My card game came true

Chapter 305 Song Luo is Unstoppable

Chapter 305 Song Luo is Unstoppable

Gaius' face froze here.

This feeling was indescribable. He never dreamed that he would be able to meet a level five extraordinary person here.

Gaius didn't even know what to say.

Are there 50 level five extraordinary beings in the world?

According to the latest statistics from last week, there are eleven places in Xia, three in Citi, eight in Peacock, nine in Europe, and three in Africa.

34 people in total.

In addition to those who do not show the mountains and rivers, there are at most 50 people, and it is absolutely impossible to exceed.

With a population of 70 billion in the world, it can be said that there is only a 0.0000000714% chance of encountering an unfamiliar fifth-level transcendent. Can this also be encountered by oneself?

Gaius only felt that his luck was really bad.

He looked at Song Luo in front of him, and didn't know what expression to use to face him.

"Mr. Zuo Yuan, you... don't seem to be a transcendent rated by the World Transcendent Organization... But it doesn't matter. In the words of your hometown, our watchmen are recruiting talents. Are you interested in joining us and becoming a superhuman? Our fourth giant?"

Gaius said: "We attach great importance to talents like you. I heard that you took 8000 million from Simon."

Speaking of this, Gaius took out a check from his pocket, wrote down a denomination of [-] million, and whispered: "If you are willing to join us, as long as Citigroup does not fail, you can write any amount."

It can be said that Citigroup is thirsty for high-level extraordinary people, especially now that Citigroup is under the shadow of the undead empire.

There are so many fifth-level extraordinary people in the world, but there are only three of them in Citigroup, and two of them are still trapped in the secret realm. What can this wave say?
There was only one Level [-] Transcendent left outside, and Citigroup urgently needed a Transcendent to join the battle. Now that they met a 'wild' Level [-] Transcendent, it was natural to try to win them over.

As for Simon?

All Queens could be given to him if he wanted it.

Seeing this situation, Song Luo just smiled slightly, shook his head, and said with a smile: "I don't have any idea about any forces, I just heard that New York is prosperous, so I came to have fun."

After all, Song Luo also accepted the check in denomination of [-] million, and walked lazily past Gaiyousi. Gaiyousi didn't dare to stop him, and could only watch Song Luo swagger away.

"Mr. Gaius, shall we just watch him go?"

On the side, after a moment of hesitation, a third-level extraordinary person walked up and whispered into Gaius' ear, "Is this...would it be a little bad, we have no way to explain it to the Congress."


Gaius sneered: "What can Congress do about a fifth-level transcendent? If they force us to stop it, they want us to die!"

"If you want to stop it, you can go by yourself, I will not accompany you to die!"

Gaius didn't know whether the subordinates around him were mentally ill or had other disadvantages.

Don't they know what a level five transcendent looks like?
If there was any conflict with those level five transcendents, then they must be the ones who died!

There is no doubt about that.

In any case, Gaius did not want to die.

These matters should be reported to the Watcher Headquarters and let the Watcher Headquarters do their work.


The news was uploaded layer by layer, and soon, all the top executives of Citigroup knew the news that a strange fifth-level transcendent had appeared in New York.

"How could this be?"

The gray-haired, old-looking old man was wearing a decent suit, sitting in front of the conference table, and kept muttering to himself: "Let's find Draven to negotiate with him, and tell that strange fifth-level transcendent Or, we Citigroup can deal with him."

"Mr President."

A person who looked like a staff member was silent for a moment, and said: "Mr. Delavan is trapped in the secret realm of Alaska and has not come out yet."

The old white man finally came to his senses, and continued: "Then you can find Shelley, Shelley is also fine."

"Shelley, she..."

The staff fell silent again: "Shelley also fell into a secret realm. This happened just yesterday."

"God above."

The old white man was a little surprised: "So, we only have Gasedo among the Big Three?"

"That's right, Mr. President," said the aide.

"Then let Gasser come to New York more often, give that strange guy some sense of danger, and let him know that we are not vegetarians either." The old white man continued.

"Gatherto is afraid..."

The staff was a little helpless, but when he said this, he didn't continue talking.

Well, Gatherdo is Gatherdo, please let me know.

It's not that the staff are too pessimistic, but because of Gatherdo's character here, even in another 30 to [-] years, Gatherdo will not be able to dedicate himself to Citigroup wholeheartedly.

Soon, Gatherdo was notified by phone.

As the only remaining fifth-level transcendent in Citigroup, Gatherdo is now extremely vigilant.

The day before yesterday, he had spoken with Shelley on the phone.

The two decided that they would only listen to half of orders from the Congress. This time, Shelley did not intend to contribute to this action, but just wanted to mess around. If nothing can be done, they should retreat quickly.

Who would have thought that a secret realm would directly involve Shelley, who didn't want to contribute at all, and then... there was no more, and Shelley lost contact.

Both Draven and Shelley were sent to Uncharted, never to return. .

Gatherdo didn't want to end up in the same situation, so he decided not to obey any instructions from Citigroup.

"A strange fifth-level transcendent appeared in New York?"

Gatherdo sneered, he wouldn't go head-to-head with an unknown fifth-level extraordinary person for the sake of Citigroup.

And more importantly.

New York is one of the places where the original residents gather. It was originally on Gatherdo's blacklist. Gatherdo is now very vigilant. He even left Citigroup overnight. Now he is not in Citigroup at all, but I chose Neon as my place to stay.

How could such a cautious person return to Citigroup and continue to suffer?
Let those idiots in Watchmen think about it, anyway, I will definitely stay in Neon and follow the immovable code.

Everything else has nothing to do with me.

That guy named Zuo Yuan, he can do whatever he wants, after all, he is a Level [-] Transcendent, and Gatherdo believes that it is his duty to give such a strong person a certain amount of respect.

They are all five-level transcendents, they are the same kind!

It's not worth dying for those ordinary people, it's not worth it.

 Happy Lantern Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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