City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 805 One more

Chapter 805 Another one

"how is this possible!"

Wei Xiao rolled his eyes, and retorted displeasedly: "The Yaozu and I don't share the sky, don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, okay. You are a monster in the realm of comprehension, okay?" Lu Yuqing was powerless to refute at this time, and was completely confused by Wei Xiao's method of improving Yujian Feitianjue.

"That's pretty much it." Wei Xiao laughed and patted his chest proudly.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, and said: "By the way, since this change has been successful. According to the rules, I have to leave this experience to you, or you can find me a pen and paper, and I will put it to you." write down?"

Lu Yuqing's eyes lit up immediately, her head was full of experience, and she replied instantly: "Okay! I'll find it for you right away." After finishing speaking, she rushed into the living room like a gust of wind.

Soon, she found a pen and paper and handed it to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao started to write simply on the stone bench and table in the yard. In less than 10 minutes, he wrote down his experience of the modification of "Yu Jian Fei Tian Jue".

After finishing writing, he even blew on the ink on the paper. He didn't know what kind of ink it was, but it wasn't dry yet.

After blowing twice, he was about to hand his experience to Lu Yuqing, who was also about to reach out to catch it, but at this time Wei Xiao suddenly took it back.

"Huh?" Lu Yuqing was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Wei Xiao meant.

Just when she was about to ask, Wei Xiao suddenly said: "Wait a minute, put this experience aside for now. I just thought about the experience of two secret books. I wrote one here. After I finish writing the other, Give it to you again."

"Ah?" Lu Yuqing was completely stunned, and almost lost her mind.

What does it mean?there is another one?
Could it be that when he was meditating just now, he was not only thinking about the improvement of "Flying Sword of Yujian", but also about "Book of Hidden Swords"?

This is too...

Lu Yuqing couldn't think of any words to describe it for a while, and felt that her brain was about to run out of oxygen.

You must know that "Book of Hidden Swords" is a secret book closely related to Yunmeng Pavilion's unique skill "Sword Talisman". Base.

Only after reading and understanding the "Book of Hidden Swords" can there be a basis for learning the art of talisman swords.

Now, someone can actually make changes to the "Book of Hidden Swords", how terrifying it is.

Wei Xiao didn't care how surprised Lu Yuqing was, but he was only thinking about his own affairs. Since he had written down his experience of watching "Flying Sword and Flying Sword" according to the rules of the Wu clan, then according to the rules, "Book of Hidden Swords" also Have a corresponding experience.

Otherwise, he would not abide by the rules of the witch clan, and would be sorry for his title of witch king.

Thinking of this, he sat down again without hesitation, and began to write his experience about "Hidden Sword Book".

As for "Book of Hidden Swords", it is actually a book that introduces various kinds of swords and divine swords. It is not a secret book of cultivation at all. Therefore, what Wei Xiao wrote is not about repairing, but his own comprehension Yes, about the experience of combining "Sword Talisman" with refining equipment.

At the beginning, he relied on this experience to refine his first mortal sword.

It's a pity that the sword was in the desert, and it was broken during the battle when it encountered the remains of the big monster.

Of course, the later Blood Sand Sword was also refined in the same way, but the materials used were more advanced, and the refining experience was better.

He wrote down the experience of two times of sword refining, the advantages and disadvantages of this method, and even the possible situations of refining, one by one. It can be said that he said everything he knew without reservation.

Nearly 10 minutes later, Wei Xiao finally raised his head, rubbed his sore neck, and let out a long and comfortable sigh.

"Well... I finally finished it." He whispered while twisting his neck.

At this time, Lu Yuqing who was next to him finally woke up from the shock. After taking a look at Wei Xiao, his eyes were fixed on the white paper full of black words on his hand.

Wei Xiao saw this scene, smiled slightly, and handed over the written experience: "Hey, it's all finished."

"Uh...Okay." Lu Yuqing replied gruffly, and excitedly took over the experience, her eyes were immediately attracted by the content on the paper.

At this moment, a hand suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, startling Lu Yuqing.

"Wait! You tell me how to go to Xuantian Temple first, and then go to see it after explaining it clearly!" Wei Xiao said with a serious face.

He knew very well that the content of those two articles was quite rich. If Lu Yuqing was allowed to read it like this, he might not be able to finish reading it in a few days, and he would waste a few days in vain.

So, first ask the way of Xuantian Temple, and then she can look at it as she pleases.

After Lu Yuqing's intention to watch the experience was forcibly interrupted, she was about to jump up and hit someone, but when she saw Wei Xiao, she immediately put on a smiling face.

"The road to Xuantian Temple, as long as you go to the southwest, you can easily find it..." She replied without thinking, "Well, I will give you a contact information. When you arrive in the southwest, contact this person. He is an abandoned disciple of our Yunmeng Pavilion, and now he is doing well in the southwest, and he knows how to go to Xuantian Temple."

"After you contact him, just ask him to guide you." After finishing speaking, Lu Yuqing took out another piece of paper and quickly wrote down a phone number.

"187xxxx, Lin Qinxian?" Wei Xiao read the content on the paper.

"Yes, it's him. After you arrive in the southwest, just remember to contact him." After Lu Yuqing finished speaking, she buried her head in the piece of paper full of thoughts.

"Okay, that's fine." Wei Xiao shrugged, seeing Lu Yuqing's anxious look, guessing that she would definitely not say anything more, so he immediately got up with his sword and flew out of the island.

From now on, his study tour in the Shaowu Realm will officially begin.

The first stop, of course, is Xuantian Temple, one of the three major sects, and what one needs to read is Xuantian Temple's Zhenpai secret book "Xuantian True Explanation".

One day later, Wei Xiao finally came to the central city in the southwest, a big city not inferior to the capital but with a strong local style - Shuangqing.

As soon as he arrived in Shuangqing City, before Wei Xiao found a place to stay, he directly called the phone number Lu Yuqing had left for him.

There was a "beep" sound, and within three beeps, someone connected to the phone immediately.

"Hi, is this Lin Qinxian?" Wei Xiao asked bluntly.

"'s me. Who are you?" The other end of the phone responded suspiciously.

"My name is Wei Xiao, and I'm here to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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