My card game came true

Chapter 320: Campus Scenery

Chapter 320: Campus Scenery
After Song Luo heard this sentence, he nodded and couldn't help being very satisfied.

Yes, that's how it should be!
Anyway, I have already graduated, and these newcomers must let them experience the life of a normal college student, not the fantasy sect life in the novel!
Song Luo nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Song Luo's expression, Wang Ting didn't know what to say.

Song Luo saw a park bench not far away, and a young couple was making love to each other. Although it was far away, Song Luo still saw them.

In the cafeteria not far away, many students came in and out. After looking at the time, Song Luo knew that it was time for dinner.

It really is true that there is no time for cultivation.

"Group Leader Song, why don't you go in and experience our school's food?" Wang Ting asked.


Song Luo nodded, and asked, "Where did Zhou Yuanting go, is she still in class?"

"It should be. I'll send her a message later, and she should come directly after class."

Wang Ting spoke casually, and while leading Song Luo towards the cafeteria, she said, "Let's go in first and taste the craftsmanship of our school's masters."

After entering, Song Luo saw the large school cafeteria. Song Luo was a little amazed by the variety of dishes.

Why is this university cafeteria different from what I had imagined?

"There is no takeaway around our school, so naturally we have optimized the food in the cafeteria, which is of high quality and low price." Wang Ting naturally understood what the young people were thinking, so she smiled.


Song Luo nodded, followed Wang Ting all the way to the staff window, and joked at the same time: "How do you charge for the food here, I should be able to afford it?"

"If nothing else, Team Leader Song shouldn't be able to afford it." Wang Ting joked, "Our cafeteria uses the school's internal points. All other training colleges adopt a point system, and money has no role here. "

"This is also to reduce the gap between students from rich families and students from poor families, so as to prevent students from developing arrogance or low self-esteem." Wang Ting said with a smile, "In this way, everyone is on the same starting line... At least in school."

Perhaps those students from superior families can take advantage of money outside of school to buy a house in some aura-rich places, buy some heaven and earth spirit fruits, and black market elixir to improve their strength, but in school, no matter what your family background is, it is always the same.

"Then how are these points improved and obtained?" Song Luo asked.

"It is issued every month, and the teacher's subsidy is more." Wang Ting said, "If the students have excellent grades in the assessment or participate in some social practice tasks, they will naturally be awarded some points... But compared with the teachers, the students' points Still a minority."

Of course, no matter how good a student is, it is impossible to surpass the teacher in terms of points... unless the teacher really just wants to dawdle and do nothing.

Wang Ting ordered two meals for Song Luo, but Song Luo didn't care much about the meals. After all, at Song Luo's level, he could basically be said to be a bigu player, and he could live without eating at all.

Eating is just a taste, even if it is poisoned, Song Luo can't die... unless it is the extraordinary poison that can kill mythical powerhouses, but Song Luo can also see that kind of poison, and Song Luo I don't think there will be that level of poison here.

Wang Ting brought him a dish of carrot fried meat, which made Song Luo a little confused. He looked at the few students around him and found that they ate quite well, including Western-style steak and Xia Guo There are Guobao Rou and Dongpo Pork, as well as sushi and sashimi.

How did you come to me, turned into carrots and fried meat?
Song Luo was a little puzzled, but it didn't matter, anyway, he didn't need to spend his own money, so let's try it out.

But when he ate it, Song Luo felt a trace of aura in it.

"This is a spiritual fruit and vegetable. It is said that it is a new variety produced by the professor of the Agricultural College of Yanjing Practice College. It is expensive." Wang Ting said with a smile, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be willing to order it."

"There's no need for you to spend so much money." Song Luo waved his hand helplessly, "My dantian is running on its own, and I am practicing all the time, eating this meal... just saves me two or three minutes of training time. "

Wang Ting smiled and said, "In addition to increasing the aura, don't you think the taste of this carrot is better? Carrots bred with aura are probably the same, and the taste is better than some meat."

Song Luo heard that, only then did he realize that the taste of this carrot was indeed extraordinarily delicious.

It's just that during this period of time, all I ate were relatively expensive foods. Compared with them, carrots were mediocre.

However, if compared with ordinary carrots, it is a heaven and an earth.

"The College of Agriculture studies this every day?" Song Luo felt a little good. "Food is the most important thing for the people. If we can produce a few more agricultural products, that would be a good choice."

"The main research direction of our college is rice Lingmi, but this technology has been researched by multiple departments at the same time, so our other direction is tomato and cucumber."

Listening to Wang Ting's words, Song Luo couldn't help being a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Then can you bring me some tomatoes and cucumbers later?"

"You have to ask the dean of the Agricultural College." Wang Ting said with a smile.

Song Luo nodded and continued to eat.

However, what Song Luo could notice was that there were often eyes and gazes projected towards him. The students whispered, as if he and Wang Ting were full of curiosity and gossip.

"Didn't Mr. Wang go to Citigroup to perform a mission? Why are you back?"

"I'm not sure, who is the little brother on the opposite side? Teacher Wang's friend?"

"Maybe it's a boyfriend? After all, we have never met Teacher Wang's boyfriend..."

"Why are you looking for Teacher Wang blindly..."

Song Luo, as a fifth-level transcendent, still has very sensitive hearing.

After hearing such discussions from the students around him, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

And Wang Ting, who is a third-level transcendent, obviously does not have Song Luo's sensitive hearing, and can hear such clear voices in this noisy environment.

"How is your status in the hearts of the students?" Song Luo asked with a smile.

"I think it's okay." Wang Ting said, "In addition to being the dean, I'm also the instructor of three classes and the teacher of the combat practice class."

"Holding up several jobs, hard work pays off."

Song Luo joked, "You should have a lot of points, right?"

"It's okay." Wang Ting said, "What are you asking?"

Song Luo continued: "These students around are whispering, saying that I am your boyfriend, and that I am blind, how did I find a girlfriend like you."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ting raised her eyebrows, and immediately looked around at the students around her.

The students around were startled as if they had been caught cheating in an exam, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to speak, and could only secretly pray in their hearts that Wang Ting didn't know anything.

"Some students seem to have a deep misunderstanding of me. Let me declare here that the person opposite is the person in charge of the Extraordinary Operation in Pennan City, Lindong Province. Colleagues from Haishi."

Wang Ting took a deep breath and said to the students around her: "He came to our school this time because he was invited by me to give you a lecture, and at the same time, he also met his classmates by the way. A teacher of an open theory class, Teacher Zhou Yuanting Zhou."

After saying that, Wang Ting looked around, like a lion patrolling her territory.

"Now, all the students in the cafeteria write down their student numbers and names, and I will check them one by one according to the monitoring later."

"Don't worry, the teacher will not deduct your points, nor will he embarrass you. He just wants to give you a chance to become stronger individually in the next practical class."

Song Luo: ...

Public revenge, right?

At this point, Song Luodao was too embarrassed to tell Wang Ting other things, such as... In fact, only two or three students said that, and most of the students didn't say such things.

But now that this is the case, what does Song Luo want to say?I can only mourn these students.

However, Wang Ting did not reveal her identity, so it is estimated that the group of students could not hate herself anymore.

So, Song Luo's evaluation is... well punished, open the champagne, hee hee hee.

When Song Luo was in college, he felt that those leaders would make trouble if they had nothing to do, give lectures every day, and they had to go.

There are still screenshots of big studies, and the food is annoying.

Now I have become a leader after must give me an answer. Received, a screenshot of the big study is indispensable!

After a while of reprimand, Wang Ting returned to her seat. Song Luo looked at such a sturdy Wang Ting, and couldn't help smiling, thinking of the time in Gaohai City half a year ago.

At that time, Song Luo never imagined that Wang Ting, the deputy director and leader of the action team, could come here to be a teacher.

And just at this time, there was a noise outside the cafeteria. It should be the time for get out of class to end, and many students rushed in.

Zhou Yuanting also walked in under Song Luo's gaze.

Completely different from before, Zhou Yuanting is now carrying a few textbooks, with long hair fluttering, walking towards Song Luo with confident steps.

About a few steps away, he waved to Song Luo.

"Leader Song, long time no see."

Zhou Yuanting smiled slightly, looked at Song Luo, and couldn't help but joked: "I heard that Team Leader Song has made great achievements in Gaohai and Pengnan, and has also made great contributions in Citigroup, and now he has become a fourth-level extraordinary person. You won’t deny our old friends, will you?”

"Isn't this coming to see you now?"

Song Luo smiled and said, "Classmate Zhou is really good at sarcasm... No, I think you should be called Teacher Zhou now."

Zhou Yuanting sat next to Song Luo while talking and laughing, brought her dinner, and said, "I heard that you have become a fourth-level superhuman, but I was really shocked... How did you do it? seriously?"

"People's talents cannot be generalized. I just know a friend who reached level five in half a year." Song Luo said.

When Zhou Yuanting heard the words, she could only sigh twice, and said, "I've been practicing for more than half a year, and now I'm only at the second level... Sigh, I'm so angry."

Suddenly, Zhou Yuanting seemed to think of something, and asked, "By the way, that Jiang Fubai who is with you every day, how is he doing now?"

"He was in Gaohai City and had a girlfriend, a high school classmate." Song Luo smiled.

"Everyone already has a girlfriend, where is your girlfriend?" Zhou Yuanting joked.

"Women will only affect the speed of my practice." Song Luo said, "Only the sword can keep my mind clear. The so-called Flower of Gaul and her followers all fell under my sword."

Zhou Yuanting didn't know what to say now, she looked at Song Luo, waved her hands helplessly, and then asked, "Do you have time tonight?"

"Have time."

Song Luo sat upright: "Why, you want to throw yourself into your arms? If you lower your attitude, I can also remember the love of my classmates back then, and reject you with a better attitude."

"You think too much."

Zhou Yuanting rolled her eyes: "I have a class tonight, and I happened to meet such a great master like you, and I want to invite you to meet my classmates."

"That's all?"

Song Luo said casually: "It's nothing. Although I have a lot of things to do every day, if a college classmate invites me, then I can reluctantly go."

"However, it is estimated that the stay is not too long. I haven't met your vice-principal when I come here, so I will see you anyway."

After all, this is their territory, so I have to talk to them no matter what I do.

"It's fine if you agree, there won't be any problems with Principal Wang." Zhou Yuanting smiled.

"So sure?" Song Luo was a little surprised.

"Principal Wang is in his 60s, and he goes home to accompany his grandson after get off work every day. How can he spend so much time here?" Wang Ting said aside.

More than 60 extraordinary people, this is also extremely rare.

From the looks of it, even though they are called Level [-] Transcendents, if they really fought against each other, they would probably be much weaker than normal Level [-] Transcendents, right?
No wonder he came here to teach at such a time of employment.

Thinking of this, Song Luo couldn't help shaking his head.

But at this moment, a male teacher came over with a tray, glanced at Wang Ting, nodded, and said with a smile: "Director Wang is back? Thanks for your hard work. I think there are still vacancies here. Can you come here?" Sit down for a while?"


Facing this male teacher, Wang Ting's attitude was much colder.

After the male teacher heard this sentence, he couldn't help being overjoyed. After sitting next to Wang Ting and opposite to Zhou Yuanting, he looked at Song Luo and couldn't help asking: "This friend is a little strange, he is a new teacher. Is it? My surname is Zhou, and my name is Zhou Wen, hello."

"I'm not your teacher here, I just came to visit."

After this Zhou Wen came here, Zhou Yuanting and Wang Ting immediately fell silent, and Song Luo was also a little impatient with this one.

A few of our old friends are chatting here, what's the matter with you squeezing in?
How can I have no eyesight at all.

(End of this chapter)

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