Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 84 Subsequent Development 2 (5.5K)

Chapter 84 Subsequent Development 2 (5.5K)

Professor McGonagall's office is not big. It looks like a small study room. There is a small old desk in the middle, which is neatly filled with office supplies such as parchment, quill pens, and ink.

There are bookshelves of different sizes on the three walls, which are filled with books of all sizes. It can be seen that the owner is very organized. The books on them are arranged regularly according to color, size, and category.

The wall behind the desk has a black stone stack and a beautiful fireplace decorated with white lion reliefs.

Hanging above is a portrait of a Quidditch game. The characters in it are riding broomsticks to play at high altitude on the court.

The outer wall has a bright and wide window, and beside it is a large wooden globe that can hardly be held by hands. It is densely marked with the locations and detailed information of the Ministry of Magic and magical organizations of various countries.

The Quidditch pitch can be seen at a glance through the window.

This office was specially requested by Professor McGonagall from Dumbledore, just to be able to see the beautiful scenery outside.

There is a hidden (behind the bookshelf) door that leads to a bedroom made of gravel, which also has an unobstructed view of the Quidditch pitch.

When Professor McGonagall has no classes in the afternoon, he usually drinks a cup of strong afternoon tea in either of these two rooms, and maybe eats some dessert.

Appreciate the little wizards training Quidditch.

Or imagine whether Gryffindor can win the Hogwarts Quidditch competition after having Harry this year.

——Everything is comfortable and peaceful.

Now, in this office, the atmosphere is not so friendly.

——There are many people crowded in the small office.

George, although Fred is usually naughty and mischievous, he is very understanding.

If there is trouble at this time, they must be dead.

The two of them lowered their heads, trying their best to hide their aura in the corner of the room.

Snape was about to faint with rage.

He held the parchments that the twin brothers had written down separately - the lists of people who had bought or customized special 'smelling' big dung eggs from each college since the beginning of this semester.

He was surprised to find that at the beginning of the reading - the students of Slytherin still bought it.

And there are not a few of them.

"How come these little wizards are becoming more and more stupid from generation to generation!"

He really wanted to open it up and see what was going on in these guys' minds—was it stuffed with shit?
Professor McGonagall was sitting behind her desk, frowning—she had had this problem since the beginning of this semester. From time to time, she was exhausted by messy things and had a terrible headache.

"Professor Dumbledore, haven't you come back yet?"

Professor McGonagall asked Professor Flitwick who had just come in from the outer corridor.

"What are you waiting for, ask all the students?...Who else do you think, either Professor Quirrell did it, or a little wizard in Gryffindor who relied on his special status in the wizarding world, and his lunatic follower did it!"

Snape, now that he could still ask about the smell, he felt bruised when he thought the back of his head was almost covered in shit.

"Professor Snape, are you accusing a professor and a man who was playing Quidditch on the field of ordering this attack?"

"...Think about what you're talking about?" Professor McGonagall responded.

Professor Flitwick interrupted the two of them, "Professor Dumbledore has written back, saying that he will try to come back as soon as possible. Moreover, several news papers such as the Daily Prophet, the British Union of Magical Union, the Wizarding Weekly..."The Quibbler" and other newspapers have sent letters asking what Hogwarts found in the attack on the professor. Most of them... Forget it... Read it for yourself!"

Professor Flitwick finished speaking angrily, then turned and opened the door, and Ravenclaw's prefect Penette Clearwater came in behind, and she walked in with a stack of letters.

She put it on the desk with Professor McGonagall's consent, then left and closed the door, waiting outside.

Part of the envelope has been torn.

Professor McGonagall and Snape each took one and began to read.

As one and two letters were read, the faces of the two gradually became gloomy.

"How dare they... who told the news to these newspapers... how could they make it up, if they let Professor Dumbledore know!" Professor McGonagall shouted angrily.

Professor Snape was even more speechless, he was reading one of the letters.

A female reporter from the "Daily Prophet" named Rita Skeeter directly asked whether Hogwarts was studying ancient war magic, and even used a certain first-year little wizard who resounded in the wizarding world to study?
And the "troll invasion incident" on Halloween and the attack on the professors this time, does it mean that dark wizards have already invaded Hogwarts, and does it mean that Hogwarts is no longer able to protect the safety of students? (She didn't mention the word big dung egg at all, deliberately linking it to a black wizard attack)

She even used a mocking tone to maliciously speculate whether Dumbledore was too old to cast magic, which is why so many things happened at Hogwarts this year.

In the end, the author of this letter even bluntly stated that he would visit Hogwarts school immediately, hoping that they would give a reasonable explanation to the homes of the students studying in Hogwarts school.

Snape read the letter tremblingly, and wondered in his heart that it was the professor who leaked these things to the media. Is this the coming storm that Dumbledore said?
"Could it be that Quirrell/Voldemort revealed it?"

Would it be easier for them to get the Philosopher's Stone by causing chaos at Hogwarts?

At this time, a large group of heavy footsteps and noisy discussions came from outside.

It sounds very familiar, like the professors of Hogwarts, some of whom are angrily questioning the stuttering Professor Quirrell.

There was a knock on the outside door.

"Professor Flitwick! There are other professors out there looking for you..."

Waiting outside Penelope Clearwater told several people the news.

They took a look, and then went out one by one.

Sure enough, Professor Quirrell was being angrily questioned by other professors.

"What the hell is going on? Don't say you don't know, after all, you are the one who exploded the dung with your own hands, and made such a mess, Professor Quirrell..."

And several people saw that these professors were holding more or less the same two or three parchment papers in their hands. It seemed that these newspapers had already sent letters to these professors for 'inquiry'.

And it might not be long before the wizarding community all over Britain knows they've been smeared with shit - no wonder they're so pissed!
"Merlin's beard! Hasn't Professor Dumbledore come back yet?... It is said that tomorrow's "Daily Prophet" will have a headline on the front page——Professor Hogwarts was attacked by two big dung eggs, causing 'the whole army to be wiped out'!"

When the professors saw the three of them coming out, they immediately let go of Professor Quirrell, and surrounded them, asking questions in one go.

"'...We can't help but question whether professors of this quality at Hogwarts are really qualified to teach young wizards, and whether they can really protect our children...' This is a draft sent to me by my cousin who works at the Daily Prophet..."

A wizard wearing a three-cornered hat, a tattered leather jacket and leather pants, and a black waistcoat who looked a bit like an eighteenth-century Muggle pirate raised the sheepskin envelope in his hand and walked up to Professor McGonagall.

He flashed his yellow teeth and read the contents of the envelope, questioning Professor McGonagall.

The whole scene was completely out of control.

"Professor Dumbledore, you are back!" Lavender exclaimed, dissolving the commotion.

Dumbledore was wearing a large purple robe, with a pointed wizard hat, moon-shaped eyes shining on the bridge of his nose, and he was also holding two or three large parchment envelopes in his hand.

In the hallway.

The professors left and surrounded him, telling him anxiously what happened on the Quidditch pitch, and expressing that they must investigate this matter to the end.

Dumbledore suppressed his hand, and after everyone quieted down, he said, "If I were all of you, I would definitely not make this a big deal. Isn't the most important thing now is to let this matter go through quietly?"

The professors stared at him angrily, and one of the professors was even more blunt, "Do you want us to let go of the person who insulted us like this? Can't you even find it? Or did you already know it and deliberately covered it up..."

"Think about it! Professor,...even if you find it, how can...how to treat him?" Dumbledore explained to these professors unhurriedly.

"I already got a rough idea of ​​the general situation in the envelope that Professor Flitwick sent me. The two biggest victims of this incident are also the cause of the incident. What can you do if you find the person who threw the big dung egg?..."

"'The idiot professors at Hogwarts detonated the big dung. It is estimated that there will be another article like this in the Daily Prophet soon!" Snape's sneering voice came from behind.

Although Snape was so mean, it was frightening that what he said was very likely to come true.

The professors repeatedly persuaded Dumbledore and promised that they would talk to the editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet" about this matter. There will be no such related daily papers in tomorrow's [Daily], so these professors left reluctantly, but they have nothing to do about it.

This scene made the twin brother behind, Lavender, have a good meal and be satisfied.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall remembered that there were still a few young wizards who saw the scene of the professors sweeping the floor, and immediately drove them back to their respective common rooms, and asked them not to talk nonsense.


"That's it, and then we'll be back."

This revelation opened the eyes of several young wizards.

"It seems that the professors are no better than us?" Hermione always used a condescending tone to examine the IQ of others, but this time it finally changed to which professors.

"They were just extremely angry, and they did some stupid things to save their lost face!" McGuffin told the truth of the matter in one sentence.

Hermione looked sideways at this little wizard who caused others to lose face, and said coldly as if she didn't want to do things, and couldn't help getting to know this guy again.

"It seems that's it, but I want to collect tomorrow's "Daily Prophet"—maybe there will be news about professors being thrown with shit?" Seamo Gianni said gloatingly after listening to it.

This guy's magic power is still a little unstable, which often leads to various "accidents" when he uses the wand in class, and many professors of different courses punish him in various ways.

This narrow-minded guy is still a little jealous.

McGuffin talked a little more because this incident seemed to be over, which made him feel at ease.

He dispelled Seamus' illusions, and said: "I think you don't need to waste money. There are no photos of the scene. In addition, there are a lot of professors themselves. As a professor at Hogwarts, he can be regarded as a capable wizard. It can be said that he will have a certain status in the wizarding world and have a variety of contacts. The matter itself was heard by the newspapers. There were no 'sensational' photos on the spot. It is estimated that Dumbledore, a high-ranking figure at the top of the wizarding world, persuaded him. It is estimated that that 'draft' will be turned into other news soon."

"No, is that what you usually think about?" Hermione looked at the little wizard next to him, who was usually a little crazy, with complicated eyes, and she couldn't understand this guy even more.


McGuffin realized that he was talking too much, so he quickly shut up.


After Dumbledore sent those professors away, he came to Professor McGonagall's office.

Professor Snape was unwilling, but he also understood that this kind of treatment was the best for the whole school.


"Dumbledore, look at the contents of this letter..."

Snape gave Dumbledore the letter written by the woman Rita Skeeter.

Dumbledore looked at it for a while, smiled and gave a fairly objective evaluation, "This is really a beautiful word with viciousness in it!"

"Well written..."

"It's well written?...Is this the storm you mentioned? Dumbledore...these professors...who on earth revealed this news, I won't talk about the previous incident,...There should be no students who know about the troll incident on Halloween! Could it be..."

Snape said vaguely, but he knew that Dumbledore should understand what he meant.

Dumbledore handed the envelope to Professor McGonagall who was curious and suspicious.

And tell the two about Halloween, Harry, McGuffin and the four of them were lucky enough to cast the war magic that had disappeared for a long time. This news is about to shake the magic world.

Then he went on to explain to Professor Snape who was waiting impatiently.

"Severus, no matter what the secret is, once it is stained with honey, there will always be swarms of bees flying over, and they will always ask about the taste. Now those few little wizards hold secrets that they don't even know. It's like a cake stained with honey. We can't stop the smell from drifting away. It's not like someone specially leaked the secret, and no one wants to share the honey cake in their hands with others..."

Dumbledore made an analogy, which meant something, and Snape understood it as soon as he heard it.

After Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall heard about it, they understood that Professor Snape already knew about it, which made their faces a little ugly.

——Could it be that the two of them are not trusted?
Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of the two, Dumbledore knew what the two were thinking without using Dementor to judge, and then explained.

"That night, after getting a general idea of ​​what happened, I immediately realized what happened, and immediately sealed up the four little wizard's wands. If Snape hadn't known what happened, and wanted to know the effect of the cast spell, I wouldn't have told him!"

Dumbledore said that he didn't distrust the two, but that if war magic really reappeared, it would affect the structure of the entire wizarding world and changes in political power.

"Ambitious people are likely to take this opportunity to start the war again... and their demagogic and distorted ideas are likely to win the support of more people after gaining power!..."

"It's too dangerous!"

Flitwick muttered to himself listening to Professor Dumbledore's explanation.

As a half-blood wizard of goblins, he knows that in the current magic world, there is a very weak balance between dark wizards and the Ministry of Magic, pure-bloods and Muggle wizards, the magic world of various countries, goblins and humans, and various races. If this magic really appears, it will start a war that does not know when it will stop, as Dumbledore said, between all people, all races, and even the magic world and the Muggle world...

It will really appear—the hell of this world, the scorched earth of the world! !
"Merlin's beard!"

Flitwick shuddered, - they might really destroy the world.

Professor McGonagall also knew the seriousness of the matter, "But Professor Dumbledore, there are only four children, how is it possible... Isn't that kind of ancient magic no longer suitable for the current spellcasting system?"

"This is magic! Minerva, it has too many inconceivable and unpredictable things. I think you have also heard that those little wizards who exploded with magic power will also cast the similar ancient magic effect by chance..."

"...I submitted the magic power changes and spell reaction data collected from the wands of the four little wizards that night to the World Magic Conference. They will be composed of teams from the Department of Mysteries of each country that are responsible for researching this spell...I hope this time it will be just like the phenomena that have happened before—it's just a coincidence that cannot be replicated!" Dumbledore said calmly.

"Professors, after I submit this matter to the International Federation of Magic, our Ministry of Magic will not act rashly, and will prevent the Halloween incident from appearing in any relevant daily newspapers...so don't worry about that reporter, she will not find a newspaper to publish this manuscript..."

Dumbledore chuckled and continued,
"And now... we need to downplay the 'stinky' thing about the big shit, especially Professor Quirrell and that poor Slytherin kid...Merlin! I hope the two of them don't leave any sequelae...and what is this thing?"

When Dumbledore put the envelope in his hand on Professor McGonagall's desk, he found two crooked parchments with the names of students on them, most of them were Hogwarts students in the lower grades.

Snape glanced at Professor McGonagall angrily and said, "It's not the twins of the Weasley family... We found that the smell of this big dung egg is so strong that it is not easy to be dispelled by the spell. After searching, we found that it was because they modified the big dung eggs bought from the joke shop without knowing what substances were added... Anyway, this envelope is a list of their purchases this semester..."

"Really? Since we decided not to go deep into the truth of this matter, let's destroy this!"

"But Mr. Filch wants to confiscate the big dung eggs in the hands of these little guys, so as not to happen again next time..." Professor McGonagall said.

"Okay, okay! Then tell these brats that you can't use the big dung eggs in the public places of Hogwarts. If the crowd is dense, Hogwarts will send a letter to tell them at home..."

Dumbledore thoughtfully picked up the two parchments and shook them.

Red flames popped out from the paper and burned slowly from top to bottom.

Until the last line of writing on it [McGuffin Albert, male, first year Gryffindor] was swallowed by flames and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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