Naruto Treasure Box System

Chapter 452 Guyuan County

Chapter 452 Guyuan County

There is only Chun Tingyue in love, and it is still a picture of a departed person.

Maybe it was really staying up too late last night.

Or maybe it was because Xiaoya, the elf, caused too much harm before going to sleep.

In short, when Xianyu woke up in the slightly shaking car, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey, this is my first dream after time travel."

Mumbling in his mouth, Xianyu stretched slowly.

"you're awake."

The curtain of the car was lifted, Caitlin glanced at the young man in the car indifferently, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "When we broke camp early in the morning, you, a dead pig, actually fell asleep."

Obviously, he was moved from the tent to the carriage by the guards in his sleep.

"If you wake up, wash up and eat something. Grandma Gu is warming a pot of soup for you."

After saying that, Caitlin lowered the curtain of the car again, only to hear the footsteps of the Iraqis outside the car gradually drifting away.

Turning his head slightly, Xianyu saw a pot of hot soup warming on the stove in the car.This is the wild game Caitlin and the others fought yesterday.

But at this time, he was obviously still in a trance, as if he hadn't woken up, and seemed to be still in a dream.

"She should be living happily."

In a trance, Xianyu seemed to be talking to himself.

In fact, there is no special story.It was nothing more than when I was a student, I had a crush on a girl.Never could muster up the courage.

Not long after graduation, the other party got married.They are acquaintances, but they have never known each other.Just dreamed about it last night.

"Falling flowers have feelings, but flowing water has no meaning. The bright moon shines on the ditch"

Shaking his still heavy head, he didn't think about it anymore, and slightly opened the curtains, only to find that it was already noon outside the car window.

"Where are we now?" Hyun Woo asked a young guard who was following him on foot outside the car.

The guard was in his early twenties, not a few years older than him.This is one of the two weakest.Physical fitness 0.9 Lu.He vaguely heard other people calling him Tanaka.

Asked by the young master, Tanaka raised his square mustache face and said with a smile: "Returning to your lord, Mo Sen, who is currently in the boundary of Guyuan, will be able to reach Guyuan town in two days' drive."

The Land of Fire has a vast territory. Although it is not as large as the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth, it is about the same size as the Land of Thunder.And the land is fertile, by no means comparable to the other four countries.

Xianyu is not clear about how the land boundary is divided in the original book.But according to the map information obtained in the past few days, the Land of Fire in this world is divided into one capital, nine prefectures, and 72 counties.

Below the county-level administrative district, there is a city-level.

A city is a city, a town.

Around the city, for the town.Town is both an official road and a street.

Below the town is the village.

Of course, Konoha Village is not a village level.Although its name is Konoha Village
In terms of scale, Konoha Village is equivalent to a county.However, it is considered a special administrative region.In other words, it is a military autonomous region.

Similarly, Guyuan Town is not a town.Although its name is Guyuan Town.

Guyuan Town is a county-level administrative region.belongs to the county seat.The exact geographical location is Dongyuan Mansion, Guyuan County, and Guyuan Town.

Pinzhu Village, where Xianyu lived before, was under the rule of Jiulong County, a neighboring county.

"Hey, everything here is good, but there is something missing."

After finishing a pot of wild game stew, Hyun Woo misses tea a little bit.
It's too greasy.

It's not that there is no tea in the world of Naruto, on the contrary, the country of tea in the neighboring country is the largest tea producing area in the world.

It's just that they were eating and sleeping in the open, and they were in a hurry to go on the road. There were only two camel carriages, which could supply nearly 30 people.There are not too many luxuries.


After eating, Xianyu called the elf immediately.He didn't forget that according to the time calculation, the swordsman Lv2 training should also be completed.

Due to the shortage of supplies last night, he only trained two swordsman Lv2.

"Wow~" The holographic image screen suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Master the village head."

At the same time, the little figure of Xiaoya, the elf, appeared on the screen.

"Hi, good morning, Xiaoya." Xianyu greeted casually.Then he began to check the Hamura that he had built.

At this time, a huge scroll was floating above the office building on the second floor of Hamura's center.There are densely carved mysterious runes on it, which is the first-level Hamura psychic scroll.

In the future, with the upgrade of the psychic scroll, it will be used to summon the troops that have signed the psychic blood contract to reality.

"Hehe, the training of the two second-level swordsmen has been completed, and even the first-level swordsmen have trained most of them."

Seeing the sentry soldiers standing proudly in the barracks, Hyun Woo beamed with joy.

Soldiers are soldiers!There is a big difference in spirit and spirit from ordinary villagers.Just looking mighty.

"This is the difference between a regular soldier and a militia!"

After sighing with emotion, he gave the order again: "Xiaoya, produce 20 ordinary villagers."

Now the 20 military units are full, but there are still 20 population slots for ordinary villagers, but they are empty.Whether it is used as a reserve for soldiers, or as cannon fodder to attract firepower during a battle, these 20 population spaces must not be wasted.

When there were only 12 units of intercolumnar cells left in the stockpile, 20 villagers also slowly walked out of the houses one by one.

Flipping through the building interface and checking the detailed functions of each building one by one, after more than an hour, all the soldiers and villagers have finished training and are ready for battle. Xianyu ordered again: "Xiaoya, apply to accept the robbers attacking the village in advance."

Today's Hamura is completely different from yesterday.

The most conspicuous thing is the 10 swordsmen lined up neatly in front of the gate of the barracks.Among them are 8 first-level swordsmen and 2 second-level swordsmen.

Behind the array of swordsmen, there are 10 first-level archers, who can draw their bows and strings at any time.

Outside the barracks, 20 ordinary LV3 villagers, as reserve soldiers, lined up in a disciplined line.

"Master Village Chief, I suggest you build the arrow tower and defense tower first."

Xiaoya suddenly reminded.

"Ah? Isn't that going to waste all the money?"

The arrow tower and defense tower are the only defensive facilities in the early stage. Of course, Xianyu noticed it when he just checked the construction interface.

But the problem is, the first-level arrow tower costs 50 taels!The first-level defense tower also costs 50 taels.Now Yumura's bank inventory is only 180 taels.

And it costs 2 taels to upgrade the level 150 arrow tower!The defense tower is as high as 200 taels.
In Xianyu's view, the current resources are not enough to upgrade to level 2, rather than getting a level 1, it is better to wait until the resources are enough to directly upgrade to level [-].After all, after experiencing the incident last night, he deeply understood the importance of reserving resource inventory.

Hearing this, Xiaoya almost laughed angrily: "Aren't you stupid? Turning resources into strength is the most beneficial. And as long as you defend against the robbers' attack, even if the defense tower and arrow tower are demolished, they will be repaired for free." .”

I rub it, but I forgot about it!Xianyu raised his forehead.

Indeed, as Xiaoya said, resources are spent on troops. Although soldiers are injured, they will be healed, but if they die, they will lose money.It can be spent on defensive facilities, as long as Yucun is not breached, it will definitely not be a loss!
"Okay, Xiaoya, now start to build the first-level defense tower and the first-level arrow tower."

(End of this chapter)

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