Chapter 156 A New Journey
The Shadow Realm can be considered as a cage to imprison strange creatures, and it can also be called the habitat of these creatures.

The Shadow Realm is a circle as a whole, and the main cities of 100 players are located on the edge of the circle, completely surrounding the Shadow Realm and turning it into a barrier for the Shadow Realm.

Except for the player's main city protected by the dimensional game, the Shadow Realm becomes more and more dangerous as it gets closer to the center.
Perhaps it is the secret interference of dimensional games, and the distribution of weird creatures follows some rules.The closer to the center of the shadow circle, the higher the level of the weird creature.

And for some reason, the distribution of weird creatures in the Shadow Realm will be like monsters in online games, showing a certain tendency of aggregation and dividing territories.

Therefore, as long as you overestimate your capabilities and break into the territory of those high-level and high-number strange creatures, players will basically not be in danger.

Moreover, a certain type of strange creatures living in groups will also help those players in the big group to adjust to the weaknesses of the strange creatures, so that they can be encircled and wiped out.

The speed of gaining experience points is much more efficient than finding and killing individual strange creatures.

Because of this, those weird biological communities that drop good materials, good equipment, and even good skills will be divided by the big groups and become their own "mines."

In the past, there were other big groups who came to grab the "mine", and they would have the means to deal with the big groups, and those player teams with only a few players, apart from not daring to offend the big groups, were also afraid to rush into the large number of mines due to lack of strength. In the weird biome.

Therefore, the "mines" classified under the name of the war group have always been "safe".But no one would have thought that one day, a player would steal all his own "mines" by himself!

"Hurry up, the left side of the '[-]' team, the right side of the 'Breeze' team, block the way out of the burning forest, we must not let the thief who steals the mine escape!"

"Captain, that guy can kill thousands of 'Nightmare Spiders' by himself. I'm afraid he won't be an ordinary player. Can we stop him?"

A player from Team Breeze asked in a low voice, his words full of uneasiness.

There are many advantages for players to join a warband. Some rare resources are easier to exchange than outsiders, they can get guidance from high-level warband members, and they can even gain experience points more efficiently.

But nothing is perfect. With many advantages, there will also be many shortcomings.The most obvious thing is that they are bound by the rules of the war group and are not as free as before.

And once you join the battle group, even if you get on the battle group car, the enemies of the war group will also become the players' enemies, even if there is no grievance with them before.

Just like now, these ordinary low-level players will fight against unknown players due to the order of the battle group.

"Don't worry, the higher-ups won't let us die in vain, and we're just 'eyes' to see if he's escaping from this direction, so we don't need to fight him head-on."

The captain analyzed the form quite clearly, and comforted him.

"This behavior is equivalent to a provocation to our 'Thousand Winds' wargroup, and the wargroup will definitely send players with difficulty three to support."

"To deal with him is the job of that player with difficulty three!"

"Oh!" Hearing what his captain said, the player nodded, and felt a little relieved after experiencing such a battle for the first time.

What these players don't know is that there is a puppet flying over them with the ability of a certain bug, peeking at their deployment clearly.

"Really? We were discovered." Xiao Yun received a message from Bella.

"Come back, don't worry about them, the target is about to appear, I've used 'Avalon' to disrupt the space of the entire burning forest, and shaped the entire burning forest into a maze to buy us time."

This is the central area of ​​the Burning Forest. Fiery red catkins grow on the surrounding trees, floating lightly in the air like flickering flames. This is where the name Burning Forest comes from.

Xiao Yun was staring at the densest "fire pile" of fluff, because there was a giant gray egg shaking inside, and the lines on the eggshell were shining red, as if it was about to break out of the shell at any time. .

The strange creature that grows in the burning forest is called "Nightmare Spider", it is a creature proficient in mental attack, and every 6 months a "Nightmare Spider King" will be born in the "Nightmare Spider" colony, that is Xiao Yun The goal of this trip.

Xiao Yun's biggest reliance is not the privileges brought by his status as an adjudicator, nor the astonishingly powerful Honkai battleship "Avalon", but the talent "fan author".

It is precisely because of this talent that Xiao Yun has unlimited possibilities, and the fuel that motivates "fandom authors" is spiritual power. Even if Xiao Yun has nearly 3000 points of spiritual power at the moment, it still feels insufficient.

And this "Nightmare Spider King" has a very small probability of dropping a special skill called "Nightmare Domain". Mental power reserves can increase the player's mental power by 50%!

Xiao Yun was naturally unwilling to give up the opportunity to enhance his mental power. Unfortunately, this skill was monopolized by the "Thousand Winds" battle group. The "Nightmare Realm" skills were only digested internally. The only skill scroll that was leaked was priced at 50. Dimension points.

This he is crazy!

Xiao Yun understands that this is not so much for sale, as it is a bait put out by the "Thousand Winds" wargroup to attract mage players who have a great demand for spiritual power to join.

Since he couldn't buy it, Xiao Yun could only hunt the "Nightmare Spider King" by himself to see if he could drop the "Nightmare Domain" skill scroll.

And as such a rich resource, how could the "Thousand Winds" group give up?They actually sent a team of players to station there, and they took Fenlin as their own "mine".

The "Dark King" once said that without joining the battle group, solo players can't even kill strange creatures.

Xiao Yun refuted the "Dark King" before, and said that there is no possibility of mutual interests, but Xiao Yun forgot that lone players really don't care about hunting and killing ordinary strange creatures. "Treasure box monsters" with rare skills, that's not necessarily the case.

As for what happened afterwards, Xiao Yun was naturally outraged, sneaked into Fenlin secretly, lured the "Nightmare Spider" together, and used the purple equipment "Blood Ceremony Dedicated to God" to kill these miscellaneous soldiers.

In the end, Xiao Yun began to wait for the treasure monster "Nightmare Spider King" to "refresh", and then he was discovered by the players of the "Thousand Winds" wargroup.

"The so-called battle group, although united with a large number of players, can attack a large number of strange biomes, but it also curbs the development of lone players."

Xiao Yun felt more and more that the development of dimensional game players was too deformed.

Good things are monopolized by the so-called war groups, and the result of this can only be that the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.

Ordinary players who want to surpass these big forces, unless they get a great fortune, or want to grow quickly, most of them have to attach or join a certain big group.

In fact, Xiao Yun has learned about the history of the Shadow Realm, among which there are records of big groups oppressing solo players.

Those are the most difficult days for solo players. If you want to hunt and kill the strange creatures that drop abundantly, you can only join those war groups, and the war groups have very strict conditions for such newcomers.

Fortunately, extremely talented solo players have emerged in the dimensional dungeon, and more solo players have been summoned to join forces to fight against the oppression of those big groups.

Unfortunately, a loose alliance is ultimately inferior to the attack of capital, but this resistance is not meaningless.

In order to avoid such "resistance" incidents from happening again, and because more players need to be recruited as fresh blood, those big groups have also slightly relaxed their harsh conditions, and have not squeezed solo players too much. Properly relax.

After all, the conditions on your side are too harsh. Naturally, no players are willing to join. There are many other war groups, so why hang yourself on your tree.

However, even so, lone players are still at the weak end. Only large groups can defend the "rich mines". These strange biological communities that can drop rare skills, rare equipment and materials are all divided up by the groups.

Fortunately, the path of solo players has not been blocked. Although they can't offend the large number of wargroups in the shadow world, there is still a place where the wargroup cannot send a large number of members into the dimensional dungeon.

Therefore, large groups monopolize the Shadow Realm, while solo players are happy to explore dimensional dungeons and obtain advanced skills, equipment, etc.

But such a situation is still not good for the overall development of players.

Because even Xiao Yun needs the special skills dropped by the strange creatures in the Shadow Realm to perfect his power system?
"Forget it, Dimensional Games doesn't care about these so-called battle groups, so why should I worry about it?"

Xiao Yun shook his head and put aside the thoughts in his mind, because he has "Avalon", in the Shadow Realm where there is no level restriction, he is not afraid of these so-called battle groups at all.

However, Xiao Yun also understands that "Avalon" is only an external force, and what really needs to be strong is Xiao Yun himself.

"I have also killed hundreds of strange creatures in the past two months. The experience points can definitely raise my level to level 30, reaching the peak of difficulty."

With a special understanding of "mindfulness", Xiao Yun does not need to be like other players. Every time he advances to a level, he needs to spend a lot of time to master the suddenly improved attributes.

As long as he has enough experience points, Xiao Yun's level can be raised quickly without any worries. The only obstacle for Xiao Yun is the difficulty assessment.


"And the difficulty assessment of the second difficulty will only be more difficult." Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Yun began to think.

The higher the level, the bigger the gap between each level. This time, let Xiao Yunyue kill level 1 enemies at level 10 this time, but it is not as simple as before.

Equipment, professional skill levels, and even basic passive skills all need to be upgraded to their current limits, which requires time and resources.

And even though there is the cheating talent of 'fan author', it is also very difficult to open a new style. In addition to solidifying the magic power circuit, a large number of red magic soul stones are needed, and some items with related powers need to be sacrificed to improve the fit.

"Sacrificial Objects"

After the "Nightmare Realm", instead of expecting to get it from players through trading, Xiao Yun prefers to exchange it from the Judgment Mall. As long as he has enough Judgment Points, Xiao Yun can exchange it for anything he needs.

To obtain judgment points, you need to complete the judgment task!
"It's been more than two months, why hasn't the next judgment task arrived yet?"

Just as Xiao Yun was complaining like this, the voice of the dimensional game system rang in his ears.

[Ding, Dear Junior Judge Z-10086, a judgment mission has been generated that matches your current combat power. Please go to the player's main city "Sirius City" in 3 days and enter the dungeon area through the dimensional dungeon gate to execute the judgment. Task! 】

"New judgment mission!" Xiao Yun was also surprised and puzzled.

Surprisingly, there are new judgment points that can be credited.

The 1 judgment points for completing the judgment trial last time are not very large, and Xiao Yun also wants to reserve a little judgment points as a backup to prevent things like Kanae from happening.

This adjudication task comes at the right time.

And those who are puzzled, naturally need to go to the copy area of ​​another player's main city to perform the judgment task.

"I can't enter from the dungeon area of ​​the player's main city in Tianyang City, is it because of any restrictions?"

When he was puzzled, Bella, who had gone out to investigate the movement of the "Thousand Winds" war group, had returned, and the lightning flashed above the strings, staring ahead.

"Master, the 'Nightmare Spider King' is about to be born!"

"Huh?" Xiao Yun raised his head, and the light from the red lines on the gray giant egg became stronger and stronger. When the giant egg shook, cracks began to spread on the eggshell.

"I was so focused on thinking just now that I actually forgot about this matter."

Xiao Yun raised his hands flat, and two guns, one white and one black, appeared in his hands, and the muzzles were pointed at the shaking dome.

Strange creatures are not born from the reproduction of the previous weird creature, but are born from a strange source combined with negative emotions. Breaking out of the egg is just a form, and even some weird creatures are like radishes, coming out of the earth. grow out.

Therefore, the "Nightmare Spider King" will have peak combat power when it breaks its shell, and its level is: level 30!
"According to the information from the intelligence merchant, the probability of the 'Nightmare Spider King' dropping the 'Nightmare Domain' skill scroll is 7%. Hahaha, let's guess how lucky I am today."

The Nightmare Spider King lifted the eggshell and in an instant, rhythmic gunshots resounded from the black and white guns like a piano version.

Twenty minutes later, when the players of the "Thousand Winds" wargroup entered the central area of ​​the burning forest, all that was left was the corpse of the "Nightmare Spider King" that gradually turned into ashes and scattered.


The three-difficulty players sent by the "Thousand Winds" battle group saw this scene, and angrily threw the entire land up.

"Third Regiment Commander, the brothers who surrounded Fenlin sent a message, and did not see any players leaving Fenlin"

A player spoke next to him, but was roughly interrupted by the third regiment leader.

"Isn't this natural? The guy who can create such a maze enough to trap players of difficulty [-] and kill the 'Nightmare Spider King' is definitely not a novice of difficulty [-]. How can you detect his traces?"

The three regiment leaders suddenly clenched their fists, and a series of cyclones condensed on the fists, giving them a sense of strength.

"It seems that 'Thousand Winds' has been silent for a long time, so that those lone trash dare to come and pull our beards."

The players behind them immediately silenced themselves and did not dare to express their anger. The third captain of "Qianfeng" was famous for his hot temper.

"Post a reward in the circle of intelligence merchants to see if any players have recently purchased relevant information about the 'Nightmare Spider King', so as to catch that mouse!"


Xiao Yun didn't know what was going on in the burning forest, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this moment, he has turned back to Tianyang City through "Avalon", and then teleported to the main city "Sirius City" in the judgment mission prompt through the teleportation array in the player's main city.

The bronze gate stands in the center of the square, above the bronze gate, the names of the three dimensional copies are clearly revealed.

"One: Grim Reaper (Three Difficulty)."

"Two: An inferior student in a high school of magic (difficulty two)."

"Three: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (Difficulty [-])."

The difficulty of dimensional dungeons is not static, but may change over time.

Just like the dimensional copy of "Naruto" who was entangled with Xiao Yun's grievances, in the early stage of the plot of "Namanokuni" and "Chunin Exam" plots, the highest combat power that appeared was Kakashi, Orochimaru and other Jonin, Shadow level, the difficulty is about the peak of the second difficulty, and has just reached the third difficulty.

And if it is the "Ninja World War" in the later part of the plot, and big bosses such as "Six Paths Madara" and "Kaguya Otsutsuki" appear, then the difficulty will be properly raised to the peak of difficulty three, or even reach difficulty four.

Of course, no matter how the difficulty changes, it is impossible to exceed the upper limit of the world. Just like the third-dimensional copy of "Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress", it is impossible to pop up a "god and demon" who can destroy the continent with one blow. "Bar!

The three dimensional dungeons will all be officially opened after three days. Players can spend dimensional points to enter the dimensional dungeons and experience them for 365 days.

"I see, if I remember correctly, the three dimensional dungeons that appeared on the bronze gate of Tianyang City's dungeon area are Hunter, Pirate King, and God Eater!" Xiao Yun had already understood.

"The dimensional copy opened by each player's main city is different, so I need to come to the 'Sirius City' to enter the dimensional copy and perform the judgment task."

"There is a judgment mission that matches your current combat power." Xiao Yun sounded the information in the dimensional game prompt.

"That is to say, this time the copy of the dimension is this?"

Xiao Yun's gaze shifted to the third dimension dungeon "Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress".

"Except for the 'black smoke' of the fused groups in the Iron City, there are no enemies that can threaten me. However, the violators and the strange source of power are special cases, so we cannot take it lightly."

"Also, this dimensional dungeon is very suitable for training teammates!"

Xiao Yun has completed the first ring of the "Inheritance Mission" left by player number Z-10086, "The Trial of the Judge", and obtained the extraordinary battleship "Avalon".

In the follow-up tasks, the second ring task is to require Xiao Yun to set up a Judgment Squad and recruit more than 2 Judgment members, and the mission reward is 30% of the value of the "inheritance" ownership.

Xiao Yun calculated that if the 30% of the inheritance was exchanged through the Arbitrator Mall, it would cost at least close to 7 Judgment Points.

What's more important is that in that "legacy", there is an item that Xiao Yun urgently needs that can help him further his style.

"Huh, if you have two more teammates who meet the requirements, it's not impossible. I just don't know how the selection of judges is. You can ask the dimensional game before entering the dimensional copy."

"Then now, we need to use these three days to make the best preparations."

Three days later, Xiao Yun will start: a new journey!
(End of this chapter)

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