Chapter 82
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After hearing Liu Yan's seemingly domineering (Secondary [-]) words, some people were delighted and others were superior.He is not simply showing domineering, but he is too aware of the nature of those people. As long as the bottom line is successfully broken through once, the Han will become the object of what they want, and all kinds of excessive demands will come one after another. .

"We will not send troops to bleed for anyone." Liu Yan said firmly: "We only bleed for ourselves!"

Xu Zheng and Lu Tai looked at each other. They interpreted Liu Yan's attitude as cherishing the lives of soldiers, and they would not send their soldiers as pawns that others could discard at any time to a difficult battlefield, or be thrown into a difficult battlefield. Throw away the pawn as the broken queen.

As the two people who have already fought independently in the Han Dynasty, they cannot be more touched by the fact that they have such an object of allegiance, and they can see a kind of excitement called excitement in each other's eyes.

In troubled times, not being mediocre and dying in the wilderness, not being slaughtered by barbarians to make meat jerky, having something to use what you have learned, and having someone worthy of allegiance, how lucky is it for a warrior?

People in the civil service are worried. Although the geographical location is not ideal, and it can even be said to be terrible compared with the inland area, they are still looking forward to some civil affairs construction in Shangxiawan area. For a moment, they heard that the powerful Yao family had become a new threat.

Tian Shuo's two eyebrows were squeezed like caterpillars, and the expression on his face was tangled to a certain extent.He winked at Ji Chang frequently, meaning to ask Ji Chang to persuade Liu Yan.

Well, you should be able to stretch and shrink. For the sake of the long-term future, you should swallow your anger for a while, shouldn't you?
In ancient times, there was a Goujian who tasted shit for Fucha... Uh, no, it was because of the unbearable, the unbearable, and only three thousand Yuejia could swallow Wu.

From Tian Shuo's point of view, just bear with it for the time being and send troops when you should. Anyway, there are so many refugees, so you can recruit enough numbers casually, and then practice casually.According to his understanding, Yao Yimai was trying to lose face, and throwing 2000 people over to vent his anger, in exchange for the peaceful development of the Han, seems... still a good deal, right?

Tian Shuo may not have heard clearly, the Yao family needs tribal armies, and there are a lot of them, and they also have requirements for elite troops, so it is impossible to fool them casually.

Refugees are really not a scarce commodity. The Han Dynasty has been doing slave transactions with the outside world, and they can get some people every once in a while.

Not all of the acquired population are Jin people, and Zahu actually accounted for a certain number of them.According to Liu Yan's arrangement, Tian Shuo basically used Zahu to his death, either to dig ditches or to dig mountains.To Jin people, Tian Shuo is relatively gentle, but if there is any excessive preferential treatment, he is thinking too much.

There is nothing good for no reason at all. Although the Han tribe is definitely the best force in the Central Plains in treating the Jin people, any actions always need to bring benefits.When those Jin people arrived in the Han Dynasty, they should have a lot of work, basically as loggers and farmers.Being a lumberjack and a farmer is pretty good, isn't it, compared to those bastards being dumped in some mine?

"Your Majesty..." Ji Chang said after a long silence and after careful consideration: "The Yao family...we can't afford to offend you."

Counting it, Liu Yan now has too many people who can't afford to offend. All the important ministers in the court of Hou Zhao count as one, and basically none of them can offend, but so what?
"Your Majesty, do you think that Marquis Xiu Cheng will do evil to Xiangping County for us?" Ji Chang either used the wrong word, or he didn't know that Ran Min and Yao Gezhong had a bad relationship: "Your Majesty, we should do something Compromise?"

Tian Shuo immediately went on to say: "Your Majesty, just two thousand soldiers, just randomly choose from the refugees, and practice a little..." When he said this, he met Xu Zheng and Lu Tai's unkind eyes, and then looked at Liu Yan. With a cold expression, he chose to shut up.

"In terms of money, or... take out what the Yao family is interested in?" Ji Chang tried his best to persuade: "We are determined to win the post of Changguang County Sheriff, is related to our future, Your Majesty."

If the big man talks casually, it will become a huge trouble on the Han side.This phenomenon made Liu Yan even more eager to become stronger quickly, and knew that bowing his head was a helpless choice when necessary, so he finally nodded.

"There is a gap between Xiu Chenghou and Xiangping County, maybe this can be used." Ji Chang had known for a long time that Liu Yan did not intend to seek refuge with Ran Min, but out of an inexplicable mentality.He pondered for a while, and then continued: "Those great Confucian scholars in the court are greedy, and they can feed more money to them. Although these people have no real power, they can..." He said "hehe" and laughed a few times sentence.

It can be seen that Ji Chang has a contemptuous attitude towards those so-called great Confucians.Speaking of before, he really didn't have the qualifications to despise, but rather envied and extremely admired those people who could be in the temple... Although it was a temple of barbarians, they really deserved to enjoy a high position.

Now, the object of Ji Chang's service is the Dahanist, regardless of whether he is Han or not, but he is a real Dahanist.According to some common sense, no matter how weak Liu Yan is, he can still be regarded as Zhengshuo, so Ji Chang will appear extremely noble and can occupy the commanding heights in the spiritual realm.

"Let's do that." Liu Yan said his bottom line, and finally changed the subject: "Soldiers in the army, the number of soldiers, the number of auxiliary soldiers?"

This still requires Ji Chang to answer: "The number of soldiers is 520, and the number of auxiliary soldiers is [-]."

In ancient times, people liked to talk about "title" in terms of military strength, confusing the number of soldiers and auxiliary soldiers, and counting militiamen, and multiplying by how many times, the actual number of 20 million would dare to exaggerate and call out the number of millions of troops. .

"According to your majesty's request, the number of soldiers will increase. From the auxiliary soldiers, challenge those who dare to fight well, and increase it to 2000. Select auxiliary soldiers from the previous army and civilian servants, and maintain the number at [-]." Ji Chang looked at it in a special way. He glanced at Xu Zheng and Lu Tai, and then turned his attention to Liu Yan: "With the eight hundred tribes armed with your majesty, our department does not have much worry in the short term."

Changguang County... As far as the hostile forces are concerned, there is really no threat to the existence of the Han tribe, but Liu Yan has never underestimated those powerful and powerful families who can form a stronghold to protect themselves.

Let's put it this way, taking the surrounding areas of Huangdao District as an example, there is a powerful family surnamed Li. Their direct blood relatives and side branches add up to 500 people, and the number of households attached to the Li family exceeds [-].It's just a family, but if you really want to fight, you can make up nearly five or six hundred armed forces.

There are at least twenty or thirty powerful families similar to the Li family in Changguang County, and there are even stronger families.Jin people are really not alone in the Central Plains. They form a family to protect themselves. Unless there is a blood relationship between each family, there is basically no connection.Well, even if there is a blood relationship, there is a connection, but when it comes to being attacked by the barbarians... basically it is to protect yourself behind closed doors.

If you look at it this way, apart from having more than 3 tribesmen, the Han tribe does not have that layer of "Human identity". On the surface, it seems that it is not much stronger than those powerful or powerful clans.

"Your Majesty can collect taxes from them once you get the position of Sheriff, let them get used to our existence first." The expression on Ji Chang's face became a bit cold as he spoke: "Your Majesty's career needs more people to be To help, Donglai Academy is one of them, and there are many powerful people in each school. If they can't become help, it's better to die all of them."

Liu Yan will not have any objections. There are dividing lines in any business. If you can't help, then you are the enemy. There is no such thing as neutrality.

At present, as far as the Han tribe is concerned, there are not a few Hu families who have taken refuge in them, but there are not any powerful Jin people who have taken refuge in them.This is definitely not a normal phenomenon, as if the Han tribe went to attack the county guards in Buqicheng, and the Jin people did not show any performance.

The Han Dynasty needs to rule the surrounding tyrants, and it is time to rule them as they should, so everything will start with tax collection.

"Now they are just waiting and watching. We have already won, and there is no hostile force attacking again in the near future. If those tyrants are not too stupid, they should guess that the court will appease us." Ji Chang maintained a gloomy look: "We need to first Pick out some people who know the times..."

(End of this chapter)

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