Chapter 55 What a breakdown!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin regretted it very much. It was he who opened the door of the Tang Dynasty to accept these foreign countries to learn culture. His own friendship allowed these foreign countries to use Chinese cultural knowledge to invade their own country. This is lifting a stone. Smash his own foot, heartbroken.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth secretly. After returning to China, he must arrest all these envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty and throw them out of the Tang Dynasty.

And those emperors who had contact with this foreign country were startled, and at the same time they were also thinking secretly in their hearts, what remedial plans should be made.

The picture in the video is still going on. After the Sino-Japanese War was defeated, the two countries signed a treaty, and treaties that humiliated the country were presented on the screen.

This caused all the emperors present to collapse, and their hearts were tumbling, but there was nothing they could do.

"It's too humiliating why these treaties were signed."

"I can't stand it anymore. If I was born in this dynasty, I would definitely not sign these ghost contracts. I wouldn't fight them, and I wouldn't even die."

"Yeah, why do you want to sign? How can you be an emperor if you are so spineless."


A sentence of angry and questioning words reached the ears of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. They did not dare to refute or get angry, because the facts were there and they were not qualified to speak.

And Emperor Guangxu lowered his head slowly like a sinner, he didn't know what to say anymore, because no matter how much he said, the fact could not be changed that this happened because of him.

It was not only the emperors of the Qing Dynasty who felt ashamed in their hearts. Those emperors who implemented foreign policies in their own countries felt that they had done something wrong. invasive behavior.

In the court hall of the Three Kingdoms period.

Jiang Ziya and others have been watching these two scenes played by Marven Ye seriously, and they are shocked, especially when they see foreigners invade the Qing Dynasty and force the Qing Dynasty to sign so many shameful and unequal treaties, they collapse even more.

"Grandfather, I never thought that after so many years, we would be bullied like this by this foreign country, and it's really too miserable."

"That's right, but I didn't think of it. I think I have made suggestions for King Wen, and I have always upheld the mentality of thinking about the people of the world to benefit the people. However, we can't live that long. There is no way to prevent all this from happening."

Jiang Ziya was a confident person. For the first time, he felt powerless. He was powerless to prevent all this from happening. He could only watch helplessly, because no matter how well he did, it would not affect all future emperors.

After hearing what Jiang Ziya said, Nangong Shi sighed slowly, yes, but there was nothing he could do, after all, he couldn't affect so many people, and he only regretted that he was not born in that dynasty, otherwise such a miserable situation would not have happened.

Chaoge Li Mansion.

"Father, these people are really hateful, even worse than that dog emperor, King Zhou. I just now feel that King Zhou looks much cuter than these people. I really want to kill these people in the video just now. No piece of armor left."

Nezha watched everything played on the screen, and his heart was full of anger. He was always tempered, and he didn't want to see these bad guys running rampant, let alone the common people.

Li Jing remained silent for a long time, the shock and anger in his heart needless to say, but as a father, he was a stable person, so he just secretly suppressed this dissatisfaction.

"Hey, it looks so powerless. It's just that they were not born in that era. If we meet, they will have to come and go."

Yin Shiniang looked at her husband and son's gloomy expressions from the side, and could only comfort her softly. She was also very angry, and wished to lead troops to attack this foreign country immediately to vent her anger.

In the palace of Li Shimin during the Tang Dynasty.

All the ministers were still in a state of shock, deeply angered by the tragic scene in the video and the unequal treaty that humiliated the country.

"I thought that friendship with foreign countries would be beneficial to the development of the country, but I didn't expect these wolf-hearted things to learn from us and come to harm us. It's really a typical story about snakes and farmers."

Wei Zheng clenched his fists angrily, wishing he could lead his troops into foreign countries immediately.

"Yes, Master Wei is right. Didn't some missions from Tang Dynasty come to Tang Dynasty just now? I think we should take down these people now, and make a decision after the emperor comes back, lest these missions to Tang Dynasty are still stealing from us. knowledge."

Changsun Wuji suggested.

"Master Changsun's proposal is very good. First arrest this group of people, and then we will deal with them."

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he asked Yu Chigong next to him to lead the troops to arrest people.

On Chang'an Street.

Vendors on the street gathered together to discuss.

"It's too miserable. Fortunately, we were not born in this dynasty, and we are too lucky."

"That's right, the Qing Dynasty was miserable, but the foreign countries mentioned by the examiner just now seem to come to our Datang every now and then, saying that they come to study, I think they are just under the banner of coming to study, and they have been secretly looking for opportunities. Invade us."

Two vendors next to each other were talking.

"When you say it like this, it's really, damn it, these bad guys are really not a thing. Our Datang is so friendly to them, but we are still thinking about aggression. It's not a thing. Let me see next time They, see each other and fight once."

"Yes, including me, I will also beat them up, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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