Chapter 177 Revenge on God
"The nature of dimensional copies?"

After Lelouch repeated his words, he stared closely at Xiao Yun in front of him.

However, Xiao Yun stopped answering and asked instead: "I really want to know, how did you make such an outrageous speculation that you are a character in a story?"

Xiao Yun still remembered the saying, when someone pulls you into your own rhythm, you can't answer the other person's questions, you only need to ask new questions to disrupt the other person's rhythm.

I don't know which novel or a certain book I read this sentence from, Xiao Yun felt that after he asked back, the sense of oppression from Lelouch seemed to fade away.

Wait, I am the captain, he is a team member, and our strength is superior to ours, why do I feel oppressed?

At this time, Lelouch frowned slightly, and replied: "From the title of the dimensional copy given by the dimensional game."

"Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, as far as I know, there is a handsome city named 'Iron Fortress', and Kabaneri, this kind of existence between oneself and the enemy, has a special Sex works well as a protagonist."

"Oh, that's right!" Xiao Yun nodded and suddenly smiled at Lelouch.

"Then do you want to know what kind of title is given to the world between you and Saeko Busujima by Dimensional Games?"


Not only Lelouch, but even Saeko Busujima, who was eavesdropping outside, couldn't help cheering up.

"Apocalypse of the Academy, this is the title given to the world of Saeko Busujima by Dimensional Games."

"Highschool of the Dead?"

Judging from the name alone, could it be an event about the development of the school?

Just as the two of them were deep in thought, they heard Xiao Yun continue to say: "And Lelouch of your world, that title is quite interesting!"

Immediately, Lelouch saw Xiao Yun showing a malicious smile, and spat out the title.

"Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion!"

Lelouch's eyes suddenly widened. What's the matter, using his own name as a title for a world?Is your own world really a story?Are you a character in a story?
Seeing Lelouch's swaying eyes, Xiao Yun couldn't stop laughing in his heart, I want you to force me into the palace and scare you to death.

"Okay, let's get back to business, back to the previous topic."

Xiao Yun interrupted Lelouch's thoughts. Smart people tend to fall into dead ends and can't get back. It's better not to screw him up.

"I don't know if you, Saeko Busujima, or even myself are characters in the same story, but if there really is an omnipotent God, then in His eyes, our lives are like His Write a story!"

"However, omnipotence is a fallacy. Even dimensional games cannot do it. Otherwise, it would not need us judges to help guard the dimensional copy, nor would players be needed to fight against strange creatures."

Xiao Yun sighed, this idea is just overthinking, even if I am a character subordinate to other beings, I am me.

My behavior is controlled by my own heart, and any decision I make is made by myself, that's enough, isn't it?

Of course, not everyone can think like Xiao Yun and live such a heartless life.

"When I became a junior adjudicator, after I got the right to ask the Dimensional Game, I also asked the first two questions you asked."

"After passing this judgment trial, you can be regarded as junior judges. If you fail to survive, you will only die, so it doesn't hurt to tell you the answer in advance."

Under Lelouch's gaze, Xiao Yun spit out the answer: "What is a dimensional game? The answer I got is: a world defense system born to protect the world from "weird" erosion!"

"World defense system?" Lelouch thought thoughtfully.

"As for the second question you asked, what is a dimensional dungeon?" Xiao Yun clicked his tongue and said, "The dimensional game only gives a place for players to practice, the first barrier against the strange world from eroding the world." ’, such an answer.”

Lelouch: "."

Seeing that Lelouch wanted to ask a question again, Xiao Yun immediately said: "If you want to know more deeply, you can only try to increase your authority as an adjudicator, and then ask the Dimensional Game yourself. I don't care about such secrets. will disclose."

"However, I can answer you about the title of the dimensional game you care about."

Xiao Yun told Lelouch about the Shadow Realm and the way players enter the dimensional copy.

"Many players enter the dimensional copy of the same title, but they will not reach the same copy. It is like a parallel world. The world view is the same, but there is a big difference in time."

"However, after the exploration of the players, it was found that the time of the dimensional copy will only appear in a certain period of time, and the title of the dimensional copy is an overview of the most influential thing that happened during this period of time."

"Just like the dimensional dungeon of 'Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress', the most influential event was that a young man named 'Ikoma' accidentally turned into Kabaneri, and he even researched a way to defeat Kabaneri. The 'jet stream bomb' inside kicked off the human counterattack."

If Lelouch realized something, he said, "In other words, the most influential time in my world is my rebellion? Geass is the title of the special power I got, and my rebellion...I want The most important thing is to subvert the 'Holy British Empire'!"

"Indeed, if I succeed, it will indeed be an event with great influence!"

Lelouch was freed from the Dimensional Dungeon dubbed by Dimensional Games, but...
"Captain, you mentioned the dimensional dungeon with the same title, but the player entered the same dungeon at a different time period. Doesn't that mean that there are many me at the same time?"

No, do you people with high IQs think so much?
"No, since I recruited you as a candidate for the Judgment, I have been informed by the dimensional game that the character Lelouch of yours will not exist in any dimensional copy of 'Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion' that players enter from now on."

"You are the only Lelouch!"

"In fact, our players can also take the natives of the dimensional copy out of the dimensional copy as a follower. At the same time, this character in other dimensional copies will also disappear as he becomes a follower."

Xiao Yun answered tiredly.

"It's not right. The Dimensional Game has reminded me that as long as I pass the judgment trial, I can return to my own world to rest in my free time when I am not performing the judgment mission."

"Why doesn't Lelouch exist in the future dimensional dungeon? Is it because of me that my dimensional dungeon is banned by the dimensional game?"

I also want to know this question, and I also want to know why the anime I watched in my previous life will be displayed in the form of a dimensional copy in the dimensional game.

Of course, these thoughts can't be asked out, and if you talk about your own compulsion, you will lose your style.

"How do I know? If you want to know the answer, increase your authority and ask Dimension Games!" Xiao Yun raised his voice, opened the carriage door, and saw off the passengers without hesitation.

"Wait, Captain, I have another question. Those two questions of mine are the first questions you asked the Dimensional Game after you got the permission to ask questions?" Lelouch asked hurriedly.

"What number? How could I remember that thing, anyway, it's not the first and the second!" Xiao Yun pushed Lelouch out without hesitation, and then closed the carriage door.

Xiao Yun is too tired. He just wants to sleep now. Wait, let's go to sleep in Avalon!

Lelouch, who was kicked out, heard Juncheng's bang and boring sound, and immediately said, "You heard it all!"

"I heard." As the words fell, Saeko Busujima came out from a corner and asked, "And then?"

"The captain also hid something and didn't tell us." Lelouch pinched his chin, thinking deeply.

"With the strength of the captain, as long as he has the heart, he will naturally discover my eavesdropping. Since he chose to hide it, why does he want to find out now?" Saeko Busujima said.

"As he said, as long as the adjudicator's authority is raised, the answer will be known one day."

"Aren't you worried? If it is true as what the captain said, the players entered our world in different time periods, but they can piece together a complete development of events."

Lelouch's tone was a bit urgent, he said: "Don't you know what this means? It means that our fate has long been doomed, just like the characters in the story, the ending has been arranged by the author."

Suddenly, Busujima Saeko said: "You have someone you care about, right?"

Lelouch was stunned, and when he saw the woman in front of him who only had killing in his impression, he actually laughed at this moment.

"We have already jumped out of our world and know our original destiny, then we will naturally make changes. The reason why you are still obsessed with this is that you have someone you care about very much, and this person has a very difficult life, right? !”

Lelouch fell silent, Busujima Saeko's words touched his pain.

Not being able to move his legs and not being able to see his eyes was not only difficult, but in Lelouch's view, it was the most painful torture.

"It's really a blessing to have someone who cares about you and is willing to dedicate everything to you." Saeko Busujima said enviously, but...
"But Lelouch, don't you think you're too arrogant?"

"If there is really an Almighty God who decides our destiny, do you want to take revenge on Him? Because He brought disaster to the people you care about!"

"You have such an idea, I admire it, but it's too arrogant. If there is such a existence, even if you know it, so what, your current power can't have the slightest influence on him."

"Grow up, as the captain said, work hard to improve your power and your authority as a judge. One day, you will know everything you desire. I hope that by then, you will have the power to control your own destiny."

Lelouch fell silent, why didn't he know this, if that kind of existence really existed, would the so-called trick really work for him?I am afraid that the only thing that can be effective is power, and it is powerful enough to easily destroy the world and create the world.

However, when he thought of Nunnally, it was impossible for him to calm down, but at the same time, for Nunnally, he also had to live, return to his world alive, and see his sister again.

"You're a smart person, and you probably don't need too much persuasion from me, so I'll go to rest first." Saeko Busujima walked towards other carriages, halfway, she turned her head and said.

"Actually, you don't have to drag me into talking outside the captain's carriage. After these few months of getting along, you should have figured out the captain's temperament. He won't care about these things. Otherwise, you wouldn't dare Ask him that question."

"Based on what I know about the captain, it is more likely that he has already gone to sleep in 'Avalon', which is much more comfortable than Juncheng."

"People who are too smart are prone to overthinking. How about trusting your team captain more?"

Seeing Saeko Busushima's far away voice, Lelouch fell silent for a long time.

Do you trust?That was too rare for him in the past. Is there anyone who can really trust?Or how many?
Maybe, he can start now and give it a try.

Time flew by in silence, since that night, Lelouch never came to Xiao Yun again.

The three of them also stayed in their own carriages, minding their own business. Because there were three great gods above Juncheng, the captain directly chose the mountainous road.

After Lelouch and Saeko Busujima resolved several waves of Kabane's attacks, it didn't take much time for them to reach their destination.

Xianjin Station, one of the most important post cities in Japan, directly transformed a huge mountain into a city. As always, the towering city walls resisted Kabane, and there is this blue moat outside the post.

As an important post to restore and build Juncheng, water resources are indispensable. Based on this, there is only one bridge connecting another mountain.

The sound of Juncheng's whistle came from the tunnel at the only interface. The warriors and steam blacksmiths who had been nervous about this before, but this time today, did not have that fear for a long time.

"It's almost the same as the scheduled time, and it really came from the railway track in the mountain!"

"Sure enough, with those three lords around, a mere Kabane will not be able to capture Juncheng."

After repeatedly sending out signals to confirm, Xianjin Station lowered the suspension bridge and watched the blood-stained Juncheng slowly drive in with a sense of killing. The nearby warriors and workers all started discussing in low voices.

"When those three adults clean up the surrounding Kabane, we will no longer be in danger of falling."

The steam forgemen, with a hint of excitement, were busy changing the traction rails to allow Juncheng to reach the designated location.

Just when Juncheng was stable, the valve of the last carriage of Juncheng was opened, and three figures jumped down from above.

Seeing the uniform black clothes of the three people, the warriors and workers all turned their attention. Soon, a middle-aged man who was obviously in power came up with a girl and several warriors.

"Welcome three adults to come to Xianjin Station. I am the manager of this station, General Sifang Chuanjian. This is the little girl Sifangchuan Calamus. I have set up a banquet."

The attitude of Sifang Chuanjian was very good. The achievements of Xiao Yun and the three had spread to most of the stations. No one wanted to clear the Kabane around the stations to reduce safety hazards.

Of course, if he didn't quickly introduce the girl behind him.

 Today's update is here. I originally planned to use the afternoon and evening to repay the update owed yesterday, but suddenly found that "Yuan Shen" has been updated today!
  3 rough stones, the big sister "Shen He" came out at the end of the day, and Mr. "Yun Jin" only died, crying.
  Everyone knows that sister "Shenhe" needs the materials to open the palace
  So, fellow book lovers, I will remember the update owed, this afternoon has already been booked by sister "Shen He", let me send an IOU for the millennium (please!)
(End of this chapter)

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