Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 81 - It's over! (6000)

Chapter 81 - It's over! (6000)

The game continues.

Lee Jordan was eloquently explaining.

The Golden Snitch temporarily appeared in everyone's sight.

The scene on the Quidditch pitch gradually became chaotic, and the Slytherin team began to grab the ball and score by all means.

After Mrs. Hooch's angry penalty, she still went her own way.

As Harry scratched his scalp and dodged the Bludger, his broom began to vibrate violently. —— Up and down, shuttle left and right, or move forward at high speed towards the sky, or dive down towards the ground.

This went on for several minutes.

In the end, the broom simply rolled and rolled, and Harry had to hold on tightly with both hands as if holding a horizontal bar, and his arms were stretched out, and he was dropped on the constantly twisting and twitching broomstick.

Now everyone felt that something was wrong.

All eyes on the field were focused on him. Under the command of captain Wood, several members of the same team surrounded Harry, trying to pull him from the broomstick to other people's broomsticks, but before the Weasley brothers approached, Harry's Nimbus 2000 directly rubbed against it——, jumping up and away for a long distance.

Several members of the Gryffindor team had no choice but to hover below, hoping to catch Harry when he fell.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Marcus Fortling grabbed the Quaffle and made several shots, but there was no applause. Even the audience in Slytherin House were staring at Harry closely to see what would happen to him.

After Hagrid took a closer look at Harry's situation through the binoculars, his voice was trembling and trembling, "What's wrong with Harry's broomstick? Did someone cast a curse on his broomstick? But why didn't it happen in the first place!...It's impossible!"

He was very anxious to find Dumbledore, but he himself was the watchman on the stand, used to take care of these students to avoid conflicts or unexpected situations, and he could not leave his post casually.

It still came—McGuffin sighed inwardly, pointing to Ron and Hermione through the binoculars the scene of Snape chanting on the stand where the professors were staying together.

"It's Snape—!" said Hermione. "I should have thought of that."

Hermione hurriedly borrowed the wand from Neville, intending to roll up her sleeves and use it by herself.

"What are you going to do!?" Ron's face was ashen, bewildered.

"Look at me!"

Seeing that, McGuffin immediately snatched the wand from her hand and returned it to Neville.

Pulling Hermione down the stairs.

"What are you doing, how can we break Snape's curse without a wand!"

"Are you crazy? Didn't Mrs. Penrad warn us that we can't cast spells within two or three days? Do you think that if you change the wand, you won't be able to cast spells?"

"Then what to do...? Harry is going to fall..." Hermione asked panting, running down the stairs quickly after McGuffin.

"There are so many professors and teachers... Even if Harry falls to the ground, nothing will happen? Besides, what are you doing with your wand, with Snape! A professor? A grown-up wizard?"

McGuffin dragged Hermione down the wooden stairs all the way, and kept asking Hermione back, and now he finally took a breath and continued.

"What's more, there are so many professors there, in front of you,...doesn't anyone notice that Snape is chanting jinxes?"

Hermione looked at McGuffin in disbelief, as if he had betrayed the friendship boat of several people.

McGuffin said so, but who knows what will happen?Fortunately, he had already prepared!

Before going to the stands outside, McGuffin opened the extremely dangerous small box that was carried with him, making Hermione pass by.

There is a golden piece inside.

Hermione immediately understood McGuffin's plan, and said tremblingly,
"That's not good! In case of being found out..." She seemed to know what the consequences would be if she did so.

"Huh? Now that you've come here, you...?"

In the end, the two of them passed through the long aisle crowded with Hogwarts students, and went around to the opposite stand of the tower where Snape was.

Among them, I also met Malfoy and his group of Slytherins. Malfoy stared at Harry excitedly, and yelled, "Fall, drop!...Fall, Potter!"

Finally they climbed another flight of stairs to reach their destination - the high-rise stands where the professors stayed.

This was one of them, and the other professors' stand was on the other side, near where Hermione and the others had come.

Lee Jordan commented on the game from this stand, as well as placing the Quidditch scoring counters.

Dumbledore or Professor McGuffin usually stayed here too.

The professors' stands are on either side of the field, in case of any accident, they must respond quickly.

McGuffin and Hermione are now under the chairs of the professors. As I said earlier, this place is made of iron frames and wooden boards, which are joined together by magic.

After going up the long stairs, there is an empty trapezoidal space. They are surrounded by wooden boards, and the outside is the seats of the stands, just like a football field. Layers of wooden boards are stacked to form several rows of seats that look like slopes.

The professors sat down one by one.

Such a simple plank seat naturally leaves a large enough space between the top and bottom.

There is no shelter, and the sky outside can be clearly seen from inside, as well as the legs and lower bodies of the professors.

McGuffin and the others could find Snape from the trapezoidal wooden room formed by overlapping seats, and the professors' lower body and legs.

And Snape always wore black robes and a long cloak.

The two were easily found.

"Squeeze it three times and throw it out quickly, otherwise it may shatter in the palm of your hand. You know the consequences of this! —— Hermione?" McGuffin whispered, and handed another big dung egg to Hermione's hand, "I'll do it first. If it doesn't work, you can throw it later!"

McGuffin pinched the dung egg three times in the palm of his hand. He was extremely nervous now. He didn't know where to throw it, so as not to be dismembered by these professors afterwards.

His forehead, back, and palms were covered with sweat, sticky and slippery, for fear that the golden 'preserved eggs' would slip from his palms and explode on the ground.

The more frightened I was, the more my body froze, and I couldn't throw it out at all.

"Holy shit!—Harry has only one hand left hanging from it—hope the Gryffindors catch him—while the mean Slytherins are taking advantage of this opportunity to score wildly, looking for the Snitch..."

Lee Jordan's voice came from outside.

"Nanai's! —— Fight!" McGuffin closed his eyes, his heart was built, and he made up his mind to throw it in an empty corner, as long as the smell spreads and causes chaos.

"McGuffin, throw it away! - it's too late!" Hermione urged.

McGuffin was taken aback, and with a soft hand, he threw the dung egg out of the gap between the seats of the people under the high platform, and saw that the thing was like a golf ball that had exhausted its kinetic energy, rubbing and sliding along the ground of the channel between the seats, and finally rolled down at Quirrell's feet.

Did not explode!

Hermione looked at McGuffin with →_→(disdain).

McGuffin had a stuffy expression on his face, and he didn't dare to face Hermione, "I guess there is something wrong with the big dung that Fred George and the others gave away. It's not cheap! I bought the other one from them, so it should be fine."

"If you don't believe me, let me throw it!"

McGuffin tried his best to save face and prove that it wasn't his fault just now.

"Get out of the way!—Your fluffy throw, it's no wonder it can be smashed!" Hermione pushed the McGuffin away angrily, with an expression that you don't talk, just watch me do it quietly, and it's all right on her face.

Hermione Kun swung her arms a few times, shook her legs on the spot, turned her neck, took a deep breath, twisted her waist and stretched her arms, and put her in a good posture—the big dung raised her head at a 45-degree direction.


He swung his arm forward and threw it very forcefully.


Very powerful, but at the wrong angle.

The parabola flew straight past Snape's ear, heading high above the Quidditch pitch.


Snape felt something brush past his ear, but he couldn't turn around.

He was still staring at Harry closely, chanting spells constantly in his mouth to protect Harry Potter's safety.

But now he was regretting his subconscious act without calm thinking at all. In fact, he should let the other professors cast spells to protect him, and then stop the game as the head of Slytherin, and then protect Harry when he fell from the broomstick.

And now that he has recited the spell protection, other professors can't just take action after seeing it.

——Otherwise casting spells together in a narrow place will definitely cause the spells to conflict with each other and become invalid.

And because she didn't stop the game herself, Professor McGonagall, as the head of Gryffindor, couldn't stop the game either.

And Dumbledore wasn't there... How the hell should this be done?

Snape knew in his heart that Quirrell must be casting a jinx on Harry in the row behind, but he couldn't turn around and cast a spell on this guy.

What's more, he didn't hear the sound of the incantation. Quirrell should be casting the spell silently. The professors around didn't notice it, and he might still be casting the spell without a staff. In such a situation without evidence... I have no way to do anything to him.

Moreover, this spell is so difficult to solve, it is very likely that Voldemort personally handed Quirrell a curse.

Snape was thinking in his heart, when suddenly a small golden ball appeared in his and Harry's line of sight, which made his spellcasting a bit unsteady - Harry's broom was just like a galloping wild horse, jumping and swinging its hips (the tail of the broom) towards the sky at this moment, rushing straight up, getting higher and higher.

Fortunately, the golden ball fell down again immediately, and Harry's broom flew up, and there was no intertwining between the two immediately.

Snape's spell temporarily stabilized Harry's broom again.

Hermione and McGuffin saw the parabola of the big dung egg - straight towards the goal of sticking 'Snape's back of the head'.

There was a lot of cold sweat in their hearts, and when they watched it rub their ears and rushed to the sky, they felt relieved, and then they felt that they didn't know what to do. The last big dung egg was used up, but they haven't interrupted the spell yet!
(Hermione wants to interrupt Snape's spellcasting, and McGuffin wants to cause confusion to cause Quirrell's curse to fail-according to the plot, Quirrell needs to stare at Harry and cast a spell, and he can't relax for a moment.)
"You are trying too hard!"

McGuffin held back his complaints and dared not say it, it was very uncomfortable.

"Harry—what the hell should I do?!"

Hermione was very anxious, her face flushed visible to the naked eye, even spreading to the root of her ears, and there was even a cry in her voice.

"How about McGuffin, go to Professor Quirrell's feet and pick up that big dung egg?" Hermione remembered something, and made a terrible suggestion to McGuffin.


McGuffin trembled in fright, and he immediately felt that Harry might last for a while, until the other teachers figured out a way to save him.

When the two were in a stalemate.

Jordan's voice came again, but the tone revealed a strong taste of contempt for Slytherin.

"Huh?!—Slytherins took advantage of this opportunity to score goals—their Seeker Derian Pusey found the Snitch—near the professors' stand—oh! What did I see—the Snitch wasn't flying—it was plummeting down the pitch—seems like our Snitch couldn't stand this vile, shameless game—hey! Derian Pusey rushed right up to the Snitch—it looks like Slytherin won..."

During Lee Jordan's moans, McGuffin and Hermione felt something was wrong, and they both realized something at the same time.

The two looked out through the gap between the professors' feet - a Slytherin in a dark green Quidditch uniform was coming straight towards this side, and seemed to reach out and grab something.

Could it be—?
Is it the big dung that Hermione threw into the sky just now?
"Um!...Hey!—Okay, okay!—Looks like Slytherin's Seeker Derian has caught the Snitch—Congratulations—Slytherin has won the Quidditch match—" Amidst Lee Jordan's congratulatory congratulations, the Slytherin students shouted from the stands.

After the two heard it, they looked at each other, and there was a deep sense of fear in their eyes.

At this time, they can only-


McGuffin grabbed Hermione and ran away, with no other thoughts on his mind.


Slytherin Seeker Derian Pusey listened to Lee Jordan's despondent congratulations, but his heart was chilled.

Because he just saw what he was holding in his hand

—a big dung egg? !
"Who is so lacking?"

Who is it?Let him be happy for nothing.

Annoyed, he lowered his head and looked at the stands not far from the bottom.

"Eh? - Shouldn't it be?"

There was a stand for the professors, and Professor Snape was sitting there.

——Then who threw it over!

"But fortunately, when I grabbed it just now, it was easy and I didn't use much force."


Just as Derian thought this way, he saw his team's captain, Marcus Flint, leading the other team members and riding towards him at high speed on broomsticks.

"Fertlin, don't come here, it's a fake, it's not the Snitch, it's not..."

Afraid of being discovered by the professors, Derian flew a certain distance above the sky and shouted in a low voice.

But this Marcus didn't seem to hear it, and instead signaled to a few friends who were traveling with him, according to the usual sideshow of Slytherin's victory, he quickly ran towards Derian and squeezed him.

(Slytherin Quidditch wins. When celebrating the victory, the players usually ride broomsticks and slam into one center to express their joy and excitement. Therefore, when most Slytherin Quidditch players are selected, they choose some tall and strong guys. Of course, this also promotes the tactics they adopt during the game. The tactics are generally brutal and fierce, and they are prone to fouls.)
"Don't come here, the one in my hand is not a golden snitch, it's—aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!..."

Derian screamed again and again, refusing the captain and the others to come closer, but several people still collided, and Derian, the biggest hero, was naturally in the middle like a squashed egg yolk.

In a hurry, Derian wanted to throw the big dung in his hand down, but then he thought that he couldn't remember which direction was the high platform of the professors, and it would be bad if he threw it in the wrong direction.

But in the time it takes to look down a little, something bad happens.

—He was accidentally knocked off the broom.

What's even worse is that under his nervousness, he subconsciously pushed his hand in like this - squeezed hard.

"No no no no no no no! yes! ah!"


Hermione quickly ran down from the top following McGuffin, and when she came to the passageway of the stands in the corridor outside, she realized that the two of them came here for nothing. She gritted her teeth and wanted to go up again.

McGuffin pulled her and whispered, "Are you crazy? You will definitely be found if you go up, if you let the Slytherins know that what they thought was the Golden Snitch in their hands is a big shit!?"

"Your fate may be much worse than Harry's! What's more, now that the game is over, no matter how slow the professors react, they will save Harry..."

McGuffin was trying to persuade Hermione.

At this time, there was a sharp scream from above.


This shrill cry startled everyone.

Like the little wizards around them, they looked up. Slytherin's Seeker, Psyche, fell from the broom for some unknown reason, seemed to have passed out, and hit the stands of the professors without taking any defensive measures.

A poop-yellow unknown gas or smoke exploded in mid-air, as if someone had collapsed a huge, colored fart in mid-air, and the smell drifted away with the wind.

As the yellow gas spread in the air, the Slytherin Quidditch players either had no time to escape and were engulfed in an instant, and then fell from the sky like dumplings, or fled in all directions in a panic. From the top, from the left, one even accelerated and dived straight to the ground...

I don't know what the ingredients of the big dung eggs are. In short, the McGuffin is sure to be heavier than air. I can only see yellow gas or smoke? ——Now it is approaching and falling towards the stand where the professors are.


Snape is a little flustered now, he is now facing a choice, a prisoner's dilemma.

Quirrell—is he still casting spells on Harry anyway?

Snape, sitting here now, could only see Harry hanging on the broom, but couldn't tell if his broom was still shaking or if it was still being disturbed by the curse!
So he had no choice but to stay where he was and continue to cast spells to protect Harry.

At this time, Lee Jordan's voice sounded again through the magic radio, but this time the tone was full of gloating.

"Uh... here to clarify a mistake, now to clarify a mistake, - the game is not over, the game is not over - the Snitch is still flying and sliding under the Quidditch pitch - it seems that what our Slytherin Seeker caught was not the Golden Snitch, but maybe - oh! It's a big dung! - ha! It exploded in his hand - hehehe!

"Who the hell did this kind of thing? Throw the big shit out..." The professors were discussing.

Some professors even looked at Snape and joked at him indifferently, "Your Slytherin hobbies are really strange!"

Snape's face was livid, he thought that something seemed to fly past his ear just now - could it be that someone threw it at him?

After hearing Lee Jordan's words, the professors gradually realized what happened here.

The crowd gradually became chaotic. Some people cast a bubble head spell on themselves and prepared to leave. Some people cast their magic wands to create a whirlwind, hoping to expel the yellow gas from here.

During the pushing and pushing, Professor Quirrell couldn't sit still, and his left hand leaned on the wooden plank to maintain his body's stability. He was still staring at Harry and constantly casting evil spells.


There was a muffled sound.

He felt something pressed in the palm of his hand, and then a familiar yellow smoke gas, accompanied by a strong and disgusting stench, quickly spread from his arm to the entire stand.

Sweep everyone into it.

——Here, it seemed as if someone had blown up a toilet with an explosive spell.

The professors couldn't bear it anymore. Compared to the Slytherin students who passed out just now, they were undoubtedly much stronger.

Jumping directly from the stands, - with a stench all over his body.

Among them, Qi Luo is the most powerful. As expected, he is a man who often has a strange smell on his body. In the 'explosion center', he was not fainted by the smoke.

In a daring and unstoppable gesture, he winded straight through the smoke, jumped out of the stands, and landed on the Quidditch pitch.

Snape, who also jumped down, felt relieved at this moment - even Voldemort would not be able to cast a jinx on Harry under such circumstances.


MacGuffin, Hermione, and other little wizards looked at the professors scattered in a daze - "the heroic posture of jumping off the building", and the posture of using the magic spell to land safely on the ground.

The little wizards kept backing away from the awesome smell on them.

McGuffin wondered what Hermione was thinking.

He has only one thought in his mind now

--game over!

(End of this chapter)

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