Chapter 260 Rejection
At this time, outside the gate of the East Palace, it can be said that there are huge crowds of people, not only the courtiers who were supposed to go to court, but also many people who were onlookers.

Li Gang stood at the forefront of the crowd, and also the most conspicuous position, but in comparison, the carriage full of various gifts behind him was more eye-catching than Li Gangben.

Li Shimin is at the end of the crowd at the moment, but he is standing on top of Yujia. From him, he can have a panoramic view of everything in front of the East Palace.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde stood beside Li Shimin, smiling brightly.

Looking around at the crowd beating gongs and drums, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing, "Those people playing drums are your masterpieces, right?"

Seeing that Li Shimin was not angry, Cheng Yaojin laughed and said: "They are all here to join in the fun, some are from my house, and some are from Jingde's house. It's so lively!"

Li Shimin shook his head speechlessly, "You two, then who of you knows why that old man Li Gang suddenly wants to worship the prince as his teacher?"

"This..." Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked at me and I looked at you, staring at each other, they were too busy to join in the fun, and they didn't know the whole thing at all.

Seeing this, Li Shimin became even more speechless, "You guys haven't even figured out the whole story, so why join in the fun?"

"Your Majesty, this minister knows." Just when Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were at a loss, Fang Xuanling approached Li Shimin and said, "It is said that Li Gang learned multiplication, arithmetic and Arabic from the prince. number."

"It is said that after learning these, he can reform and innovate Datang's calculations. In order to be more diligent, Li Gang thought of coming to worship the prince as his teacher."

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the words, but he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, because speaking of it, he was the one who taught Li Gang ninety-nine multiplication tables and column calculations, why didn't Li Gang come to worship him as a teacher?
While Li Shimin was muttering, in front of the gate of the East Palace, Li Fuyin spoke pitifully, "It's so early in the morning, you guys are really doing me a favor by coming to the gate of the East Palace. Who is this funeral for?"

In Li Fu's tone, he couldn't hide his anger. He doesn't give face to anyone now, and his anger at waking up has not subsided yet!
As soon as Li Gang heard that Li Fu was angry, he hurried forward to explain, "His Royal Highness, this is not the old man's wish. These people are here to watch the fun. I have come here specially to worship you as my teacher. Master, please accept my disciple's blessing." bye!"

As Li Gang said, he waved his hand to ask the servant behind him to push a cart of gifts up, and immediately bowed down to Li Fu.

"Come here, I was stopped by Gu!" Li Fu rolled his eyes and waved his hand fiercely, Cao Shaoqin and Xue Rengui rushed out behind him.

Cao Shaoqin just pushed his hand, and the cart pushed by Li Gang's servants went back and forth. Xue Rengui carried Li Gang in the air like a chicken, and no matter how hard Li Gang struggled, he couldn't kneel down.

"Let me down, you, you let me down, I want to be my teacher, the prince has decided, I sincerely worship you as my teacher..."

Li Fu coldly glanced at Li Gang who was struggling and screaming in Xue Rengui's hands, and sneered, "What's the matter, Li Gang, you said you want to be a teacher, so does the Crown Prince insist on taking you as an apprentice? Who made this rule?"

Upon hearing Li Fu's words, Li Gang was stunned and stopped struggling, and blurted out: "His Royal Highness, don't you agree to accept me as an apprentice?"

When the people around heard Li Fu's words, they were also in an uproar.

Who doesn't know what Li Gang's status is, not to mention his status as a great Confucian in the world, just because of Li Gang's status as the prince and Taibao of the three dynasties, whoever can worship him as a teacher is a great honor.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Li Gang wants to accept disciples, the entire city of Chang'an will probably be a sensation.

But right now, Li Gang said that he wanted to worship Li Fu as his teacher, but Li Fu actually refused, how could this not surprise the people present.

Li Fu rolled his eyes, "Otherwise? You want to worship me as a teacher, so I can't refuse. What's the point?"

Hum... Li Fu's answer caused the scene to explode instantly.

There is nothing wrong with saying this in ordinary times, but the problem is, today's target is Li Gang!

Hearing this, Li Gang felt bad all of a sudden. He thought he was sure of everything, but he didn't expect that Li Fu would not agree. He suddenly felt blood rushing to his head, and his body shook. It will be explained on the spot.

"No way, the crown prince rejected Mr. Li's apprenticeship, and now it's really lively!"

"It's so exciting, it's really a worthwhile trip. Let's see how Li Gang and the crown prince step down today, hahaha..."

"A great Confucian of a generation condescended to condescend to worship the crown prince as his teacher, which is already shocking to the world, but now he has been rejected. If this spreads, how can Li Gang behave!"

"Shut up, Li Gang, if the old boy is really angry, no one will be able to run away if he is making a fuss here today. Didn't you see His Majesty's face, are you all red?"

Everyone suddenly realized that Li Shimin was there, and when they turned their heads, they saw Li Shimin standing on top of the royal driver with a blushing face, expressionless, as if strangers should not enter, so they all shrank their heads, not daring to leave. Noisy.

But no one knew that Li Shimin's face turned red at the moment, not because of anger, but because of excitement. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people now, he might have raised his palms and laughed three times.

Even so, Li Shimin's heart was full of joy: Well done, today's trip to the palace was not in vain, such a grand occasion, it is worth taking a rest for a day, the prince is doing well, worthy of being my son, he has enough backbone!

At this moment, Li Gang finally managed to recover, and stood upright, and cupped his hands at Li Fu, "His Royal Highness, can you give me a reason to be rejected?"

Li Fu looked helpless, "Many people wanted to worship me as a teacher, but all of them were rejected by the prince without exception, so do you need to give a reason if you are one more?"

Hearing Li Fu's words, everyone suddenly realized that there was indeed nothing wrong with Li Fu's words.

As we all know, Medicine King Sun Simiao once wanted to worship the prince as his teacher, but was rejected by the prince in public. In addition, I heard that Xue Rengui also wanted to worship the prince as his teacher, even though he was from the East Palace, he was also rejected.

So in the eyes of everyone and Li Fu, he has rejected so many people, what is one more Li Gang?
But Li Gang was rejected by the prince in public, which made Li Gang ashamed and wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

But Li Gang had a lot of shame, knowing that if he committed suicide, it would only be more embarrassing, but at the same time he also understood that the reason why Li Fu didn't want to accept him as an apprentice was simply because he didn't like him. After thinking about this, Li Gang became even more ashamed and angry.

Li Shimin saw Li Gang's precarious appearance, and felt that it was almost done. If something bad happened, the royal family and Datang would be ashamed, so he hurried forward...

(End of this chapter)

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