Chapter 28

It was the sound of killing, and people kept pouring into the city from the gap in the city wall. They shouted "Kill Hu", and their emotions seemed abnormally excited.

The people rushing into the city are undoubtedly Jin soldiers under Liu Yan's command. They have a reason to be excited. They just won a game, and they won easily. They must be in the spirit of chasing the defeated Hu Rennian hyperactive state.

In addition, Liu Yan has already announced that after the capture of Buqi City, whoever grabs all the supplies in the city will get it, whoever kills the most Hu people will be rewarded generously, and they will also be officially accepted as an honorable Han Chinese.

Jin people's understanding of becoming Han people is that they will become their own members of the tribe, and will no longer be slaves, let alone weak Jin people.They don't really have much concept of becoming a Han Chinese. What they have a little desire for is that after becoming a Han Chinese, the treatment should be much better, right?

In front were Jin soldiers who were charging hard, and behind them were neatly lined up system soldiers. They encountered no resistance at all and easily entered the city through the gap.

If it weren't for Liu Yan who could use the map in his mind to observe, he would have hesitated whether it was a conspiracy that no one was defending.However, looking at the display on the map, Liu Yan knew that there was really no ambush.

Xu is taking the lead in the charge. His running speed is actually not that fast, but a moderate pace.He felt that he had to take the lead in the charge, not for others but for himself, looking for the courage he had lost long ago, and also wanted to gain the recognition and appreciation of his allegiance.

If he still didn't understand before, after some things, Xu Zheng thinks he has understood Liu Yan.

[This man suddenly appeared, claiming to be Han, and has an inexplicable passion for killing Hu.He is proud of being a Han, and often expresses a desire for us (Jin people) to accept his leadership, to accept his leadership after becoming Han people, and to become his tribe! 】

Only Hu people deliberately emphasize ethnicity. Since the time of the ancestors, China has seldom talked about ethnicity, and generally talks about the country and culture.In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the strong and confident side will not pay so much attention, and always have a broad mind. The Chinese ancestors accepted countless ethnic groups.No one remembers the names of those ethnic groups for a long time. Their blood has merged into China and become a part of China. This is the tolerance of the strong.

It seems that a man named Confucius said, "Those who are from the Chinese and the Chinese are from the Chinese; those who are from the Chinese and from the barbarians are from the barbarians." This is really good. You identify with our culture, wear our clothes, and share common values. They are really their own people.

But... that was a kind of recognition and integration under the leadership of China. For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty defeated the Huns to accept Jin Richan, for example, the (Han) final army of Biao Ziyun accepted the entire Nanyue Kingdom with the efforts, such as Ban Ding Yuanjue After Yu Qingqi, it came under the control of 36 countries in the Western Regions.

Xu Zheng knew those stories. When he was very young, his grandma would always tell some stories. In those stories, Han is a very powerful name, which represents a country, and because that country is too powerful, the country The name of the country became the name of the nation.

Anyone who offends a strong man will be punished even if he is far away!How refreshing that sounds!From ancient times to the present, and even in the future, who can still shout such slogans with confidence?Maybe no more...

Xu Zheng saw the first person after entering the city. It was a man standing on the side of the street with a look of astonishment on his face. He was definitely a barbarian by his clothes.He quickened his pace with a roar, and the barbarian turned to run away, but after he caught up with him, he slashed him to the ground with a knife in the back.

[I want to be the Han Chinese in my grandma’s story, a Han Chinese who can stand upright! 】

The shouts of killing sounded in Buqicheng. Not all the Hu people knew that the troops brought out by Ermingcheng were defeated in less than a day. Not only were they defeated, but they were also chased and killed by the opponent.

So far, Ah San still doesn't know what the Han people should be like. He really wants to imitate the appearance of those tribal armed forces, that is, to charge in silence, fight in silence, and gain glory in silence.

Yes, it's glory. Ah San was praised by Liu Yan just now, because he was praised by Liu Yan for killing two husks. He was rewarded with a sword and said that he would find a wife for him if he had the chance.

Hey mother-in-law!Just thinking about it made Ah San feel excited. Where he used to live, people with wives were all prominent figures, and some people were doomed to be bachelors for one reason or another.

[I want a mother-in-law, so if I kill a few more, the lord will really reward a mother-in-law? 】

Ah San also saw the barbarians. With the obsession with wanting a wife, he dared to charge up to the three seemingly vicious barbarians with a knife.

A person will have a dream, no matter what his or her status is, having a dream is a very noble thing.Most of the Jin people who were not taken in by Liu Yan a long time ago, their dream was to have a safe place to live.In fact, they have already achieved it.

After living a seemingly safe life, the longing for stability has not diminished at all, because only after experiencing some things do I know how hard it is to be safe.In fact, they never thought that stability needs to be guarded and defended by themselves. No one told them the relevant truths, and some of them just lived ignorantly, living for the sake of living.

"There are about ten of them over there!"

"Go! Kill them! Kill Hu!"



The Hu people who were wandering around were actually in a dazed state. Even if they saw soldiers from Jin killing them, even if their bodies reacted to escape, they actually didn’t understand a little in their minds. Do the people of Jin have the courage to raise weapons against "people" or even "nations"?When did the people of Jin have the courage to wield a sharp weapon against the "people" or the "nation"?

A dozen or so people surrounded the three barbarians. Amidst the ferocious shouts and warnings of the barbarians, they hacked and stabbed with their weapons, waiting for the three barbarians to be killed. The dozen or so people fought for the head .

Ah San was very lucky. He hacked two barbarians to death, cut off their heads and tied them around his waist. As a result, there were two bloody heads hanging around his waist while he was running. The blood dripped all over his trouser legs, all the way. A bright red trace was left behind.

[I killed two of them, so can I ask the lord for two wives? 】

The sky was approaching dusk, and the majestic capital city of a county must have been prosperous a long time ago, but now under the blood-colored sunset at dusk, it looked like a piece of dilapidated ruins.

Hu people don't know how to operate or produce. What they like is to sit back and enjoy the gains and destruction.If the barbarians knew how to manage, the city's defenses would definitely not have gaps everywhere.

Of course, maybe the Jie people thought they were the majestic overlords of the Central Plains, and no one would be brave enough to attack the city?
Well, in fact, most of the Jie people are in the capital city of Xiangguo. This is due to the habit of the Hu people. They will gather most of the people together. The number of Jie people in various places is really very small, but they serve the Jie people. There are relatively many Di, Xiongnu and Qiang people.

"Ah San, this way, this way!"

"Zhao Shishi?"

"I noticed the smell of meat over there. There must be a wealthy Hu family!"


Zhao Shishi is a name, he is the fourteenth in his family.Of course, it wasn't the mother who gave birth to fourteen children, it was him who was the fourteenth among his peers in the clan.

"The barbarian's big family must have guards, call more people."

"Yes, yes, call more people."

There are still two heads on Ah San's waist, and Zhao Shishi also has one on his waist, but the head on Zhao Shishi's waist looks like a woman?
Calling, not much time left, nearly thirty people gathered together, they moved forward in the direction where the smell of meat came, each one howling, some were emboldened, some were looking forward to capturing something.

After running out of an alley, the smell they smelled became more and more wrong. In addition to the smell of meat, the smell of blood and stink were mixed together. They really didn't know how to describe it.

"what is that……"


They were stunned. For some people, the scene they saw was somewhat familiar...

It was a fence that was erected casually, and associating with the strange smell at the scene, some images appeared in many people's minds. It was the Jin people who were slaughtered like cattle, gutted, and then thrown into a cauldron picture!
There was a short silence, and the wailing sound appeared. The reason why there is only one person left is the Jin people who are now fully understood. It is because their relatives were also slaughtered like livestock!

Touching the grief deep in their hearts, they howled and condensed into one sentence: "Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill all barbarians!"

(End of this chapter)

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