Naruto Treasure Box System

Chapter 182 Visit of the Wuyin Village Mission (Monthly Ticket Plus)

Chapter 182 Visit of the Wuyin Village Mission (Monthly Ticket Plus)

"Well, okay. And this one, you, Sakura, Ayumi, Kikyo, each one. Put the rest in Xiao Qi's room." Xian Yu signed the list and took a copy After the small snack gift box.

When Xiao Nai heard this, a look of surprise appeared on Xiao Nai's face.

"Thank you sir!"

After the little girl thanked her, she happily ran away with six boxes of snacks and a list.

This signed form, Xiao Nai needs to take it out and return it to Xiao Luobotou, and bring it back to the Internet cafe to keep a receipt.

Internet cafes rely on these receipts to get money from their partners.


In other words, after deducting the cost of 455 taels from the total of 245 taels, a delivery fee of 45.5 taels will be deducted.

What Saeko really earned was 164.5 taels.

In this emerging business opportunity, the first batch of people who eat crabs always make a lot of money.Even if part of the delivery fee was taken away by Xingxin Internet Cafe, they still made a lot of money.

Not counting Xianyu's order, just the rough calculations posted by Saeko's circle of friends later.

Actually, the income exceeded 500 taels a day.

Speaking of the carrot heads of Xingxin Internet Cafe,
Even the door of Uchiha is open for them, let alone other families.

What about those places that are really inconvenient to enter?
Just like Xianyu's residence, the patriarch's main courtyard.

Then hand it over to the clan sentry tower guards.Delivered in person by the guards!
Because of these inconvenient places, the status of the consignee is often high.The guards have to give it away unconditionally!
As a result, a courier industry that was limited to the interior of the village and only Xingxin Internet Cafe could do was born.
In the past half month alone, after deducting the salary increases and bonuses of the little radishheads, Xian Yu earned an additional 130 million taels!
Even Xian Yu himself didn't expect that express delivery could make so much money.
With the connection of fruit machine mobile games and computer online games, the number of users of Ninja Legend has skyrocketed.What followed was that the income of Internet cafes also increased significantly.

Now Xingxin's monthly net income from Internet cafes, express delivery, internet fees, and catering has increased from the original 200 million to 460 million.

In addition, the weapons shop in the Kingdom of Waves has a stable monthly income of around 50 taels.

Xianyu's monthly income reached a terrifying 500 million taels.

"The Internet is really a golden mountain. When the research and development plan at Beiliuhu is completed, I'm afraid I will really have to count the money until my hands cramp." Thinking of this, Xian Yu felt a sense of joy of becoming a capitalist.

The Beiliuhu Scientific Research Department is currently developing several projects, such as an online game trading platform, a novel reading website for a fee, and so on.

The technology of this kind of website platform itself is not difficult, but there are still some problems in currency transactions.In terms of data confidentiality and technical firewalls, further breakthroughs are needed.

Even if it is the transfer of Weichat, it is only dared to try it out because it is limited to the village. If there is a problem, it is still under control.

After all, it is still very different from the previous life.

For a certain treasure and certain letter in the previous life, the funds were transferred through the bank.Can be realized at any time.

At present, Xingxin Internet Cafe is more like, you turned your money into game currency.

Shopping is possible, but cashing out is not supported.

In terms of technology, there is a huge difference.

If you really want to spread the situation in the future.At that time, it will be necessary to separate the independent network technology department, supervision department, bank terminal, network platform, and so on.

Even for delivery, there must be an independent courier company and delivery unit.

"Huh? This girl is really worrying." Xian Yu suddenly let out a sound of surprise.

Because after he opened the small gift box, he found that the snacks inside were still a little warm.

Soon, he noticed that there was a layer of thermal insulation paint inside the gift box.

"It's all freshly made. Try the little girl's craftsmanship." Thinking of this, Xian Yu stretched out two fingers to pick up a Konoha bean.


"It's quite fragrant and crisp."

After tasting all the snacks, Xian Yu couldn't help thinking how happy Bai Xiaoqi, a foodie, would be when he saw the snacks in the house.

Thinking about it, I still have a little expectation.

It is estimated that even Bai Xiaoqi with a tricky mouth would like it.

It is said that Xiao Nai came out of her young master's room, temporarily put six small gift boxes in the hall, and hurried all the way to the gate of the main courtyard.

Twenty meters outside the gate, there is a towering tower.

It was the No. 7 sentry tower where Shimura was stationed.

Generally, there are ninjas stationed in important places.

In important places like the patriarch's main courtyard, ancestral temple, money bank, and secret scroll attic, sentry towers will be built nearby.

Not to mention people from foreign races, even members of the same clan are not allowed to approach without permission.

The No. 7 sentry tower is one of the sentry towers guarding the main courtyard, and it is the warning area responsible for the entrance and exit of the courtyard.

At this time, a little boy about 11 years old and a little girl of six or seven years old were waiting under the tower.

And around them, there were five heavily armed ninjas staring at them.

"Xiao Xu, here." Xiao Nai came to the boy and handed over the note signed by Xian Yu.

This boy named Xiaoxu is the child in Nonaiyu Orphanage.

Due to the recent business expansion, almost all of the more than 200 children in the orphanage were sent out except for those who were too young.

Xiaoxu took the note with a smile, and smiled sweetly at her: "Thank you, sister Xiaonai. Then I'll go back."

"Be careful on the road." Xiao Nai instructed with some concern.

"Know it."

After getting the signature form, he took the little girl beside him and left.

A little boy's voice was faintly heard: "Sister, don't be afraid. We are members of Xingxin Internet Cafe, and the guards will not harm us. Follow me for a few more runs, and you can send it yourself after you get used to it."

"Well, my sister also wants to make money to buy delicious food for my brother."

With the departure of the two children, the figures of the five ninjas under the sentry tower gradually disappeared.

They are Xian Yu's [-] personal guards, who are currently in charge of guarding and guarding the main courtyard.

There are more than a dozen such watchtowers surrounding the main courtyard.

They are all in charge of peripheral security.

There are also two shifts in the courtyard.

The work of guarding is extremely boring and boring, and ninjas often have to lurk in one place for a whole day.

It is not as joyful as Naruto doing the task in the original book.

Perhaps, so-called ninjas.It's just some people who have the endurance beyond ordinary people.

The sun gradually went down, and the time came to evening.

Except for the invisible dark whistle around the sentry tower, there are only two ninjas standing like statues on the tower.

From time to time, he would turn his vision vigilantly because of the disturbance around him.

At the same time, outside Starfire City, a group of twelve ninjas wearing forehead protectors with four small wave patterns slowly appeared on the horizon.

They were escorting two carriages, and judging from the depth of the wheel marks, it seemed that there were a lot of things in them.

The leader was a 17-year-old girl in a black off-the-shoulder leather jacket.

She wore a string of small bells on each wrist, and she was riding on a handsome little black horse. As the horse ran and bumped, the crisp sound of the bells could be heard along the way.

At a young age, the waves are rolling. It can be seen that it is extraordinary.

Isn't it that Mizunazuki Xiyan?
(End of this chapter)

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