Chapter 77
Song Luo followed the girl nonchalantly and entered the venue.

This was Song Luo's first visit to the conference room of the Kendo Hall, and it had to be said that it was quite big.

It feels like a small lecture hall.

There are not many people, and there are not many.

However, what makes Song Luo a little embarrassed is that most of them are children in high school and junior high school, and there are only a handful of adults like Song Luo.

Song Luo also wanted face. Under such circumstances, Song Luo was too embarrassed to sit in the front row, so he went to the last row and sat in a hidden corner where he could observe the audience.

After all, Song Luo didn't have to concentrate on listening, he just came to get acquainted, and he didn't have to listen to the lectures with those students.

Hiding behind, Song Luo could still think about how he should strike up a conversation with that girl very naturally and take the task.

This is rather annoying. The 'silent corpse' is a direct trigger, and the fire scene was also a direct trigger. Why does this task require you to strike up a conversation yourself?
"Waibi Waibi, Waibi Babu..."

On the podium, that so-and-so man from Neon was talking about the inheritance of kendo, and there was an interpreter beside him, translating the words of this certain man.

Song Luo was not interested in this.

The things that have been passed down to this day don't have a history of hundreds of thousands of years?
There are so many such things in Xia Kingdom, and Song Luo didn't remember their history, so how could it be possible to remember the history of Nihong's development and inheritance of kendo.

In the back seat, Song Luo looked at the girl secretly. The girl's eyes were piercing, and she seemed to be listening carefully to the words of this neon eight-dan swordsman. Song Luo looked left and right, but didn't See what's different about this girl.

"So, how to trigger this mission?"

Song Luo was puzzled, and soon became bored.

This feeling is like dreaming back to the classroom, and every minute and every second is difficult.


There was a vibration, and a text message came.

Song Luo turned on the phone casually.



The company suddenly remitted [-] to him, which really surprised Song Luo.

Not long after receiving it, a message popped up on Song Luo's WeChat, and it was Li Li.

"Have you received the bonus?"

Looking at Li Li's news, Song Luo replied with an "um" and then typed: "Why are there so many bonuses?"

After a while, Li Li replied: "The standard is this. If we find a problem and deal with it in time, we will give you a bonus."

What paradise on earth?
Completing the task not only has the crystal power of the game, but also the bonus in reality, this...

"We didn't participate in the follow-up action, otherwise the bonus would be doubled."

Another message came: "But that's fine, safety is the most important thing."

Yeah, be safe.

Song Luo nodded, and responded with a few messages in agreement.

"Tomorrow is the first day of work, do you have any questions?"

Seeing Li Li's new news, Song Luo thought for a while, but there was nothing else he wanted to ask.

After all, Li Li had made it clear to himself before.

Go to the company to find an office, then sit down and play with the computer and mobile phone.

I heard from Li Li that the company's computer is extremely fast, and it is definitely not the old-fashioned computer used by the school's information class.

Anyway, that's what Li Li said, and Song Luo didn't know the specific job content. After all, he still had to work for a few days to see.

At this time, Li Li seemed like a lonely old man with no one to talk to, he kept chatting with Song Luo, talking about what he had and what he didn't.

Soon, the topic turned to what Song Luo was doing now.

"In the kendo lecture, there is a neon eighth-dan kendo master, so I'll stop by and sit and listen for a while."

This is not something to hide, and for Song Luo, it is better to make a big splash about this kind of thing. It is best to let everyone in Gaohai City know that he is learning weapons now.

In this way, Song Luo will not be suspected in the future.

"Neon kendo? Why do you practice that when you have nothing to do? If you want to increase your combat effectiveness, I'll enroll you in a training class within us."

Seeing this news, Song Luo was stunned for a moment, and then sent a cat expression pack full of question marks.

"I forgot to tell you, the non-security bureau will have training every night, and it is free for us transcendents. After you get started, you can practice by yourself in the training ground."

Seeing the words Li Li typed out, Song Luo fell silent.

And this perk?


Song Luo, who spent 8000 yuan, felt as pathetic as a clown.

Song Luo was not in the mood to talk to Li Li anymore, and after a few perfunctory replies, Song Luo closed the chat window and sighed deeply.

Before I knew it, it was already past 20:[-].

The man in the eight paragraphs was still talking about something, but Song Luo looked up and looked around, and found that many people had already started playing with their mobile phones.

Those who don't play with their mobile phones are also a little impatient.

After all, everyone originally wanted to listen to technology. I didn't expect you to talk about your "glorious history" for an hour.

To be honest, what is the history?The history of neon is full of a sense of pettiness, let alone the history of just a genre of kendo.

Song Luo looked at the girl again, and found that the girl's face also showed fatigue, but it seemed that it was due to etiquette, but she didn't play with her mobile phone openly, and she was considered a polite and good child.

"Dude, who is that?"

Song Luo casually asked the people around him.

The man was also a little bored. He looked in the direction of Song Luo's eyes, and after seeing the girl Song Luo mentioned, he opened his mouth and said, "It seems to be the girl of the chairman of Hypoxic Capital. She looks very cute."

"Hypoxic capital?"

To be honest, Song Luo, a country bumpkin, had never heard of this company.

To be honest, there are only a handful of enterprises in Gaohai City that Song Luo knows: they are not in the same circle at all, so what is there to know?
Who cares about a local investment company in their spare time?
But this name was remembered by Song Luo.

In Song Luo's view, the tasks related to this little girl must not be the little girl's own problem, right?

It's like the 'silent corpse' and the group of medical students. The essence of the task is still the corpse lying in the anatomy room, not the group of medical students.

Therefore, in Song Luo's view, this problem is mostly caused by low-oxygen capital.

"Clap clap~"

Song Luo just took out his mobile phone, and before he could start Baidu, there was thunderous applause from around.

Seeing this, Song Luo also applauded, and then realized...the meeting ended?

So what did he talk about, a lonely huh?
It was too late for Baidu, Song Luo stood up and saw that the girl was about to leave, so she followed, walked quickly to the side of the girl, and said to the girl: "Little girl, has anything happened to you recently? What strange thing?"

"If there is anything that cannot be solved, you can call the police, and the police uncle will help you solve the problem."

After all, Song Luo was in a good mood and left gracefully.

Because the task is triggered.

"Trigger side quest, 'The Hunter'."

Wouldn't it be nice to let her go to the police, and then the police would transfer to the non-security bureau, and the non-security bureau would give her a part-time job?
After a while, go back and report it yourself, saying that you found some problems here, wouldn't you be able to get a part of the bonus?

The little girl solved the trouble, and I reaped the task.

This wave, this wave is a win-win situation.

 There is a new cover, and everyone will see it in two days, so don't delete the book when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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