Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 486 The Ministry of Magic's Offensive and Defensive Battle (1)

Chapter 486 The Ministry of Magic's Offensive and Defensive Battle ([-])

"Surprise, what a surprise!"

"McGuffin Albert!"

Voldemort's stern voice echoed in Harry's mind as if he had spoken it himself.

The feeling made him shudder.

--no, do not want!
He opened his eyes and screamed violently in the box on the field,
It almost overwhelmed the sound of people cheering for the game in this box.

Harry looked up suddenly, he had fallen to the ground, lying on his back,... Ron, Hermione, and Mr. Weasley were squatting in front of him, looking down at him.

Judging from their anxious expressions and the severe labor pains as severe as the scar on his forehead split open, his performance just now could not be said to be very good.

The surrounding wizards poked their heads and looked this way... Some even stood up. Although they were still pretending to watch the game, Harry could detect the curious look in their eyes, especially after those foreign wizards found out who they were from the employees of the Ministry of Magic next to them.

However, apart from this box, Harry was overwhelmed by the waves of cheers for the two teams on the field, making him feel confused for a while...

Is the scene where...McGuffin Albert... was captured by Voldemort just now real?
Yes, after discussing with McGuffin and Sirius not long ago, Harry already had some doubts that what he saw...or dreamed...was what Voldemort saw...

The Ministry of Magic...McGuffin, and Voldemort and the others...

Harry's heart couldn't help but clenched tightly.

He struggled to get up from the corridor between the seats in the box, panting heavily, and after trying to calm down,
Harry began to try his best to recall the scene in his dream just now,

...It's exactly the same as the scene where Voldemort was resurrected a few days ago, it's so realistic...

Vaguely, Harry seemed to remember...it was a room full of ornate clocks, and the sound of ticking was still ringing in his ears.

By the way, there is also a huge bronze tabletop and a bell-shaped glass cover. The bright light jumps back and forth between the various sections of the clocks and the bell-shaped cover, sparkling.

And McGuffin suddenly appeared in front of Voldemort, he was trying to hide something in his hand, that is?
——【Time Converter】! !

Yes, that's right,
Although only for a moment,

Harry still remembered,

——That's the thing. At the end of last semester, he, Ron, and Hermione saved themselves through this thing, and went through an incredible time journey.

McGuffin is holding that thing, he should have just returned from [Time Shuttle].

What the hell did he do?
And how did the MacGuffin end up in the same place as Voldemort?

Wasn't he dragged to the [Department of Prohibited Misuse of Magic] by Ms. Mafalda Hopkirk?
No matter how it looked there, it didn't look like an office of the Ministry of Magic, but rather a magical clock shop, and Voldemort rushed past it from a warehouse that looked like a crystal ball...

All kinds of questions made Harry... more and more confused.

He looked around, and there were expressions of inquiry and worry everywhere, and the big black dog that Sirius turned into was lying on the edge of his trouser legs, with undisguised worry in his eyes...

However, there are also quite a few pure-blood wizards... For example, Lucius Malfoy and his daughter De LS had a gloating look on their faces.

Harry stood up and turned around, desperate to find someone to tell him what he had just seen, especially to Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge...

—The MacGuffin has been captured, the Ministry of Magic has been invaded!

It's just that when he turned around to look... Cornelius Fudge had a very displeased expression on his face. He was sweating profusely explaining something to the wizard from China, as if trying to divert that wizard's attention to the competition.

And Dumbledore was staring at him very seriously.

Harry and Professor Dumbledore looked at each other.

He always felt that the other party seemed to notice something. Dumbledore ignored Fudge's long face, and his eyes were fixed on the scar on his head...

"Harry! What's the matter, what's the matter? Do you want to go to [St. Mungo's Hospital] to see...you're all soaked...what's the matter?" Mr. Weasley asked nervously when he saw that Harry was trembling all over and his face was pale.

Ron and Hermione hesitated to speak, and they looked very worried.


Harry didn't know where to start to win everyone's trust.

"McGuffin Albert... something happened to him!"

But just after Harry said this, five or six owls appeared over the box one after another, and threw three or four envelopes to Fudge, Mr. Weasley, and especially Professor Dumbledore, and flew away.

Envelopes fell, and one of them—slapped on Fudge's forehead.

"Who? Who did it!" This made Fudge embarrassing, and he didn't care about so many wizard representatives from the Ministry of Magic of other countries sitting next to him, he gritted his teeth and growled,
At the same time, he immediately turned his finger on Crouch behind him, "Barty, aren't you responsible for the safety of the stadium? Why did you let the owl fly over and disturb our distinguished guests..."

he asked sternly.

Some of the wizards in the box snickered at the scene, especially the pure-blood wizards and some representatives of the Foreign Ministry of Magic.

Ludo Bagman's game commentary even stumbled... stuttered.

At this time, Dumbledore had already opened one of the letters and checked it.

"After the game is over, I must deal with this matter seriously... This must be a conspiracy of some dark wizards who are dissatisfied with the government... To provoke and humiliate the Ministry of Magic of their own country, so as to split the unprecedented agreement we have reached with the Ministry of Magic of various countries..." Fudge continued, expressing his anger.

"No, Fudge, you've got to see this first..."

Dumbledore gave the letter to Cornelius Fudge.

It seemed to Harry that Professor Dumbledore's face had turned sour that he had never seen such a look on Professor Dumbledore's face.

Dumbledore flicked his wand, gathered the remaining envelopes on the ground in the air, and flew them into his hands. After checking the contents of the remaining envelopes two or three times, he quickly walked towards Harry.

Harry swallowed heavily.

And Mr. Weasley next to him was tearing open the letter that had been mailed to him. Harry and the others heard Mr. Weasley's uncontrollable exclamation and air-conditioning.

His teeth collided up and down and kept chattering.

"Dad, what's written on it?"

Charlie, Bill, and Percy next to him were extremely curious, and the twins even tiptoed close to Mr. Weasley, wanting to get closer to see what was on it, which shocked and terrified their father.

"No, you can't watch!"

Mr. Weasley crumpled up the letter and even stuffed the envelope in his pocket, refusing to reveal any information to his children.

Even Percy, an employee of the Ministry of Magic's Law Department.

This unprecedented performance... made the wizards in front of Harry, including Ron and Hermione, exchange glances, wondering about the contents of the letter, and what happened?

However, Harry had guessed what was going on.

[Time-Turner]...McGuffin must have used this to send a message... These letters must have been mailed by him...

However, that means that the dream is very likely to be true...

He was killed by Voldemort! !

Harry's heart fluttered again immediately.

At this time, Dumbledore had already come to his side.

After whispering something to Mr. Weasley again, he immediately came back to stare Harry in the eyes, without speaking for a while.

(Harry felt that all the thoughts in his heart were being seen through by those blue eyes. He knew that Dumbledore had this ability. When Snape trained Harry and McGuffin [Occlumency] last semester, he was deeply impressed by the insanity he used. Dumbledore is also good at it... But Harry hopes that Dumbledore can see everything he knows, so he doesn't need to explain anything)

Then, Cornelius Fudge actually left those representatives of the Ministry of Magic behind, his face was pale, and he dragged Barty Crouch here with a terrified expression. (They compared the envelope in their hands with Mr. Weasley's letter, and then a violent quarrel broke out. Fudge's face was particularly ugly. If there were not so many 'spectators' around, the anger in his eyes would have burned the others.)
Dumbledore just sighed, he didn't tell Harry, but looked down at Sirius at his feet, the big black dog nodded, as if he knew something, and began to look around every wizard vigilantly.

(And this made the wizards in the box even more curious about all this)

Maybe it's because the matter of the letter is not suitable for discussion here... Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore and the others sullenly cast a spell, making the quarreling and talking of several people into some kind of gurgling voice.

Soon, they finished their discussion, as if they had decided on something, but Harry noticed that Fudge's face became a little relaxed, while Barty Cratch looked bad, as if someone owed him hundreds of Galleons, and Dumbledore looked serious and firm, as if he had decided on something.

After that, Fudge whispered something to Mr. Weasley.

And Barty Crutch returned to his seat, pretending to be okay, and began to comfort other representatives of the Ministry of Magic.

Soon, Harry found that Mr. Weasley, Professor Dumbledore, Fudge and many Aurors had disappeared from the arena.

Many people in this box have noticed this, and Lucius Malfoy simply gathered some pure-blood wizards in a corner, discussing something furtively.

Because of this, even Ludo Bagman frequently observed Mr. Weasley mobilizing the Aurors sideways, resulting in an error in the explanation, and confused the names of Lynch and Krum. He only reacted after being reminded by others, and apologized and corrected the error.

Ron and Hermione wanted to ask something, but Harry opened his mouth and didn't speak. He was extremely worried about the situation of McGuffin now, and mentioning this with Ron... was just to make them worry out of thin air.


Under Voldemort's persecution, McGuffin could only helplessly stretch out his hands...to the prophecy crystal ball of Harry and the Dark Lord,
He felt like he had caught a hedgehog covered with silver needles, and the piercing fingers were excruciatingly painful.
And it didn't stop there... As he picked up the crystal ball, the silver mist inside was constantly turning like a windmill, and some howling and noisy voices began to appear in his ears, and in his mind... it became louder and louder, like thunder, like a tsunami... Booming, countless thoughts and broken words that did not belong to him poured in from nowhere, trying to burst his head and explode.



McGuffin threw the crystal ball out, hugged his head and yelled.

— like crazy.

Voldemort made the crystal fall slowly (he also didn't dare to touch it, only to slowly release the magic on it later),
He watched the scene where the little wizard suddenly went crazy, and he felt very happy.

However, as his most proud work, the foundation of his future wizarding army...he will take the body of this little wizard back for careful study...

Thinking of this, Voldemort waved his wand, ready to manipulate the mad little wizard to let him leave here with him.

Just as he was about to do this, a strange and shabby fishbone necklace came out from the neck... of the little wizard's clothes... suddenly.

The thing quivered slightly,

Around that thing... a whirlwind of flames appeared out of thin air, and then someone suddenly appeared before his eyes—

"You!" Voldemort was so surprised, he stared at the visitor, gasped and shouted, "Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore stood in front of the McGuffin.

Taking advantage of Voldemort's surprise, he swung his wand... and exploded the crystal ball that was slowly falling in the sky, turning it into a pile of fragments.

"Dumbledore!" Voldemort roared angrily.

He raised his wand, "Avada Kedavra!"

A green light shot towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore twirled his cloak and disappeared.

Then, he suddenly appeared behind Voldemort, waved his wand, and a red light like a cannon blasted Voldemort. The magic power contained in it was so powerful that it didn't look like a spell...it looked like a Muggle weapon shell...the spell exploded at the tip of Voldemort's wand.

The shelves of the entire [Hall of Prophecy]... and the crystal ball on the shelf immediately became tilted and crooked due to this spell, and fell to the ground in all directions.

But Voldemort also disappeared in the same place, and the glowing red curse just tore apart the extremely ill-fitting black robe on him.

The crystal ball hit the ground and turned into fragments, and the pearly white figures were densely crowded together like a subway station in the morning rush hour... The thick fog scattered... Fragments of the black robes floated down from the sky... The original tall wooden frame became dilapidated... Toppled and piled up, the shattered wood fragments and glass fragments covered the ground.

Apart from the sound of the crystal ball rolling and shattering...there was only the sound of the crazy McGuffin lying on the ground, on all fours, towards the illusory silhouettes of prophetic wizards... yelling wildly.

Dumbledore looked around, looked at McGuffin with a serious expression, then took a step, and appeared next to McGuffin in a blink of an eye. He was holding gleaming glass shards in both hands... and was about to stuff it into his mouth.


Dumbledore called softly.

He didn't respond, still looking crazy.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore seemed to sense something... He immediately waved his wand, and McGuffin was lying on the ground, panning and reversing, and went directly to the corner over there... and he turned around and emitted a golden light towards the sky.

And the shrunken version of Voldemort is appearing there, he waved his wand, and the candles burning with faint blue candlelight on the wall of [Hall of Prophecy] are spewing out blue flames, gathering at the tip of his wand.

Under his command, the blue flame roared towards Dumbledore.

(End of this chapter)

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