Chapter 780
Since the elimination of Murong Yan Kingdom and Tuoba Dai Kingdom, Liu Yan has deliberately not sent systematic troops to the land battlefield, but the war with the Gupta Dynasty had to use a huge systematic fleet.

Now Liu Yanke has recruited [-] system troops, [-] for the navy at Asanyang, [-] for Guanzhong, and [-] for farmers, leaving [-] share as a reserve.

When fighting the country, especially in the early days, Liu Yan must make good use of the system troops, but after the country is basically defeated, it is somewhat inappropriate to use the system troops frequently.

The simple truth is that when Liu Yan was alive, he had the golden finger of the system, but in the next generation he will no longer have it.As a result, Liu Yan had to systematically weaken or even eliminate the presence of the system's troops, especially in the process of external campaigns, which were used sparingly only to ensure the stability of his rule.Otherwise, it will be really unknown whether the country he established can continue to exist after his death.

Not to be alarmist, Liu Yan can rely on the system troops to conquer the world, and even sweep the world island, but the rule cannot only rely on the system troops, the more powerful the army, the better.

A country cannot rely on a strong army alone. It can have no strong army, but it cannot have all armies that are too bad.Furthermore, the men of the country need to be trained, and the men of the country will gradually become shameless by simply using systematic troops to fight. Such a country will never have a future.

In particular, Liu Yan hoped that more people would go abroad, one of which is to see the cruelty of national competition. It is important to see how big the world is, and getting rich is just incidental.

Facts have also proved the correctness of Liu Yan's approach. Indochina Peninsula has not only obtained huge benefits, but also broadened the eyes of some people. The opening of the Western Regions later is a move that kills many birds with one stone.

"Outward expansion can't just be a matter at the national level." Hearing the continuous cheers in Liu Yan's ears, he had to speak louder: "The common people must be involved."

"Your Majesty is not wrong." Ji Chang is not flattering, as the country's prime minister, he has witnessed too many examples: "One is to broaden one's horizons, and the other is to ease domestic dissatisfaction. The second is the worst."

In fact, the people in the country don’t have much dissatisfaction. The main reason is that God didn’t save face and brought a large-scale natural disaster. He didn’t want to break the social rules of no contribution and return. The government can’t provide disaster relief materials for free. The common people go to rob, and those who don't want or can't do it rely on their work to earn money to buy daily necessities.

It’s not just a simple principle of “teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish.” The real situation is that from the ancient pre-Qin Dynasty to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the government has never done anything to open warehouses and release grain for free. The ruling class firmly believes that people cannot do things for no reason. To gain benefits, otherwise it is to encourage people to eat well and be lazy, waiting for someone to give alms when they can no longer survive.

The government does not want to spread the thought of being lazy and waiting for the pie to fall from the sky. Because there are no examples of getting benefits for nothing, the people do not expect to get benefits for nothing. Both the government and the people believe in the simple concept of hard work and rewards.Therefore, in times of disaster, the government will open up the mountains, rivers and rivers to let the people find food by themselves, and the people will not wait for the government to come to disaster relief without doing anything.

"I will never set this precedent." Liu Yan didn't think this way before. He understood why the previous dynasties didn't do that. It’s good that the people get paid for their work.”

In the education and environment Liu Yan received since he was a child, he was very impressed with the sentence "The Chinese nation is the hardest-working nation among all the nations in the world".When he was young, he didn't think much about it. As he grew up, he came into contact with more information, his thinking gradually matured, and he had his own understanding of that sentence.

"The government always hopes that the people can bear hardships and stand hard work, don't have any complaints, be patient honestly, and do whatever they are asked to do." Liu Yan was also taken aback when he saw the stunned expression on Ji Chang's face, and reacted Thinking about it now, it doesn't matter at all: "I hope that the so-called hard work is not like that. Compared with those, I want to see the people who can't survive and go to foreign countries."

Hard work?And the word "most"?Just as Liu Yan thought, those virtues are what the government wants most, and virtues are naturally also, but...

Once Liu Yan had a debate with someone, and was told, "If you want to say that you can endure hardships and stand hard work, the little devil is well-deserved. A generation of people cut down on clothing and diet to build a navy that can run rampant in Asia. The little devil conquered the Indochina Peninsula, and repeatedly appeared to attack in order to seize fighters. Soldiers who died on the road exhausted on the road are really hard-working. Our hard-working? Heh, it’s unconditional hard work, and if you can’t resist, you should just accept it.” He was so choked that he didn’t know how to refute.

In the early days, from the pre-Qin period to the Western Han Dynasty, the New Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the phenomenon of fooling the people existed, but it was not too serious, especially in some dynasties. I didn't think of fooling the people. On the contrary, the ruler took the whip to drive the people to understand the dynasties of the world. Which one was not a period of prosperity?
After waiting for the great cause of fooling the people to be done, the ruler's rule has not been stabilized, but it has taught the people that they should be submissive. There have been tens of millions of people who can't resist the conquest of millions of people of foreign races, exaggerating to tens of thousands of people. You can conquer and rule over 10 million people.Of course, the worst person was actually Ah San.

Ji Chang didn't know why Liu Yan's mood suddenly turned sour, and he didn't completely agree with some of Liu Yan's words, but he was looking forward to the day when the big man would have a strong country and a prosperous people.And he was very clear that he wanted to have a combat-capable army, and he couldn't have a single one that could fight.

In the history of Zhuxia, there have been many times when the whole country has only one strong army. This strong army has indeed guaranteed the security of national defense for a certain period of time, but it will appear insufficient to expand outward.

Is there only one strong army that those rulers are unwilling to have more?Obviously not.It's because the country really can't provide more high-quality soldiers, or maybe the country's finances can't support the military expenditure of the second strong army, or maybe the family of generals doesn't want to have a second strong army. Anyway, the whole country is dragging its feet in every aspect. As a result, the entire country has only one strong army that can be used.Usually, that strong army was wiped out or severely damaged in a certain battle, and then the country inevitably went to perish because of the loss of that strong army.

It is not uncommon for a country to have no high-quality military resources, especially for countries with the longest peace and weak national conditions, it is difficult to find high-quality military resources.

Ji Chang was in a daze again. He thought about the history books he read, but he couldn't find the dynasty Liu Yan mentioned.

"The prime minister's bento box for the widow is just assuming."


There was such a dynasty, let alone a high-quality military source, it was difficult to find qualified people to train as soldiers.It's not that the men in this country are all skinny, it's that the men in this country have been ruined spiritually. No matter how strong their bodies are, they don't have the will and spirit to match them. It is clear that if you join the army, you will become an inferior person, and the country's most important generals can be insulted at will.

"Impossible?" Ji Chang objected to the country's continuous fighting before it recovered, but he never thought of torturing warriors: "Such a country...doesn't it know that 'wu' is the root of everything? If there is no force, how can prosperity be protected? "

Liu Yan laughed silently, so it is the greatest miracle in the world that such a country can last for more than a hundred years. Willing to protect the country, otherwise it would be against common sense for the North and the South to survive for 310 years.

Liu Yan cannot allow the country to rely too much on the system forces, and gradually make the system forces disappear from the public view. He insists that this is the right way, not to use the system forces to push across the country regardless of casualties, to cultivate the aggressiveness of the military, and to make the people step forward. Outwardly, in this way, the outward expansion will not only be their generation, but also the probability of the death of the second generation will be infinitely reduced.

"Your Majesty (father)!"

Cui Wan led the crowd to the gate of the palace, and paid respects from afar.

At this moment, there were still shouts of "Long Live" everywhere in the city, especially since Liu Yan ordered extra meals for the workers tonight, which was even more enthusiastic than before.

It's one thing to love the emperor, but it's serious to be able to eat a good meal. Before that, you may follow the crowd and shout a few times, and then you cheer from the heart.

Liu Yan looked over at a glance, and all the concubines and concubines were bringing their children, and they even put on special costumes, looking extremely grand.

Behind the members of the royal family, many ministers and officials lined up neatly, following the members of the royal family in front to pay respects.

To make the people cheer, no matter what the reason is, it must be something worthy of the ruling class's joy.

If Liu Yan hadn't been on the expedition, he would actually be rather homely at ordinary times. It was the first time he waved to the people for the first time today, and it was expected that the people would cheer.

The Han Dynasty completed the great cause of expelling the Hulu, and the revenge was carried out all the time, which saved the hearts of the Han people and restored the Han people's dominance. It is already an achievement to provide the people with a stable living environment.

No one can deny that it is Liu Yan who has given the people the minimum security. They don't have to be bullied all the time like they were living under the Hulu rule, or worry about losing their lives, let alone destroying a family for revenge. It hasn't stopped yet. The great cause of genocide is basically the rhythm of exterminating the alien races that have bullied the Han people.

The above is the spiritual level.

If expelling the Hulu and giving the Han people a stable living environment is the foundation, Liu Yan also broke the Sima family's monopoly on restoring the "blood lineage theory".

The so-called "blood lineage theory" originated in ancient times. Lao Tzu was an official, and sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons should also be officials if they had no family and had misfortune.It is not ruled out that someone can become an official from nothing, but the examples are really few enough to prove the difficulty.

Confucius, who has been canonized, is an old man. His ancestors were the monarchs of the Song Kingdom who were entrusted to the princes by the royal family of Zhou. Already a civilian.

Shu Lianghe is a very powerful figure. It is not that he gave birth to Confucius at the age of 66 (Yehe, named Qiu because it is next to a mountain), but that his military strength is very impressive.Once, the state of Lu where he lived was summoned by the boss Jin.

In order to pay the protection fee, Lu State was of course summoned, and hurriedly dispatched troops to wait for the boss of Jin State. Shu Lianghe was one of the recruits. During the battle against "Yang" City, he He made a crazy move of raising the door gate (Jianjin gate), successfully allowing the friendly troops entering the city to retreat.Because Zhifu and Xun Yan from the Zhengqing family, the eldest son of the Jin State, were watching the scene, and Shi Gai, one of the six ministers, was also present. Seeing his brave actions, he was very impressed.

The senior nobles of the Jin Kingdom think that Shulianghe is very awesome, and as the younger brother of the Lu Kingdom, from the king to the common people, they must also think that Shulianghe is very awesome.That's it, don't hesitate to do anything, hurry up to get the high-ranking title of "Doctor" to Shu Lianghe, and choose a rich city as a fief. After studying for a long time, I think Zouyi is very good, that is Zouyi Doctor.

Confucius, as an old man, has to thank his father for striving, and he should also be thankful that when his father was striving for success, he was able to be seen by the important figures of the boss of Jin, and he could mention it casually when he saw it, otherwise there would be no follow-up.After all, it is the Spring and Autumn Period, who can read books casually?Even if they can read, anyone can take in apprentices, and they still provide students with meals during the teaching period?It is impossible for the common people to have the conditions to do it!
Qin was the first country to break the "blood line theory" on a large scale. It was Shang Yang's reform that gave ordinary people a better channel to become a powerful figure. Thanks to the Qin kings of all dynasties, they did not go back to the old way, so that ordinary people's upward channels have not been cut off. , and let such a thing become a rule.

The second thing I want to thank is Liu Bang and his group of buddies who rose up at the end of the century. They are not aristocratic families themselves, and they don’t have the traditional aristocracy’s idea of ​​“all muddy legs are just for fun”. They not only inherited the system of the Qin Empire but also Inherited the achievements of the reform.

The third person to thank should be Cao Cao, but Cao Cao is because of the family background of the eunuch, he can't get help from people who are too powerful in the early stage, and the land is getting bigger and fewer people can use it, so don't worry about it Whatever family background, it would be great if someone could use it.

Starting from Cao Pi's generation, and after the rule of Sima's family, it was Liu Yan's turn to become the ruler. It has been 130 years since ordinary people's normal career paths have been cut off.

"Only for this item, the widow is worthy of the people of the world." Liu Yan did not stop talking to Ji Chang just because he was greeted grandly. Your prime minister, you should know what would happen if sentient beings had no way to make progress?"

Ji Chang only thought of the three words "master", but it was not the story of Liu Xing, the eldest princess of the Western Han Dynasty. It is only possible to participate in the construction and governance of the country. The country is the country of the world, otherwise the country is just a name.

(End of this chapter)

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