sweeping the world

Chapter 855 Noble, understand it!

Chapter 855 Noble, find out!
Asanyang is the name of the Han people, and the Romans, Persians and Asan called it the Eritrean Sea.

According to the universal truth of who is the strong and who has the right to name, the Han people are now on the third continent of the Gupta Dynasty. The Romans and Persians must recognize the strength of the Han people, so Rome and Persia Sassanid need to be changed on the map. One change, the name of the Eritrean Sea was crossed out, and the name Asanyang, which was newly named by the Han people, was used.

Not only does the Eritrean Sea need to be changed to the Asan Ocean, but the continent originally called Xindu also needs to be changed to the Asan Continent.

It’s just that any country or nation including the Romans and Persians also includes the Gupta Dynasty and many other countries and nations in the Asan continent. They really don’t know why the Han people are so obsessed with the name "Asan".

In fact, the Han people didn't know why they named it "Asan". They originally thought it was Liu Yan's recognition of the Gupta dynasty's status as the third most powerful country in the known world, but no matter how they calculated it, they felt something was wrong. Han Dynasty was naturally the strongest in the world. Large countries, Rome and Sasanian Persia occupy the other two top three positions, so what is the special meaning of "Asan"?
Liu Yancai won't tell the secret, it actually has a very disgraceful background.

Ah San refers to Indians, a derogatory name with racial discrimination, transliterated as Ah SIR. "Indian Ah San" comes from the Shanghainese dialect of the Wu language during the "Ten Miles Foreign Market" period. Wu people like to add the word "Ah", and the words related to "three" in Shanghai dialect (Ah San, Ba San, Ya San, Shisan Dian) , Zhutou 1) are mostly derogatory terms.In the British Concession in Shanghai, there were often "civil servants" transferred from India to take charge of some chores. These Indians were loyal "minions" of the British and were waving batons all day long, so Shanghainese people despised them. For "A San".

Among the various sea areas in the world, there are not many sea areas that have been prosperous since ancient times, and the Mediterranean Sea is one of them, followed by Asanyang.

"There are so many...ships!" Julian was not talking about the fleet from the African continent, but the rest of the fleet sailing in the Asan Ocean: "The use of the sea by the Serisians is far beyond our imagination!"

However, it is only in recent years that the Han people have started to play sailing. Before the rulers believed that there were fairy islands in the sea, the purpose of sailing was to find the fairy islands and pray for immortality. There were only a few The two large fleets went to sea with military purposes.

The current prosperity of Asanyang is based on the fact that the Han people have successively found places where they can capture slaves. Like the fleets seen by Julian and others, the Han people are going to flock to the African continent to do the great cause of slave capture.

It can be expected that the Han people will continue to go to the African continent to catch slaves. Although the black sorghum is bad luck, the African continent will also usher in civilization, and there will be towns built by the Han people in batches, and even attract the Han people to come to reclaim wasteland. A land that had long been in a state of barbarism ushered in civilization.

"Pay attention." Xyas spoke in awkward Chinese, and pointed at the passing ships, with many different flags: "The patterns on those flags should be family crests, and the flags with different patterns all have different patterns on the back. A family."

In fact, many flags have no patterns at all, and are Chinese characters of different scripts, such as "Yu" hoisted by the passing fleets, and "Xie", "Huan", "Wang", "Xu" hoisted by the fleets before. ", "Ran", "Cai", ... and many more.

There is indeed a family behind every surname. The servants of the new dynasty, relying on their merits to become honorable families, families with strong local heritage, they are catching up with the trend of the times.

Julian could still read Chinese characters, but there was no reason to teach Xeas to be smart, and he responded casually with "Hum Hey Hay", but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

"In this great change, the people of Seris are far ahead of us." Flavis became more determined to understand how to build ocean-going ships: "Once you arrive in Seris, place an order with them immediately! "

"Ha!" Xeasias seemed to have discovered something and shouted in extreme surprise: "Our people, those are our people!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Xeas' finger, and saw Persians on the decks of several ships, and they were busy as sailors.

They couldn't tell the difference between Han people and Japanese people, or they should have known before that the fleets of many families actually had quite a few Japanese sailors.

Only a few years have passed since the Han people started sailing, and the navy continued to expand. Most of the sailors were conscripted into the navy, and there were not many sailors left for private ships.

The era of great navigation has come, but anyone with a little brain knows that they can't miss it. Training crews is a long-term thing. Smart people have turned their attention to the local coast and the Japanese Islands, wantonly digging out various nautical talents and hiring sailors.

There will be Persians on board the Han people's boats. It's nothing more than some families who really can't hire sailors in the local area and surrounding areas. They play with hiring Persians under the cleverness of moving the dead and moving the living.

In the cabins of the ships that Julian and others couldn't see, all the oarsmen were Ah San, and they were all captives in the "Hanji War".

The Romans did not know that there was an extreme shortage of seamen in Han.According to their thinking, the Han people must have been sailing for 800 years. How could there be a shortage of sailors with a background unmatched by any country and nation in the world?

Without knowing the facts, the Romans were thinking a bit in the wrong direction, thinking that the Han people were having fun with the Persians, and they would inevitably feel envious and jealous for a while, and they hated the Persians even more.

"The friendship between Persia and the Han Empire can be traced back as far as 500 years ago." Xias said affectionately: "We once used [-] troops to welcome the envoys of the Han Empire to show respect for the Han Empire. .”

Julian wanted to say that the Parthian Empire had already been buried in the soil. It was Rome that beat the Parthian Empire to death, but what the hell was the founder of the Sasanian Dynasty who rebelled and buried the Parthian Empire.Parthia is Parthia, Sasanian is Sasanian, Western Han is Western Han, and Jinhan is Jinhan. Although the ethnic groups of the two nations continue their blood (culture), they are two different dynasties. (Country), what a fart has a long history.

"Honorable Ardashir." With a curious expression, Flavis spoke standard Persian and asked Kexias: "Has your country purchased ships from Seris?"

Anyway, before Xias went abroad, he had never heard of anyone buying ships from Han. He had just seen Persians on some of Han’s ships.It didn't matter if he didn't know, he already knew that the Han people were willing to sell ships to the Romans, so he raised his head and replied, "Our country and the Han Empire are allies, what do you think?"

Flavis asked again: "Then Your Majesty, can you disclose the amount and type of purchase?"

Xias squinted at Flavis with disgusted eyes: "Is our relationship so good?"

Flavis told himself not to be angry, and stared at Xias with disdainful eyes, with a look of "So you don't know anything at all, you just know how to brag".

Kexias, who really doesn't know anything, at least has an online IQ, so he won't do stupid things like "talking too much will lose". The most important thing is that he is afraid that the wrong purchase price will be even more embarrassing.

"The Sires did not open up the right to buy ships to the Persians." Flavis said with a smile to his companions: "This is really good news for us."

The Romans didn't know what it meant to make distant friends and attack close friends, but they were able to judge the general situation. The Han people would never support the Persian Sasanians. The reason for everything was that the Persian Sasanians were too close to the Han Dynasty.

Of course, the fleet would not stop. After nearly half a month of sailing, the figure of Asan Continent was seen on the horizon.They crossed with numerous fleets on the same route, and the Romans and Persians were certain that the Han people were madly flocking to the African continent.

Calabaras is a country at the southernmost tip of the Asan Continent. After the fleet arrived in the Asan Continent, it is now Calabasas for supplies. However, there is no port in Calabaras that can accommodate thousands of ships. The fleet only It may be anchoring in the open sea, and ships with smaller tonnages will berth in the past.

Counting Calabasas is still one of Han's allies, they are part of the "Five Nations Alliance".It may be an ally relationship, or it may be useless to resist. Calabasas officials did not even think about making any military response to the arrival of a fleet of thousands of ships of various types.

"They (Calabras) provide supplies to the Siris fleet completely free of charge?" Julian looked at Flavis who came back from inquiring about the news in a daze, and repeated in a daze: "It's completely free?!"

Flavis nodded emphatically: "Yes, it's completely free."

The fleet returning from Rome joined the fleet along the way, and the scale was already "swollen and fat".Because the number of people has been reduced during the voyage, and sometimes there are new ships on the same route, it is difficult to calculate how many people there are, but the supplies requested from Calabasas are based on at least 15 people.

Purchasing materials is definitely not just for one day. The correct way is to fill the cabin as much as possible. As for whether the materials need to be thrown away in a situation, it is another matter. Then the materials provided by Calabasas will inevitably be a huge amount. quantity.

"Has Calabaras become a slave state of Seris?" Julian's statement is correct. Rome also has its own slave state. Whenever Rome needs it, the slave state must be ready even if it sells its underwear: "Otherwise How can supplies worth at least 15 gold coins be provided for free?"

Wang Meng arrived by coincidence, heard part of the one-sided conversation, and saw everyone staring at him curiously, and gave the correct answer: "The big man guarantees the maritime safety of the country of Calabasas, and in exchange they are obliged to provide the big man's Consumption at sea."

The so-called consumption is not only the supplement of materials for the official ships of the Han Kingdom, Calabasas also needs to pay 20 gold coins to the Han Kingdom every year.

While formulating and fulfilling the contract, the Han Navy will intercept or destroy any maritime force that is hostile to Calabaras except its own, and will also go to the rescue if ships belonging to the country of Calabaras ask for help.

To put it simply, Han's current relationship with Calabasas is that he will definitely work after receiving protection fees.Unless Han Guo didn't want to collect Lacabalas' protection fee.

Calabasas is by no means the only contract-making country under the Han hegemony. The Rambajiana (dynasty) across the strait, the Barova (dynasty) in the northeast, and the countries with nearby coastlines (except for the annexed Gita Nado), basically established a contractual relationship between the protector and the protectee with Han, that is, the protection fee that each country needs to pay is different, the most is 20 in Calabasas, and the least is the bit Thirty thousand gold coins in Jiatanbo, southwest of Asan Continent.

"When we receive the tribute, we will spend the gold in their country." Wang Meng said very grandly and justly: "Take it to provide protection. Use it to stimulate production."

Some people who have not detoured their minds think that what they say is simply too reasonable, and the Han people are definitely good people.

Those who figured out what was going on were surprised that the Han people were so dark-hearted that they were doing double-exploitation.

"Heh, heh heh, heh heh..." Julian couldn't help it at all, and tried not to smile so stiffly: "Seres is really a noble country."

"That's natural." Wang Meng will not feel embarrassed or embarrassed: "Because of our existence, the protected countries have unprecedented peace. And they only need to pay a negligible price, which is completely appropriate."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Wang Meng said. The countries on the Asan mainland have beaten each other to death before. It was the Han army that landed in Jitanado, and it was also the Han navy that crossed Asanyang. In addition to joining the "Five Kingdoms The members of the "Alliance" continued to fight against the Gupta Dynasty, and the mutual attacks among the rest of the Asan all stopped.

The Han State only charges a negligible protection fee. As long as the Han State has no intention of destroying it, the Assams do not need to arm so many troops at all. Saving military expenses is one aspect, and there is no need to die because of the war. The truth is already understood The three nations of Ah San said they were very happy, and thanked the Han father for bringing the peace that he worked hard but could not win.

In fact, there is a better side. For example, merchants from the Han Dynasty entered the three countries to do business, and brought abundant commodities to the Asan. Many of the goods that the Asan themselves could produce were sold at a very cheap price. Only the Asan himself could not The products produced will be more expensive, but there is no phenomenon of forced buying and selling.

"That..." Helena didn't understand half of what she heard, and asked a question she was extremely concerned about: "When can we arrive in Siris?"

 Sorry to find out, thanks to Jinlan's lobster rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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