Chapter 652 Red Sleeves
"As long as you are willing to play, you can let the little girl stay with you all night. As long as you don't mind, the little girl is yours!"

As she spoke, the red-sleeved girl's tone suddenly became very ambiguous.

Hearing this, Li Fu couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his eyes became hot.

It seems that this woman's charm technique is very powerful!
Li Fu said secretly in his heart.

"Sir, you don't want a woman like me, right? If you don't want a little girl, the little girl will be very sad!"

Seeing Li Fu staring at her, the red-sleeved girl couldn't help but coquettishly said, and at the same time put on a heartbroken look.

"Oh, you girl, you are so naughty. How could I not want such a beautiful girl like you? I am admiring your beautiful face."

Li Fu said seriously.

"Hee hee! That little girl is so lucky!" said the girl with red sleeves.

"Sister Hongxiu, don't worry, let's chat first!" Li Fu said with a smile.

Hearing this, the red-sleeved girl nodded, and then started chatting with Li Fu.

After the two chatted for a while, the red-sleeve girl once again proposed to spend a good night with Li Fu.

"Hey, little beauty, are you trying to seduce this young master?" Li Fu looked at the red-sleeved girl and said lustfully.

"My lord, you are joking, how can a little girl have such thoughts!" the red-sleeved girl smiled shyly.

"Hahaha, you still don't admit it, you little goblin, you are just seducing people!" Li Fu laughed and said.

"My lord..." The red-sleeved girl looked at Li Fu shyly.

"Haha! Alright, alright, let's stop teasing you, let's get started!" Li Fu rushed towards the red-sleeved girl and pushed her down on the bed.

"Ah... son, you are so annoying, you hurt me!"

The red-sleeve girl was pressed under Li Fu, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Haha, it's only the pain that excites!" Li Fu said with a big laugh.

Afterwards, Li Fu began to take off his own clothes, ripped off the red-sleeved girl's clothes, and then pressed her under him.

Seeing Li Fu lying on her body and kissing wildly, the red-sleeve girl couldn't help showing a sneer.

Soon, there was a thought-provoking movement in the room.

Early the next morning, Li Fu opened his sleepy eyes.

When he saw a naked woman lying next to him, he couldn't help but froze, then raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Then, he looked around and found that he had returned to his room.

"Last night, how did I get back to the room? Why didn't I have any memory?" Li Fu asked suspiciously.

At this moment, the woman in the long red dress lying beside Li Fu opened her eyes.

"My lord, you're awake!" the woman looked at Li Fu and said with a smile.

Seeing the woman's appearance, Li Fu was stunned.

The woman in front of him looks very similar to the red-sleeved girl he met last night, except that the red-sleeved girl's temperament is purer and more mature.

However, she is not a red sleeve at all!
"Aren't you a girl with red sleeves?" Li Fu asked.

The woman nodded: "That's right, I'm here to accompany you, my name is Qingmei, please forgive me!"

After speaking, Qingmei sat up from the bed, and took out a red cloth wrapped thing from under the pillow.

"After you got drunk last night, you hugged my slave to the bed, and then..."

Hearing these words, Li Fu couldn't help laughing.

After having an in-depth exchange with Hongxiu yesterday, he drank with her again and got drunk after drinking, so he couldn't remember the rest of it.

At this time, Miss Qingmei continued:
"The slave family never expected that the slave family's chastity was actually given to you, and it was not bought with money. As long as the master likes it, the slave family can give it to the master at any time!"

Seeing Miss Qingmei's expression, Li Fu couldn't help being excited, and then reached out his hand to take out the portrait from the red cloth package.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Seeing the girl on the portrait, Li Fu couldn't help being amazed.

The woman in the painting has black hair hanging over her shoulders, wearing a light yellow gauze embroidered with lotus flowers, a purple ribbon around her waist, and a green sword sheath in her hand.

Moreover, a pair of eyes seemed to be flowing with water waves, very agile and moving.

Although he had never seen the woman in the painting, Li Fu felt that the person in the painting seemed to be very familiar with him, and was also very close, as if they were his friends!
This made Li Fu feel a little strange, but he didn't think much about it, so he continued to look down.

"Wow, the woman in the painting is so beautiful, and her martial arts seem to be very strong, not much worse than some masters from aristocratic families!"

Seeing the woman in the painting, Li Fu couldn't help but praise her.

"Hehe!" Miss Qingmei couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing softly: "Young master, you really have vision."

"The fairy in the painting is indeed the best among martial arts masters, and she is also a top swordsman. However, due to some reasons, she has retired now."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole rivers and lakes will be shaken!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Li Fu became interested.

"Then tell me, how old is she now?" Li Fu looked at the red-sleeved girl and asked.

Hearing Li Fu's words, the red-sleeve girl hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head.

"This slave doesn't know either, I just know that the fairy in the painting is from this city, and she's quite beautiful!"

Hearing Miss Qingmei's words, Li Fu frowned immediately.

He felt, he felt that he knew this girl, but he still couldn't remember it as if he had missed some important clue.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Li Fu still gave up.

"Okay, I got it, go down and rest, I will call you when I need it!" Li Fu waved his hand and said.

"Yeah!" Miss Qingmei nodded, then stood up from the bed.

Immediately, she put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

After she left, Li Fu also got up and got dressed, and after washing up, he left the room slowly.

As soon as Li Fu walked out of the room, he ran into a person who was coming to entertain his second brother.

"Boss, good morning!"

"Good morning, little brother!" Li Fu said politely, at the same time, his eyes were still looking around.

He was so drunk last night that he couldn't remember what he did last night at all, and he didn't know if he did anything unreasonable last night.

"Huh? What are you looking at? Could it be that I have flowers growing on my face?" Li Fu asked suspiciously, with a look of doubt on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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