Naruto Treasure Box System

Chapter 487 The Benefits of the Future

Chapter 487 The Benefits of the Future

"Host, the first blood ancestor potion will be completed in 23 hours and 58 minutes. In addition, the blood ancestor body has been kept in captivity in the laboratory of Hanin Village, but extracting his genes will cause him great damage. It will take a month for him to recover."

"That is to say, as long as you pay the cost of [-] taels of silver every month, you can produce a Blood Ancestor Potion."

Xiaoya appeared on the holographic screen at this time and explained patiently.

"Of course, this first Blood Ancestor Potion also has to be paid." As she spoke, Xiaoya blinked playfully.

Xianyu can understand this, after all, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

And although 1 taels is a lot, it is not too exaggerated.With the current strength of Hannin Village, each time it specifically picks a level 3 village to plunder, continuously produces villagers 24 hours a day, trains soldiers, and replenishes the troops lost in the plundering battle.In one day, about 3000-4000 silver taels and cylinder cells can be plundered.

In addition, the silver mine produces 24 taels 1152 hours a day.

Plus the resource pack obtained as a reward for the first victory.About five or six thousand taels of silver can be credited in a day.If you don't develop, you can afford 1 taels in two days.

Especially after the Hannin Village Building continues to be upgraded, the troops will be stronger.Daily earnings will also multiply.At that time, a mere 1 taels will be a drizzle.

"Where's Gabriel?" Xian Yu finally couldn't help asking.

Compared with other things, he cares more about the tyrannical and cool psychic beast six-winged black dragon!
Xiaoya suppressed her smile and said, "Don't worry."

It seems that the more anxious Hyun Woo is, the slower and more coherently she speaks.

"Yeah..." Seeing that Xian Yu was really impatient, she stopped laughing and explained: "Gabriel has successfully transformed into a six-winged black dragon, but the amount of information here is a bit large, so let me take it slowly."

First of all, Gabriel has a particularity. Even the system cannot clone the six-winged black dragon repeatedly.Only Gabriel's original gene can be used to regenerate a six-winged black dragon controlled by the host through multiple techniques such as gene recovery.

"The power of Gabriel's fallen angel and the dragon body have been transformed at this moment. However."

"Because his power is too great, the host's current Ninja Village level is not enough to obtain him. At least the Hannin Village must be upgraded to Lv13 of the Ninja Village. Only then can the six-winged black dragon be unlocked."

Hearing this, Xianyu felt a little lost.
Although what Xiaoya said makes sense.

If he can summon the six-winged black dragon Gabriel now, with his strength in his heyday, I am afraid that he is really invincible.

Obviously the system will not leave itself such a BUG.

As for Han Ninja Village Lv13?

Currently Hannin Village is only Lv1, okay?The year of the monkey at the thirteenth level has passed.

You know, every time the building is upgraded, many more buildings can be built.The size of the village has almost doubled, and the number of buildings has also doubled.And occasionally you can unlock new buildings when you level up.

Although this undoubtedly greatly increased the strength of Yu Ninja Village.

But similarly, it also increases the difficulty of upgrading the main building.
After all, all the buildings need to be upgraded to the level of the current building before the main building can be upgraded. The construction time increases geometrically
Lv13?Not a few years or more than ten years may not be realistic at all. This is the premise of sufficient resources in the village!

But forget it, anyway, with the great benefits of the Blood Ancestor Potion, the six-winged black dragon is the current investment.

Seeing Xianyu's disappointed expression, Xiaoya said with a smile: "However, I have also researched through Gabriel's genes that the combat unit of the dark-type sub-dragon species can be provided to the host indefinitely. Of course, the silver for training The host still needs to earn and pay for the cells and the cells.”

I rely on!Do you want such a big turning point!Can you finish it in one breath?
Xianyu couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But soon he calmed down again, and asked cautiously: "I'm afraid it's Yalong, the current village level is not enough to unlock it."

Sure enough, Xiaoya explained: "You need the Hanin village building to reach Lv7 to unlock the Dragon Nest building."

Now Xianyu decisively opened the list of buildings.

Sure enough, I saw a new building called Dragon Nest inside.However, it is currently in a gray icon state, and it shows that Hannin Village Building Lv7 is required.

"Not bad, for Lv7, it shouldn't be too long."

Hyun-woo is still quite satisfied with this.

"and also."

Hearing that Xiaoya had another big turning point, Xianyu's eyes widened immediately!

Wouldn't there be any restrictions?

Xiaoya smiled and comforted her, "This time I'm telling you good news!"

"Because the host provided you with blood ancestors and Gabriel two genes containing angel blood, when you build the Hannin Village Hospital at Lv5 of the Hannin Village Building and unlock the medical ninjas, you can spend additional resources to let the medical ninjas in the village learn passive Skill: Holy Light."

"This is a divine technique researched through the blood of angels: [Angel Holy Light], an improved medical S-class forbidden technique performed with Chakra. It can recover all injuries in all directions."

"Recover all injuries in an all-round way?" Xianyu was stunned, and opened his mouth to spit out a few words: "Just like the life potion in the game? Forcibly renew life?"

"Almost." Xiaoya thought for a while and replied.

I wipe!This forbidden technique is against the sky!
However, before Xianyu was happy, Xiaoya reminded again: "The side effect is to consume the vitality of the caster itself. You can understand it as the consumption of one's own lifespan and for a medical ninja to learn this forbidden technique, one needs to pay 100 Gouyu and no Guaranteed learning and meeting, mainly depends on the learner's own talent in chakra control."

Xianyu immediately rolled his eyes!
Sure enough, the more against the sky, the more restrictions there are.
But even so, it's awesome, okay?

Anyway, the medical ninja is just a combat unit, and what is consumed is the vitality of the combat unit, not his host.

When the time comes, the medical ninja with great healing skills, Xianyu must be raised as a baby bump.When you really need to save your life, no matter how much you spent before, it will definitely be worth it!
"Why do I feel more and more motivated to upgrade... I am so looking forward to the dragon! I am so looking forward to the Holy Light Forbidden Technique!"

After learning about all the gains from capturing the blood ancestor this time.Hyun-woo turns off the screen.

Speaking of which, the trip to the county government dungeon was also a big loss.

Forget about other ordinary swordsmen.The death of Jiuhe and Jianren made Xianyu very depressed.

After all, ordinary villagers have a 5% chance of producing strong villagers.It seems that the probability is not low, but it really depends on luck!
Now Sword Demon and Kazama Kuna are even more precious in Xianyu's eyes.He has secretly decided that these two babies will never be allowed to do anything too dangerous in the future.

Just let ordinary swordsmen be cannon fodder.

After all, according to this low probability, if you want to accumulate an elite team, you must protect every existing elite.

(End of this chapter)

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