Chapter 379
In the next half month, the Xuanwu Legion triumphed all the way, broke through three cities in a row, and completely entered the interior of the Vortex.Even the hundreds of thousands of troops in the rear landed in the country of the vortex.

"Hmph, want to consume my troops? That's what you want!" Sifeng smiled coldly while looking at the route of the advance for half a month.

He has already seen the intention of the country of vortex.

During this time, the Xuanwu Legion was invincible.Invincible is invincible!
But at the same time, because as the attacking party, the casualties of the Xuanwu Army were indeed not small.

Especially in the later period, the soldiers who showed off their momentum were all scrambling to kill the enemy to earn military exploits, and there were even some generals who did not listen to the tune in order to obtain military exploits.

The 85 army of the Kingdom of Water has now reached the present, and even the [-] samurai legion on the [Queen of Heaven] has lost [-] in battle.

The Xuanwu Army had 80 soldiers, and more than 15 were killed or injured when they took down Mushen Fort and Poseidon Fort.He was blocked at sea by Xian Yu and two admirals, killing more than 30 people. In the past half a month, he attacked three cities in a row, killing more than 11 people and killing 30 enemies.Now unknowingly there are only [-] troops left.

"As long as we can solve the confidant's trouble of the country of the vortex, no matter how big the loss is, it will be worth it." Sifeng shook his head and chuckled.

He is not afraid of the country of vortex playing a war of attrition. It is estimated that the country of vortex now has a combined force of less than 15.During the last fortified battle of the city, even the samurai army was sent out to defend the city.In World War I, [-] soldiers died in exchange for [-] soldiers.

This led to a drastic reduction in the strength of the Xuanwu Army.

But this result is really out of the question who wins and who loses.

It can only be said that both sides suffer.

Ke Sifeng is happy to hurt both sides!
Because the country of vortex is the biggest trouble preventing the country of water from entering the country of fire.

He was afraid that the country of vortex would try every means to delay the time. If that was the case, there would be a day when the other two battlefields would be decided, and no matter who would win, all the efforts of the country of water would be used as wedding clothes for others.You can't get any benefit!
"If you work harder, you will be able to sleep peacefully if you win the country of the vortex." Sifeng murmured.

On the other side, the Daming Mansion in Licheng, the Kingdom of Vortex.

"Shimura Xianyu, come out!" A young man in his thirties, wearing a custom-made brand clothing of Woyifang and wearing a gold crown, shouted at a courtyard with an angry face.

There is no sound...

"Shimura Kenha, you caused my Uzumaki Country to die so many innocent soldiers, and you still have the face to eat and drink for free in my Daming Mansion?"

The young man looked disgusted.

"Mae Chan, that's enough!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a casual kimono came out of the courtyard and scolded.

Ming Chan turned pale with shock, and quickly knelt down and said, "Father, why are you child doesn't know..."

"That's enough! You step back." Daming looked at his eldest son, with a hint of disappointment flashing across his face.

Xian Yu was sitting in the yard drinking tea slowly.

As for the scolding just now?

Of course he heard it.

However, we are such an adult, and we are so busy every day.How can I have time to bicker with these idle and cowardly princes.

That's a child's play, isn't it?

"The dog has no shape, and I hope it hasn't affected the interest of Chief Shimura." Daming came back soon, apologetic.

He wasn't trying to flatter Xian Yu, but during this period of time they chatted speculatively, and many views coincided with each other, so they treated each other as friends.There is even a feeling of seeing each other late.

As for Xian Yu, seeing that this big name can understand many things at one point, he is not stupid.He doesn't have any pretensions, and he's easy to talk to.Even treating a guard can be considered very kind.He also has some good feelings, and he barely recognizes this friend who is more than thirty years older than himself.

"It's okay, it's not the first time anyway." Xian Yu waved his hand and said helplessly.

Daming suddenly showed embarrassment.

Speaking of the eldest son Ming Chan, the daimyo of Uzumaki, Xian Yu was also a little speechless.

Ever since I proposed to retreat to the second line, and then took advantage of the advantage of defending the city step by step to wear down the strength of the army of the country of water, I have done my best in one battle. The first battle completely damaged the vitality of the country of water, in exchange for the peaceful development of the country of vortex in the next few decades. when.

The eldest son Ming Chan confronted him.

"What? Fake defeat without telling the soldiers? I don't agree! I firmly disagree!" This was the first time the eldest son spoke to Xian Yu.

Xian Yu smiled and said: "Is the eldest son afraid of feigning defeat and turning into a complete defeat? Don't worry, as long as the general and his adjutants are notified by the commander, they will not panic, and they will naturally lead the team well."

After listening to the whole plan, the daimyo nodded in satisfaction.

"No! I will never allow you to do this!" Unexpectedly, the eldest son immediately jumped up.

"Your plan sounds like it can indeed solve our country's current predicament. But have you ever thought about those soldiers who were abandoned at the end of the team? They stuck to the front line and were loyal to the country, but they were finally abandoned without knowing it."

"Also! Once the army of the Kingdom of Water captures the city, it will be different from a military fortress! There are a large number of our people inside! How much will they suffer?"

"... "

Anyway, Bi Li Ba La Bi Li Ba La is to talk about benevolence and morality, but to keep silent about etiquette and shame.

Xian Yu was shocked at that moment.

Is this the future prince of the Vortex Kingdom?
I'm afraid I'm going to perish...

Oh no... It seems that the country really died in the original book...

Although some don't agree with this kind of big-eared thief-like character, Xian Yu doesn't hate him either.

This kind of moral role model is inherently cute, and generally speaking, he has a very principled bottom line.Pretty reliable.

Good for making friends.

But look at the Eldest Young Master's attitude towards him... Uh, let's forget it.

"Patriarch Shimura, what do you think of Inuko's question? After all, they are all citizens of Uzumaki Country." Daimyo suddenly asked with great interest.

Xian Yu straightened his expression and said: "I can only say sorry for this. Compassion does not command soldiers."

"Compassion does not command soldiers... Compassion does not command soldiers..." Daimyo was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, gave him a meaningful look and said, "Chief Shimura is born to be superior."

The land of waves, Izumo Castle.

Takizawagawa and Yoshizawa Sakiga sat facing each other.

The two who were originally in the same situation are now close friends.

Because Ji Ze is now at the peak of the eighth rank...

Takizawa, the ninth-rank samurai, was only slightly at the top when he was at the seventh-rank Yoshizawa.Now it is completely invincible.

Of course, this is also related to the absence of high-level martial arts in the land of waves.

"What do you think my lord is doing? I just took so many of our men and went to fight, and none of them came back after dying. Now they want someone from us again... Did your lord encounter something difficult?" Yoshizawazaki He said with a worried look on his face.

"Maybe." Takizawa replied indifferently, but sneered in his heart.

Big idiot, that guy is trying to weaken us on purpose.It was really sold and paid for.

But thinking of this, Takizawa also looked helpless.

The Kingdom of Waves had been unified half a year ago.Faced with that request, even if he knew it in his heart, he could only pretend not to know it, and obeyed his orders.

(End of this chapter)

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