Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 95 The Man Who Destroyed the Painting

Chapter 95 The Man Who Destroyed the Painting
"Are you sure it's this person?"

There was a storm in Mo Lin's heart, and the thing he feared most still happened.

"That's right, that's the man, the sanctimonious college teacher!" Sir Cadogan said angrily, waving his wooden sword, "Professor Charles!"

"But he's a teacher, isn't he?" Maureen said uncertainly, "Teachers won't do anything to the school paintings."

Mo Lin thought about what happened in the corridor on the seventh floor that day, and when he thought about meeting Boggart just now, his mouth suddenly became dry. Is the mastermind behind this incident really Professor Charles?
If it is Professor Charles, what is his purpose in doing these things?
"I see clearly! My brave comrade," said Sir Cadogan, planting his wooden sword in the ground, and resting his hand on the hilt, "I rode my steed that day to claim the land—"

Maureen took this to mean that Sir Cadogan was out looking for a runaway pony.

"When I came back, I found that the painting was already in the broom. Professor Charles swung the butcher's knife at me like that. The territory I worked so hard for was completely reduced to ashes, and I was forced to flee to this dark place!"

Sir Cadogan resented: "This place is full of rotten memories, and the shameless soil almost suffocates me, and I can't even make a voice for help!"

"But you can blow."

"Yes, as long as I have breath, I will blow away the filth of the world and let the truth come to light!" Sir Cadogan said excitedly, his body was unstable, and the wooden sword he was leaning on broke with a "click" , The whole person accidentally fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Did you see that person is Professor Charles with your own eyes? Or is there something different? For example, you just looked at his face, but his words and deeds are not the same?" Morin asked.

This is very important, because Maureen knows that Polyjuice Potion can also impersonate another person. Polyjuice Potion can impersonate perfectly in all aspects, but some people's movement habits and temperament cannot be impersonated.

"I can't explain it clearly, and I don't know him well!"

Sir Cadogan got up from the ground, picked up the broken wooden sword, dipped some of his own saliva on the broken part of the wooden sword with his fingers, and the wooden sword was reattached.

Maureen really wanted to ask Sir Cadogan's saliva whether it was adhesive or something, how could it be so magical, but thinking that the wooden sword and Sir Cadogan were both in the painting, the things in the painting couldn't be logical Look at it, so I refrained from asking.

Sir Cadogan swung the wooden sword again, and frowned: "But if you put it this way, I really think there is something wrong with him, as if there is something familiar about him—like the breath of blood, yes, It's blood!"

"The breath of blood? What is that?" Mo Lin asked in surprise, "Is there blood on his hands? Did he kill someone?"

"It's not the blood you understand, it's the blood of all the people in the painting! The supreme and noble blood that flows on the people in our painting!" said Sir Cadogan.

"Oh!" Mo Lin understood: "You mean the paint and ink used for painting?"

"Please don't use such vulgar language to describe our blood."

Sir Cadogan said solemnly, "We don't call it paint or ink, it's called blood! My heroic comrade. If I can't destroy the treacherous man, I'd rather burn the blood into smoke and die with the enemy!"

"But why does Professor Charles have pigment ink on his body—er—I mean, the smell of blood." Maureen asked suspiciously.

Sir Cadogan became very serious: "Perhaps he has attacked other people in the castle, and I am not the first one! This demon with noble blood on his hands!"

Maureen couldn't figure this out. He shone with his wand and picked up his disguise hat from the ground.

"Brave comrades, take me back to the battlefield!" Sir Cadogan swung his wooden sword. "I want to go back and face that treacherous man face to face. Even if I die, I will die with great vigor!"

"No." Mo Lin shook his head, "No one will believe your words, after all you..."

Maureen originally wanted to say that Sir Cadogan was crazy, but he thought it was impolite, so he changed his words: "Many people don't understand your concept of fighting on the battlefield, don't they? They won't believe your words, let alone you still go to testify against a Professor. Do you think the Headmaster will believe you?"

Sir Cadogan challenged the students in the castle all day long, saying their own strange words. Maureen estimated that even Sir Cadogan's descendants would not want to hear him yelling, so he was thrown here.

Sir Cadogan's words were not convincing. Maureen would not foolishly carry a painting to the principal's office and say that Professor Charles was carrying out a conspiracy.

Especially since he had no idea what Professor Charles was doing.

"Shall we let treacherous people go unpunished?" said Sir Cadogan reluctantly.

"I don't know, but you can't testify against him anyway. It would be much easier if you behaved normally, at least not now, I think about it."

Maureen struggled to lift Sir Cadogan up, which was not easy, for Sir Cadogan's painting was huge, at least half his size.He dragged Sir Cadogan's painting out of the basement, and the stairs he went up were so precarious that he had to be very careful not to fall again.

"Your picture frame is too big. I'll see if I can use the shrinking spell to put you in my pocket. I haven't learned the shrinking spell yet." Molin said hesitantly while holding his wand in the hall of the shed.

"Cast your magic with confidence! I never doubt my comrades!" Sir Cadogan said righteously.

"Then I'd better practice first." Molin pulled over the broken leg of a chair next to him, tapped his wand lightly, and said in a low voice, "Shrink quickly!"

The broken leg of the chair swelled up suddenly, becoming the size of a table!

"Oh, why did it get bigger? Sorry, I only remember the spell, not the movement of the wand, how many degrees to rotate, shake or..."

While Mo Lin was thinking, the board he had magnified suddenly shattered and turned into a pile of sawdust.

Sir Cadogan gasped, and changed his words nervously: "My dear comrade-in-arms, although I won't doubt you, how about...or should we reconsider other options?"

"It doesn't matter. I learn spells very quickly, but I always fail the first time. If only I had the book. There must be movement of the wand in the book."

Mo Lin suddenly remembered the parchment: "By the way, Mr. Arnock! Fortunately, I brought a pen."

He took out a folded parchment and a pen from his pocket, and wrote on the paper: "Mr. Arnocker, what is the movement of the wand for casting the reduction spell?"

Mo Lin didn't know if Anok would see it, and he just wanted to give it a try, hoping that Anok would just discover the message he sent.

He was lucky, after 2 minutes the parchment was bouncing non-stop, he grabbed the parchment and the parchment stopped bouncing.A line of words appeared on the parchment: "Rotate 271 degrees clockwise and shake again."

"Mobile encyclopedia, awesome!"

Maureen picked up his wand again, and this time he managed to shrink the broken leg of the chair down to the size of a pen in just two tries.The reason why he learned the spell faster than others was because he was more proficient in controlling the wand than many people, and the movements of the wand were surprisingly precise.

"Alright, Sir Cadogan, I have mastered the Shrinking Curse." Molin said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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