Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 489 Chaos (1)

Chapter 489 Chaos ([-])

After Dumbledore and Fudge briefly learned about the exact situation of the Ministry of Magic from McGuffin, they both fell silent.

It was a long time before Fudge said, "Dumbledore, we seem to need some Auror guards for Harry Potter! No, he should be under strict protection now... If, if all this is true..."

"That prophecy..."

"Don't worry, Harry is now under the best protection. Before he became an adult... Voldemort or any dark magic...it was impossible to hurt him." Dumbledore said with great certainty, "And now he has a protector who can risk his life for him..."

"Black?" Fudge also responded.


McGuffin suddenly screamed again, and the suppressed noise and pain in the brain just now surged up again.

he growled.

There was a sound, as if I wanted to tear it out of my throat.

"McGuffin... drink the [Water of Life and Death]..." Dumbledore said hastily, "This will stop your condition from getting worse..."

"Afterwards, I will ask Professor Snape to brew [Badrin Potion], which can treat your symptoms to the greatest extent."

"Yes, after a good night's sleep, we will arrange you to [St. Mungo] to receive the best treatment... In this matter, you have been of great help." Fudge took out a somewhat old, gray-looking curved glass vial from his robe.

MacGuffin passed out almost as soon as he drank it.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside.

It was Goodman, who walked in with a parchment and a long box.

"Fudge, this is the statistics of the damages suffered by the Ministry of Magic this time... The final total of Galleons is... Forget it, let's see for yourself!" He handed over the parchment with a troubled expression on his face, and then handed the long box to Dumbledore.

"This should be the little wizard's wand. It's amazing. It has been exuding a wonderful chill in the magic fire without any damage. This is almost the only thing in the [Hall of Prophecy] that has not been burned!" Goodman exclaimed.

After leaving behind the Ministry of Magic's loss statistics report and McGuffin's wand, Goodman hastily retreated. There are still many things he needs to deal with.

Fudge stared at the wand in the long box with burning eyes.

He remembered something extremely important.

Now in this situation... If you want to announce the recovery of magic power, and at the same time establish and maintain the unique status of the British wizarding world in the entire world, it seems very difficult.

Fudge knew that if he wanted to carry out the original plan, in addition to Dumbledore's support, he also needed to hold the source of the mutation in his own hands.

However, even if he... wants to deprive a wizard of his wand, still a young wizard who has not graduated... This will definitely cause an uproar, which will cause vigilance against the British Ministry of Magic, will increase people's own distrust, and even cause tearing and hostility between pure-blood wizards and Muggle wizards... This will eventually endanger his own rights.

But at the same time, he must have some bargaining chips and evidence in order to convince those old-fashioned people in the Wizengamot court, as well as the International Association of Magic...and wizards from other countries...to believe in the nonsense-sounding words of the recovery of magic power, and to obey his own leadership.

Dumbledore seemed to see what Fudge was thinking, and said first, "The wand is chosen by the owner, and even if you get it, it is useless... This wand has been in Ollivander's wand shop for hundreds of years... It is not without reason."

"I know, but the state of the little wizard..." Fudge said angrily, pointing at the sleeping MacGuffin, "How could it be possible for our plan to proceed smoothly? Those foreign wizards will not convince us out of thin air."

"Although it takes a little effort, I can do it by myself! Show them the dimension of that different world, Fudge!"

Dumbledore raised his wand.

Fudge stared at Dumbledore's Knuckle wand with great apprehension, and flinched a little, "Okay, okay, remember our plan. But, Voldemort... how could he come back alive? What are those Aurors watching in the black forest of Nigeria? And, do you really know nothing about it?"

He asked rhetorically.

"Don't worry! Fudge, you should know where I've always stood... I've known for a long time that power is my weakness. This kind of thing will only tempt me to make stupid, incurable mistakes. Once a person like me has power, he will cause more harm than Voldemort... And for people like you... holding power is not the best choice, nor will it be the worst..."

There was a faint look of regret on Dumbledore's face.

Fudge always felt that the old guy Dumbledore was connoting himself.

After the two exchanged their positions and confirmed that the alliance was not broken, Fudge finally felt relieved. He knew that if Dumbledore really supported...or needed him to maintain the stability of the Ministry of Magic, now even Barty Cratch...or anyone else would not be able to challenge his throne of power.

And if he can really revive through magic power...and unite the Ministry of Magic all over the world in the International Association of Magic, he can even go one step further.

...the leader of the wizarding world...the most eminent leader of both the Muggle and magical worlds...

For a moment, this thought cheered up Fudge.

He fell into a dream, and it took him a while to wake up.

"Okay, Dumbledore. We have to discuss it... There must be a proper explanation for the attack on the Ministry of Magic, otherwise it will affect the reputation of the Ministry of Magic. Now only you, Weasley, Barty, I... oh, and this little wizard knows about the resurrection of the Dark Lord. How should we announce... so as not to interfere with our next plan..."

At this time,


The door of Goodman's office was knocked open.


Dumbledore and Fudge looked back.

It was Rufus Scrimgeour like an old lion.

He was a little limping... rushed in from the outside in a hurry, with a look of shock, suspicion... even a trace of fear on his face.

"What's going on? Rufus!" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Fudge's heart skipped a beat, with a very bad premonition.

"It's a big mess!" Scrimgeour's face was cold, without the slightest smile on his face,

"On the Quidditch pitch..."


With Musta blowing the whistle, Will gave Ireland another free throw.

Leprechauns, the mascots of the Irish football team, became so happy they all rose into the air.

This time the guys conjured up a giant hand, clapped their hands, and ended up making a very rude gesture at the Veela.

The veela suddenly lost control.

A pair of long, scaled wings emerged from their backs...the shoulders...then they flew up and started throwing things like flames towards the leprechauns one by one.

Hermione pursed her lips and snorted coldly at the boys, "Look, this is the true face of Veela!"

Ron took two steps back, gasping for air.

Even Harry, who had no intention of watching the game because he was worried about the situation of the McGuffins, was a little stunned. He saw through the binoculars that the veela no longer had the same charm as before. Their faces were elongated and pointed... like a large vulture,
The rest of the ministry officials on the court flooded into the arena, trying to separate the veela from the leprechauns, but unfortunately there were too few of them, and the veela set their wizard robes on fire instead.

There are many wizards who simply don't know whether to watch the game above or the battlefield below... The level of excitement there is no less than the game above.

Moreover, many veela seemed to still be jealous of Musta's threat to them, and deliberately threw balls of flames in his direction.

The referee's robe was directly ignited in this game.

In the absence of a referee, the game became even more brutal for a while.

The arena was filled with the screams of veela, the grotesque laughter of leprechauns, the bang of wands by officials in the ministry, and cheers and cheers from Bulgarian and Irish fans.

It's messed up.

"What's the matter, what about those Aurors? Why are they missing... It's too shameful. The order of this large-scale competition represents the honor of our Great England Ministry of Magic... How can you let the mascots of Bulgaria and Ireland mess around?"

Percy didn't know when he picked up the badge of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He pinned it on his chest again, rubbed the badge carefully, and said righteously.

"I have to make a report to Mr. Crouch, huh? . . . where is Mr. Crouch?"

Harry looked back, and Barty Crouch was no longer on the field.

He should have been kept here by Fudge.

how come?
Is the situation at the Ministry of Magic such an emergency? ...McGuffin, he...?
Harry felt like he couldn't wait...to sit here.

But when he stood up, the big black dog that Black turned into was biting Harry's trousers tightly.

He looked down, and Sirius shook his head slowly and firmly.

Blake's eyes seemed to speak,
—he told Harry to wait quietly, not to leave his seat, to leave alone.

"Look, the Snitch is here again—" Ron suddenly shouted, pointing his finger at the sky above the pitch.

I saw the Irish Seeker Lynch and the Bulgarian Seeker Krum dive down instantly, which almost drove the formation of the Quidditch players on both sides of the pitch, and they also dived together to cover their teammates.

Now the scores of the two teams have not completely opened up the distance. Although the Irish Quidditch team has the advantage, if Krum catches the Golden Snitch, his team can still win the game.

On the field below, the staff of the ministry have not been able to stop the 'battle' between Veela and Leprechaun.

The supporters of the Irish team on the field stood up one after another, setting off a green wave, cheering for their team... At this time, Veela and Leprechaun finally realized the situation and began to disperse automatically, lest the referee really think that they interfered with the game and made a judgment unfavorable to their own team.

"They're going to fall to the ground!" Hermione screamed.

"No - both of them have mastered the technique of drifting..."

Although the game entered the most important moment, Harry was still very worried about McGuffin's situation, and he was always worried.

This extremely heated atmosphere of the game actually split the feeling in his brain even more, making Harry have to look around indiscriminately, looking for something reassuring and distracting.

Harry accidentally saw the sky above the court,

"Then...then...what is it?"

"What!" Ron muttered dissatisfiedly, his eyes fixed on Lynch and Krum, drifting and turning, across the lawn like a leaf, and then chasing the Golden Snitch, "Harry, focus... the game has reached the most critical moment."

"Really, you guys... you look at the top of the court - what is that?"

Harry was probably the first on the pitch to realize the thing in the sky—

Over the entire stadium, when all the spectators and players were focusing on the Golden Snitch below the stadium, a shiny green thing popped out of the stadium without a sound...

Hearing Harry's exclamation, Hermione glanced up casually,
She froze immediately, her face turned pale, and her expression suddenly became extremely terrified.

Then there was an extremely piercing scream.

"Percy, Bill, Charlie... quick, look!" She pointed trembling fingers at the sky.

Hermione's weird reaction not only puzzled Harry, but even aroused Bill's reaction.

The two quickly glanced up, and then hurriedly fixed their eyes on the game... Then, suddenly realizing something, they suddenly looked up again.

They also looked disbelieving and panicked.

It was a gigantic skull, emerald green, glowing with fluorescence, covering the entire sky above the stadium. A large python emerged from the skull's mouth like a long tongue, looking very evil and terrifying.

Under the gazes of several people, that thing expanded more and more, occupying the entire court, and it became brighter and shone with green light... After a while, everything on the court began to turn green.

The short-sleeved robes, suit T-shirts... and even the women's pajamas of different colors have all turned green.

People didn't care at first, thinking that the leprechauns of the Irish team made something.

But as time went by, more and more people noticed something was wrong.

They looked up,


In this box, the little witch DeLS Malfoy was the first to react. With her scream that pierced the sky,

Let some people also look up at the magic sign above.

"Ah! Ah!"

In the box, screams began to erupt on the court.

At this time, Bill, Percy and the others finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Harry, go, go! It's too late..."

Hermione grabbed Harry by the clothes and pulled him desperately into the passageway between the pitches.

"Yes, Harry, you must get out of here quickly! We need to protect you!"

Bill and Charlie also reacted, they even pulled out their wands directly, and looked around very vigilantly.

As for Percy, he squeezed through the chaotic crowd in the box and shouted loudly, "Jean, we must maintain order. I am a staff member of the British Ministry of Magic when the law is enforced... Where are the Aurors? Who knows where Mr. Barty Cratchit is? He is needed to maintain order now... He is needed to give orders!"

Even in front of so many people, Black directly returned to human form (which slightly frightened Bill and Charlie), and pulled Harry into the middle of the backs of several people to protect him.

(no one noticed Blake's sudden appearance)
More and more people saw this terrifying crown, and chaos began on the court, with people screaming wildly and running away.

(End of this chapter)

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