sweeping the world

Chapter 436 This style of play is too rogue

Chapter 436 This style of play is too rogue


After arriving, the Han army stopped after only launching two tentative attacks. That was when Li Tan realized that it was impossible to take Jijin with the troops at hand.

The fleet that was supposed to cooperate with Li Tan's attack on Jijin kept running into rocks when they sailed about fifteen miles away from Jijin.But what the bottom of the boat touched was not the reef at all, but the stone tiger that caused the stone to sink.

In addition to large and small shipwrecks in the river section around Jijin, stakes were also laid in some places where the water flow was relatively gentle and shallow. Similar movements were only discovered by the Han army and did not pay attention.Such a situation is quite special. At that time, the troops of both sides were frequently mobilized. Furthermore, the self-sinking of the Shijie water army and the driving of wooden piles all happened at night. Even the Han army found that there were corpses floating down from the upper reaches. is also ignored.

The fleet of the Han army was blocked fifteen miles downstream from Jijin. During this period, burning boats would float down the current. The fleet was blocked and faced the danger of fire attack. The fleet could only temporarily turn into Yizi. River ducks.

Only when Li Tan's army arrived at Jijin, they faced at least 15 Shijie Zhao troops. Under the premise that their strength is not enough, it is meaningless to carry out a strong attack. What needs to be waited for is the follow-up friendly troops to come.

With Jijin as the center, the scope of camps established by Zhao Jun in Shijie far exceeds imagination. The south bank is about ten miles deep and fortifications, and the north bank looks like a large continuous area.

It is obvious that the Han Dynasty made mistakes in its decision-making. First, it failed to encircle Shihu, and secondly, its troops were too scattered and failed to seize the opportunity for a decisive battle.Now Shi Hu has arrived at the north bank of the Yellow River, but two Han troops are trapped in the hinterland of Shi Jie. Huan Wen's troops have been surrounded on all sides, and Li Kuang's troops will face being surrounded in Suoyang City if they do not retreat.

On the sixth day after Li Tan arrived at Jijin, Ran Min arrived with his troops.

"Now it seems that we should have decisively attacked Yecheng or Xiangguo at that time." Ran Min was actually quite worried about this incident: "One way was to let Shi Hu reach the north bank of the river, but the other was to force Shi Hu to retreat. , and the other is for Shi Hu to arrange it calmly."

In the first civil-military battle in the Han Dynasty, Liu Yan adopted a prudent strategy and the civil servants won without any suspense. It may not be possible to say that the military commanders did not feel unwilling. Waiting for the current situation to develop like this, the civil servants won It's hard to say what Bian was thinking. Most generals turned from unwillingness to resentment.

"Now there are new tricks, are you going to use the trick?" Ran Min was talking about the trap set by Shihu who was about to attack halfway through.But he is very pessimistic: "It is obvious that something that can be seen casually is likely to be a ecstasy array, and their ideas are probably going to come to nothing."

Li Tan listened silently. After Ran Min arrived, he took him to patrol around Jijin to familiarize himself with the terrain.

To tell the truth, the terrain of Jijin is very flat, and the place where the eyes can see is basically clear at a glance. The layout is basically on the bright side. The difference is to judge that the enemy will rely on the cover of the camp established, so Where to hide heavy troops.

Ran Min talked a lot, but seeing Li Tan's respectful attitude, he didn't say much. He felt bored and asked the key question: "In your opinion, how long can Huan Wen last?"

Li Tan followed Ran Min and reined in his horse and paused, thinking for a while before saying: "General Huan Lang has a lot of equipment troops, how long he can last depends on when the arrows and other supplies are exhausted."

The generals who commanded the Han army knew clearly that if they wanted to bottom out their own supplies, it would only happen under one situation, that is, there would be no chance to build a workshop after arriving at a certain place.

After such a long time, even if they didn't observe specially, they should have understood that their king is a living god-like figure, not only able to mobilize elite troops from places unknown to anyone, but even as long as one's own side owns some buildings. Efficiently produce war materials, and even obtain food fodder continuously from a strange building.

Unspoken things need to be observed by themselves. No one will talk about weird things that are weird no matter how they look. They know that they only need to enjoy that convenience.

Precisely because there are too many weird things, people with sufficient status on the Han side never doubt that the Central Plains will be restored. The difference is how much time will be spent and how much will be lost during the period.More importantly, internal conflicts will occur, but no one wants to shake Liu Yan's dominance.

Ran Min is obviously also a person who knows the "insider situation". If he had some thoughts before, the only pursuit left after knowing the situation is to become king because of merit, and he absolutely has no intention of becoming independent or rebellious again. After all Although his EQ is not high, it does not mean he is stupid.

"Then we have to fight." Ran Min would ask about Huan Wen. It was the friendship between the two of them since the time they fought together to attack Yecheng or Xiangguo. I hate being late.He said to Li Tan: "The meaning of the king is that the strategic position of Jijin has begun to decline, and what remains is how many enemy troops can be eliminated here to create favorable conditions for the subsequent battle."

Li Tan understands that it is a frontal battle, and the two sides are fighting with each other with their strengths.

Ran Min brought 18 Han troops, and the total number of Han troops on the Jijin side increased to [-], but the number of soldiers was only [-]. The remaining Han troops cannot be said to be unable to participate in the battle, but most of the time they are more inclined to fight. The nature of service as a soldier.

Because of the terrain, Shijie Zhao Jun already knew it when Ran Min led his army.They didn't do any extra moves, they just kept strengthening the fortifications of the camp, and put on a stance of sticking to it.

On the second day after Ran Min's arrival, dense smoke rose from the camp of the Han army before dawn, and the same was true of the camp of the Zhao army in Shijie.Judging from the smoke, both armies are having extra meals, which indicates that the peace of the past few days will be broken today.

The sky was bright, and the soldiers of the Han army marched out of the camp after a full meal. According to the types of troops, various infantry of the Imperial Guard led the way, followed by foot soldiers among the soldiers. Jie Zhao's army was two miles behind and spread out on the left and right wings as a grazing formation.

When Ran Min and Li Tan appeared at the front of the battlefield, the figures of the Zhao army on the opposite side were arranged in large numbers by means of the fortifications that had been built. The fluttering banners filled the air with a sense of chill.

"The world has changed." Ran Min seemed to be mocking, and said, "Hu people are good at riding and shooting, and they like to fight in the field. I didn't expect to have to fight the camp defense now."

Li Tan is observing the source of soldiers in the enemy camp. He can see very clearly through the binoculars. Most of the Zhao soldiers who appeared in Shijie are yellow-skinned and black-headed, with black and brown eyes. There are only a few white-skinned and brown-skinned soldiers. Hair, green eyes.So does it mean that the Jie people only exist as war supervisors, and it is all kinds of Hu and Jin people who need to work hard?
"Hu people don't have many strong crossbows, and the bows are not pure." Ran Min was also watching with a binoculars, and commented: "Our army's strong crossbows have a better range than the enemy's."

Shijie Zhao Jun must also understand the gap between the two armies' long-range attack weapons. When they built the camp, they arranged a lot of roofs. The key point is the wooden raft structure plus fireproof sand. At a glance, it looks more like a fortification than a village.

Ran Min ordered the necessary melee guards and a large number of crossbow troops to advance forward, followed by crossbow carts and catapult carts.

Nearly 150 Han troops were advancing in a half-moon shape. When the two sides were [-] steps away from each other, the crossbowmen stopped and formed an arrow formation. The rest of the troops continued to move forward. The army stopped when it reached [-] steps, and the melee troops, archers, and catapults did not stop until they reached about [-] steps from the enemy's fortifications.

A burst of "squeak" sounded first on the battlefield. It was the sound of too many crossbows firing together, and after one sound was another sound. "Dark clouds" made of crossbow arrows appeared in the sky, and they issued " The sound of "whoosh" broke through the air and moved forward, falling in pieces and hitting various objects.

If you are in the Shijie Zhao Army camp, the environment you face is like a rainy day. The difference is that what falls is not raindrops, but crossbow arrows that can kill people.

Not all of the Shijie Zhao army had a roof that could cover them. Waves of dense crossbow arrows were fired at them. The Shijie Zhao army without overhead cover suffered a batch of casualties and then scattered to shelter in a covered position. Those who were covered by the crossbow arrows In the camp area, there was a phenomenon of running around amidst screams.

The strong crossbow troops on the side of the Han army kept shooting arrows quickly and mechanically. Similar situations had already happened in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. They would shoot arrows at enemy camps or cities for six or seven days in a row to undermine the enemy's morale.

Soon, the chariot crossbows of the Han army also joined the ranks of firing. It can be said that the ceiling built by the Zhao army in Shijie can prevent the strong crossbow arrows, but it may not be able to face the thick crossbow arrows about one foot in length.

One after another, crossbow arrows like long spears fell after leaping for a certain distance. Their sharp metal arrowheads drilled into the roof, penetrated the soil, and broke through the thatch layer, making a cry of panic, which could not be avoided. And screams.

A roof with a thatched structure cannot stop the arrows of a crossbow, while a roof with a wooden structure depends on its sturdiness.Only a small number of crossbow arrows could shoot through the ceiling of the wooden structure, and most of them only caused the ceiling to vibrate after hitting it. Some sand and soil fell on the Shijie Zhao army who was hiding, and then scared them silly.

Because the approach distance of the Han army was too short, and the long-range attack weapons of the Han army were too long, Ma Qiu, who was in charge of commanding the defense of the troops, saw that the camp area covered by arrows was within half a mile of the camp. Fortunately, Zhang Qun spent so much effort to get those ceilings.

"Hold on!" Ma Qiu is not very respected by Shi Hu now, or she would not be assigned such a task.He kept yelling: "Defend the enemy's long-range arrows and wait for the enemy to rush into the camp. We will kill them hard!"

The scope of the battlefield is large enough, full of various voices, no matter how loud a person has a voice, the distance that the voice can spread is limited, the most is to encourage the people around, and then to cheer yourself up.

Speaking of which, Ma Qiu has really had some bad times in recent years. First, he followed Shi Hu to attack Murong Xianbei, who had not yet established a country at that time, and his entire army was annihilated. Later, he led his army alone to attack Zhang's Liang Kingdom and suffered another defeat. So much so that the governor of Liangzhou and the general of Zhengdong were successively dismissed from their official positions.

Ma Qiu's brief change of fortune occurred in March of this year. He was appointed as the governor of the three counties of Henan, Hanoi, and Xingyang. He commanded troops to garrison the three counties. It is very likely that he would become a general to conquer the west and march into Guanzhong. As a result, the Han army Use troops against Xingyang County.After he was defeated by Xie An, he immediately retreated to Ji County. Hanoi County was soon attacked by the Han army. In anger, Shi Hu once again dismissed his position as governor of the three counties and gave him the position of Puyang County Sheriff. Jijin served as the forward commander in the defense of the Han army.

If a person is unlucky to a certain extent, nothing will go smoothly. Ma Qiu hopes that the Han army will quickly launch a close-range attack, but the Han army just uses the advantages of long-range bow and cavalry weapons to keep shooting. The crossbows and catapults shot endlessly. After six days of shooting, the Shijie Zhao army who guarded the camp suffered heavy casualties, but the Han army did not intend to launch a melee offensive for a long time.

After six days of attacks with various long-range weapons, the front line of Shijie Zhao Army's camp was already in a mess. There were densely packed crossbow arrows everywhere, some as thick as spears, and many round stone bullets that could be easily put together. Pile into a hill.

What the Han army did to Shijie Zhao Jun's camp was that no matter what fortification it was, it became pieces of ruins under the high-intensity bombardment. The dead Shijie Zhao Jun was left on the battlefield and no one took care of them. He had to keep retreating, retreating two miles in six days, and the Han army entered the position where the Zhao army's camp was originally in Shijie, and then continued to shoot endlessly.

Ma Qiu tried to get the troops under his command to launch a counterattack, but the result was miserable and miserable. It was a kind of arrow that attracted rain as soon as a person appeared, and the bed crossbows and catapults of the Han army quickly disappeared. They would join in. Their attempt was only to move forward less than a hundred steps before they collapsed and fled backwards.

"When are they going to shoot!?" Ma Qiu was so worried that even her hair turned white, and she looked extremely haggard, both angry and deeply powerless: "Is there such a war!"

Of course, there are such wars. First, the Qin army did this to all the countries in the Central Plains and the Xiongnu. Later, the Western Han Dynasty army that went out to fight also did this to the Xiongnu and all the grassland tribes. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the army still did this to all kinds of people in the Western Regions. Dry.

The current Han army can still continue to do this. It is Shijie Zhao Jun himself who gave up the advantage of field cavalry and played the inexperienced tactic of building camps and fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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