City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 427 ask for advice

Chapter 427 ask for advice
"Oh, by the way, there is also Ling, she is the luckiest among us, she was entrusted by the elder brother to the Central Plains - the legendary Stone Man Peak."

Senior Lingyin said, with a hint of envy in his tone.

In her opinion, among the original music clans, except for Ling, the entrustment of the others can be described as bleak.For example, if it is entrusted to the north, it is the territory controlled by the monster clan, and the witch clan and the monster clan are at odds, and they can basically only be buried there.

And the small island in the extreme south is even more embarrassing. There is no one inhabited there, and I am afraid that there is no one to be found within a thousand miles. If you are entrusted there, you will have to spend your life alone.

In her opinion, Shen Po Ridge is also quite unbearable. Although it is located in the south and is relatively close to the base camp of the Wu Clan, this place has always been very desolate for some reason, and there are also no people around. It is necessary to cross many mountains. You can only see people when you go outside.

Moreover, what dissatisfied Senior Lingyin the most is that there are no animals here. Ever since she was entrusted, there have been no animals here. Even if someone ran in from outside the mountain, they would die without knowing it. Lose.

She once did some things, trying to bring in animals from the outside world and let them multiply in the mountains, but unfortunately all of them died inexplicably in the end, and she was sad for a long time alone.

After hearing what Senior Lingyin said, Wei Xiao couldn't help being silent for a while.

Although he had never heard of any of the place names mentioned by Senior Lingyin, he couldn't stand up to the high technology of modern society, so he went back and checked on the computer, and sooner or later he would be able to find the fiefdoms of these senior Le clan.

But the fact that there are no animals living here makes him worried.

"Senior Lingyin, didn't you mention this to Master Zuwu?" He asked suspiciously.

Speaking of Mr. Zu Wu, the bone flute floating in mid-air suddenly sank, and then quietly replied: "At that time, I was just entrusted here, if I asked my elder brother for help whenever something happened, wouldn't it appear that I was very helpless?" use……"

Senior Lingyin didn't finish what he said later, but it was enough for Wei Xiao. He probably guessed the mentality of Senior Lingyin at that time. It was the kind of mentality with some resentment and dissatisfaction that made her want to Solve this exception yourself.

As a result, after thousands of years, this anomaly remained the same, but the ancestral witch who could ask for help disappeared.

I understand it, but Wei Xiao still feels a little awkward in his heart. After all, this matter is so unusual that it sounds very tricky, but now that he has encountered it, he naturally can't ignore it.

"Okay then... apart from this anomaly, is there anything else special?" Wei Xiao curled his lips and continued to ask.

"That's not true! Although these mountains are desolate, but fortunately they are full of spiritual energy. Since I came here, they have been peaceful and peaceful, and there have never been any major problems." Senior Lingyin replied quite proudly.

"Then I have to thank you, senior." Wei Xiao smiled and thanked him sincerely.

Even though the township beasts like them are all entrusted by Zuwu to guard the spiritual veins in the world, they have been able to persist in their positions for thousands of years. Thousands of years are like a day. It is worthy of praise and thanks.

"Hmph..." Senior Lingyin snorted softly. Although he didn't express his meaning, Wei Xiao could still hear a trace of happiness.

"Then, I have one last question, which is the second question I mentioned just now: when the senior rescued me, he seemed to be quite familiar with the sound of Hong Zhong, can you teach me a thing or two?" Wei Xiao said He bowed very modestly, as if he was learning from a teacher.

Regarding this question, Senior Lingyin was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "I can't teach you!"

"Why?" Wei Xiao frowned, feeling a little disappointed.

"Although I am familiar with Hong Zhongzhi's sound you mentioned, I don't understand it very well, and there is no way to pass it on to you." Senior Lingyin didn't mean to hide it at all, and explained all the reasons.

Although she calls herself a family of musicians, she is actually only familiar with the real flute, and most of her spiritual skills are concentrated on the flute. Except for the flute, she hardly knows anything else. Back then, she was able to understand the sound of Hong Zhongzhi , is just a coincidence in the sound.

"That's it..." Wei Xiao looked disappointed.


Senior Lingyin suddenly made a turning point, causing Wei Xiao to raise his brows, hearing some unusual meanings.

"However... Although I can't teach you, there is one of our brothers and sisters in the Le clan who is very suitable to be your teacher!" Senior Lingyin said slowly.

"Senior Zhong?" Wei Xiao asked cautiously.

When he heard Senior Lingyin's narration just now, he had already remembered the name in his heart, and now he heard her mention it, he naturally thought of it.

"Yes!" Senior Lingyin was also unambiguous, the bone flute moved a few times in the air, and continued: "His name is Zhong, and his real body is indeed a bell. Although it is different from the golden bell you got, but I If you think about it, the music theory should be figured out.”

"But... Isn't Senior Zhong entrusted to the extreme south?"

"That's right, since you want to learn, you should go find him yourself! You are in the realm of young witches, right? Young witches learn from the world, and when you reach Qingwu, you have to go to the world. It's no big deal to be early now. "Senior Lingyin replied flatly.

"Okay, then I'll try to find Senior Zhong! Thank you, Senior Lingyin, for your guidance..." After speaking, Wei Xiao bowed slightly, expressing his gratitude to her.

After accepting the salute, Senior Lingyin spun a few times in the air, and suddenly said: "Since you have answered all three questions, I should go back. Next time you come, I hope you can Find a solution to that anomaly, or you won't have to come to me again."

After all, Senior Lingyin's bone flute body suddenly let out a sharp whistling sound, a sound wave rushed out of the bone flute, pushed the bone flute far away in the blink of an eye, and disappeared completely after a while.

Wei Xiao looked at the place where the bone flute disappeared, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Don't worry, senior Lingyin, I will definitely solve this problem when I come back next time."

After all, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and drew out his own witch weapon, the flying sword, and then the Yujian flew into the sky, and disappeared into the mountains of Shenpoling in a few strokes.

Wei Xiao quickly returned to his dormitory at Guixi University, but he was not in a hurry to do anything, but chose to stay in the dormitory and sort out the news he got today, including the old things about the Le clan, and The place where the music clan was entrusted that I learned from Senior Lingyin.

(End of this chapter)

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