Chapter 16
The movement here has already attracted many students to watch.

Xian Yu even accidentally saw a boy with silver-white hair and a boy with melon skin in the crowd.

"What? Want to fight?"

He wanted to breathe out for Beiliu a long time ago, wishing that the other party would strike first.

Seeing the arrogant look of the boy opposite, Tuoye went completely crazy!
"Bastard! I want to let you know what happens if you don't respect your seniors!"

As he said that, Tuo Ye came to Xian Yu's side in a flash, and a gust of wind rushed towards him.

"Wow! It's so despicable, to bully a junior and still use a sneak attack!"

This was a private discussion among many ninja school students who were watching.

Facing the oncoming fist, Xian Yu didn't make any big movements, but moved his right foot a step back, turned to one side, and dodged Tuoye's attack calmly.

"Slow too slow!"

Tuo Ye's seemingly fierce attack was like slow motion in front of Xian Yu today.

In terms of physical skills, there is probably no student in the entire ninja school who can be his opponent.

After all, there is such a heaven-defying existence as Lingmi.


Tuo Ye heard the discussion around him, some said that he sneaked up on his junior, it was despicable.

Seeing that his attack was easily dodged, he was completely angry now!

"I was afraid of hurting you just now, I didn't try my best"

However, just halfway through Tuo Ye's words, Xian Yu's figure in front of him disappeared, and immediately after he felt a sharp pain in his face, he flew out.
"Brother was punched flying?" Nao Inuzuka covered her small mouth with one hand, her face full of disbelief.

This Xian Yu, who has never been considered very good in the class, is so strong?Brother
Only Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Matt Dai were not surprised at all.

"Xianyu Lord" Bei Liuhu had tears in his eyes, he knew that Xianyu was venting his anger for himself.

"Bastard." Tuoye clutched his stomach, and struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes were about to burst into flames, staring at the scarred boy who looked at him calmly in front of him.

"Aomaru! Imitation Beast Ninja - Four-legged technique!"

Seeing that the other party even showed his housekeeping skills, Xian Yu's expression became a little serious.

In terms of physical skills, with his current physical strength, he can completely crush the opponent.

However, the imitation beast ninja of the Inuzuka clan is still a little threatening to him now.

In order to solve troubles quickly, he is unwilling to get into a dogfight.

I saw him put his left hand in his trouser pocket, touched his chin with his right hand, thought for a second and then sighed helplessly: "It's a little troublesome. Oh, just let me beat you up obediently. If that's the case, then"

Seeing that Takuno and his ninja dog Qingmaru were on all fours, sharp and slender nails slowly grew out.Xian Yu smiled wryly and shook his head.

Squatting down, he pressed the ground with one hand: "Psychic art, come out, Bai Xiaoqi!"

Almost at the same time that Inuzuka Takuno was charging forward, a circle of mysterious black runes with a radius of two meters quickly appeared on the ground that Xian Yu was pressing with one hand, and then the huge figure of the three-tailed fox Bai Xiaoqi appeared.

"Are you kidding me? With this level of psychics, is he really a ninja school student?" All the people present opened their mouths wide, showing horror.

Today's three-tailed fox Bai Xiaoqi, due to long-term consumption of Lingmi, has a body length of more than three meters. Just lying on the ground, he has a height of 1.6 meters. It is not comparable to the turnip heads present. He is already a war giant. beast!Those sharp fox claws seemed to be glowing with a gloomy cold light, and those ferocious fangs were even more intimidating!And the thick three tails, as terrifying as a boa constrictor!
"Jiraiya, Orochimaru, if anyone dares to run, stop them for me. Xiao Qi, except for that girl, everyone else will be beaten to the ground by me, as long as they don't get killed!" Xian Yu said in satisfaction After looking at Bai Xiaoqi for a few times, he ordered viciously.

"Hey, I've been displeased with these guys for a long time." Zilai also rubbed his fists cheerfully.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xian Yu, none of them can escape." Orochimaru responded calmly.

"Hey~ You are finally willing to summon me. I obey, Master Yu." Bai Xiaoqi was very excited. Since he had a short fight with Danzo that day, he hid in the summoning beast space and was locked in the dark summoning space. Apart from practicing every day, the only joy is eating Lingmi, which almost drives him crazy.

Inuzuka Takuno still maintains the imitation beast ninja, but he no longer has the courage to attack.The whole person was trembling.

Just kidding!Just kidding!I must be dreaming. How could this brat channel a ninja beast of this level!

Even if they haven't fought directly, no one will doubt the fighting power of this huge fox just because of Bai Xiaoqi's terrifying body shape.This is definitely not something they can overcome now, even if they go together, they will not have the slightest chance!

"Little devil, don't bully people too much!" Inuzuka Takuno gritted his teeth, holding back his trembling legs, seeing Aomaru who was also trembling beside him, feeling ruthless in his heart, and then faced the front face desperately. The giant fox charged.

"Courage is commendable." Bai Xiaoqi pouted, waving his paw casually as if slapping a mosquito.

The next moment, with a "snap", Inuzuka Takuno was shot flying out, smashed hard on the wall more than ten meters away, and passed out.

Immediately after Bai Xiaoqi's three tails were thrown out, Qingmaru, a ninja dog the size of an adult wolf in battle form, narrowly avoided the blows of two fox tails, and was strangled by the last huge tail that struck, Can't move.

Feeling the tighter and tighter the fox tail that strangled him, Ninja Dog Qingmaru first glanced at his master's miserable appearance, then turned his eyes white, and passed out.The whole set of movements took less than half a second skillfully.

With a slight smile on Bai Xiaoqihu's face, he muttered: He is much more intelligent than your master.

Then, without further embarrassment, he let go of the green pill.

Qingwan, who fell limply on the ground, rolled her eyes and lay motionless on the ground... The acting was extremely realistic...

Seeing that Inuzuka Takuno couldn't even catch the fox's blow, the ninja dog Qingmaru also "doesn't know if he is alive or dead." The other six third-grade students immediately turned into birds and beasts.

However, at this time, Xianyu, Jiraiya and Dashewan also had sex!

Sakumo and Hiruho, who were watching the battle from a distance, and Nao Inuzuka, who was running towards his brother in the middle of the field, were surprised to find that these dignified third-year seniors were almost powerless against the three of Xianyu. They were beaten to the ground one by one with three punches and two legs, and then they were lifted back like chickens.

"Not bad, it seems that it has barely reached the strength of a ninja, but as a large ninja beast, its role on the battlefield and in group attacks far exceeds that of ninjas of the same level." "Seniors" beat up one by one, leaving only Nao Inuzuka, a girl squatting beside her unconscious brother trembling.Xian Yu suddenly felt guilty for being a villain.

But let alone, this feeling of bullying the weak is pretty cool.
(End of this chapter)

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