City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 376 Learning

Chapter 376 Learning
Looking at the bright and clean Hong Zhong, Wei Xiao couldn't help being a little curious about Hong Zhong's casting materials, what kind of material can make such a magical thing.

Wouldn't it be more perfect if we could find the same material and use it to cast a sword?
In Yuan Ye's memory, this Hong Zhong came from his master, Mr. Hong, but he didn't know where Mr. Hong got the Hong Zhong, so the origin of Hong Zhong was a mystery to him.

Therefore, if you want to know Hong Zhong's origin, you have to go to Mr. Hong.

Regarding Mr. Hong, although Wei Xiao is not very scared now, it is not convenient to provoke him. After all, he just killed his disciple and robbed his treasure Hong Zhong. To provoke him at this time is not equivalent to a slap in the face. Well!

He studied Hong Zhong for a while, and then placed it on the roof of the building. He handled the whole process lightly, for fear of accidentally crushing the roof of the building.

After all, Hong Zhong's net weight is more than 3000 catties!

After putting away Hong Zhong, Wei Xiao searched Yuan Ye's memory, looking for a way to learn Hong Zhong's voice.

In Yuan Ye's memory, the first step in learning the sound of Hong Zhong is to ring Hong Zhong.

As the saying goes: A good drum doesn't need a heavy hammer.Refers to a good drum that can produce a loud sound without being beaten hard.

However, Hong Zhong is just the opposite. It takes a lot of strength and a certain skill to ring it.

In other words, if you want to ring the bell, you must use a heavy hammer!
When Yuan Ye first learned the sound of Hong Zhongzhi, he almost exhausted his strength and failed to strike it. It was not until three months of practice that Hong Zhong made his first sound.At this speed, he was highly praised by his master, Mr. Hong.

If you want to ring the bell, you must first have a deep cultivation, that is, enough spiritual energy, condense the spiritual energy in your hands or the bell ringing utensil, and then smash it down hard, hitting the surface of the Hong bell, causing the surface of the Hong bell to generate out of shape.

Due to the material, the deformation on the surface of the Hong Bell will quickly return to its original state, but there will be vibrations between rounds and rounds. This vibration will cause the air to vibrate rhythmically, and generate sound waves, thus making a sound.

The reason for smashing hard is because Hong Zhong's material is special, and it must have enough force to deform it.

Hitting the sound is the first step in learning Hong Zhong's sound, and it is also the minimum step. Those who can't do it will never want to learn it.

The second step is more difficult. It is necessary to control the deformation of Hong Zhong, so as to control its vibration and achieve the effect of affecting the final sound.

In this step, the strength of the bell, the location, direction, and speed of the bell all affect the final effect, so it is also the most difficult part.

When Yuan Ye learned this step at the beginning, he was stuck for five years, until his whole body became numb, and he practiced randomly all day without making any progress.

Later, it was Mr. Hong who couldn't stand it any longer. He demonstrated and explained it himself, and passed on his own experience to him, so he reluctantly helped Yuan Ye overcome this difficulty.

Because he was stuck for five full years, Yuan was also deeply impressed by it. He remembered every word and every action that Mr. Hong told him back then, as if it happened yesterday.

Regarding this memory, Wei Xiao accepted it unceremoniously.

After completing the first two steps in the study of Hong Zhongzhi's voice, he was finally able to play the voice he wanted at will.However, the sound at this time is still an ordinary bell, which is no different from ordinary bells or those emitted by mobile phones and stereos. It cannot be called the sound of Hong Zhong at all.

Therefore, you have to continue to learn the third step, injecting spiritual energy into the sound to form a special Hongzhong sound.

In this step, sound and aura complement each other.

The sound can spread louder, farther, and faster with the help of the injected aura, and the aura can form various effects with the help of the special fluctuation of the sound, and the energy of the aura can be presented in a concrete form, either to kill the enemy or to confuse Mind, or emotional calm, to name a few.

This step of learning depends entirely on the individual talent of the learner.

If you are a person with little talent, you may follow the methods of the predecessors to learn, and you can eventually learn several Hongzhong sounds, which can also be used to fight against the enemy; but if you are a person with great musical talent, He can freely transform various effects, not only can the use of Hong Zhongzhi's sound become wider, but also has unexpected effects, and can often play unexpected roles.

This is the wonder of the sound attack technique!

After reading Yuan Ye's memory, Wei Xiao let out a long sigh of relief and said, "It seems that I have to find some time to learn music."

No way, Hong Zhongzhi's voice is too powerful. In terms of lethality alone, it is much stronger than many of Wei Xiao's current methods. At least it can be ranked No.2. No.1 is of course summoning Houqing and Nuba The "Royal" characters of...

Yuan is also a person who doesn't understand music, and he can only barely learn some fixed repertoires taught to him by his master, Mr. Hong, and he can't play freely. That's why he couldn't resist Wei Xiao's tricks at the beginning. The outcome of the fight is still unknown.

After sighing, Wei Xiao suddenly laughed again, and said to himself: "However, don't worry about it now, at least you have to be able to ring it." Then, he shook hands like a hammer, and tapped lightly. Hong Zhong.

This time, Hong Zhong didn't react at all, like a quick stone.

Wei Xiao didn't feel any surprise either, he was clearly prepared for this situation.

If he could ring it casually, this Hong bell might not be worth his special study.

After knocking a few times tentatively, Wei Xiao took a few deep breaths, then closed his eyes silently, sank his soul into the sea of ​​gods, mobilized all the witch power in his body, and concentrated it on his hands.

Then, according to the exertion method in Yuan Ye's memory, he threw out both fists and slammed Hong Zhong hard.


The Hong Zhong sounded clear, like the chaos exploding, the phoenix's first cry, and the first light sound between heaven and earth. Hong Zhong made a brief clear sound under Wei Xiao's first blow.

Although the clear sound was not loud and lasted only a few seconds, it was very meaningful to Wei Xiao, which meant that he had already started to learn Hong Zhong's voice. threshold.

He has already passed the first step of learning!
Hearing the voice, Wei Xiao opened his eyes immediately, a gap was opened at the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of unconcealable smiles.

This is the best gift to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new this year!
(End of this chapter)

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