Douluo: Phoenix burning sky

Chapter 323 Flame God Power Flame God Garment

Chapter 323 Flame God Power Flame God Garment
Two years later.

In the space under Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, Ma Hongjun sat cross-legged above the wings of the Fire Dragon King, with a pair of huge wings that were more than three meters behind, completely spread out.

There are mysterious lines on the wings of the phoenix on Ma Hongjun's back, shining with a unique brilliant light. If someone is here at this time, they will find that the lines on Ma Hongjun's back wings are somewhat similar to the lines on the wings of the Fire Dragon King. It looks like a miniature version of the Fire Dragon King's flame pattern.

As for the God of Killing Domain pattern and the Phoenix Domain pattern on Ma Hongjun's phoenix wings, it is basically difficult to find it on Ma Hongjun's phoenix wings at this moment.

After Ma Hongjun started to condense the flame divine pattern, the first thing that the flame divine pattern took action was the Phoenix domain, which is also a rule of the fire attribute. Ma Hongjun's Phoenix domain was obtained from the soul ring of the phoenix, and naturally it was not the Fire Dragon King. The opponent of the Phoenix Divine Pattern.

Facing the offensive of the flame god's pattern, and Ma Hongjun's continuous improvement of the flame god's pattern, the phoenix domain didn't persist for too long, so it directly surrendered and directly became a part of the flame god's pattern.

On the basis of the patterns in the Phoenix Domain, Ma Hongjun soon engraved a part of the flame god pattern on his wings.

In addition, because the energy here is extremely rich, the speed of soul power cultivation can basically offset Ma Hongjun's soul power consumption, allowing Ma Hongjun to condense the flame god pattern almost endlessly.

In the fusion of the phoenix domain, the flame divine power contained in the flame god pattern began to charge against the killing god domain.

The killing god domain is different from the phoenix domain. It is not a regular domain of fire attributes. In the gradual improvement of the flame god pattern, the killing power contained in the killing god domain is constantly being expelled. Ma Hongjun's phoenix wings represent the killing power. Immediately, the lines in the domain of the gods gradually faded, and in the end, only the last imprint remained. No matter how the flame power drove it away, it was always stubbornly attached to the wings.

In the past two years, Ma Hongjun's current flame divine pattern has almost condensed with the assistance of the abundant power of ice and fire here.Ma Hongjun reckoned that probably only today would be able to completely condense the flame divine pattern.

Ma Hongjun guessed before that as long as he condenses the divine pattern, he can become a god, and today it can be verified.

Ma Hongjun felt that with the condensing of the flame divine pattern, besides the deeper comprehension of the flame, his soul power was undergoing some kind of inexplicable evolution.

During these two years, Ma Hongjun devoted all his training time to condensing the flame divine pattern.

But just like that, Ma Hongjun's soul power has now been raised to a terrifying level of 98, and the fact that Ma Hongjun's soul power can improve so quickly must be the Sea God's assessment rewards that come from Ma Hongjun's mind from time to time.

And the source of these rewards was the corresponding rewards Ma Hongjun received after Lei Ming and the others completed the assessment on Sea God Island.And it was these news of rewards one after another that also let Ma Hongjun know that Lei Ming and the others had experienced very well on Sea God Island so far.

At the same time, it was precisely these rewards that allowed Ma Hongjun to break through to the terrifying level of 98, even though he hadn't specially cultivated his soul power in the past two years.

In addition, the 360 ​​five soul cores in Ma Hongjun's body have not yet formally formed, and now there are only less than a hundred.

Ma Hongjun took a deep breath, feeling the state in his body, once again speeding up the operation of the Fen Jue in his body, for a moment, a terrifying suction burst out from Ma Hongjun's body, quickly absorbing the energy of the entire space.

Replenished with all these energies, Ma Hongjun at this moment raised his spirit to the fullest, and the enormous soul power flowed into the wings on his back, drawing out the last touch of the flame divine pattern.

At this moment, a powerful energy erupted from Ma Hongjun's body in an instant. Ma Hongjun's soul power was completely evolved at this moment. Accompanied by the fluctuation of the flame god pattern, it became more and more vigorous and powerful, and evolved into a real soul power. Flame divine power.

Under the suppression of the divine power of the flames, the divine patterns on the wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon Kings completely dimmed. In the entire space, there was no longer the power of ice and fire before, and there was only the extreme fire that was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun felt that he was now the master of the flames, no matter where the flames were, no matter what kind of flames they were, they could become the power under Ma Hongjun's control.

Not only that, Ma Hongjun even had a clear realization, as if everything in the world is made of flames, at least according to the rules of Ma Hongjun's Flame God's Domain.

With Ma Hongjun's thought, a faint distortion appeared in the space immediately, a seemingly endless flame energy gushed out from the void, and finally all of it was poured into Ma Hongjun's body.

At the same time, all the soul bones in Ma Hongjun's body at this time were all floating out of Ma Hongjun's body. Under the circulation of the flame power, all the soul bones in Ma Hongjun's body began to evolve towards the divine attire.

The golden mist filled the air, and the first thing to change was Ma Hongjun's external spirit bone and phoenix wings.

The phoenix's wings spread, and a strong golden-red light mist rose from around Ma Hongjun. As the light and mist became thicker, Ma Hongjun's phoenix wings gradually became more colorful at this moment. golden shine.

The second one to evolve is the torso bone of the dragon connected to the wings of the phoenix. The torso bone of the magic dragon originally belonged to the god-level soul bone. From within, the originally dark golden spirit bone gradually transformed into a unified golden red at this moment.

The flame divine pattern spread down from the wings of the phoenix, covering the torso of the dragon, and gradually changed the shape of the torso of the dragon, turning it into a breastplate protecting Ma Hongjun's upper body.

And when the dragon's torso bone completely turned into a breastplate, the flame god pattern centered on the breastplate and began to spread towards Ma Hongjun's limbs.

Among the soul bones of the limbs, the first one to change was Ma Hongjun's right leg bone of the Hellfire Ghost Bird. This was the first soul bone obtained by Ma Hongjun, and it was also the only one among Ma Hongjun's six soul bones. A fire attribute soul bone.

Now under the transformation of the flame divine power, it is also very smooth, the dark red soul bone, along with the spread of the flame divine pattern, has gradually become the armor of Ma Hongjun's right leg.

The next thing that changed was Qianjun Ant Emperor's left leg bone. Without any accident, it also turned into a golden-red left leg armor. When these two leg bones completed the transformation, a brilliant ray of light burst from the belly armor. The parts spread out and slowly became solidified, turning into a battle skirt, perfectly connecting the soft armor formed by the soul bones of Ma Hongjun's legs and the breastplate and belly armor formed by the torso bones.

 I've been a little busy recently, and I don't have a lot of time. In addition, this book is almost finished now. I think, in the future, I will update it every day, adjust it, and update [-] words a day, which is two chapters. The update time will be in the afternoon and In the evening and at noon, I was really in a hurry, and I was a little too busy.I hope you will forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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