Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 452 Correction?

Chapter 452 Correction regression?

"Then see you on September [-]st..."

said Dumbledore to Horace from the resplendent doorway.

"Okay, no problem," Slughorn muttered, "Albus, I'll ask for a raise...damn Resurgence..."

Dumbledore smiled.

"Goodbye, Professor Horace! I look forward to your Potions class!" said McGuffin.

"Goodbye, Professor," Snape said sullenly.

The rain started to get a little heavy again.

Bit by bit dripping from the dark sky.

A few people braved the rain from the courtyard garden to the invisible Thestral carriage.

After they got into the carriage and flew into the sky, they circled over the Muggle streets for a while.

Dumbledore returned the light to the street lamps on the street through the silver lighter.

Then he gestured to the tallest thestral pulling the carriage ahead (the carriage started suddenly and galloped towards the night sky),
He returned to the carriage and sat down, and said to McGuffin with a chuckle, "Good job, Albert!"

"Let's have a good rest, we have to go to Gringotts..."

"Do you have to take him? What's the use of this guy?" Snape said impatiently, looking at McGuffin, "Besides, I shouldn't have anything to do with him in the future, right? That idiot Sirius is still in my old house...Although Arthur Weasley is watching there, but..."

Snape thought of Arthur Weasley's eyes sparkling when he saw the Muggle facilities in his old house, and he really couldn't believe that guy... If it wasn't that there was no one to choose, he didn't want that guy to set foot in his house at all.

"Don't worry, Arthur is a very reliable person, and Black also knows the seriousness..."

"Heavy...huh! As long as I don't blow up my house... and expose my identity to the world, I'll be grateful to Merlin!" Snape snorted coldly and stopped talking, and to be honest, he was also a little interested in the [Horcrux] that might exist in Gringotts.

The Thestral carriage flew across the night sky, and soon landed on the streets of Gringotts.

It's about three or four in the morning.

The winding cobblestone alleys are quiet and dark, only the sound of dripping rain hitting the ground and walls, and the roof.

It was a hazy rainy night, and none of the shops on both sides of the street were open.

The Thestral carriage moved slowly on the deserted streets.

McGuffin looked out from the window of the carriage, and could barely see [Ollivander's Wand Shop], [Boutique Quidditch Shop], [Lee Trace Bookstore] These shops are all closed windows and doors, and all kinds of wooden boards or heavy velvet curtains are drawn tightly... Maybe the only one that is open is the [Yila Owl Shop].

The cries of owls and various pets, and the cries from that shop continued... Adding a bit of horror to the empty street.

At the door of the empty, dark shop, there was a rocking chair, on which lay a goblin wearing a red guard uniform... He squinted his eyes boredly, yawned, and shook the chair.

On top of the back of the wicker chair stood an owl or two with glowing eyes...

Not only that, there are dozens of birdcages hanging at the entrance of the store, and many small wooden sticks hanging in the air. Dozens to hundreds of owls are crowded there densely, and the eyes of each owl are like fluorescent light bulbs, shining in the dark night.

Seeing the Thestral carriage approaching slowly, they made piercing chirping sounds, and those 'lights' were also turning with the movement of the carriage, which was a bit scary.

Finally...the carriage came to Gringotts, the largest building in Diagon Alley.

In the dark and rainy night, the snow-white tower towering high above other shops is even more conspicuous.

It seems to have some kind of magic, it is misty, with a slightly blurred white light, and the hazy drizzle does not seem to wet the white wall outside at all.

"Gringotts has been cast by so many wizards and so many magics... so many that even the most senior goblins who work there don't know how much magic there is."

"...I have to say that Galleon is the most magical thing in the world as far as the present age is concerned. It drives almost everyone...Whether they are pure-blood wizards or Muggle-born wizards, even me and Voldemort are bound by it...Who knows, maybe the goblins of Gringotts can be regarded as ruling the world!"

Dumbledore joked with a giggle when he saw that McGuffin was staring at Gringotts.

Afterwards, he took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket and glanced at it, "There is still half an hour until five o'clock in the morning, when Gringotts will open for the first time, and they will transfer treasures from Egypt, North America, Australia...even East Asia, and they even gave it a unique name..."

"Oh, by the way,—correction regression!"

what is that?
McGuffin covered his head and considered for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what this meant.

I always feel that there is a kind of "Nanbowan" hidden in this vocabulary!
"What correction? What regression! That is a vocabulary invented to fool human wizards..."

"The goblin directors of Gringotts are inventing all kinds of new vocabulary every day and every moment. The wealth is transferred from the wizarding world of other countries to Gringotts in the UK. The British Ministry of Magic has also acquiesced in this... From hundreds of years to now, Gringotts has been like this since its inception. Otherwise, why would Gringotts send so many wizards around the world to do and pay wages... Let them excavate magical relics and treasures."

"The purpose of goblins is to plunder and exploit wealth... When the Death Eaters rose to power, they were loyal to Voldemort, and now they are loyal to the Ministry of Magic. The only thing that remains the same is Gallon... Dumbledore, stop talking nonsense. So all this...isn't it just to divert attention, to put it nicely...return treasure...return a large number of Galleons...to Gringotts in England?"

"What the hell is the correction coming back?... Do you think I'm brainless?"

Snape obviously had a bad impression of these goblins, which is normal... He is a half-blood wizard, and his old house is still in a Muggle-inhabited area. From this, it can be seen that his original family was not very rich. When he was a child, he probably was ridiculed and made things difficult by these goblins who "did in the eyes of money".

Moreover, he still felt extremely uncomfortable with Horace Slughorn, an old cunning, old spider temporarily taking over his position. Fortunately, he used this excuse... to directly attack Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled gently. He didn't say anything, but turned to McGuffin and said, "Okay, McGuffin...let me transform you... When you go in later, the status of a little wizard is not conducive to entering the treasure house of the Lestrange family!"

McGuffin asked, "What do you mean, Professor?"

"Just disguise your identity and let me see who is more suitable to transform you into..."

"If Snape turns into Lucius Malfoy...McGuffin, you become LS...It just so happens that we can pretend to be a member of the Hogwarts board of directors and his headmaster...to search the thief who stole the Hogwarts treasure to some extent...Maybe we can get in there...After all, the Hogwarts board of directors is Gringotts' biggest client...even one of Gringotts' major shareholders. They will definitely allow us to search the treasure house of the Lestrange family."

——Become a German LS!

McGuffin shuddered instantly, and Snape would have died laughing.

"Come on, Professor!" he begged the old fox.

However, Snape also seemed not interested in this suggestion, and was even disgusted... He directly picked up his wand and said, "Dare you, Dumbledore!"

"Okay! I don't have the courage to sacrifice at all." Dumbledore sighed, "Then Professor Flitwick! McGuffin, you are about the same height as him...and Flitwick is currently on vacation at the magic hut in Antarctica. Almost no one knows where he is going, and it will take two weeks before he comes back..."

"Well, fine, but Professor, I don't like Professor Flitwick's beard...it looks a bit too long..."

"Oh, it's not a question of whether it looks good or not... But I can indeed shorten the beard."

Dumbledore gestured up and down with his wand, looked at the McGuffin, and after a while, started working, muttering spells in his mouth.

This is a completely different feeling from [Blood Curse] deformation.

McGuffin didn't know if the feeling of using [Compound Decoction] was so strange. He felt that his appearance was covered with a plastic shell. Although he could still feel various senses of touch and smell...but it was slightly slow, like a signal delay...thoughts and actions were always about two points slower.

He took out his wand and tapped on the glass of the car, which turned into a mirror, and then released the [Luminescent Curse], and McGuffin looked at his current appearance in the pale blue light.

Almost exactly the same as Professor Flitwick, with pointed ears, a long and pointed nose, and a short body... The beard and down on his face are slightly white, and they grow in a mess... Wearing a wizard's robe that doesn't fit his figure, with a long tail at the back...

"How is it? My craftsmanship is not bad!" Dumbledore said slightly proudly.

"It's okay!" Snape stared at McGuffin coldly, "You just hope the goblins don't see any tell-tale tricks in a while!"

"Albert, as long as you don't speak..."

While the few people were talking, there was a sharp sound from the sky, it was like a tire rapidly leaking air, or something exploded through the air...

"Okay, here they are, get out of the car." After Dumbledore finished speaking, one of his own people got out of the car first and came to the streets of Diagon Alley.

Their Thestral carriage stopped not under the marble steps of Gringotts, but around the corner.

This just happened to not compete with the big guy in the sky.

When McGuffin got off the carriage, he looked up and saw a row of black, extremely huge and amazing freight carriages descending from the sky to the bottom of the marble steps.

That's right, it's a column!
——Like a 'train' being dragged by thestrals.

The carriage was pulled by more than a dozen Thestrals in front, and the long reins pulled one after another of dark rectangular carriages (connected to each other, the carriages were not very big, about the size of ordinary carriages...but the sum of so many was spectacular), some large packages were tied on the top of the carriages, and some wizards and goblin guards sat on the top just like that.

(There are park bench-like seats on the top of the car, and all the wizards have their wands out, looking around warily...

When they saw the McGuffins and the others on Diagon Alley Street, they became even more nervous, and they issued fluorescent spells one after another... Shining towards here, and yelling loudly... Asking the McGuffins to get down, or get out of here quickly...)
It wasn't until the bronze door of Gringotts opened slowly, and a dozen goblins leaped out of it, shouting and ordering goods, that they calmed down a little and jumped out of the carriage...but they still stood in a row, wary of Dumbledore, McGuffin and the others.

"Go, let's go! Remember...McGuffin, don't make a sound...Otherwise it will be difficult. I can't explain why Professor Flitwick broke his voice."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he led the two of them striding forward.

Soon they were at the bottom of the marble steps leading to the bronze gate, beside the black Thestral 'train'.

About five or six goblins in scarlet and gold uniforms showed strange knives, and three or four wizards raised their wands and surrounded them.

"Stop strangers, ahead is [Gringotts Wizards and Goblins Savings Bank] loading and unloading property."

"According to the ancient magic contract...if anyone tries to get something for nothing here...to steal wealth that does not belong to us, we have the right to execute anyone...even if you are the Minister of Magic, even if you are the headmaster of Hogwarts, you will receive the most severe punishment!"

One of the goblins finished the sentence in one breath at a multi-fold speed.

The frightening thing is... what this guy said, McGuffin could hear every single word clearly.

Listening to this very strong threat, Dumbledore chuckled softly,
Then he sighed exaggeratedly, snapped his fingers, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of everyone, illuminating the entire street.

At the same time, Dumbledore, Snape, and Flitwick (McGuffin) were also seen by goblins and wizards.

"Deng-Deng...Professor Boo-Brido..."

"Professor Dumbledore! What are you doing here?"

There were whispers in the air, coming from the dark, blurred crowd... The atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot. Obviously, the exaggerated warnings of the goblins just now made many wizards secretly laugh, and people didn't think that Albus Dumbledore would come to rob Gringotts early in the morning.

The Gringotts side was stunned for a moment, and a fierce quarrel erupted between the goblin guards in red uniforms who came over and the goblins who got off the 'train'...and even fought.

After a few unpleasant smack-snacks, a dark-skinned, swollen, red-faced goblin guard was wheeled out to confront Professor Dumbledore.

This guy first knelt down on one knee in an exaggerated way... to Professor Dumbledore.

(Judging from that neat and familiar movement, it is obvious that this poor guy is not the first time he has been thrown out to do such an offending thing... And this sudden kneeling and bowing action reminded McGuffin of the craftsman spirit of a certain "big nuclear country"... I'm afraid he didn't go there to "learn lessons" from there.)
Afterwards, the goblin guard trembled, trying to prevent Dumbledore and the others from approaching here, which made the human wizard guard behind him laugh...

Fortunately, Dumbledore did not embarrass the unlucky elf, he said that he would just wait here for the person in charge to come over.

Come over for a while,
An elderly goblin in a gray robe with a monocle twirling over his eye sockets trotted down the marble stairs panting.

This guy first discussed with the goblins who seemed to have a higher status, and then immediately came to McGuffin and the others with a smile on his face, "Professor Dumbledore, why are you here at Gringotts at this time... What's the matter, just ask that stupid Hogwarts guard to go... Our staff promises to arrange everything properly."

"Do you have anything precious to store here in Gringotts? Is it more precious than the Sorcerer's Stone?...I can guarantee that even Fudge, the Minister of Magic, is not as safe as we are here!"

The older goblin rubbed her hands together with a flattering smile on her face.

 Changed the connotation of correction and regression, anyway, it is to divert attention, modify the digital method, there is no difference!
(End of this chapter)

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