All the people answer the question: an exam, the emperors all cried

Chapter 33 Why is the prime minister like this!

Chapter 33 Why is the prime minister like this!
Half a quarter of an hour soon arrived, and Ye Chen appeared above the examination room again.

"Time is up, candidates please return to your seats."

After finishing speaking, all the candidates walked slowly to their seats.

Ye Chen paused and said.

"The next thing is the last big question of this exam, the essay question. There is only one question for this question, with a total score of 10. The answer time is [-] minutes."

A light curtain flashed on the test paper, and the question was updated.

"Please write about the extraordinary achievements and attractiveness of the country under your governance."

"The last question, all candidates, please answer the question carefully. This question does not accept outside assistance. Alright, let's start answering the question."

When Ye Chen finished speaking, the examination room was in an uproar.

Sure enough, the last question asked was very sharp.

The audience in front of the screen also sighed and looked at each other, not knowing where to start.


"Prime Minister, this last question is a bit difficult for the examiner. I don't know how these emperors would answer this question."

Nangong Shi looked at the topic in the light curtain and turned to talk to Jiang Ziya with a calm expression.

Jiang Ziya didn't speak immediately, but pondered for a moment.

"The last question is to let the emperors understand the status quo of their country. During their reign, whether they have sat down in this seat, whether they have no shame in their hearts, and whether they are worthy of the country and the people."

"The last question is the focus of this exam."

The minister behind him couldn't help but nodded in agreement when he heard the conversation between the two.

The same is Chaoge Li Mansion.

"Father, King Zhou will definitely not be able to answer this question, but I just don't know how King Wu will answer it."

Nezha looked at his father Li Jing with a trace of worry.

"Whether King Zhou can answer or not has nothing to do with us, anyway, it won't change the fact that we want to overthrow him.

"As for King Wu, Prime Minister Jiang said that King Wu is benevolent, and we also see His Majesty's behavior. We have to trust His Majesty, and we can answer this question well."

Li Jing cast a glance at his own son, thinking that he was worried too much, and he should take care of himself first.

"That's right, father, after hearing what you said, I can't wait for King Zhou to come back from the exam, so I'll ask him for advice."

Nezha rubbed his hands impatiently.

Li Jing looked helpless, while Yin Shiniang looked at the father and son with a smile on his face. Jin Zha and Mu Zha next to him could only shrug their shoulders, feeling that there was no room for them.

In the examination room, Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa fixedly looked at the questions, thinking seriously about how to answer them.

Since his ascension to the throne, he has continuously improved the previous political system. After assuming the throne, he upheld his father's ambitions. He couldn't bear to abandon the ministers who were reused by the late emperor, and he absorbed a large number of outstanding talents as his reserve army.

Not only that, he directly discarded those completely useless systems, and his policy of feuding states and building a country played a very effective role in his own rule, and even served as a reference for the development of later generations.

At that time, Ji Fa took the idea of ​​"respecting the country and protecting the people" as the core idea of ​​his rule, which is also the well field system, patriarchal system, and rule of ritual and music that we are familiar with later.

These are all used by later generations.

And it plays an indelible role, how supreme is this.

After thinking about it, I felt that the idea was feasible, so I started to write slowly on the test paper with a pen.

In the Great Qin Dynasty, in a small teahouse.

"It's the last question. I don't know how our emperor answered it. Is it a standard answer?"

"Your Majesty must have given a good answer. Is there any need to ask? Our Majesty's strength is still the first emperor. Can we not be so good?"

Two Qin Shihuang fans were chatting in a corner.

"Those two in the corner, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. You are really blind, right? Can't you tell how Qin Huang treats the people?"

A commoner man suddenly stood up and looked angrily at the two who had just spoken.

"If you say something outrageous and outrageous, be careful to arrest and lock you up. What's wrong with us talking about it?"

"Hey, I have a bad temper, you want my shoehorn to hit you in the face, don't you?"

As he said that, the big man quickly took off his shoes and wanted to throw them at the two of them.

Seeing this, the two also took off their shoes and prepared to attack.

For a while, there was noise in the teahouse, and there was chaos.

Qin Dynasty Imperial Palace.

Lu Buwei paced back and forth, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

"Why is the prime minister like this?"

Another minister who had been following Lu Buwei asked nervously.

"It's the last question. I'm afraid that the emperor can't answer it well. I'm afraid that the emperor will not understand this question comprehensively."

"The prime minister is worrying too much. After all, we can't help the emperor take the exam."

"Having said that, but maybe the old man is too anxious, let's see the progress."

In the examination room, after Qin Shihuang read the questions, he began to answer the questions without thinking too much.

Qin Shihuang knew in his heart that he was the first emperor in history, and he was also known as the first emperor through the ages. He not only unified the whole country, but also laid the foundation for the formation of the Chinese nation in the future. Of course, he did not know that his deeds would form a nation. A mighty nation.

In addition, he also established the centralization system, strengthened the central government's control over the localities, established the Sangong Jiuqing system, and abolished the enfeoffment system, which was conducive to maintaining the unity and stability of the country.

Not only that, he also wrote unified characters, currencies, weights and measures, etc., which promoted cultural exchanges and economic development.

There is also the construction of the Great Wall to resist the Huns, sweep away foreign aggressions, and expand territories.

Qin Shihuang wrote down his thoughts one by one.

On the other side, Tang Taizong Li Shimin looked at the topic very cautiously. He didn't know how to start, and was organizing his own words.

He recalled what he had done since he ascended the throne, that is, not long after he took the throne, he set up a new Hongwen Museum in accordance with the model of the Qin Palace Literature Museum to further reserve the world's literary talents.

Moreover, he knows how to use people well, employs people on their merits, regardless of their background, and appointed a large number of ministers who were later praised by the world, which shows that he has a good eye for people.

Not only that, Li Shimin ignored the previous suspicions and reused Wei Zheng, Yu Chigong and others in the old ministry, which all showed that Li Shimin was very open-minded in front of serving the country and the people.

He also remembered that he perfected the Sui system, and took the Sui Yang Emperor's refusal to remonstrate and subjugate the country as a precept, so that all the ministers in the court would talk about his problems, and he was so outspoken that he once appeared in the court hall, embarrassing Li Shimin. Can't stand the situation.

With this pattern and this measure, if you were another emperor, you wouldn’t be able to kill the ministers who advised you to death. Are you the emperor or am I the emperor?

That's how under his rule Li Shimin, the people live and work in peace and contentment, this is the greatest achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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