Chapter 220 Remembering the past!

The so-called dream is to complete the unfinished business, to do the big and small things that have not been done, or to be unable to get the beauty.

The emperors spoke one after another, some wanted to win the beauty back, some wanted to expand their territory and expand their ambitions, and of course some had their own small thoughts in their hearts, but they were not candidates, so what they said was just a small story and a gossip It's fine.

The main thing is to look at the answers of the monster candidates first.

Monsters have emotions and desires just like humans, and of course their dreams are also diverse.

Looking at their messy, wishful thinking, and even inappropriate answers, whether it is Lingxiao Palace or Lingshan, even the judges of Yuxu Palace can't sit still.

"What does this mean? Let these little monsters talk about ideals? I've never heard of it."

The Jade Emperor was the first to speak dissatisfied. At this moment, the Queen Mother beside him all agreed: "Yeah! It's outrageous! Become an come you want to become anyone..."

"Hmph, that cow..."

I don't know who it is, but when I saw the answer of the Bull Demon King, I scoffed, but my heart was sore.

"This question is not reasonable."

Tathagata closed his eyes without lifting his eyelids.

"Hmm! It's not in line with ethics, it's not in line with..."

It was the Jade Emperor who said this, good guy, the two of them can reach a tacit understanding.

In the examination room, there were also other brothers discussing.

"Nezha, what is your dream?" Jin Zha asked his younger brother Nezha, and Nezha thought for a while and said, "My dream seems to have come true, so now, I..."

Nezha feels that the dream has come true, so he has no more dreams.

"How about you, brother?"

"Ah... dream..."

Jin Zha hesitated for a long time before speaking: "I want to subdue demons and eliminate demons, remove obstacles for the Three Realms, let the world have sunny days everywhere, and let sentient beings no longer..."

Before he finished speaking, Nezha looked at him with dead fish eyes: "Brother, I don't believe it, you repeat it."


The lie was exposed, which made Jin Zha hesitate even more. But this time, he raised his head and looked around the whole place, and then looked at the Moon Palace.

Nezha, a clever little ghost, immediately understood!But he was stunned for an instant: "Brother... don't you..."


Jin Zha hurriedly turned his head and put his index finger on his brother's lips to signal him to whisper.

"Brother! This is too bold! This is impossible! Impossible!"

"Hush! Shh! Be quiet!"

Jin Zha lowered his voice and kept reminding: "Third Brother, don't panic! Don't panic!"

Finally, Nezha calmed down, and Jin Zha put down his hands and said dejectedly, "Of course I know, I just think about it, think about it..."

Jin Zha and Nezha pretended to be inadvertently looking at the people in the Tianting Department vigilantly. Everyone seemed to have the same expression. Everyone grinned and their eyes were shining like a golden light, but then they seemed to be listless again. Like a fried eggplant, some people bowed their heads in silence, while others sighed.

"It seems that everyone is about the same."

Nezha's young man's voice rang in his ears at this moment. Jin Zha looked back at his brother, and he understood at this moment.

In heaven, you can’t have dreams, you can’t have dreams, because if you have dreams, you are violating the rules of heaven, and if you violate the rules of heaven, you will be punished.


Only those who live in heaven can know how horrible and cruel this kind of thing is.

The brothers with golden horns and silver horns over there are even more miserable.

"Brother, do you still remember what we said when we went down to the realm?"

"Oh! Xiaoyin, how could big brother forget?"

Jin Jiao put a hand on Yin Jiao's shoulder as he said: "I said, we must become the most extraordinary monsters in one party, and we must stand out!"

"But, brother, it seems that the master can't agree?"

Yin Jiao's words stunned Jin Jiao's spring-like eyes just now.

"No, we are the boys next to the master, we..."

The eyes of the two were resentful and dim, but after a while, they became a little shiny again.

"Little Silver, let's, let's do this."

As he spoke, Jinjiao cooed in Yinjiao's ear. After speaking, Yinjiao looked at Jinjiao: "Brother, what a great idea! This is what we should dream about!"

So the two brothers seemed to write down their dreams with confidence: "In the future, I will be as great as the master! Refining the best medicine!"

Thinking that this was the end of the matter, the two brothers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

But looking at each other, they were a little confused: "Brother, alchemy seems boring, but being a monster seems more comfortable."

After being told by his good brother, Jin Jiao, who was still ambitious just now, disappeared without a trace.

The repeated entanglement of the two brothers was seen by some gods in the heavenly court, and they felt empathy.

"It seems, that's it..."

Nezha looked at the picture and muttered to himself.

He dreams of becoming a fairy, but after becoming a fairy, every day is the same, every day is repeated, today repeats yesterday, yesterday and the day before yesterday, it is the same as last year, and tomorrow is the same, what's the point?
Look at the three brothers Che Chiguo again, tsk tsk tsk, they have fighting spirit!They are working hard to become immortals, do they know how boring it is after becoming immortals!There are not even lice and mosquitoes in the heavenly court, it is lifeless, maybe it is not as interesting as the car Chiguo!
The people in the city want to go outside the city, but the people outside the city are desperate to enter the city, alas!
I don’t know if it was due to their influence that the good heaven became lifeless. The Jade Emperor couldn’t stand it anymore. He had just been serious and righteous, but now he actually asked Tathagata, "Buddha, what is your dream?" What?"

Tathagata still closed his eyes and rested his mind, saying: "Pursuing sentient beings, this is our dream."

You don't need to open your eyes to feel that he is full of confidence. The Jade Emperor turned his head sourly, wondering what his dream of being the leader of the immortals in the heaven was, but at this moment, Tathagata asked: "What is your majesty's dream? ?”


Damn Tathagata, now he is squinting his eyes, waiting for a joke?

The Jade Emperor couldn't let the wind fall, so he said: "Of course I am..."

Originally, I wanted to say that I wanted to prove the Tao and become a saint as soon as possible, but suddenly I felt that it was wrong. If this guy said that he would save all living beings in front of his eyes, wouldn't he be too selfish if he wanted to say that?

So he quickly changed his words: "My dream is to manage the Three Realms well, so that all beings in the Three Realms can live in peace and perform their duties."

"Ah, then I wish His Majesty the realization of his dream as soon as possible."

"Ah, so is the Buddha."

The Jade Emperor was too lazy to pay attention to Tathagata and was unwilling to say another word. It was a mistake to start this topic with Tathagata himself!
In the group of emperors, seeing this seemingly simple question stumped all the examinees, the emperors also began to think: what went wrong?

"The dreams of all living beings are restricted by irresistible forces, and they naturally cannot answer."

Ye Chen said.

"As the emperor, have I ever restricted other people's dreams?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly thought of himself.

"Your literary prison is extremely famous!"

Unexpectedly, it was Qianlong who struck up a conversation!
"He wrote about being wise and wise, and you actually killed it? Also, you thought it was inappropriate to write a poem on a temple, so you actually killed all the monks in the temple? Why are you so cruel!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was dumbfounded when the past was mentioned by later generations.

"Ancestor, let's not talk about others."

Puyi couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded in a low voice:

"You have destroyed so many books!"

"Grandson, you idiot! Shut up now!"

Kangxi was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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