Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 468 Warning

Chapter 468 Warning
"Hello, Sirius!"

McGuffin and the other four greeted each other.

Black was wearing a slightly ill-fitting gray robe now, but it was much better than the tattered robe that couldn't even cover his big belly last time.

Now his black hair is neater and much shorter than when we met last time.

The whole person looks very energetic, better than the puffy appearance last time.

Although the cheeks still have that plump and swaying feeling,... um!Perhaps it was specially kept like this, after all, there are still many people who remember Sirius' appearance when he was young.


"McGuffin!" Black looked at Harry happily, and after hugging him tightly, he stared at MacGuffin with complicated eyes.

"Let's make a long story short? If someone else finds out that I'm here... it will cause an uproar, and they will ask you about my whereabouts... The Ministry of Magic will also be involved... Fudge and Dumbledore can't keep me!" Black said with a very serious expression, "Your scar, and that weird dream about the resurrection of the Dark Lord, please tell us again?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Harry didn't want to worry his godfather too much, but as soon as he said that, he turned his head and carefully looked at McGuffin's face, obviously the nightmare still affected him.

"What? The Dark Lord is resurrected? Harry, your scar hurts...why didn't you tell us!" Hermione really bluffed loudly.

"That's, that's—wait, McGuffin, do you know that too?" Ron has always been very sensitive in this regard, and he saw right through McGuffin.

Harry stared at the McGuffin in horror.

McGuffin knew that he had to explain now, "Professor Dumbledore told me...I've been busy with him and Professor Snape these days, and I'll tell you later. Harry, why don't you explain that nightmare in detail? I'll report to Professor Dumbledore...see what's going on."

Black also interjected, confirming that McGuffin did know about it from Dumbledore, which reassured Harry a bit. (Although he still wonders why McGuffin is with Dumbledore and the others.)
Harry, he began to talk endlessly about that weird nightmare.

Mists, graves, cauldrons—Wormtail—Bellatrix—and Voldemort resurrected through strange rituals and deals with MacGuffins—

(Black didn't interrupt Harry, he just kept emphasizing that Harry should speak more carefully, everything must be explained clearly, especially the details of specific scenes...

The appearance of Wormtail and the resurrection of Bellatrix made him frown constantly, and when he heard the voice of McGuffin appearing in a Muggle box... Several people present gasped,-and the news of Voldemort's resurrection was a bit frightening for several people, especially Ron. )
"After that, I woke up suddenly! The scar hurt so badly, it was like facing Voldemort directly... I'm still not sure if that nightmare is real or not!" Harry ended his words in a panic.

Everyone looked at the McGuffin. Although the probability was very small, this kind of thing...according to their feeling...it was indeed possible for the McGuffin to do it.

"Tell me, McGuffin, what's going on?" Ron said dryly.

"What? This can't be true at all... Bellatrix is ​​dead, and the newspapers clearly and clearly announced her end... As a cannibal Wendigo was executed. Under the eyes of everyone, it is impossible to fake it... And McGuffin, how could he make a deal with the Dark Lord... Have you forgotten who gave him the curse now?" Hermione said angrily.

Sirius was not so easy to dismiss. His eyes were full of doubts about McGuffin, and he asked, "Whether this nightmare is true or not, it is not the primary issue we have to worry about right now. The most important thing at the moment is why Harry's scar hurts... and it will be related to this nightmare. What should you know from Dumbledore? Or guess something yourself, right? McGuffin?"

"I do know, but Harry, you should know it too!" McGuffin asked, turning to stare at Harry.

Then, without waiting for Harry to reply, he said, "The source of the Parseltongue in Harry's body, I once heard Professor Dumbledore talk about it..."

"That night, after the Dark Lord failed to kill Harry, the two of them established a connection... This connection is far closer than the [Blood Curse] on me and the Dark Lord."

"This kind of connection can even allow Harry to spy...even to some extent directly connected to the soul and mind of the Dark Lord...maybe this is why Harry's scar hurts, and whether that nightmare is true or not...only proves one thing..."

"Regardless of whether the Dark Lord is resurrected or not, he is indeed getting stronger and stronger, and he can influence him even without meeting Harry."

"Harry, you have to recall the [Occlumency] that Snape once taught us...to take the initiative to master it...or sever the connection...It's not a good idea to let the Dark Lord get into your head."

McGuffin's words made Harry even more desperate.

"Black... No, Dumbledore gave you this!"

After McGuffin finished speaking, he took out another wand from his pocket and handed it to Sirius.

"This is?"

"Second-hand wand, for your temporary use... Twelve inches, made of fir, made of unicorn tail hair, make do with it! You also know that it is impossible to provide you with a better wand, but in the upcoming Quidditch World Cup... If you want to protect Harry, you can't let you go empty-handed! These are the exact words of Professor Dumbledore!"

This move by McGuffin cheered Harry up a little.

"Okay, let's talk about another topic, you have to know about Harry, listen carefully..." McGuffin emphasized.

"What is it? Is there anything more terrifying than Voldemort's resurrection and his possibility of controlling my brain?" Harry felt his emotions sinking again.

"It's [Horcrux]!"

McGuffin said, "You guys remember that [notebook] we grabbed in second grade?"

Hermione and Ron turned pale, especially Ron... He didn't want to recall all the things that happened that year at all.

"How could it be forgotten!" Hermione said slowly, "What's the matter, wasn't that thing taken away by Professor Dumbledore and kept in his hands?"

"That thing is Voldemort's [Horcrux], the secret to his immortality and invincibility."


Sirius also came to his senses, his face was as ugly as Ron's, "Snape, and Professor Dumbledore, and you are busy with this these days?"

His face was very ugly, and when he saw other young wizards puzzled, he explained a little bit what [Horcrux] was.

"This is the most evil magic invention...in order to avoid death, wizards kill recklessly, play with human souls, split their own souls, and store them separately. When a wizard creates a [Horcrux], it means that he has fallen into the most evil abyss. This spell can corrupt the mind of any powerful wizard...This extremely evil spell can only be understood and studied by pure-blood wizard families and the most powerful dark wizards."

McGuffin didn't interrupt Black's explanation, he listened patiently until Sirius finished his words and fell silent before continuing.

"Just like what Sirius said, if you want to completely eliminate the Dark Lord, all Horcruxes must be destroyed!"

"And before that, we must figure out the number of [horcruxes]... and their whereabouts..."

"As far as we know, the [notebook] has been destroyed... (McGuffin paused, and didn't reveal the information about the Hufflepuff Gold Cup just in case)... As for the remaining Horcruxes, it's up to you, Harry!"

"What do you mean?" Black changed his expression drastically, "I will never allow it, Harry is still too young, now is not the time to do such a thing!"

Sirius strenuously objected.

"That's what Professor Dumbledore meant, otherwise I wouldn't have told you these things," McGuffin said.


"McGuffin, are you busy with these things this summer?" Hermione looked at her friend of the same age in disbelief.

"We are running out of time, we must act quickly. Listen, Harry! You must learn the exact number of [Horcruxes] from Professor Horace, he should know..."

"Horace Slughorn . . . the old spider!" said Blake in surprise.

"Who is Horace?" Hermione asked together.

"He's the Hogwarts potions professor!" After being confirmed by McGuffin, Black showed a very disdainful expression.

"So what is Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"Well, it's Professor Snape!"

Harry scowled, the news was hard for him.

"I'm leaving here!" McGuffin looked up at the position of the sun and stood up. "Harry, remember! You still have one more task to learn about the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's diadem from Ms. Gray and confirm whether it has really been taken away by the Dark Lord. This will be of great help in our understanding of the Dark Lord's past... and the search for Horcruxes."

"Remember, this is what Professor Dumbledore told me to tell you... Protect your mind!"

McGuffin circled his fingers around his temples and pointed to his head, "You must recall the [Occlumency] taught by Snape... Protect your secrets! If not, you will probably be taught by Snape alone in the next semester."

After speaking, McGuffin tore off the strange-looking necklace around his neck.

"Clear springs are like water!"

A stream of water spurted from the tip of his wand, forming a water ball, suspended in the palm of the MacGuffin.

"Burning flames!"

As the flame and the water polo meet and bake, the water in the water polo gradually boils.

Under the strange gaze of several people, McGuffin immersed the necklace in boiling water, and soon the amber layer on it disappeared, revealing a piece of bone.

After the temperature dropped slightly, McGuffin grabbed the cuttlefish bone, and finally said to the stunned people in front of him, "Get ready, we will be very tired, troublesome, and even dangerous in the next year."

"Wait, where are you going, MacGuffin!" Ron yelled.

"Sorry to Mrs. Weasley! I can't have dinner... I have to meet Professor Dumbledore and the others."

Before he finished speaking, McGuffin lifted his feet off the ground, was driven by the bone to levitate, and flew in mid-air, spinning, with a flash of light, and disappeared before the eyes of several people.

After the McGuffin disappeared, Hermione looked at Ron and then at Harry. Everyone was shocked and lost in thought.

She thought about it, and broke the silence first: "Sirius, what do you think of what McGuffin said! I feel that McGuffin still has a lot of things to hide from us...even..."

——Even whether Voldemort's resurrection was related to him, McGuffin did not give a clear and positive answer.

Hermione thought about it and still didn't say her conjecture, because if it wasn't true, once she said it, the friendship between the few people would no longer exist.

The news made Harry's mood so bad.

[Horcrux], the connection with Voldemort... Snape became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts... These things fell on his face one after another, and he couldn't breathe.

Blake looked at the place where McGuffin disappeared, hesitated, and said slowly, "It's strange... This little wizard is very strange. I have never seen such a Hogwarts student."

"Sometimes... I think your friend is scarier than the Death Eaters, or even the Dark Lord!"

"That night... I'll never forget, he ripped off the head of the dementor... or the possessed form of the Dark Lord."

"Be careful with him!"

Sirius spoke his conclusion with a heavy tone.

"No, we trust Albert, don't we? Harry...even Professor Dumbledore doesn't give such important tasks to McGuffin." Although Hermione was a little suspicious of McGuffin, she still insisted on trusting her friend now, so she opened her mouth to refute Sirius' words.

"It's not to make you doubt him... but to be careful... Be careful of McGuffin Albert. Although I don't know why Dumbledore believes in this little wizard so much... But I don't think you know it yet? Before Bellatrix died, McGuffin interrogated this Death Eater with Dumbledore and... Snape."

"Impossible!" exclaimed Ron and Harry in surprise.

"It's true! Remus told me that!"

"Professor Lupine?"

"Harry, you should understand! What this little wizard is dealing with is something you can't face for the time being...whether it's from a mana or a mental perspective...you'd better not get involved in these things because of him."

"I'm not going to hide behind a McGuffin!" Harry said immediately, "This is what I was supposed to face."

Then he asked, "Who is Horace Slughorn?"

"The old Potions professor...the teaching level is fine, it's just that he..." Black sighed softly.

Seeing Harry's insistence, Black stopped talking about the topic just now and talked about Horace.

Afterwards, Ginny came over to stop them and asked them to help clear the table.

(Sirius becomes the black dog again)
(End of this chapter)

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