sweeping the world

Chapter 243 If you go up, go up, if you don't go up, you have to go up

Chapter 243 If you go up, go up, if you don't go up, you have to go up
"Left—left—left, left, right, left."

The sound of footsteps sounded quite orderly. It was five hundred people in black robes holding long guns and following the password and marching in a square formation.

Looking at their clothes, you can tell that they are mobilized and assembled from somewhere, and then look at the number embroidered on each young and strong right arm, such as the number 028-28171, which represents the number from the 28th Village No. 28171 member of the Han Dynasty.

Yang Su continued to shout slogans, not "one two one", but a more straightforward "left, right, left".

Speaking of it, many people don't even know the difference between left and right, and a lot of jokes were made to make them understand left and right.When training to distinguish between left and right, it is actually cultivating a kind of obedience.Soldiers generally do not enter the martial arts link at the beginning of the drill, but let the soldiers know how to line up and let the soldiers understand what a collective is.In the process of repeated queue drills, soldiers will become accustomed to obeying orders over time.


"stand at attention!"

The sound of footsteps disappeared, and the five hundred young men began to look left and right.They had been training in Liao 1 East for three months, and today they set foot on the land of Dongmou County by boat.

Seriously speaking, the Dongmu County side is much more desolate than the Liaodong side. Liaodong has been developed for two years. It can be said that it has been created from scratch. Villages have sprung up one after another, and four towns have been built.Because of extensive development, the entire narrow peninsula in eastern Liaoning is also perfect. Basically every village has at least one road, and there are so-called official roads between big cities.

What is officialdom?It does not refer to the official road, but a delineation in terms of specifications. It can be called an official road at least six feet wide, and it is also flat enough, and there must be a station within a few miles.

Arriving in Dongmou County by boat, they still need to rest for at least three days.In these three days, they are also waiting to divide the troops. Whether they stay behind to ensure the logistics line, or go to a certain front-line troops will directly affect their fate.

Just when Yang Su was about to say something, a burst of cheers suddenly appeared. He frowned and looked in the direction of the cheers, but he was thinking in his mind: 【The barracks is so noisy? 】

The sudden cheers were caused by the flags. Originally, the Han tribe had no flags. For four years, it had been a "naked" tribe. It had no totem of its own, no collective flag, and even the army had no battle flags. .Today, the Chinese flags with black and red characters were erected without any notice. People who saw it were stunned at first sight, and then they cheered without thinking.

First, the Han flag was lit in the barracks, and the cheers came from the military.

Afterwards, Han flags were displayed in towns and ports, and as a result, everywhere there were people, there were cheers.

The military is very excited about having a battle flag. They finally have their own flag and are no longer a "polished" army.

In fact, I don’t know how many soldiers have thought about it many times, shouldn’t the army have its own banner?It would be a joke to say that the Han tribe only had a few hundred people, and it would be a joke to light up the banner, but the Han tribe had thousands of people for a long time, and it was even able to arm tens of thousands of troops two years ago.It is understandable not to hold the military flag of Shijie, but a complete army must always have a flag, but there is no movement for a long time.

In the end, even a small soldier can figure it out, it's fine if you don't show the flag, once the flag is shown, it may be the time for a large-scale battle.

Now, the flag is lit, which means that the battle will continue to be strengthened.

Many of the soldiers in the army were recently added. They were still worried about whether they would be disbanded, but they didn't need to think about it when they saw the flags being displayed. There will definitely be a big battle in the future.

For many people in the Han Dynasty, war is not something to be afraid of. Only with war can they have the opportunity to earn military merit, and only with military merit can they become a meritorious citizen.Furthermore, not only titles can be obtained through war, but also wealth is actually relatively easy to obtain.Some more ambitious people, they hoped that through their own efforts, they could become the top of the world, make their titles higher, have more land and slaves, and even desire to be named marquis and generals.

[The banner is finally shown...] Yang Su was excited, but he couldn't hide the sadness in his heart. He looked at the young men in front of him, and thought with some envy and relief: [They have met a good time. Bureau. 】

There is no way, according to Yang Su's understanding, the army does not need people with physical disabilities, and people with physical disabilities like theirs are definitely not destined for the battlefield.

"So we're not just here for a stroll?"

"How? It must be going to the front line!"

"That's really great. If we can cut off an enemy's head, we can become officials and members of the meritorious people!"

"That's it!"

If no one talks about how the auxiliary soldiers can cut off the enemy's heads, they think simply. A series of battles will definitely increase the scale of the war, so no matter what kind of soldiers they are, they will have a chance to go into battle.

What is the most famous motto of the Han Dynasty?But it is fame on the battlefield.

Almost no one thinks that it is true that fame is obtained on the battlefield, but the battlefield is not a safe place, and most people subconsciously think that once they go to the battlefield, they will definitely kill everyone.

The more rational people have enough confidence. Compared with the enemy troops who can't even afford clothes and use wooden sticks and other things as weapons, the military equipment of the Han Dynasty has always been extremely sophisticated, and they can guarantee that at least one manpower is available. A metal weapon.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the Han tribe will face the mob next, but some regular troops are absolutely indispensable.

"Han flag, how could it be a Han flag?" Zhao Lin looked at the flag waving in the wind on the top of the city in a daze: "Don't you know what it means to show such a flag?"

Zhao Lin is not young, and people who can usually live to be over 50 years old have definitely not simple identities.He is the patriarch of the Zhao family. His family followed most of the people from Dongmou County to join the Han tribe three years ago. However, like many people, surrendering is surrendering, but working one's life is not. carry.

The streets in the city were full of cheering crowds. Those people came from all over the world. Most of them gathered in Dongmou County recently. Many of them could only be regarded as war refugees four years ago, but four years later they became A new batch of meritorious persons or family members.

The residents of this town are also cheering. It is a kind of luck for them to be in the Han area. Although there are too many rules and regulations, at least they will not be killed in the street one day because they are not pleasing to the eye.

Public security is a very small part. Under Liu Yan's rule, too many things have changed.

The county seat of Penglai was established not long ago, and it was repaired on the basis of the original dilapidated city. It took about three years, and because it is relatively close to the port together with the Miaodao Islands and Liao 1 East, it can be regarded as a One of the more prosperous towns in Dongmou County.

Like many of the rebuilt cities, unless someone owns the title deed, the land is owned by the government, and most of the residents who are arranged to enter the town obtain the land for meritorious service.

That's right, Liu Yan didn't do any land equalization, what he was talking about was either to make contributions and get rewards, or to buy them.

Recording meritorious service in the Han Dynasty is not only counting military merits, but also production can be meritorious, that is, paying taxes for production does not come as quickly as military merits.Furthermore, there is a fairly simple truth, the way of military merit is definitely more likely than production.

The Han flag was not displayed at the same time. It started with the troops on the front line of Taishan County, the second batch was the secret garrison, and then went to the east one after another stronghold or villages and towns as time went by. Batch after batch of Han flags were hung out.

Dongmou County is in the easternmost part of Qingzhou. Dongmou County has hung up the Han flag at least half a month later than the previous ones. However, Dongmou County will not be the latest group. Then there are the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1 and North Korea 1 Peninsula.

There are two kinds of Han tribes with banners and Han tribes without banners.

In the past, although the Han Department had security and everyone felt that their lives were good, it was inevitable that there would be an indescribable feeling.how to say?Like a sense of emptiness or unreality, I can't believe that my experience or living environment is real.

When the Han flag was raised in the territory ruled by the Han tribe, it was accompanied by excitement, excitement, astonishment, fear...all kinds of emotions, what should be happy, what should be feared.Generally speaking, the response is relatively good, because of the appearance of the Han flag, people will have a clearer identification and know which side they belong to.

"Great war, there is going to be a big war soon!" Zhao Lin summoned his two legitimate sons: "Before, my father always opposed you two joining the army..."

The two brothers looked at their father silently. They kept complaining that since they were already in the area ruled by the Han tribe, but the family seemed to want to do something alone, no matter whether the Han tribe rose or was destroyed, there would be no good end.They believed that they should participate, especially after Liu Yan won the battle of Xiami City, his willingness became stronger.

"No matter what achievements Liu Shijun made before, it was just the rise and fall of a family. We..." Zhao Lin closed his eyes, panted violently, and looked exhausted after reopening: "Never participate in a family." rise and fall."

The boss, Zhao Wen, couldn't help saying: "Father, the notice is very clear. Shihu wants to exterminate us, and Your Majesty wants to continue our Han family's descendants and fight back!"

"Hehehe..." Zhao Lin seemed to find it funny, but he didn't reprimand him like before, but said, "For the continuation of my Han family's descendants?"

The second child, Zhao Wu, nodded: "Don't father know the plight of Jin people in other states and counties?"

"Liu Shijun's announcement has dragged everyone into the water, at least 70 people in the Han area!" Zhao Lin shook his head: "Although we have won several battles and have tens of thousands of troops in our hands, but It's too reckless. Shihu can summon hundreds of thousands of troops at any time..." He looked at the two sons-in-law: "But it doesn't matter anymore, since you have been dragged into the water, you can go up if you don't want to, otherwise you really won't survive."


Recommend "One Punch Tang Monk": a funny joke about Journey to the West.Transmigrating into Tang Sanzang, and then becoming invincible, no matter how powerful the monsters are, they can be dealt with with one punch! ! !
However, what the hell is the Empress!Why is Sun Wukong a woman!Also, that guy, how could that guy...

(End of this chapter)

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