Naruto Treasure Box System

Chapter 277 The pressure surges

Chapter 277 The pressure surges
In fact, Xian Yu's behavior style has changed quite a lot recently.

At the end of the day, it's what's happening on the web.

Due to the newly launched video shooting function of Weichat some time ago, which coincided with the outbreak of the epidemic, some real people who have been circulating on the Internet during this period are really sad.

Although the ninja world is cruel, ninjas are powerful in personal force.But that is also for the livelihood of the people.

Whether it's a ninja world war or a small-scale conflict with ninja missions.In the final analysis, it is still to fight for resources and protect the people of one side.

If according to Xian Yu's original mentality, of course everything should focus on improving one's own strength.But something was softening his heart.

Due to the ravages of the R virus, almost all production industries in the ninja world have been paralyzed.There is a severe shortage of labor, and what follows is a difficult time for those who have lost their source of income.

Today's WeChat circle of friends has become the only means of communication for many people who are forced to stay at home and cannot go out.

Recently, there have been a lot of help-seeking posts in Weichat Moments.

A couple from far away in Frost City, the land of snow, asked for help on Weichat Moments. Both of them were infected, and there was only a six-year-old daughter at home.

This circle of friends was posted by them before they were quarantined.

I saw the young mother crying bitterly in front of the camera, begging for someone to take care of her daughter's three meals a day.
However, in the end, they didn't get any help.

People who saw this circle of friends were touched in their hearts.But people avoid people infected with R virus, who would dare to take in this little girl?

I can only sigh, intentionally but powerlessly.

When seeing this circle of friends forwarded by Saeko, Xianyu couldn't help but think of a sentence from his previous life.

The people are suffering so deeply that they can't say anything.There was only one long sigh.

He really wanted to help this little girl, but now, everything he saw was the hardships of the world.How many can he save?

In Linshui City near Yangxi Village, there was a stall owner who opened a barbecue restaurant and posted it on Moments.

A photo of an empty kebab shop with no customers.No one came to eat, and the ingredients had to be sold at a low price.

The worst thing is the poultry farmers. Groups of chickens and ducks can only be buried alive.Because according to the notifications from the five major countries, the disease probably came from poultry animals.

Small and medium-sized industries have declared bankruptcy one after another. If the epidemic continues, how many industries can continue to exist?All this seems far away from ordinary people.

But the consequences that follow will ultimately have to be paid by every ordinary person.

Jobs are hard to find, wages are plummeting and prices are skyrocketing.

A woman once cried to a friend in a WeChat chat.

Her husband is a carriage driver, and now everyone is hiding at home and afraid to go out, and all unofficial freight has also stopped.Seeing that there was not enough feed, even the horses were about to starve to death.Without business, the family didn't know what to do.

Some people even kept calling for help, saying that they and their families had no excess savings and were now trapped in the rental house every day.In the past, I could rely on going out to do odd jobs, do coolies, and earn some money to support my family.But now even if they go out to get work at the risk, there is no work to do at all.

Seeing that the family can only squat at home waiting to die, there is despair and helplessness between the lines.

Following Shimura Kikyo to the warehouse, he saw boxes of bank notes neatly arranged.Xian Yu suddenly felt that the sum of money in front of him was so heavy.

Every tael of the 3000 million taels of donations comes from the blood and sweat of the people.

This money seems to have allowed him to open the golden treasure chest.He couldn't help being ashamed of the idea that had crossed his mind.

Maybe he can directly rely on this money to develop some even more heaven-defying ability to reach the shadow level.

But thinking about the netizens who watched the tragic video of the wave country and squeezed out donations from their teeth, he still gave up the idea.

Not to mention that this fundraising for Xianyu Technology is only for publicity purposes. The real sponsor is the Fire Nation official, and the amount of money and materials must be checked with Lei Poer one by one.

Just the bottom line of being a human being, you can't pass it.

Although Gore City is a bottomless pit, he spent a lot of effort and money to get in.But those millions of people can survive until now, thanks to the efforts of Mo's incarnation Ye Xiao, Lei Poer, and many ministers, guards, and volunteers.

"Have all the procedures been completed?" Xian Yu asked in a deep voice.

Seeming to have sensed the emotions of his young patriarch, Shimura Kikyo was not mischievous this time, nodded and said: "It is announced that the supplies have been delivered to the country of Nami."

In fact, whether it was the change of power in Gore City before or the current support operations, Xian Yu has always been lurking behind the scenes and has not come to the front.

After Lei Poer took power, he issued a statement to the five major countries. This was an internal integration initiated by the name of Lei Pole himself.

The same is true for this fundraising. The request for assistance initiated by Lei Poer to the Land of Fire, Xianyu Technology Network Company only played a publicity role.

But in fact, the exchange of this batch of money and materials was still purchased by Xianyu in the system store.

After all, with the current price, the system store can be said to be a conscientious merchant!

The system store sells 5 taels of polished rice for 10 catty, while the outside world sells it for [-] taels per catty of low-quality rice.

15 taels a catty of Xiao Mao is used for fumigation. The original market price was 8 taels, but now it is sold for 80 taels.

35 taels of baby ginseng, clearing heat and relieving cough, replenishing qi and invigorating the spleen, promoting body fluid and moistening the lungs.Today's market price is 300-500 taels.

From this alone, it can be seen that although the government tried its best to balance the price of food, it was also unable to stop the increasing price of some tonics, good medicines, and luxury goods.

"Oh, it's still a drop in the bucket." After making a rough calculation, Xian Yu couldn't help but smile wryly.

In order to save costs, and there is no other place to supply such large-scale purchases except the system store, he let Lei Poer and Xianyu Company operate at the front desk, and he used the system store in secret. That's it. Even if the 1 million taels are all purchased for grain, it is only 3000 million catties. Regardless of the millions of people in the villages and towns around Gore City, just to supply nearly 2600 people in Gore City, each person needs an average of one catty of rice per day , only enough to last about 50 days.

What's more, in the current situation, especially in the slums in the north of the city, many people are suffering from diseases, such as Xiaomao, baby ginseng, and medical masks are also necessities, and food alone is not enough.

"Fortunately, the rice business of Xingxin Internet Cafe has become rich recently, otherwise it would really be impossible to withstand the bottomless pit of the Kingdom of Waves." Xian Yu sighed.

Xingxin Internet Cafe has few people coming to the Internet nowadays, and it has almost been converted into a rice shop. A large number of polished rice at a cost price of 5 taels is sold to various places at a market price of 10 taels a catty, making Xian Yu a lot of money. They were all stuck in the Bottomless Pit of the Kingdom of Waves.

(End of this chapter)

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