Chapter 16 Design Careers

The transparent crystal bottle was randomly thrown by Xiao Yun on the battleship deck. This was already the seventh bottle of spirit recovery potion that Xiao Yun drank after waking up.

And now, Xiao Yun has somewhat figured out his talent called "Fan-ren Author"!

Just like the name of this talent, Xiao Yun himself is the absolute protagonist in the "Book of Characters", and because of this talent, he can become the author of this book!
In other words, Xiao Yun can add settings to the "characters" in his "book" just like the "code words" in his previous life, and write the future!

Of course, it is currently limited to "ability", because Xiao Yun has only tested the "setting" of ability!
This talent allows Xiao Yun to obtain all kinds of power out of thin air, but the restriction is also very large!
First, writing the "setting" directly on the "Chapter of the Future" consumes a terrifying amount of mental power, to an extent that Xiao Yun dare not imagine, but relying on the active talent skill of "setting reference", Xiao Yun can "Setting" the abilities known in the previous life with extremely low mental consumption, just like borrowing the existing abilities from other predecessors' works when writing fan fiction, you don't need to spend energy to "original" yourself!
"Setting reference" is definitely the most important skill among talent skills, no wonder the name of the talent is "Fanren Author"!
Second, based on the talent skill "Secondary Creation", although Xiao Yun can rewrite the ability "settings" in other predecessors' works, it requires additional mental energy consumption, and the greater the difference from the original version, the more mental energy will be consumed This will limit Xiao Yun's ability to expand.

Just now Xiao Yun wrote down the ability of "Death Demon Eye" in his experiment. It is a special ability from the Xingyue world, and it is one of the forms of the law of causality weapon on people.It can make people look at the dead line of a "living" existence, and if it hits the dead line, it can force this existence to die. It can be described as an extremely powerful and dangerous ability.

In terms of setting, only one condition needs to be fulfilled to have the magic eye of death: the brain is connected to the root and understands death!And when Xiao Yun originally planned to use "secondary creation" to erase this condition, the feedback from "Chapter of the Future" told Xiao Yun that his mental strength was far from enough, so Xiao Yun fainted again.

The second creation is not as easy to use as imagined, or in other words, the mental power consumed is too terrifying!
Third, the ability information on "Future Chapter" will also act on Xiao Yun when the fit does not reach 100%, and its ability strength is "original strength x Xiao Yun's attribute strength x fit percentage "!"
If the fit is zero, Xiao Yun will not be able to use his abilities at all.Fortunately, this fit can be temporarily improved by the active skill "Fantasy Substitution", even if it is only 20% improved, there is only a time limit of 30 minutes per day.

Fourth, contradictions. In the previous life, what Xiao Yun hated the most was those contradictory setting information, and when the fit reached 100%, the ability "setting" of "Future Chapter" would be transferred to "Past Chapter". chapter", was "completely learned" by Xiao Yun!If the ability setting of the subsequent transfer is inconsistent with the previous ability setting.
Intuition tells Xiao Yun that once these contradictory ability information exist in him at the same time, the result will definitely not be good!

Of course, even though there are many usage restrictions, the talent of "fan author" still has its unique features.

Especially with "Fantasy Substitution", a talent skill that can temporarily improve the compatibility, Xiao Yun can almost use abilities that he doesn't know, although it only has 20% power, and the consumption needs to be borne by himself.

From this point of view, "fan author" is a talent that is so awesome that it explodes!
After figuring out how to use the talent, an inexplicable idea appeared in Xiao Yun's mind.

"Can I directly use this talent to solve the uncontrollable demon blood in my body?"

Originally, Xiao Yun planned to directly purchase the job transfer scroll of the Demon Hunter in the world of "Devil May Cry" at the Judgment Store, and then step by step through the job transfer task with the help of the Dimensional Game, let the blood of the later "Spartan Devil" devour him Drop the "Blood Shadow Demon" lineage!
But now, Xiao Yun might be able to do better through the innate ability of "fan author". As long as the compatibility can reach 100%, Xiao Yun can directly obtain that power!
The "Book of Life" opened automatically, and with the infusion of Xiao Yun's spiritual power, the "Pen of Creation" began to "write" on the "Future Chapter" page on the right by itself. .

What appeared in Xiao Yun's mind was a man with silver hair and red clothes, holding black and white guns, and a big sword on his back, the demon hunter——Dante Sparta!

As a demon hunter, Dante, his biggest feature is the demon blood from his father, the demon Sparta. His race is half human and half demon, and his profession is - demon hunter!
The second is his power performance. Dante is good at all kinds of weapons. Almost all types of weapons can become powerful weapons for slaughtering demons in his hands.

Due to the devil's blood in his body, Dante has a strong self-healing ability. In "Devil May Cry 3", he was shot over the head by Letty, and in "Devil May Cry 1, 3, 4" he was shot by Tracy, Virgil and Nero stabbed through the chest with their swords, and in "Devil May Cry 5", he even stabbed himself, but he recovered in a very short time!

In the game, Dante can get a special substance called "Red Devil Soul Stone" after killing demons. This thing allows Dante to learn and strengthen his skills. In "Devil May Cry 3", it can even strengthen the damage of guns !

"Can I only write so much?" When he was writing about the specific style and skills that Dante possessed, Xiao Yun stopped his "pen" helplessly. Obviously, Xiao Yun's current level can only support the "Chapter of the Future" to have So many "settings".

"However, it's almost enough." Xiao Yun thought for a while, and activated the second ability of his talent - secondary creation!
For secondary creation, certain changes can be made on the original settings.

"The name cannot be left. Once the name is synchronized to the "Book of the Past", I cannot ensure that I will not be affected by the information person, but the profession can remain. Dan Ding is originally a demon hunter, and I am also pursuing a demon hunter Occupation, this does not violate the original setting!"

"The race needs to be more clear. There are many demon bloodlines, but there is no doubt that the bloodline of Sparta is also the top existence among all demons. As the first generation of half-human half-demon, Dante's bloodline concentration of demons is 1/ 2!"

"The ability-related information needs to be more detailed, but if it can't be written down, then there must be a space for 'continuation'. The 'style' mode must be written down!"

Dante can switch different "styles" according to different enemies and fight in different ways.The "gun god" who uses guns, the "jugger master" who uses cold weapons to fight with swords, the "trickster" who focuses on dodging attacks, and the "royal guard" who defends and counterattacks!
This is the reason why Xiao Yun still chooses this profession after possessing the BUG talent of "fan author", because of "style"!
In "Devil May Cry 3", Dante gained new powers after defeating the horse-shaped boss named "Geryon" and the "Shadow Dancer" boss who copied himself: "Mercury" and " "Travelers" special style mode.

In "Devil May Cry 4", after obtaining Yan Modao, it unlocked the "dark killer" style that originally belonged to Virgil.

The setting of this "style" is very important to Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun can completely "summarize" various abilities acquired through "fanartists" in the form of "style" in professional skills in the future, thereby reducing the number of abilities set. Set the contradiction!
For example, it is not a big idea to incorporate the sword skills of ghost swordsmen into the "Juvenile Master" style, the skills of fighters into the "Royal Guard" style, and the ghost way of the Reaper into the style called "Reaper", but once Let Xiao Yun succeed, then Xiao Yun will have an infinite future.

Because Dante's name was erased, the information on the "Chapter of the Future" almost became a chapter called "Demon Hunter" job ability introduction information!

This thing is simply like: a unique "professional scroll" formed after secondary creation based on Dante in the world of "Devil May Cry"!
The information itself is in line with the scope of "setting reference", Xiao Yun basically didn't make much changes, but just like that, Xiao Yun also drank nearly 10 bottles of spiritual potion again.

Thanks to Xiao Yun's 10% ownership of the "inheritance" left by the previous player, he must have obtained so many mental power recovery potions, and the value of these potions in the "relic" is even less than 1%!

The degree of fit between the "Chapter of the Future" and Xiao Yun on this page is: 5%!

"The fit of this number is understandable!" The only thing Xiao Yun matched with the "Future Chapter" information was the identity of the "half-human, half-demon", and his demon blood was uncontrollable. Da's demon blood.

The demon blood in Xiao Yun's body belonged to the invading party, instead of being born as a half-human and half-demon like Dante. The combination of human blood and demon blood was a perfect fit!

"Wait, this feeling is..."

Xiao Yun felt something strange. Something in his body that seemed to belong to him but was not under his control was pried away. It was the blood of the "Blood Shadow Demon" left by the masked man, which was set by Xiao Yun's talent. The trace of the Spartan demon blood that came here was pried.

Most bloodlines are incompatible, and players can basically only have one more bloodline besides human bloodlines.

Obviously, the bloodline of the Spartan demon is also incompatible with the bloodline of the uncontrollable "Blood Shadow Demon", and the two will devour each other even more!

And compared to the "Blood Shadow Demon" demon blood that forcibly invaded him the day after tomorrow, the Spartan demon blood brought through the "Future Chapter" is more compatible with Xiao Yun, just like he was born as a half-human half-devil at the beginning generally.

Because this demonic bloodline was already a part of Xiao Yun's existence, it was the demonic bloodline that supported Xiao Yun's continued survival and brought him strong physical fitness, but it was indeed the shackles that the masked man tied Xiao Yun's body.

Isn't the purpose of integrating into the second demonic bloodline is to provoke the confrontation between the two demonic bloodlines, so as to completely eliminate one side?
Xiao Yun's heart became excited, everything is going according to plan!

Because of the "fellow author", the "Spartan Devil" bloodline that appeared in Xiao Yun's body is fighting with the "Blood Shadow Demon" bloodline!

What Xiao Yun needs is to strengthen the bloodline of the "Spartan Demon" and let it win!

Obviously, if this is done, only a 5% fit is not enough. A Spartan bloodline with a fit of only 5% cannot "eliminate" the invading "Blood Shadow Demon" demon bloodline, and even "shake" it. Can't do it.

Which one to choose is to exchange the professional scroll and the blood of Sparta in the "Judgment Mall", and become a demon hunter with only 1/16 blood concentration!

Or, take a gamble on the innate ability of the "fan author", if you succeed, you can directly solve the uncontrollable "Blood Shadow Demon" demon bloodline, and even have a bright future!

But if you fail, it is tantamount to death!

Xiao Yun was silent for a while, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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