to directly ask Liu Yan for the HNA ship. However, he knew that it would be better not to mention the blueprints and craftsmen, but Liu Yan would definitely turn his face if he mentioned it.

Why was the Han Dynasty able to oppose the Shijie State of Zhao without fear?In anyone's eyes, it means mastering the ocean, and as a country's most important weapon, it is impossible to leak it to the outside world.Those "pigs" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty still regarded themselves as Zhengshuo, thinking that as long as they asked Liu Yan, they should offer it, which is simply a real example that medicine cannot be stopped.But having said that, taking what you want and what you want seems to have long been a deep-rooted instinct for the ruling class, but the current Eastern Jin small ~ court ~ court does not have such qualifications and powers to do that to a foreign vassal.

Mr. Gong Tao saw many types of ships, ranging from small boats to large battleships. It seems that there is also a transport ship that is bigger than a battleship?The more types of ships the Han had, the more delighted he was. The reason was that with so many types of ships, there would be a better chance of getting blueprints or figuring out how to build them.

The ship they took did not sail directly into the port. After Mr. Gong Tao asked, he learned that he needed to wait for the pilot boat.

What is a pilot ship?Mr. Gong Tao soon understood that he was just surprised that the pilot ship had crew members boarding the ship for inspection.

"Is that an official or a petty official?" Mr. Gong Tao was extremely confused: "We are not on an official ship, so why do we need to pay taxes?"

Tian Shuo took it for granted: "Of course you need to pay taxes for transporting goods." But he didn't answer whether those people were officials or officials.

It is not normal for a country to have no taxes, nor is it normal to have multiple taxes.The taxation of the Han Dynasty is actually quite simple. It is only a one-time payment of the tax that should be paid, and there is no need to pay any tax later.

Finally, it sailed into an area that looked like an inner lake, but Mr. Gong Tao who was standing on the deck opened his mouth wide in shock.

From a distance, the ports are very widely distributed, and the continuous flow of ships is still secondary. The huge battleships lined up side by side give people an extremely stimulating visual sense, and there are too many novelty gadgets that will dazzle people.

"Such a heavy cargo was lifted ashore so easily..." Mr. Gong Tao didn't know what a container (wooden) was, and he couldn't understand a lift either.He pointed at the warships lined up side by side, unable to conceal the shock in his heart: "Is your ministry relying on such ships to attack the peninsula?"

Tian Shuo would not tell Mr. Gong Tao that those warships are actually new products that have only appeared recently, let alone that sending troops to the Korean Peninsula is not that troublesome at all.

Mr. Gong Tao's eyes were quickly attracted by other things, which were the many soldiers who appeared out of nowhere in a queue, and each of those soldiers seemed to be full of energy, and they seemed to be boarding the ship.

The military uniform of the Jin army is a plain white shirt, some officers have leather armor, and senior officers have iron armor.A plain white army actually does not have a good meaning, it seems that the whole army is mourning for someone when they are put together in a pile.However, this involves the rise of the cycle of five virtues. (to be described later)

The military uniforms of the Han tribe are red on the top and black (or gray) on the bottom. No one took it seriously before, until the Han tribe showed their fangs, and the people of the world seemed to wake up. This is how the Han army is uniformed.

At this moment, Mr. Gong Tao looked at the soldiers of the Han tribe who were waiting in line to board the ship, and those dressed in red and black military uniforms, and his heart turned a thousand times.

The wealth of the Han tribe is not just talking about it. You can be called a soldier if you wear armor. Others have to be a military officer or a lieutenant-level officer to have a set of armor. Thousands of soldiers.

As the Han tribe showed its fangs, more people began to spy on the Han tribe's intelligence, to learn about the past and the current situation. Although the information was scattered, the news that Liu Yan had tens of thousands of soldiers had long been spread ( Just add it again and again).

"Even...they all have leather armor?" Mr. Gong Tao stared at him intently: "You are so rich?"

Tian Shuo still wouldn't explain so much, but just smiled reservedly.

There is really no shortage of leather armor or something in the Han Dynasty. It has something to do with the hunting on land and at sea.Of course, ocean fish, no matter what kind of fish, are not suitable for making leather armor, but fur on land is fine!

Regardless of the wild beasts in Qingzhou, because of the long-term desolation in Liaodong, there are wild beasts everywhere. Liu Yan will conduct a hunt every autumn, but it is really not that short of leather.

Furthermore, Tuoba Daiguo's war is in good condition. At this stage, the victory is determined. When Tuoba Shiyiqian was in trouble, Liu Yan gave his best help. Now it is Liu Yan's turn that the situation is not good. Tuoba Shiyiqian naturally To get something in return, it is difficult to pay for living livestock, but a lot of cowhide and so on have been delivered with the convenience of boats from the Han Dynasty.

The Han Department is still in the cooperative commune mode. It uses the assembly line mode to process leather and make leather armor. After a set of processes, at least 14 people are working, and it is not difficult to produce [-] sets of leather armor per month.

In fact, there are more extravagant ones, but some resources are not available, that is, workshops built by the system can produce iron armor, but the resource consumption is at least twice as high as that of non-system products. Under the premise that the Han Dynasty can already produce iron armor , Liu Yan is obviously starting to be stingy with resources.

Mr. Gong Tao didn't know one thing. He saw that this group of soldiers would be equipped with leather armor. They were soldiers who had rotated from the Korean peninsula back to the Liaodong narrow peninsula to rest. Now they were going to the Qingzhou battlefield.

Not counting the system troops, the real situation of the Han Dynasty is that only the absolute elite will be equipped with iron armor, ordinary soldiers are basically equipped with leather armor, and the remaining auxiliary soldiers, servants, and new auxiliary troops will only receive armor treatment as officers, and slave soldiers will be equipped with armor during war. Configure weapons and recycle them after battle.

The situation at the wharf was enough for Mr. Gong Tao to think a lot. After driving into the land, he saw that every village was in the posture of training soldiers and horses. Black or gray.

"The wealth of your side is hard to describe in words." Mr. Gong Tao said that everyone gathered had at least one weapon: "Is there a lot of minerals in East Liao?"

Liaodongdong really has a lot of minerals, and even the system that defies the sky will be "configured", and then the Korean Peninsula also occupies Tieshan (place name, but it really has rich iron mines) , the output of the Han Department in iron ore resources may be more than that of the entire Shijie State of Zhao.

Tian Shuo continued to laugh without saying a word.

No matter how many resources there are, they must be used rationally. Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with relying on resources in war, but resources are for people's use. The resources of the small court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were not small, and the Jin army was armed to the teeth to some extent. I can’t stand the incompetence of the upper management!

"Murong Xianbei...will...take advantage of your army's emptiness to attack?" Mr. Gong Tao saw Tian Shuo's surprised expression and said, "Murong Yanguo naturally hopes that your army will fight with Shi Zhao, but... "

Tian Shuo continued to laugh without saying a word.


Let me explain, it's not that Honor likes to type 1, it's that my Great Heavenly Dynasty has harmonized many place names, if you don't type 1 in the middle of the place name, it will become a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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