Naruto Treasure Box System

Chapter 349 The Ninja World War Arriving Early

Chapter 349 The Ninja World War Arriving Early

"What? Sharing the R toxin? Absolutely impossible!"

In the Hokage Building, Danzo's roar resounded throughout the office.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned: "Danzo, calm down."

"Calm down? How do you tell me to calm down? Anyway, let me tell you, I absolutely do not agree to handing over the R virus source to them!"

Danzo seemed very excited and didn't give any face.

On the side, the elegant and luxurious Xiaochun who turned to sleep was sitting on the sofa with a smile and painted her fingernails.

Qiu Dao Qufeng, who has always liked to be a peacemaker, changed his normal routine today and sat in his seat without saying a word.

Only Mitomonyan hesitated for a while, and said: "They are afraid that we will monopolize the market after we develop an antidote? Or?"

Otherwise, Mitomon Yan swallowed it back.

Because at this time the one-armed Danzo was staring at him with an angry face.

"Ahem, the weather seems to be good today?" Mito Menyan looked up at the ceiling and yawned.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi rubbed his temples, feeling a headache.

Today's Danzo is becoming more and more domineering.He, the third Hokage, was not taken seriously at all.

But think about it, this period in the original book.Danzo lost his arm, and his strength was greatly damaged.

Whether it is personal strength or subordinate forces.They were all overwhelmed by the three generations of Hokage.

As for the right to form 'root' at that point, it was given to him by Hiru Sarutobi because he could not bear to see the one-armed pot king too miserable for the sake of his good friends for many years.
Only later.

One line of lyrics can be used to describe Sarutobi's feelings.

Make you crazy, let you indulge.

I thought you would be moved one day.
I didn't see your tears and regret until all dreams were broken.
But today is different!

Although one arm of our one-armed pot king was crippled, the unicorn arm still had gauze strips hanging on it.Personal strength is indeed only barely considered an ordinary ninja.

This is also the result of Mr. Guo Wang's hard work in private to practice one-handed seal.Otherwise, ordinary Jnin would not have
But speaking of power.hum.

In the 'root' department alone, there are now thirteen captains.There are seven elite ninjas and six peak ninjas.

Thirteen vice-captains, all elite Jnin!
Among them, the captain of the three teams, 'Guardian Bai', had a combat power rating of 10 a while ago!

Proper film class.

The Shimura clan is also in a strong stage now, although there are not many elite jonin registered on the register.But there are 73 tribesmen who have the strength of elite johnin!12 people with peak ninja power!

Shinobu head, Shimura Yato.The combat power rating in the clan has also reached 10!

The most amazing thing is that there is still a young patriarch Kenyu Shimura who is less than ten years old but already has a combat power rating of 9 and has unlimited potential!
The ninja power in Qingqiu Fox Sacred Land behind it is even more unfathomable!

Well, these.Compared with Yuan Feiri, who is now in his prime, it may not be enough.
I'm afraid that Pluto, the deputy captain of the Anbu Corps, can sweep a large area.

Uzumaki Mito knows, right?
Hmph, now he is faintly standing on Danzo's side!

At least, Mito-sama is still very supportive of Danzo, if he is only a little more aggressive when it comes to the outside world.

"Oh!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi rubbed his temples again and sighed.

He sighed for nothing else.

It's just that I've been dealing with various affairs during this time, and I'm really tired.

Now encounter such a difficult thing.

He glanced at several other advisor elders.

"Oh." He sighed again.

He knew why Qiu Dao took Feng silent.

Because the four major powers were sending missions to Xinghuo City to meet with the daimyo and make a request.

The ninja troops on the border are also under pressure.

If it weren't for the fact that the epidemic has not been completely lifted, I am afraid that more than ninja troops will come
It is no exaggeration to say that millions of troops are overwhelming the country.

On the battlefield, no matter how powerful the ninja army is, it can't really be tough with millions of troops.

It's not that I can't beat it.

but not worth it.

Which country have you ever seen that would use its own special forces to fight against other ordinary legions?

Even if it is one against ten, the gain outweighs the loss!

After all, ninjas are also flesh and blood, and not all of them have personal force against the sky.

It is no exaggeration to say that the average army will die 10,000+, as long as the battle loss ratio can reach 20:1.That's a win!

The same is true.

In history, as long as there is a good commander in chief.Twenty thousand troops are tough against one thousand ninja troops.

Often the ninja troops lose!
Don't believe it.

Perhaps in a small-scale battle, the ninja army can indeed defeat one hundred.The group attack ninjutsu is released in sequential rounds, and it can kill the enemy like straw.

But when it comes to mass killings, it's different.
How many ants kill elephants!

Closer to home.

It is precisely because of the style of the four major powers that there is a sense of coercion by force.

Don't look at Qiu Dao and Feng Feng's usual cheerfulness, he has a good temper.

You know, honest people really get stubborn, it's true that ten cows can't be pulled back
Don't you believe it!
Under Qiu Dao's wind multiplication technique, twenty cows will be blown away by you!

"I listened to Danzo this time."

Akimichi Tekkaze was silent for a while, seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen looking at him, he finally spoke.

At this time, Zhuanan Xiaochun also finished painting her fingernails.

Seeing that Mito Yanmen was so frightened by Danzo, it seemed that he hadn't recovered yet.So he said lightly: "They seem to have collected some genetic samples of mutated beasts for experiments. It seems that they found something, so they urgently want the original virus."

Hearing this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face darkened even more.

All the senior advisers present knew this information.

Yes, the four major powers joined forces to intimidate this time.Not because of the benefit of the antidote.

Not to mention the uproar of the epidemic, in fact, it is small countries that suffer.

Since the five major countries took precautions early on, the number of people actually infected is not too exaggerated.

It is said that Konoha has really developed an antidote, and he dare not really make a fortune in this regard.

If you really did this, wouldn't you be drowned by the spit of everyone in the Quannin world?

At that time, [-]% of them will directly disclose the antidote formula.

Even as the most powerful country in name, the Nation of Fire has to spend huge sums of money to aid some impoverished small countries around it.

Send supplies, send food or something.

"It seems that the second Ninja World War cannot be avoided." In the end, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said so with a sigh.

Yes, he has been worrying from the beginning.

He really didn't want to fight this battle.

It's not that he is weak, but that he has witnessed the scene after the first Ninja World War with his own eyes.

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere!
In fact, after getting the R virus progenitor, Konoha's senior management had discovered its secret long ago.

It can actually strengthen physical fitness!And it is still greatly strengthened!
Therefore, it is not surprising that the pot king is so irritable.

Even Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew it already. R Virus?Konoha, oh no.It is the land of fire.

The Land of Fire will never hand over the R virus pathogen!

This is also the meaning of daimyo!
Then, let's go to war!

(End of this chapter)

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