Supreme God System

Chapter 263 Divine Dragon

Chapter 263 Divine Dragon
dragon island

Shenlong Island is located in the sea area at the edge of the Central Plains. There are hundreds of families living on the island. They have lived on Shenlong Island for generations. Except for a few people who will leave the island, most of them will never leave the island until they die.

The people on the island call their lineage the Shui Clan, because the people living on Shenlong Island shoulder a sacred mission from birth.

That is the Guardian Dragon.

And they always believed that the dragon was also protecting them.

At this time, the residents on the island are farming happily. On the small road, children are playing in groups, and the immature children's voice like silver bells is like a clear and sweet stream, which makes people feel happy.

boom boom boom

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly, causing everyone on the island to be slightly taken aback, and they all stopped their work, with different expressions on their faces.

As the ground trembled slightly, suddenly there was a dull roar that contained strange majesty, and all the faces on the island turned to one side, revealing a hint of joy.

"It's the Shenlong, the Shenlong is about to appear!"

"The dragon has appeared, auspiciousness descended from heaven!"

"My God, I can actually see Shenlong in my lifetime, am I dreaming!"


"Why do I feel something is wrong with Shenlong's voice?"

In a wooden house in the center of the village, an old man wearing commoners, with a face full of wrinkles and white hair, suddenly frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

This old man is the head of the village, or the head of the Shui tribe.

In his life, he has seen Shenlong several times, and the first few times when he saw Shenlong, they were all at the time of sacrifice.

The guardian of Shenlong, Shenlong Island, blesses their family to prosper, so in order to repay Shenlong, a certain patriarch of the Shui tribe discussed with the whole clan, and finally set a day for sacrifice.

And this day, in the eyes of the people of the Shui Tribe, is the most important time in their lives.

On the day of sacrifice, 24 years is a cycle.

Now time flies, time flies, and a new 24-year cycle is coming.

Therefore, in order to raise enough sacrifices for Shenlong, everyone on the island started to take action a few months ago, going out to sea to catch fish and hunting on the island.

As the most senior and oldest person in the Shui Tribe, the old man has also experienced several sacrifices in the past.

The old man remembered clearly the sound of Shenlong every time he appeared on the day of sacrifice, so after hearing the cry of Shenlong, the old man's first reaction was surprise.

Because, before he died, he could still see the last side of Shenlong, which was a great comfort to the old man, and it was also the best gift Shenlong gave him.

Because, Shenlong is his lifelong belief.

But then the old man realized something was wrong, because there seemed to be other emotions contained in Shenlong's cry this time.

island center
In a huge mountain peak, there is a huge cave with a width and height of ten meters.

Entering along the entrance of the cave, the depth of the cave is unfathomable, and the light can be clearly seen outside the entrance of the cave, and the light becomes lower as you go inside.

After more than ten meters, if it is an ordinary person, it will basically become blind immediately, and you can't see your fingers. There are only a few small stones with faint light around the wall.

Suddenly there was another deafening roar, the space trembled, the surrounding mountains kept shaking, and clods of soil and mud kept falling from the top of the cave.

At the end of the cave is a huge space with countless stalactites hanging on the top of the cave.

All the stalactites are light blue in color, look like blue crystals, exuding a light white mist.

blah blah blah...

Drops of water condensed on the tip of the stalactite, and when the mass reached the level of being attracted by gravity, it broke away from the stalactite and fell downward.

Below the cave is a huge pool of water, covered with a thick layer of white mist, which floats slowly, giving people a strange and ethereal feeling.

Suddenly, a huge head protruded from the white mist. In the yellow eyes, which were about the size of an adult's head, there were two golden vertical pupils with a little bit of green, which made people feel chills.

With the appearance of the huge head, the white mist covering the water pool continued to squirm, and a giant beast slowly floated up from the water pool.

After a while, the whole body of the giant beast was exposed in the space.

Horns like a deer, head like a cow, mouth like a donkey, ears like an elephant, scales like a fish, belly like a snake, feet like a phoenix...

It has two horns on its head, its golden scales are shining, and it is surrounded by a layer of light yellow cyclone, exuding a strong aura of majesty.

This is Shenlong, one of the four great beasts in Fengyun World, and the most powerful existence in Fengyun World that Jiang Yang knows.

Even Di Shitian Xu Fu, who devoured the blood of the phoenix, lived for a thousand years, and had unfathomable skills, was still no match for Shenlong.

And that god, the ancestor of Bu Jingyun, who created Mo Ke Wuliang, compared with Di Shitian and Xu Fu, no one can say for sure who is more powerful.

If you count carefully from the strength of martial arts, Mo Ke Wuliang can be said to be the most powerful martial arts in Fengyun World.

Perhaps, God is more powerful than Shakti.

However, in Fengyun's TV series and movies, God does not seem to have appeared.

Therefore, in Jiang Yang's cognition, Shenlong is the most powerful existence.

After the whole body was exposed to the pool, Shenlong's eyes revealed humanized rage, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

After roaring, Shenlong slowly circled around the cave, plunged into the pool from time to time, and then flew out again.

In the sky [-] meters away from Shenlong Island, a golden light was like a meteor, piercing the sky and disappearing instantly, followed by a long tail of light.

"Lord God, how long will it take?"

As he approached Shenlong Island, the main god could slowly locate the location of Shenlong, so Jiang Yang asked the main god.

"Master, we'll be there soon. According to the powerful energy coordinates I detected, at the current speed, we should be able to arrive in 5 minutes!"

After hearing Jiang Yang's inquiry, the Lord God was silent for two seconds, then his body flashed slightly and his voice rang out.

"All right!"

Hearing the main god's answer, Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows, nodded slightly, and with a thought, the energy of the surrounding sun's light was continuously sucked into the emperor's horse.

There was an explosion, and a surging shock wave shot out from behind the emperor horse, and the flying speed increased a lot.

As Jiang Yang continued to approach Shenlong Island, the Shenlong in the cave became more and more irritable, and the frequency of howling was also increasing.

It seems that, in the dark, Shenlong seems to have sensed something!
(End of this chapter)

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