Chapter 113 The Final Winner
After the embarrassment when he first entered the Dimension Dungeon, and then the strong defeat five months later, this target of the Judgment Trial that Xiao Yun first saw will finally come to an end today.

"Don't. Don't"

Lang Yusuke also seemed to know the ending he was about to usher in. His hands under the neck kept struggling, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of "this rope".

In the next second, he controlled his own flesh and blood, and a pair of bat wings grew on the back of his head, which was exactly the same as the demon wings in the transformation state of Berserk Demon. He flapped these miniature wings, trying to escape sky.

"it's over"

Xiao Yun murmured, and took out the Sun Wheel Knife that was about to be scrapped. The moment the figure flashed by, the sharp light of the knife cut off Lang Yusuke's wings, and cut off his hands from the neck.

Beheading with a Japanese sword, Yusuke Lang, who is a ghost, ushered in the end at this time.

【Ding!You successfully killed the ghost wolf Yusuke with a level 23 ability, and you gained 4140 experience points! 】

[Ding, I noticed the strange source force, and started to restrain the power, the strange source force is transforming.]

[Ding, the transformation of the strange source power is completed, the judgment candidate Z-10086, the progress of your judgment trial "Guardian of the World" has been updated, please continue to work hard! 】

"Finally" Xiao Yun also breathed a sigh of relief, since he entered the "Blade of Ghost Slayer", he has been increasing his strength, and at this time he finally cut off a target of the judgment trial again.

"It's just you, Violator Q-57675."


Wolf Yusuke roared and turned into a wisp of flying ash. Xiao Yun, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately put the unique black and red treasure box that was transformed into the strange source power into his inventory.

Xiao Yun will not let anyone else see this thing, nor will he share it with anyone.Thinking of the things that came out of the black-red treasure box dropped by Xiang Kai, Xiao Yun instantly looked forward to what would drop from this treasure box.

Suppressing the mood of opening the box at this moment, Xiao Yun turned his head, looked at the vigilant Iron Fist Ranger, also looked at the mage who was trying to restrain the avatar of the violator, and even glanced at the general and the Duke who were watching, and finally made a sound.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Yun said, turned around and walked out of the dense forest, no longer paying attention to the subsequent development of the offender's clone. Behind him, Butterfly Kanae sheathed her sword and immediately followed.

"Hey, you, your strength is quite good. If you come to stop me next time when killing ghosts, you will score a victory." Undead Kawa Minami punched the iron fist, and after a "cut", he also turned and left.

The Duke and the general did not follow Xiao Yun, they walked from another direction.

They could clearly feel that after this action, a rift had already developed between them and Xiao Yun, and they didn't know if the agreement to kill twelve ghost moons in total would be fulfilled.

Along the way, the three of Xiao Yun strolled forward, and after an unknown amount of time, it was Immortal Kawa Minami who spoke first.

"Hey, V, who are those guys? They have strange abilities, and they can even fight me without losing the wind. If they didn't appear in the sun, I would almost suspect that they are ghosts!"

Undead Kawa Minya finally asked the question in his heart. The abilities of mages and others are too strange, and they are easily suspected to be the blood ghost technique of ghosts.

"There are always some weird people in this world who possess special talents." Xiao Yun answered irrelevantly.

"Some people have muscle density eight times that of ordinary people, and those little ghosts who only ate one or two people can't help her; some people have a keen sense of smell, and can even sniff out traps and crises; some people have special physiques, and can eat ghosts." part of the organization and obtain part of the ghost's ability."

"Isn't it the same for you, Immortal Chuan, your blood is a rare type of thin blood, it can make ghosts who smell the smell drunk, and make killing ghosts get twice the result with half the effort." Xiao Yun shifted his gaze to him.

"You know?" Undead Kawa Miniya was surprised.

"It's not that you are special." Xiao Yun smiled, and he had the blood of the "Spartan Devil".

"Just treat them as people with special powers!"

Xiao Yun said so, defining the players.

"Tsk, it's fine if you don't want to say it." Undead Chuan said, speeding up the pace of his feet.

"The ghost has already been killed, I'll go first."

Undead Kawa Minami who was unwilling to go with him left the team first, and only Kanae remained by Xiao Yun's side.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask, Kanae, you and I are already acquaintances." Finally, it was Xiao Yun who broke the silence between the two of them.

Kanae hesitated for a while, and then said: "You seem to be angry? But, it seems not?"

"As you said, we can be regarded as 'acquaintances'. It will be better to talk about some things."

Xiao Yun was stunned. Like Undead Kawa Miniya, Kanae also noticed the unusualness of today's series of events, but unlike Undead Kawa Miniya who asked directly from the identity of the mage and others, Kanae hid the matter. The doubt in my heart was concerned about Xiao Yun.

She cares about me!

Xiao Yun could feel this, Kanae had a different feeling for Xiao Yun, and how long ago, Xiao Yun also started to treat this gentle person differently?
However, Kanae is a plot character in the dimensional dungeon, and Xiao Yun is a player who will eventually leave this world!
Is this relationship really acceptable?

Or, find a way to bring Kanae out of the dimensional dungeon and let her become a player. Xiao Yun knows that this is feasible, because there are special props in the Judgment Mall to make plot characters become players, but the conditions are very strict.

However, Kanae's gentle temperament is not suitable for being a player.

"let it go!"

After making this decision, Xiao Yun will follow his heart if he can really develop to that point with her.

Feeling overwhelmed, Xiao Yun pulled back his consciousness and answered Chanahu's question.

"Actually, besides beheading the wolf ghost this time, I have other goals. Unfortunately, I am not the kind of wise man who takes all factors into consideration. My original plan failed and my goal was not achieved, so at that time I A little angry."

While talking, Xiao Yun suddenly smiled.

"Maybe my luck is really good. The goal I tried so hard to achieve failed, but I achieved it elsewhere."

Xiao Yun was really amused. He tried every means to find the trace of the violator Q-57675. He originally thought that he would fail because of the General Duke, but he did not expect that he got a more effective method.

58 of the Binding Dao, slapping the toes to chase the sparrows!

This is the binding way to track and capture the location of the target by sensing the target's spiritual pressure.

Because Xiao Yun's ghost way was not obtained through formal means, but obtained by cheating with the talent of a "fellow author", the compatibility with Xiao Yun is 0%, and it is basically useless at ordinary times.

Therefore, Xiao Yun has no spiritual pressure and cannot sense the enemy's spiritual pressure.

However, when Xiao Yun used the innate skill "Fantasy Substitution" to temporarily improve his compatibility with the ghost way, and the moment he used the "Tao Binding No. [-]: This Rope" to restrain the wolf Yusuke with only his head left, Xiao Yun started from the violator's body. On the avatar, I felt the so-called "spiritual pressure".

Xiao Yun didn't know if that feeling was "reiki", but Xiao Yun could feel the waves of two souls emanating from the violator's avatar, and Xiao Yun made it clear that he could use "Tao Binding 58, slap the toe to chase "Finch" to locate this kind of fluctuation, no, it is "reiatsu".

That is to say, now, Xiao Yun does not need the avatar of the violator, but he can also find the body of the violator Q-57675.

Intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, inadvertently planting willows and willows!

That's why Xiao Yun found it funny.

The violator knew the three mages very well, and Xiao Yun did not think that the mage could find the violator himself through a clone.

As for Xiao Yun, this action killed Lang Yusuke. After completing one of the goals of the judgment mission, he got a way to find the body of the violator, and even bought a bunch of purple special attack equipment from the violator's avatar for free.

I am the one who has gained the most from this operation!

(End of this chapter)

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