Chapter 36 Awakening
Zhu Zhuqing squatted down slightly, stretched out a finger as white as jade, and put it on Li Aman's breath. Following the induction, his eyes enlarged slightly, and a touch of surprise appeared.

" is he?"

When Qian Renxue saw this, a wave of hope appeared on her face, and she quickly moved her lotus steps lightly while asking.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing turned around and said joyfully, "He...he is not dead, there is still hope."

Qian Renxue hurriedly quickened her pace, crouched down, and personally stretched out her crystal-clear slender fingers to sense it.

A relieved smile finally appeared on his face.

You smile so innocently~
Then he quickly lifted the beam on Li Aman's leg and threw it aside.

Holding Li Aman's body in his arms, stroking Li Aman's hair, an indescribable smile appeared on his beautiful face.

A drop of tear fell from the corner of his eye, but his face was smiling happily and joyfully like a child.

Just when Qian Renxue hugged Li Aman and smiled painfully.

The battle in the sky is also over.

Because when Qian Renxue just arrived, the Snake Lance and Blood Piercing happened to block her way.

It's not that their speed is too slow, but that they need to take a detour to surround Tang Hao.

They also didn't expect Tang Hao to run into Li Aman on the way.

After that, it's easy.

Bloodletting took out all the resentment and pierced the stilled Tang Hao's heart.

The snake spear also chopped off Tang Hao's head with one spear.

Don't give him any chance.

When Tang Hao died, there was a vindictive smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's a pity that he didn't know until he died, and Li Ah kept him from dying.

Following Tang Hao's death, Chrysanthemum Douluo stripped Tang Hao's soul bone, and the fleeting greed revealed the thoughts of several Title Douluo, but it was quickly suppressed.

Carefully put away the soul guide.

If you don't suppress it, you can't do it. With a Qiandaoliu on your head, who would dare to embezzle?
Even if Qian Renxue and Li Aman were killed, they would not be able to survive on this continent.

It's better to get more credit, so that you can ask for it later.

Following the arrival of several Title Douluo, they walked to Qian Renxue's side.

Seeing Li Aman's appearance, several people sighed in their hearts at the same time, and they didn't know how angry Bibi Dong would be when he found out.

Seeing the end of the battle of the Titled Douluo, Qian Renxue calmed down slightly, and then said:

"What about the 10-year-old soul beast?"

"Your Highness, that rabbit didn't run very far, it should have fled towards the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest."

When Ju Douluo heard this, he immediately replied that he naturally paid attention to Xiao Wu, because he had no time to pay attention to her after fighting Tang Hao.

This allowed her to escape.

"Elder Ju and Elder Gui are responsible for chasing her and bringing her back!"

When Qian Renxue heard the words, she gave some instructions, and then a princess hugged Li Aman.

"let's go."

After finishing speaking, the six wings behind him flicked slightly, and immediately flew into the sky.

She wants to take Li Aman to the nearby Wuhunzi Temple for treatment.

Only there are healing soul masters.

Ranking of all levels of Wuhundian:

Wuhundian office (village), the general person in charge is a low-level white-clothed deacon, for example, our blind fight Luo Su Yuntao belongs to the low-level white-clothed deacon.

Wuhun branch hall (county/town), the general person in charge is a senior deacon in white.

The general person in charge of Wuhunzidian (city) is Bishop Ziyi.

The main hall of Wuhun (provincial capital), the general person in charge is the bishop in black.

Spirit Temple (capital), the general person in charge is the Platinum Bishop, such as the Platinum Bishop Salas of Tiandou City
Going up is naturally the elders, and above the elders are the Holy Son, the Holy Maiden, and then the Pope.
Three days later, a city closest to that small town.

The city's Wuhunzi hall is located in the center of the city, and various soul masters are busy in an orderly manner in the branch hall.


Li Aman's eyelashes trembled slightly, followed by his fingers trembling.

Slowly opening his eyes, Li Aman gradually regained consciousness as his hazy consciousness became clear, only feeling a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

Wei Wei sat up with force, half leaning against the edge of the bed, Li Ah Man looked around.

It was a small, clean and tidy room, except for the bed, a bookshelf, a chair, and a desk.

In front of the desk is a window. Through the transparent window, you can see a few branches. The sunlight shines on the desk through the green leaves, adding a little light to the dark room.

'Where am I? '

Li Aman couldn't help thinking, then shook his head, lifted the quilt, and prepared to get out of bed.

But in an instant he was stunned.

Where's my fucking clothes? ? ?
Naked? ? ?
Also, what the hell is my space soul guide?
Who is so insane?You're all injured like that, so you still have to do it?

No, maybe Qian Renxue did it!
No way?
She shouldn't be so...

Ahem, shame!Shame!
The first time I felt nothing!
However, Li Aman found that he was facing a serious problem, how can I get up without clothes?

Li Aman touched his belly and sighed, I can't let you be wronged!

After thinking about it, he got up, dropped his bare feet to the floor, lifted the quilt, took out the bed sheet, and pulled it out with a shake.

A set of movements is clean and neat, without the slightest hesitation.

It is conceivable that this guy has done this in his previous life.

Folding the bed sheet twice, it is wrapped around his lower body, like a bath towel wrapping his lower body, revealing the distinct muscle lines.

The slightly bulging pectoral muscles are not as exaggerated as Muba, but they are not absolutely small.

Looking down, he unconsciously touched his eight-pack abs.

'Who doesn't drool when seeing this figure? '

Li Aman was a little narcissistic, and at the same time sighed and muttered: "Unfortunately, there is no mirror in this room." '

Afterwards, the guy was shirtless and walked to the window to look out.

I saw all kinds of European-style buildings outside, and there was a wide bridle path in the middle. The trees on both sides of the bridle path were luxuriant in this season.

There is a constant flow of people in the middle of the road, and various hawkers are yelling and selling their products.

'So, where are you? '

Li Aman couldn't help asking himself again, but it was obvious that this guy was the one who didn't follow common sense.

I don't know, so go out and have a look, there must be someone in this house, right?

Li Aman, who was not ashamed, strutted to the door with shirtless arms and feet, twisted the lock, and pulled the door.

Open the door and walk out. Outside the door is a long aisle, and there are other rooms on the aisle.

But it's a pity that Li Aman could tell at a glance that they were all closed.

The surrounding area was terrifyingly quiet, Li Aman frowned slightly, and then he saw a downward staircase behind the right hand side.

Going down the stairs, no one was seen on this floor.

Further down, this time Li Aman finally saw someone.I saw two young and beautiful girls standing beside the stairs chatting happily. The girls were dressed as maids.

Without thinking too much, Li Aman walked over directly.

When the two girls heard the footsteps, they stopped chatting together and looked towards the sound. Then the two girls lowered their heads with blushing faces.

I dare not look at it.

Ha~, girls are just shy, if this is an aunt, Li Aman would bet that she would comment on her.

"Ahem, may I ask, where is this?"

Li Aman doesn't care about whether you are shy or not, I just want to know where this is.

"My lord, this is the Wuhunzi Temple of Bemba City, located in the Principality of Moises."

A girl said in a low voice, and after she finished speaking, she secretly glanced at Li Aman's perfect body proportions curiously, and then her face turned even redder.

"Wuhunzidian, can you two help me get something to eat?"

Li Aman picked his ears, his only bad feeling about this continent was that the name was too strange, and he couldn't remember it, but he understood a word: Wuhunzidian.

That's okay, my own people, you're welcome.

"Yes, my lord."

The two girls said in a low voice, because the two of them didn't know Li Aman's identity, so they could only call him an adult.

Because, the few people who came with this lord, even the purple-clothed leader Hernan of the Zidian, were all respectful and respectful. It was conceivable that these few people must be incredible big shots.

 I can't stand it anymore, the third update is 2500 words

(End of this chapter)

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