Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 1 Teach You To Be A Man

Chapter 1 Teach You To Be A Man
The sun is shining and there is a breeze from time to time.

A group of civilians gathered among the ruins, looking nervously at the entrance of the passage in the ruins.

"My gods, I can assure you that this adventurer will never come out!" A man with a scar on his face stared at the deep hole and said, "He has been in for more than two hours, he must have been there long ago." Ruined.

An obese man dressed as an aristocrat slowly took two steps towards the entrance of the cave. He cleared his throat, wiped away his presence, and wiped off the sweat between his sparse eyebrows. A look of worry floated on his chubby face: "Be patient, we Have to wait a little longer."

"Why wait?" The man with the scar pointed at the entrance of the cave with disdain on his face: "Everyone has seen that the monster was driven into the cave by the adventurer who is not afraid of death, and this hidden cave is obviously the monster's lair. There is only a dead end to go in. Lord Baron, have you forgotten how many people were killed? Why are we standing around waiting? The problem can be solved with just a fire."

"This is our promise to him, isn't it?" The fat baron whispered hesitantly.

"An agreement with a living person is an agreement!" The scarred man's companion, a burly man in an animal skin skirt, snorted:

"If he hasn't come out for such a long time, he must be dead. This is as certain a fact as the sun in the sky. From the moment he foolishly broke into the monster's lair, the identities of hunter and prey have been exchanged. The previous adventurers were no different.

What's more, he didn't even wear any armor, and only brought a sword. Everyone knows that without a solid armor, it is impossible to resist the monster's sharp claws. He must have been torn to pieces. You should pray that the monster It was time to eat enough, or else I would have run out long ago. "

"Believe me, as long as we set a fire in the hole, you will not only kill the monster, but also save the reward, won't you?"

The man with the scar impatiently urged the fat baron: "Set the fire and you can go home. As for his horse and would be a pity to waste it, so I reluctantly accepted it."

"That's right." His companion happily echoed: "That light horse has a good coat, and the luggage on the saddle is also full. Let's go and have a look. Believe me, there must be something unexpected."

"What are you going to do?" The fat baron's expression changed, he stretched out his hand to block the horse and the two, and stopped him: "You can't do this!"

"Shut up, my lord Baron. Don't meddle in the affairs of our Mouse Gang, unless you want to get kicked in the ass." The man with the scar threatened viciously.

At this moment, the sound of rolling stones came from the entrance of the ruins, which immediately attracted most people's attention.

I saw two hands stretched out from the deep hole, grasping the uneven edge of the hole wall, followed by the dusty black hair, and between the messy hair was a pale, blood-stained sheet. face.

The civilians among the ruins began to whisper.

The adventurer who hunted monsters straightened up, patted the dust off his body, and reached out to wipe the blood from his face.

His facial contours are three-dimensional and deep, with sharp edges and corners, with resolute lines like a knife and an axe. Under a pair of lightly raised sword eyebrows, his eyes are shining like obsidian blocks, revealing a calm and calm light.

Then he pulled out a strange-looking object from the hole. It looked like the corpse of a humanoid creature, covered in dust and blood.

Without saying a word, the other party dragged the prey by an arm with sharp claws and threw it at the feet of the fat baron.

The baron stared closely at the monster's coyote-like ferocious face, dirty dark yellow mane, and armor made of human ears, teeth, scalps and various debris, so scared that he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and hurriedly backed away. back.

The adventurer ignored the baron who was exclaiming, and turned to look at the man with the scar and his companions. His gaze was as deep as a cold pool, but under the warm sunlight, it made people shiver uncontrollably.

"Look at what! Kid, your leg is injured." The man with the scar shrank his eyes, avoided his gaze, and then bravely smiled grinningly at him, and quietly hid his right hand in his coat.

"Indeed, your eyes are really good, but it's a pity that your brain is not very good." The adventurer turned a blind eye, left a sentence, and ignored the other party.

"Don't be so fucking stubborn!" The man with the scar looked annoyed, and he insisted on relentlessly. He drew out a long knife, pointed at the other party from a distance, and threatened: "This is the territory of our Mouse Gang. If you know how to annoy Lao Tzu What will happen to you?"

However, the adventurer just looked at him contemptuously, as if he was too lazy to talk to him.

This action made the man with the scar froze in place. He tightened his grip on the long knife in his hand, but he didn't know what to do, like a clown.

I saw this adventurer sitting casually on a nearby stone, while reaching out to tear open his trouser leg, and treating a deep wound on his calf, he said to the baron, "This is that monster, a Gnoll hunter. .”

"It turned out to be a jackal, already dead?" the baron carefully confirmed, wiping the sweat from the corners of his beard.

"Yes, it's dead."

The baron breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the man with the scar who was left alone, and said calmly, "Your Excellency, how much should I pay you?"

"According to the agreement, I should be paid one hundred golden griffins." The adventurer frowned and applied dark green ointment on the wound.

"I said... Your Excellency! You must have taken the wrong medicine, right? It costs a hundred gold coins to kill a wandering gnoll." The baron pointed at the body of the gnoll. "I only need to send five of these monsters." Militia with pitchforks can kill by surrounding it, eighty."

The adventurer paused while wrapping the bandage, raised his head, and said calmly: "You don't care what kind of monster it is, Lord Baron, this thing has eaten ten people. You told me this yourself, one hundred."

"Ten? What a joke! I told you the gnolls ate Robert, but everybody knows he's drunk all day long, and a goblin with a stick can take him down. And old women out of town, plus These naughty cobblers are a bunch of weaklings, can't you see? 85!" The fat baron began to bargain with every inch.

"If I hadn't killed the Gnoll, it would have eaten more important people sooner or later, such as the pharmacist. At that time, who do you turn to to buy the potion that can be delayed, or the miller's wife was killed..." sitting The adventurer on the stone wrapped the bandage skillfully, met the fat baron's small eyes, and said with a smile.

"One hundred gold coins is too much, even if it is Manticore, I can't pay that much. Ninety!" The fat baron hastily interrupted the adventurer's next words.

"One hundred, Lord Baron. Maybe it's not a manticore, but it can eat a dozen people in front of everyone in your town, but you have nothing to do with it." The adventurer seemed to lose his patience , he slowly drew out the long sword at his waist, stretched out his hand and gently wiped the blood on the blade.

"That's because the Gnoll is too flexible, no one can catch up to it, or else it wouldn't be your turn to make a move." The baron said stubbornly: "My bottom line - 95."

"One hundred." The sharp blade reflected a dazzling light under the wipe of the adventurer.

"Well, for the sake of all the devils and devils, one hundred is one hundred." The baron shrank his eyes in fright, and immediately gave in.

"Deal!" The adventurer happily put the cleaned long sword into the scabbard, and the clanging sound startled the latter.

"Your Excellency, have you always been so good at bargaining?" The baron motioned his subordinates to take the money bag with his eyes, and then took out a few gold coins and put them in his pocket before handing them to the other party.

"No!" The adventurer took the money bag, not caring about the greedy eyes in the crowd.

He just weighed the money bag in his hand and jingled it, "I rarely bargain, I just want to impress you, Lord Baron."

The man with the scar looked at the purse, and then at the bandaged wound on the adventurer's leg.

He clenched his long knife tightly and glanced at his companion, who nodded and gestured to the crowd. Two burly young men slowly approached.

"Why are five missing? We agreed on one hundred." The adventurer looked directly at the fat baron.

"What about the taxes?" The baron didn't dare to look at him, he took a step back subconsciously, and then mustered up his courage.

The adventurer cursed secretly and put it away.

Seeing this, the baron breathed a sigh of relief, and chatted casually, "Your Excellency, your accent sounds like a Tegrila. I don't know how to call you?"

"Brian." He stood up, flexing his legs to adjust to the bandaged wound.

"Brian of Tigrila, a monster hunter who focuses on hunting evil creatures?" The baron looked at the black-haired man with a stern face in disbelief.

After recognizing his identity, he exclaimed and wanted to retreat, but tripped over the broken wall and sat down on the ground.

This exclamation seemed to be some kind of omen, and the melon-eating crowd dispersed in a hurry. The person who was about to move took the opportunity to disappear into the crowd, and the two helpers at the front also mixed into the crowd and disappeared.

The man with the scar standing in the front row backed away in fright, wanting to run away, the hideous scar on his pale face looked even uglier under the direct sunlight.

"Hey! Wait a minute." Brian stopped the scarred man who was about to run away: "You seem to have forgotten something."

"What's the matter...Your Excellency?" the scarred man trembled a little from fright.

"Don't you want money?"

Brian smiled and said, "I risked my life for this small amount of money, but you guys want to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of my horses and luggage. It's really hard to change your nature. You all deserve to go to hell."

"You... you... you foreigner, you are teaching me how to do things? I tell... I am..."

The man with the scar spoke incoherently. As he spoke, he mustered up the courage to hold the long knife tightly, and bravely retreated towards the chaotic crowd.

"No, you misunderstood." Brian took the initiative to take a few steps forward, and his light steps showed that he was not affected by the leg injury at all.

"I'm teaching you how to be a man!"

The sharp sword came out of its sheath and cut through the air as fast as lightning.

The scarred man's head flew into the air, drew an arc, and fell into the deep cave. His remnant body fell stiffly and heavily among the rubble, together with the wolf man's corpse.

The crowd screamed in unison, stumbling out of the rubble, and sprinting toward the town, wishing they couldn't run fast enough.

The Fat Baron took the lead, with incredible speed.

(End of this chapter)

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