Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 460 Resurrection (2)

Chapter 460 Resurrection ([-])

Bellatrix Lestrange respectfully placed her master on the shabby old armchair.

Then she took out a long and thin bottle from nowhere... It was filled with some kind of suspicious purple-red solution, like some kind of viscous chocolate, and she gently fed it into Voldemort's mouth with the little spoon.

After seeing Voldemort's signal, she immediately stopped her movements, put the bottle on the table beside her with a bang, and lowered her head to wait for her master's order.

"Wormtail? Tell him to come up, tidy up here, light the fireplace..."

"Okay, master."

After Bellatrix commanded Wormtail condescendingly, she found Nagia and fed her milk.
Then back to Voldemort, she saw Wormtail pushing the armchair against the edge of the fire.

Orange firelight illuminated the entire room.

She carefully found a corner, took out a bottle of bloody cocktail from the untraceable stretching space bag her sister Narcissa gave her, and gulped it down in one gulp, alleviating the bloodthirsty urge in her heart.

But then a faint smell of blood began to permeate the air in the room.

Wormtail paced back and forth in panic between Voldemort's armchair and Bellatrix, his movements being as slight as possible so as not to attract the Dark Lord's attention.

For a moment, the air became silent, and there was only the sound of crackling flames in the room... and the sound of Nagia's giant snake crawling past from outside.

In this way, after two or three hours, Voldemort probably regained his energy. He confirmed with Wormtail and Bellatrix the detailed process of the ceremony to be performed later, and then ordered his two servants to take him to the Riddle family's cemetery.

When they came to the overgrown cemetery, Bellatrix quietly hugged Voldemort, and stood aside watching Wormtail busy.

He was taking out a palm-sized cauldron, some weird potion ingredients...and some other necessities for the ceremony from that 【Untraceable Stretching Bag】.

Wormtail waved his magic wand to clear a piece of weeds between the cemeteries, making a clearing, then deformed and raised the ground, as if making a support, and placed the cauldron in the center.

"Quickly zoom in!"

As the spell was uttered, the cauldron shook twice and quickly grew in size... The thing became big enough for a person to sit in and take a bath.

"Help me up and let me see there." Voldemort's shrill voice sounded.

Bellatrix held Voldemort upright so he could watch what was happening before him.

"Soon, soon..." Voldemort let out a cold laugh, he scanned everything in front of him, and then he saw a tombstone inadvertently.

—Tom Riddle.

The name seemed to sting him, the Dark Lord snorted contemptuously, and looked away.

"Cast a spell to expel Muggles, and don't let those bugs interfere with my magic ritual..." he ordered coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

"Muggle shield!" Wormtail waved his wand, and a mist spewed out from the tip of the wand, quickly sweeping around the entire cemetery... forming a circle, surrounded by white mist.

Perhaps this was not enough, Voldemort let out a hissing and purring sound... Immediately afterwards, the giant snake that had been crawling around Bellatrix's feet, entwined around his body - Nagia, slowly crawled into the grass and meandered towards the mist, as if to guard the place.

The figure of the big snake quickly disappeared into the mist.

"The magic fountain is gushing!"

Wormtail took off his hood, leaned in front of the huge cauldron, and then gently touched the edge of the cauldron with his wand.

Then there were gurgles and splashes of water, and some unknown liquid quickly filled the crucible.

"Lean me over, I want to see..."

Bellatrix held Voldemort carefully and approached Wormtail step by step, approaching the cauldron.

When Wormtail heard the movement, he became more nervous and flustered. He hurriedly poked his wand against the bottom of the cauldron, causing it to burst into crackling flames.

The flames shot up all of a sudden.

It was burning so fiercely that it almost swallowed that huge crucible.

Wormtail kept taking out the ingredients for the potion that he had just brought out... A jar of giant eight-eyed spider eyeballs; a thick, old keel as hard as a stone; some kind of beating tentacles covered with spikes; a sticky toad coat covered with purple bumps; some kind of weird moss that was wet, fluffy and glowing green...

He threw them into the crucible one by one, then raised his wand and slowly circled the liquid, constantly stirring and injecting magic power, controlling the rotation and flow of the potion, as well as the magic interaction between the potion materials.

Soon, the liquid in the crucible began to boil within a minute or two, and it became green fluorescent,
The weird liquid kept splashing... The steam filled the air and became thicker, and the figure of Wormtail, who was stirring the liquid on tiptoe with his wand, gradually became blurred.

"Quick!" Voldemort urged from time to time, his voice extremely cold.

Wormtail intensified the flames again.

The orange flame danced and almost swallowed the cauldron from the ground,
The liquid and the flames 'fight' each other, collide... There is a sizzling sound, and the thick fog is like the exhaust chimney of a steam train, whistling out of the crucible...

White mist flooded here.

In this blurred scene, the surface of the liquid in the crucible also gradually began to calm down...it became transparent, turning into a liquid like glass after melting...translucent, slightly viscous, and shining with light.

The magic liquid... is now like a soft mirror, like a huge soft diamond section.

"It's on fire, Master."

"Put me in, Bella..." Voldemort's tone fluctuated slightly, even he... couldn't help being a little excited now.

13 years and finally...

Bellatrix tore away the gray sackcloth that had wrapped Voldemort, revealing the ugly, weak monster once again.

The female vampire was so excited that she couldn't help herself, she breathed heavily, and firmly lifted that... baby-like, red, scaled little monster, approached the cauldron step by step, and put it into it.

Slowly swallowed by the translucent solution, Voldemort sank to the bottom of the cauldron.

"Quick! Don't stand still!"

Bellatrix stared at the cauldron feverishly, and then urged the somewhat petrified Wormtail to act quickly.

As she said that, she ignored Wormtail, and took out a long, thin, silver dagger from her pocket.

Bellatrix rolled up her sleeves, exposing her arms... The dangling silver dagger slashed across her wrist,
The rift was deep... flesh and blood...but there was no blood.

"Quick spell! Idiot!"

The female vampire roared angrily.

Only then did Wormtail come to his senses. Trembling, he turned his eyes away from the cauldron, raised his wand, and hastily shouted to the night sky, "The blood of your enemy...sacrificed as fate...can make your enemy...resurrect!"

After finishing speaking, Bellatrix let out a muffled groan, and then a blush welled up on that pale face like a dead man, and then under the pale, almost transparent skin, several blood lines swelled up, and quickly flowed to the wounded arm...

One drop, one drop... translucent blood dripped into the crucible, and the surface of the original translucent solution was instantly stained red... like a polished bloodstone... layer by layer... it was like filtering layer by layer, and finally there were only a few faint threads of blood that wound around Voldemort's body at the bottom of the crucible.

As the blood thread entangled little by little, the potion in the crucible began to turn blue, and it began to flow by itself without magical stirring.

The baby figure of Voldemort, who could be vaguely seen at first, gradually disappeared into it...

There were only two red dots, like Voldemort's eyes were swimming underwater, watching people outside... It felt chilling.

And the red blood slowly turned into some red fine powder, which was pushed to the edge of the crucible, churned and dried by the flames underneath... Finally, it turned into a layer of dry brown blood on the edge of the crucible.

Bellatrix was very satisfied when she saw this scene, she put her wrist to her mouth, licked it from top to bottom with her bloody tongue, making a weird noise.

Soon, the deep bone wound on her wrist closed and closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and healed as before.

It's like kneading a piece of plasticine.

"now you!"

Bellatrix handed the dagger in her hand to Wormtail, and ordered sharply.

Wormtail took the sharp dagger tremblingly, sobbing... hesitating several times before daring to make a move.

Bellatrix next to her wished she could grab the dagger and 'help' the coward cut it down, but she knew that once the ceremony started, Wormtail could only do it voluntarily... otherwise the magic ceremony would be destroyed.

Bellatrix didn't even dare to urge.

Fortunately, however, Wormtail was more afraid of Voldemort in the end... He closed his eyes, and whispered under his breath:

"A servant's flesh - a voluntary donation - will regenerate your - master -."

Then he slashed at his right hand that had lost its finger.

--ah! --ah!

Amidst Wormtail's miserable screams, Bellatrix threw the half of his arm into the cauldron in disgust.

- Pfft!
The blue potion turned fiery red.

"My lord... you will return to the world... rule everything with fear..." she murmured, staring feverishly at the lava-like liquid in the cauldron, and then snapped, "Okay, come on, Wormtail... just one last step..."

Wormtail gasped and groaned in extreme pain. He wanted to cast a spell on his broken arm to stop the bleeding, but he ignored the impatient urging of the female vampire. He could only deal with the injury briefly, and directly began to slowly raise his wand with his left hand and cast a spell on the grave on the other side——

"Father's bones, donated unintentionally, can make your son regenerate!"

In this cemetery, that Riddle's tomb cracked open...

Bellatrix threw up her arms and cried out loudly and frantically: "Master! Come back!  …"

no response.

"Come back!" she cried again,

The potion in the crucible is unchanged.

"Come back?" She felt that it was almost done, so she called a third time.

But nothing changed, and Bellatrix's tone became slightly suspicious.

"Back to...?...What's going on?"

"What's going on?...Wormtail...Peter Pettigrew!"

Bellatrix's expression immediately turned ferocious,
Her eyeballs were protruding, filled with blood... Bloody blue veins were densely crowded on that face... Not to mention those two long fangs, and a mouth full of other fine and sharp teeth.

The original female face exuding fatal charm suddenly seemed... to become an ugly bloodthirsty piranha.

"I...I don't know..."

Wormtail seemed to be frightened by this scene. He didn't care that the wound on the severed arm opened up again, bleeding continuously... and began to wave his wand at the grave over there again and again...

Not only was the tomb of the handsome eldest son of the Riddle family cracked open, but even old Riddle... the graves of all three members of the family were cracked... Even in the end, it was directly blasted open, turning into three deep pits...

But... nothing floated out of it, and the crucible didn't respond...

Bellatrix roared angrily. Although she no longer has magic power, she used to be a wizard with extremely powerful magic power... and this situation, even a young wizard who has not graduated can understand it at once.

"Why not? Where's the Muggle bone? Where did it go..."

Wormtail must have been frightened mad. He knelt down in front of the cauldron, sobbing... waving his wand again and again, trying to save something.

Useless actions can be repeated, and nothing will be changed if repeated ten thousand times.

Bellatrix jumped to the edge of those graves in one fell swoop, and she looked in, helplessly and furiously trying to find something...

Obviously, someone flipped it here.

The vampire smelled fresh earth,
—About a week... not more than two weeks ago at the most.

"Who is it? The guy who dared to sabotage the plans of the great Voldemort?"

Then the female vampire found a small tin box lying quietly in the deep pit, the size of a Quaffle, square...on it was a picture of a silver-bearded old man wearing glasses.

—Is it Dumbledore?

At this time, Voldemort, who had been waiting for the completion of the ceremony, also felt something was wrong.

He mobilized his magical power that he had recovered these days, and in that pot of magic potion, he transformed into a fleshy, thick, bloody... as if without bones and skin - a rubber headgear.

"What's going on?" Voldemort let out a very strange... grunting voice.

The sound was indistinct, like the friction of skin and flesh.

But his two servants didn't have the guts to be surprised at this... they just knelt down before the cauldron tremblingly, and told what happened.

Bellatrix presented the box she had found to Voldemort.

"—open it! Wormtail!"

Voldemort's tone was flat, but Wormtail was so frightened that his legs went limp and he couldn't stand up shaking.

Because he knew the Dark Lord - this was the rage to the extreme.

"Araho Cave is open!"

The box creaked and opened slowly.

There are only two things in it——

A card with handwriting on it, and a black plastic box with buttons in Roman numerals...

Under Voldemort's cold order, Bellatrix stood up and brought the two items inside to him... that is, the skinless flesh and blood hood.

Voldemort's two eye sockets glowed with a strange red light, looking at the card,

It says--

Do you know what I need?

Like three years ago... shall we make a deal?

Dear Lord Voldemort!

If you say yes, please call the magic phone, the Muggle box.

Voldemort watched it again in disbelief,
He, trembling all over, the holster kept vibrating,
Immediately, a roar pierced the night sky.


"—McGuffin Albert!"

(End of this chapter)

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