Supreme God System

Chapter 229 Attack on Rakshasa Street

Chapter 229 Attack on Rakshasa Street

"Xiao Liang, be careful..."

Hearing that Cao Xuanliang wanted to go out alone, Xia Ling couldn't help but look worried, and said to Cao Xuanliang.

Originally, Xia Ling also wanted to go out with Cao Xuanliang, but she thought that although she became a spirit host, she couldn't take the initiative to summon the guardian spirit at all.

Moreover, my own guardian spirit is still the kind that does not work from time to time, what if it falls off the chain?
Thinking of the strength Cao Xuanliang showed before, Xia Ling still felt that it would be better for her not to go out with her. If the enemy is very strong, then going out by herself would become a burden.

Cao Xuanliang walked out of the room, but before he had gone far, a harsh and sharp sound of wind came into Cao Xuanliang's ears, and Cao Xuanliang's expression suddenly changed.

I saw a spear cut through the space like a sharp arrow, and shot toward Cao Xuanliang's chest with a whistling sound.

And Cao Xuanliang's physical fitness is only at the level of Zhonghe. To be more specific, he is in the middle stage of the lower level of Xuanzong, and is several times stronger than the average person.

However, with the speed at which the spear shoots out, even a person in the late stage of the middle-level mysterious position may be shot if they don't notice it for a while.

Facing the spear attack, Cao Xuanliang had no time to dodge.

"Lord be careful!"

Tang Liuyu, who was in Cao Xuanliang's soul space, sensed Cao Xuanliang's crisis, let out a loud shout, disappeared into the soul space, and appeared in front of Cao Xuanliang.


As soon as he appeared in front of Cao Xuanliang, Tang Liuyu kept shaking his hands, shooting silver steel needles one inch long from his hands.

bang bang bang...

The steel needles hit the spear that was shooting straight towards Cao Xuanliang with incomparable accuracy, bursts of sparks splashed, and with a bang, the spear lost its forward momentum and fell towards the ground.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

Seeing that the crisis was temporarily lifted, Cao Xuanliang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, frowning tightly, with a cold face, holding the dart tightly in both hands, and looked around.

On one side, Tang Liuyu stood quietly beside Cao Xuanliang, his eyes were covered by a black cloth, and his ears moved slightly, taking in all the sounds around him.


At this moment, five masked men in black clothes and bamboo hats jumped up with long knives in their hands, and flew to the wall of the Cao family compound, looking at Cao Xuanliang and Tang Liuyu coldly.


A masked man let out a low drink, jumped up, and rushed towards Cao Xuanliang like a tiger preying on him.

The other four masked men kicked their feet and jumped up. Together with the masked man in front, they rushed towards Cao Xuanliang quickly, with a strong killing intent in their eyes.

"My brother said that anyone who trespasses without authorization will be killed without mercy!"

Looking at the five masked men rushing towards him, Cao Xuanliang had a cold expression and said coldly. With a flick of his hands, the two darts in his hands shot towards the masked man in the front.


Tang Liuyu on the side heard Cao Xuanliang's words, and responded coldly, twisted his hands and five fingers quickly, and shook both hands, dozens of steel needles shot towards the masked man.


"It seems that the Linghuai branch has matured today!"

At the same time, at the outermost part of Luocha Street, Jiang Yang felt the aura and evil spirits of the surrounding world rushing towards the center, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Since the locust tree branch is about to mature, it's time to act!"

With thoughts in his mind, Jiang Yang put his hands in his pockets, and with a faint smile on his mouth, he walked slowly towards the center of Luocha Street.

With a happy expression, the speed is neither too fast nor too slow, and he moves forward step by step, as if he is taking a walk.

When Jiang Yang walked to almost the middle of Luocha Street, two masked men holding bronze long swords stood on the roof more than 20 meters away and looked at Jiang Yang suddenly.

After staring at Jiang Yang for two seconds, the two masked men flashed, jumped up, and disappeared instantly. Murderous intent appeared in their eyes, and they rushed towards Jiang Yang.

Their mission is to kill all outsiders who enter Rakshasa Street.

But Jiang Yang was still smiling, walking slowly and unhurriedly forward.

It seemed that the two masked men were not found rushing towards them at all.

The cultivation bases of the two masked men are both at the late stage of the middle-level mysterious rank, and they are among the best among the grassroots members of the kingdom organization, although they are not the highest.

As long as the cultivation base can break through to Hell Dao·Jiaore, that is, the level of the lower-level spiritual position, one can become a high-level figure in the kingdom, a figure who truly holds real power.

However, as a foreigner, the possibility of breaking through to Hell Dao Burning Heat is less than one in ten thousand.

Therefore, in the spiritual realm, the real masters are the spiritual beings, while strangers basically join the major forces in the spiritual realm and become a member of it.

In just seven or eight seconds, the two masked men had arrived less than five meters in front of Jiang Yang. Their figures did not stop at all, and the tip of the long sword in their hands pointed straight at Jiang Yang's throat and heart. stabbed in the past.

"Why come here and give me points!"

Looking at the two masked men rushing towards him, a gleam flashed in Jiang Yang's eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, mourning for the two masked men for a while.

While his thoughts were turning, Jiang Yang's thoughts moved, and countless golden beams of light emerged in the surrounding space, instantly enveloping Jiang Yang, and the light disappeared in a flash, and the emperor's armor appeared on his body.

After spending a thousand points, with the help of the system, Jiang Yang refined all the enhancement pills in an instant, and his cultivation base increased to the late half-step Xuanwei stage.

As long as he breaks through again, Jiang Yang will be able to get rid of the mortal body, enter the realm of Xuanwei, and step into a new small world!

Now, after combining the Emperor's Armor, the strength of the Emperor's Armor has reached the early stage of the upper-level Mysterious Position, and has directly entered the upper-level Mysterious Position from the Intermediate Mysterious Position.

The higher the cultivation level, the increase in strength of the Emperor's Armor is also slowly decreasing. It's nothing now. When Jiang Yang enters the realm of Xuanzu, the span of the increase in strength will not be so much.

However, with the strength of the Emperor's Armor at the early stage of the Higher Profound Position, they are basically invincible at the same level. of Jiangyang.

Moreover, this is still the most basic form of the Emperor's Armor. Once transformed into the ultimate Emperor's Armor mode, the strength will skyrocket again, although it will not break through to the lower-level spiritual position.

However, the emperor's armor transformed into the ultimate emperor's armor mode will allow Jiang Yang to achieve true invincibility under the lower spiritual levels in all lower universes.

Even ordinary people in the early stages of lower-level spiritual realms, those who are weaker, may be killed by Jiang Yang, who is wearing the ultimate emperor's armor, in a short time.

Therefore, Jiang Yang has no fear of these guys. As for the high-level guardian spirits of those who send spirits, Jiang Yang said that this is the world of Zhenhun Street.

Guardian spirits, of course, have guardian spirits to deal with them. Those guardian spirits that are so powerful that Jiangyang cannot match them, let their own guardian spirit Ximen Chuuxue deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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