Chapter 712
Hong Luotian slapped it with a palm, and a bloody light flew out of the palm, turning into a blood-colored lotus, shooting out dense blood-colored rays, madly attacking Shen Langhai on the competition stage.

At the same time, Hong Luotian flew down, a perverted smile appeared on her bewitching face, full of murderous intent.

Many people on the viewing platform couldn't help standing up, showing shock.Zheng Rui also nodded slightly, feeling that Hong Luotian was worthy of being a genius, and he grew up extremely fast. In this battle, the weak defeated the strong, and defeated Shen Langhai without any advantage, which was indeed unexpected.

Although Shen Langhai suppressed his cultivation, he was a monk of Xuanzhao after all, and he had a stronger understanding of supernatural powers, spells, and even the methods of mana operation, so this battle was not very fair, but Hong Luotian, who was at a disadvantage, still won up.

Without any warning, a strange beam of light rushed out of the sky filled with blood, and directly hit Hong Luotian who was swooping down.Hong Luotian screamed, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and flew out with a bang.

A gap appeared on the blood-colored lotus, the natal magic weapon, the light was extinguished, and it fell into the sky.

This didn't end there, that strange beam of light pierced through a hole the size of a fist in the big formation wall of the competition platform, and the light and rain flew.

"Hong Luotian, you have such a guts, how dare you hurt me?!"

The purple-clothed boy Shen Langhai flew up into the air with a silver mirror in his hand, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he saw that some parts of the purple-clothed body of this person were densely packed with holes, in which blood trickled, obviously he had been severely injured.

"Things that don't know how to live or die, don't live."

Holding the silver mirror in his hand, Shen Langhai took a photo at Hong Luotian, who was completely injured, and immediately reflected a strange beam of light, blasting and killing Hong Luotian at an astonishingly fast speed.

Looking for branches!
Almost at the same time, a low shout rang out, and the willow branches like green clouds flew over and transformed into a curtain wall, directly blocking the strange light beam.

Yan Xiaozhu took the opportunity to hug Hong Luotian and flew down the competition stage, apparently the blow just now almost killed Hong Luotian.

"In a battle at the same level, you used the magic weapon of Xuanzhao Realm, you are despicable and shameless." Hong Luotian gritted his teeth and struggled several times, but he never got up.

"Xuanzhao Realm Magical Treasure? An ignorant thing, really stupid, and you are still a young genius in Zicheng Mountain. If this is the case, Zicheng Mountain seems to be in decline." Shen Langhai sneered again and again, but he did not continue to chase and kill.

"Such a powerful treasure?"

"If you only look at the power, I'm afraid it's stronger than the treasures in the general Xuanzhao realm."

"Can the Holy Maiden clear up my doubts for us?"

Spectator stand.The monks on the road were full of surprises, and some people bowed their hands respectfully towards the saintess of Yaochi.

Zheng Rui rubbed his nose, he could see the level of the treasure, but no one asked him, so it is not easy to speak out.

"Shen Langhai, talk about it yourself." The voice of Yaochi saintess sounded.

"This octagonal mirror is a treasure used by my brother Shen Tianjun. It is so powerful that it can destroy the magic weapon of Xuanzhao Realm with one blow."

Shen Langhai was full of pride, standing on the stage, glanced at the nearby monks, and said with a smile: "If anyone refuses to accept, you can come up and learn."

The originally buzzing voices suddenly fell silent. Shen Tianjun was a being who could fight against the heroes of the Hidden Dragon List. It was unbelievable, and the treasures he used were naturally extraordinary.

"Actually, I don't think there's anything special about outstanding people on the Qianlong list. Since I got the Bafang mirror, ordinary geniuses are like dust and ants in my eyes, hahaha!"

Shen Langhai laughed wildly, suddenly he stopped laughing, and looked in Zheng Rui's direction: "The saint thinks that I am better than the people on the Qianlong list, so I am qualified to pursue you?
As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence nearby, and everyone dared not breathe.Zheng Rui frowned and turned to look to the side.

There is no wave in the ancient well of the Saintess of Yaochi, and the pure white fairy mist is transpiring, covering the fairy body, making it impossible to see the expression on her beautiful face.

"Kill him." Suddenly, an emotionless voice sounded in Zheng Rui's ear.

Among the three extremely talented maids beside the Saintess of Yaochi, one came out and was about to fly to the competition arena.

"Let me come." Zheng Rui said lightly, his whole body turned into a beam of light, and flew from the viewing platform to the competition platform in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that the saint wants to see Shen Langhai's real mana means."

Shen Langhai smiled faintly, as if he thought that the sentence of the saintess of Yaochi killing him was a joke.

The man's face showed extreme contempt and sneer, and he looked towards Zheng Rui.

"You ant, you escaped a few days ago, but I didn't expect you to come to die on your own today?"

"If you want to show off your prestige in front of the saint, what kind of casual cultivator are you? It's just a bit of shit luck. I really thought that a genius like me in the world would take your little bit of luck into consideration. inside?"

"Next, I will use the most powerful magical powers to blast you into dregs and blow you to ashes. How dare you sit next to the saint."

Just as Shen Langhai said this, his voice stopped abruptly.

Zheng Rui moved, and took a step that shrunk the ground to an inch, spanning a distance of tens of meters, and appeared directly in front of Shen Langhai. He slapped Shen Langhai fiercely in the face.

The loud noise was deafening, and Zheng Rui saw an afterimage left by the palm in the void.Then, Shen Langhai, the purple-clothed boy in front of his eyes, had his face distorted by the beating, his head was thrown back suddenly, his feet flew into the air, and finally he flew out with a bang, and violently hit the wall of the big formation of the martial arts platform. fell to the ground.

Shen Langhai was like a puddle of mud, a large amount of blood flowed out of his mouth along with broken teeth and spread on the solid ground.

This scene made the faces of those on the viewing platform change drastically, and they all took a breath of air.

Before, they didn't pay attention to Zheng Rui, a casual cultivator, but Zheng Rui slapped Shen Langhai away with a slap, showing extraordinary strength.

Zheng Rui strode on the stage, his robe fluttering, his black hair fluttering, and his long sword dangling lightly.

"I'll give you a chance. Kneel down, kowtow, and apologize to the Yaochi Saint." Zheng Rui said calmly, looking at the young man in purple at the edge of the competition stage.

Shen Langhai's body struggled for a while, and then, purple light burst out violently from above his body, Shen Langhai let out a low growl, and stood up straight.

"It's unbelievable that you, a casual cultivator, can cultivate mana. I underestimate you."

Half of Shen Langhai's face was swollen, and his eyes were full of hatred, but he didn't jump and curse hysterically. Instead, he said in a low voice. Zheng Rui felt a murderous intent, like a cold wind blowing towards him.

"You just succeeded in a sneak attack, I really thought..."

Shen Langhai's deep voice stopped abruptly, and his pupils contracted violently.

Zheng Rui took a step forward, his figure was disillusioned, he crossed a distance of tens of meters, and reappeared in front of Shen Langhai.

Deafening, spatial resonance.

Shen Langhai tilted his head back suddenly, and hit the solid wall of the magic circle directly, which was equivalent to being hit twice in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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