Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 424 Fudge's Counterattack

Chapter 424 Fudge's Counterattack

Fugui also understands that if the ridiculous witch hunt in the [Middle Ages] is now initiated by Muggles, the wizarding world may really fall apart this time.

This is a fact that almost any wizard who has had a deep understanding of the Muggle world will know.

(Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic's amnestics, Aurors, and the recruiting requirements of the Department of Law would not require the [Muggle Studies Course] to be above excellent. Employees of key departments of the Ministry of Magic must have an understanding of Muggle society in order to know how to maintain the stability of the entire system.)
Only some pure-blooded idiots whose brains have been washed by black magic will really believe that it is possible to go back to the era before the Middle Ages.The era when wizards could treat Muggles at will.

Any wizard who has a little understanding of the history of Muggle society should know that Muggles are best at destroying themselves. Once the wizarding world and Muggle society really go to war, those lunatics will try their best to make wizards fail. (Even if they die together and destroy the whole world, Muggles will probably do it)
In fact, the two Dark Lords, whether it is Grindelwald or Voldemort, are just... a murderer who cannot accept the facts and cannot deceive himself.

Fudge, of course, is well aware of this, and what is the 'real' role of the Ministry of Magic?
- is rule!

Only by maintaining order, and making the order of the magical world continue to run forever.

That's the job of the Ministry of Magic.

(Let the vast majority of wizards abide by the [International Statute of Secrecy], trick them into believing, and satisfy their own false sense of moral superiority, so that they believe that this is the best choice for maintaining world peace, protecting Muggle lives, and their own peaceful lives. Only in this way can the entire system of magical society be maintained stable, and everyone... Let the two worlds survive.)
As the Minister of Magic, Fudge undoubtedly understands this very well, and he is also good at maintaining the balance and secrets of the two worlds.

But what Dumbledore said now...

Is it?

He is implying that those space fragments that have passed away, are the various world dimensions in those myths and legends really coming back?Those mysterious species... ancient magic... Will the entire magic level of the world increase?And will the birth probability of little wizards also increase sharply?
Fudge looked into Dumbledore's eyes, and the two knew each other.

Connelly, the Minister of Magic, seemed to understand something.

—Dumbledore himself is not sure, and even if it is true, it will be a very long process.

The magic world has changed from ancient times to the modern magic world, but it has experienced nearly a thousand years of evolution.

And this kind of thing is indeed not suitable to be said clearly, it will encourage those pure-bloods, Death Eaters, and the fanatical suitors of the Dark Lord to become more fanatical, launch attacks on Muggles...and destroy the stability of the entire magical social system, not to mention that Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have had a lot of troubles in recent years.

After Fudge made a decision in his mind, he didn't say much. He immediately turned to everyone (including Rita Skeeter and... the guy who came to join in the fun after seeing the scene of the little wizard 'tearing his head violently' in the sky) and ordered, "Go back! Go back! The little wizard has been seriously injured... We must let him get the best treatment!"

Under Fudge's persuasion, Lupine finally returned the camera to the photographer Bozo (in fact, there was nothing to take pictures of), and all the people dispersed to make way for Dumbledore to float the little wizard to the school hospital.

Then, naturally...the three frightened fire dragons (and the dragon trainers) finally landed on the ground—the little wizard's actions and the moon phantom just now scared them very much.

When Fudge, Dumbledore and the others went to find Madam Pomfrey, that group of people finally found a place to gossip. They surrounded the dragon tamers... talking and arguing endlessly, it can be seen that they will not stop for a while.

Rita Skeeter stood there for a long time, turning her head from side to side in great difficulty, staring at Dumbledore who had gone away and the dragon trainers surrounded by everyone on the other side.

In the end, she chose to follow Fudge and the others in a hurry and entered the castle.

Then, under Crouch's expulsion arrangement, the remaining people present finally began to repair and tidy up this 'battlefield'.

The moonlight filled the entire castle, and everyone waved their wands and began to try to restore everything to its original state.

However, the cold wind, the smoke, the lightning, and the fireballs spewed by the fire dragon left the traces on the castle and the lawn that were not so easy to remove for a while.

Besides, in Hogwarts Castle, the outbreak of the following incident made everyone... especially Fudge Crouch and the two 'crazy and messy' to the extreme.


"Ms. Skeeter, you should understand. How much impact today's incident will have on the Ministry of Magic, I don't think the editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet" will allow this kind of news report to go up."

"Minister, no one can interfere with the freedom of the press. No matter who says it to me, it's the same thing. Not to mention you, Dumbledore, and Cratchit being there to put pressure on me... Even if you bring half of the Ministry of Magic here, I will say the same."

"No one can interfere with the freedom of the press!"

Standing outside the door of the infirmary were Rita Skeeter, Fudge, Crutch, Dumbledore and the others.

The female reporter shook her curly hair and was arguing loudly with Fudge.

She spoke with a moral halo of 'justice and truth' all over her face.

Rita Skeeter was going 'crazy' with all the 'sky breaking' news this evening.

Her face was flushed, and her neck was suffocated, like a pit bull dog biting her own bones.

"Shhh—keep it down!"

Although Crouch is dissatisfied with Fudge, they are grasshoppers on the same boat now. If this female reporter who has always been talking nonsense about what happened tonight, let this nonsense female reporter write a nonsense, (especially in the end that the dementors, little wizards, and Death Eaters were all caught by a little wizard, and the Ministry of Magic got nothing. It just slipped around Hogwarts blindly.)
If these things are really published in the "Daily Prophet" tomorrow, the entire Ministry of Magic, including myself who is here tonight to deal with these things, will lose face and be infamous for thousands of years.

The position of Minister of Magic, Fudge can't take it, and he can't even think about it.

So Crouch had no choice but to cooperate with Fudge to persuade the female reporter here.

"Keep your voice down... The little wizard is still resting inside. Although Severus, the Potions professor, is with him, try not to disturb his rest... Before Madam Pomfrey arrives, we must keep quiet and keep him stable... I don't think you want to wake that little guy up, do you?"

Crouch took Rita Skeeter and walked two steps towards the corridor outside the door, and said in a low voice.

Although Skeeter, the female reporter, didn't care what Crouch said, she immediately shuddered when she heard the existence of this little wizard, and hurriedly followed Crouch back a few steps obediently.

"There's no way you could stop this news story! The Daily Prophet is not censored by the Ministry of Magic . . . especially since the days of the Dark Lord."

Rita Skeeter glanced carefully behind the oak door, and said again to several people.

"Of course, of course... I will not hinder your freedom of the press."

"However, the editor-in-chief of "Daily Prophet" and even "Wizard Weekly" happened to be members of a [Dodra Club]... Maybe I will have lunch with them tomorrow."

Fudge said a possibility with a smile all over his face.

"You are trading power for money, and I will expose it! I don't believe that you know all the editor-in-chiefs of British magic newspapers, let alone the public is obliged to know the 'truth'." Rita Skeeter roared in a low voice.

"no no!"

Fudge waved his fingers and continued, "Dear Ms. Rita, you don't seem to understand... Your news is indeed something I can't stop, probably... maybe... maybe it will be sent out tomorrow morning."

"But the public is also obliged to know the truth about other things... For example, a famous wizard in Northern Europe filed a lawsuit saying that you insulted the reputation of his ancestors; another example is that someone once illegally used Veritaserum on an old wizard, just for a news report..."

"Are you threatening me?"

Rita Skeeter's chest swelled with anger and she snorted like a donkey.

She stared wide-eyed like a bull's-eye, looking redly at Fudge, Crouch, and Dumbledore who had been smiling and calm.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fudge, but I will not bow to government pressure... The public has a right to know the truth of what happened tonight."

Rita Skeeter yelled angrily, obviously pissed off.

"I'll skip this beforehand..." Fudge actually let go of such a good opportunity to put another pressure on the opponent, which surprised Crouch next to him.

"No, no... what are you talking about, Fudge?"

"Can you put this in advance? Please, Crouch..." Fudge gestured with a look, Crouch seemed to have noticed something, so he became silent, watching this scheming politician perform.

"Rita... can I ask you something?"

Seeing that Fudge's tone was a little more relaxed, Rita Skeeter was a little confused, so she nodded.

"Many people are worried... the hostile attitude of many mainstream media such as "Daily Prophet" and "Wizard Weekly" towards the Ministry of Magic. Some people even call you reporters Voldemort's mouthpiece, saying that you reporters specialize in speaking out for Death Eaters, dark wizards, and supreme pure-bloods..."

"That's pure nonsense!" Rita Skeeter said anxiously.

She knew that in the age since the Dark Lord was gone, this crime was the most serious accusation.

Fudge's previous empty threats would only make her own name, and even if she couldn't report in the British news media, she could pat her ass off to Europe, to America.

But once this charge is established... Once it is known that Fudge made such an accusation against the entire news media circle because of herself, she will no longer be able to report in the entire wizarding world. This is much more serious than fake news...or abide by the reporting ethics of reporters!

Once such a thing happens, it is even very likely that he will only be able to survive in Muggle society.

Rita Skeeter shuddered at the thought of living with Muggles, unable to use any magic.

"Really? This is not nonsense!" Fudge said seriously, pulling his eyebrows. He shook his head and then took out a copy of "Daily Prophet" from his pocket.

"This has been recorded. Before last year..."Daily Prophet", "Wizard Weekly", "Frankfurt Herald of Magic", "American Wizard Weekly"...these reports began to attack the government in large numbers, attacked the effectiveness of the "International Statute of Secrecy", and even once carried out specific personal attacks on Muggle-born wizards in the Ministry of Magic..."

"No, Connelly!"

"Wait, let me finish..." Fudge held up the newspaper for Rita Skeeter to see.

——This is exactly yesterday's "Daily Prophet", on the second page of the newspaper, it is extremely mocking... towards Weasley and another head of the Ministry of Magic's Sports Department, and the head of the Magical Sports Department is a famous Muggle-born wizard, known for his friendly stance against Muggles.

Rita Skeeter's face changed drastically after seeing this report. Although her name was not written on the report, it was indeed revised and handed over to the editor.

Since there was no special news written in the past two weeks, and she has not received any income, Rita took a little personal work from the editor as usual, helping a pure-blood wizard revise the manuscript so that it meets the publication requirements of the "Daily Prophet".

Fudge was not finished yet, he snapped his fingers, and document bags appeared out of thin air.

Every time you snap your fingers, a document bag will appear.

"Not only that... there are others? Come and see... As a well-known reporter in Europe, you should also know about it."

"The Ministry of Magic's press spokesman management office has finally done something useful. They have been collecting reports and materials from newspapers such as the "Daily Prophet" over the years... Take a look..."

"This is the prejudice that has been reported in these newspapers for many years. The discrimination against Muggle wizards is simply sensational..."

"These are unfavorable news that concealed the shareholders behind the newspaper company..."

Fudge handed the thick document bags to Rita Skeeter one by one, allowing her to see clearly the words marked on them.

[Malicious hate report against Muggle prejudice]... [Conspiracy against the British Ministry of Magic report]... [Pure-blood supremacist ideological trend report]... [Report sympathetic to Death Eaters and the Dark Lord]... [Reports related to the collusion of interests to bury the truth]...

"Oh, yes, deliberately exaggerating, inciting wizards to hate Muggles, inciting them to oppose the Ministry of Magic...especially against me...hungry..."

Fudge said that it was a bit stuck here, and after snapping his fingers, a particularly thick bag twice the size of other sheepskin portfolios appeared in his hand, and he put it heavily in Rita Skeeter's arms.

——【Collection of Jokes from Past Ministers of the Ministry of Magic】

(End of this chapter)

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