Chapter 741
After nearly three years of construction, the Pingman Colonel's Department had only built a port on the coastline at the beginning, and then expanded to the inland again and again. By the autumn of the ninth year of Yuanshuo, the total area had exceeded [-] square miles.

In the land of a county in the Han Dynasty, the larger county will reach about [-] square miles, and the smaller county will be less than [-] square miles. Considering that the Pingman Xiaowei Department is thousands of miles away from the mainland, [-] square miles The area inside is really not small at all.

The Pingman Captain's Department has opened up [-] square miles, and the resident area used for the camp is not too large. Most of the area has been reclaimed as farmland, and some areas are used to raise poultry or livestock. It seems that a self-sufficient posture.

In fact, during the eighth year of Yuanshuo, the Pingman School and Wei Department had already produced output. Thanks to the climate of this place that could produce three crops a year, it harvested 60 shi of grain.

Don't underestimate the 60 shi produced by the frontline itself, that is because Liu Yan has a system that can use the "warehouse" for remote supply. Otherwise, if you want to transport 60 shi of grain for thousands of miles, even if you use sea transportation, the transportation consumption will not be high. How low can it be.The front line can produce 60 shi of grain by itself, which is equivalent to saving millions of shi of grain for the rear. It is more meaningful to show that the territory laid down is not only paid but has no harvest other than land.

"You Han people are so powerful." Egutay Bahram was not talking about anything else, but the Han people's ability to go abroad to expand territory and produce their own production: "It's not that we haven't tried to do this, but once None were successful.”

Since the Persians can become the overlord of Central Asia, their nation naturally has many merits.Every nation in the world that can not be swallowed and eliminated by the torrent of history will have its own advantages, and it will be able to develop into a hegemonic nation, and it will have its own innate skills.

For the Han people, farming and warfare can actually be said to be innate skills. Where there are Han people staying, the first thing that comes to mind is basically to solve the stomach problem first. On the way to solve the stomach problem, it is inevitable to fight and bleed in order to protect the income from labor. , the result is usually while fighting and digesting, the surrounding enemies are gone.

The nation that can become the hegemon is actually similar, but each nation will have its own tendency to rise.

For example, the Persians tried to be self-sufficient when they explored outwards. They didn’t get any good results every time they did it themselves. However, the results of arresting local aliens and driving labor were quite remarkable. That is, they did not have the special ability to "turn Hu into Han". On the contrary, the distinction between ethnic groups was very strict. But they didn't make up their minds to kill all the alien races. The result is that the enemy will always be the enemy. Once the Persians show signs of weakening, the once conquered nations will start to jump again.

"Is it great?" Si Hongzhuang felt that it was a matter of course. Without that kind of ability, one would be incompetent.He curiously asked Egutay Bahram what the Persians did. After getting the answer, he did not teach others to be smart and noble. Instead, he said with a smile: "Those who should fight keep fighting, and those who should work keep working." Labor. We do this out of necessity.”

Ergutai Bahram also laughed. He knew what the local savages were like. Those savages had been raised naturally for a long time, which resulted in the savages not having farming skills but also being very lazy.He also knew that the Han people did not teach the savages to farm, but the savages were just so unstoppable.When he thought about it, he realized that the Han people were really hard-working, and when they opened up a place, they encountered so many savages.

Are the natives of the Indochina Peninsula so unbearable?Very responsibly speaking, as long as the savages are of pure blood and have not been in contact with Zhuxia civilization, no matter what ethnicity they are, they are really so unbearable. Change".

There was a change in the coalition forces assembled by Ah San, and Si Hongzhuang had to go back to the rear to check various preparations.

Pingman Xiaowei Headquarters is a military base. There are two standing armies alone. After repeated increases in county soldiers, there are 15. Servant troops have also been mobilized again and again. Currently, the number of servant troops has exceeded [-].

Those who work in this land, the county soldiers and servants are the main force.In fact, the county and county soldiers themselves came from corvée. They also had to do farm work in their hometown, so how could they be unfamiliar with survival skills.The servant army has no shortage of people who can do farm work. To a certain extent, most of the servant army are better at farm work than killing people in battle.

The main source of the current servant army of the Han Dynasty is the Japanese.But the current ethnicity of the Japanese is actually quite mixed. The so-called Da 1 and 1 ethnic groups are still just small shrimps, such as Buyeo, Shindo, Baekje, and Samhan. There are many, even the Ainu and Ainu natives in the northern part of the islands are more numerous and powerful than Daiichi and the people.

The residents of this worm on the Wa Islands have knelt and licked the Central Plains since the Han Dynasty. Even the Cao Wei that split after the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty could deter them. Ability, in addition to kneeling and licking or kneeling and licking.

The Han Dynasty was very planned and step-by-step in weakening the Japanese island countries, which made Liu Yan feel bored and the gentlemen in the country felt ashamed. The Japanese people's kneeling and licking without any dignity made Liu Yan less able to conquer and "enmity". The pleasure of "getting rewarded", the gentlemen of the country think it is a bit unethical.

It is easy to distinguish which group of people belong to the Pingman Military Academy. It can be clearly distinguished from what kind of people do what kind of work. The most obvious thing is that the standing army will never do idle work and instruct people to do work. Usually they are county soldiers, and those who do the work are servants.

People with almost no difference in skin color and appearance are distinguished by what they do. The Persians who are obviously inclined to the white system are very similar to the sub-race black Asan and the local aborigines. You can tell from the skin color and appearance at a glance Out is from where.

The atmosphere before a war is always different from that during peace. Wherever Si Hongzhuang saw it, there were all kinds of busy people. What he saw the most was loading supplies into trucks. After one team after another, the carriages were loaded. Just head to where you need to go.

Urgutai Bahram led [-] Persians to participate in the defense of the Pingman Colonel's Department. The Persians used this most direct way to declare that they were fulfilling their allies' responsibilities.

However, the Persians also know that the symbolic meaning is higher than the actual meaning. There are nearly 15 Han troops and the same number of servants in the Pingman Captain's Department. However, the sea did not know how many troops Gupta would dispatch.If the Persians felt that 3000 people could become the backbone in such a large-scale war, they would not be able to become the overlord of Central Asia.

It wasn't just the Persians who came to join in the fun. In fact, there were also five hundred Roman troops in the Pingman Colonel's Department.

Those five hundred Romans were citizens, and citizens were soldiers in Rome.They had just arrived at the Pingman Colonel's Department just this month, and the reason they used was to welcome the Han envoys who were about to go to Rome. In fact, they knew that the Gupta Dynasty was about to launch the most violent counterattack, and they came to earn the favor of the Han.

Liu Yan has appointed Wang Meng as an "angel" to serve as envoy to Persia and Rome.

Wang Meng set out from Guanzhong after the Winter Solstice Festival, spent nearly a month returning to Jiankang, and prepared for nearly a month before setting sail. He first arrived at Zhuyazhou (Hainan), and then arrived at Bijing (Donghai, Vietnam) in Rinan County, Cochin. north), he did not stop when passing through Malacca, and arrived at the Pingman Colonel Headquarters eight days ago.

Unfortunately, Wang Meng just happened to be at the time when the Gupta Dynasty was about to launch an offensive, and the people they were going to send, including the fleet, could only temporarily stay in the Pingman Captain's Department.

It is not the first time in the history of Zhuxia that Wang Meng as the representative of the emperor of China went to a distant foreign country. Zhang Qian hundreds of years ago was the first in history. It was the first time for Zhuxia Civilization, and even if Wang Meng didn't achieve anything in the future, this trip alone is enough to make Wang Meng's name go down in history.

The Persians and Romans paid great attention to Liu Yan's sending of envoys for various reasons. After Wang Meng arrived at Pingman Xiaowei's headquarters.

As soon as Urgutai Bahram saw Wang Meng, he immediately said that the country would send people to greet him grandly. He also explained that because of the sea route, there was no way to have tens of thousands of soldiers like the former Parthian Empire. Welcome in riding gear, please don't feel slighted by Wang Meng.

Marius Ugli, who led the fleet to meet Wang Meng after all the hard work and long distances, met Wang Meng and immediately said that all Roman citizens, including him, had become Wang Meng's subordinates. The guard will always protect Wang Meng to reach Rome (city) safely.

Marius Ugli was the tribune of a certain province in Rome, and tribune was a very important official position in Rome. Even if he was posted in a provincial capital, his weight would be lower, but a divided Rome could do it. This is considered very sincere.

That is to say, in such a year, not only did Wang Meng feel nothing about the arrangement of the Persians and Romans, but even the Han people who knew what happened did not think it was a big deal.If it had happened in modern times, such as during the "Qing Dynasty" period, and the world's major powers had treated their diplomats like this, I don't know how many people in the "Qing Dynasty" would have cried with joy.Even after the rise of the Celestial Dynasty, if such a specification appears, it must be blown up again and again, and the more than 70 billion people in the world will know it all.

The problem is that the current Han people just think that the Persians and Romans are quite sensible, and they take such actions as a matter of course.


When Wang Meng came to the Pingman School Lieutenant Department, although he said he was representing Liu Yan, due to his personality, he didn't show off at all. He didn't do anything to let Huan Wen move to live there again, nor did he do anything arrogant.

"Send troops to participate in the big man's war?"

When Wang Meng first saw Marius Ugli coming, he thought he was discussing the details of the mission. However, he was a little stunned when he heard that the Romans wanted to participate in this war.

After going through a period of chaos, the Han people felt that they had been abandoned by God, including all the gods in the sky. There was no shortage of people who rose up to fight. However, the consequences were often tragic. They were not recognized by the small southern court, and were even considered to be executed by the small southern court. Chaotic people can suffer from repeated blows to their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Even when their self-confidence and self-esteem have been almost completely lost, Ran Min's words of "kill Hu" can still inspire the Han people to launch a desperate counterattack, but a counterattack is like a brilliant fireworks after being lit, short and beautiful but unable to Long, nearly 300 years of enslavement began.

But the history changed by Liu Yan is not like that. Although the Han people also had the experience of being wantonly abused by the barbarians, they used their courage to regain their self-confidence and self-esteem, and they did not suffer a blow to the head again like in history.The contemporary Han people once again participated in or witnessed the rise of the country. The Jie people who had abused them were slaughtered. The Xianbei, Qiang, Di and Zahu were either wiped out or fled far away.

Today's Han people are standing up again because of the glorious achievements of the army and the country. There is no one with a title who does not have a slave of a foreign race. The use of foreign labor is also a very common phenomenon in the Han Dynasty. Everyone can understand this. Compared with other races, he is superior to others, and basically has the mentality of being part of a powerful country.

The people still have such a mentality. As a member of the national system, even a small official feels that he is more powerful than the leader of a small country. Wang Meng is not only a figure in the heart of the emperor, but also as a " "Angel" also represents the emperor. Instead of being happy about the enthusiasm of the Romans, he is suspicious of the ulterior motives of the Romans.

"Although we only have 500 people, Roman citizens have learned combat skills since childhood. One Roman citizen can deal with three Persians, ten Roman citizens can deal with a hundred Persians, and one hundred Roman citizens can guarantee to be defeated by two thousand Persians." Besiege without losing." Marius Ugli actually wanted to compare with barbarians such as Germans, Celts, and Goths, but he was worried that Wang Meng didn't know about those barbarians, so he had to compare them with Persians: " We are better at fighting than the Persians!"

Wang Meng's expression was very strange. The reason why the Persians sent troops to join the war was that Han and the Persians had formed an alliance to some extent. Han and the Persians had common interests in targeting Ah San, so it was very reasonable for the Persians to send troops to join the war. .

In fact, the Han Dynasty did not take the Persians' participation in the war seriously. I really didn't think that three thousand Persians could play any role in this war of tens of thousands of people. It was just that the Persians were too enthusiastic and agreed.

Wang Meng heard from Marius Ugli that one Roman was worth twenty Persians. Either Marius Ugli boasted too much, or the Persians were worthless. The degree, no matter what, is a question worth pondering and exploring.

"The military belongs to General Zhengnan." Wang Meng wanted to see if the Romans were as powerful as Marius Ugli's boast, so he agreed: "I will only discuss matters with General Zhengnan, whether it will succeed or not." Not sure."

Marius Ugli had a different understanding. The Seris he knew was the greatest emperor, so is it impossible for Wang Meng, who represents the emperor, to speak?He was full of fighting spirit and extremely happy in an instant, and he must let the people of Seres see the bravery of Roman citizens.

(End of this chapter)

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