Rising from a dimensional game to become a great author

Chapter 181 Preparation, Escape, Arrival of the Karakata

Chapter 181 Preparation, Escape, Arrival of the Karakata

What was the reason for the elimination of Kabane?
Ikoma left without listening to Lelouch's answer. Only Lelouch, who was thinking about this question, concentrated on his thoughts.

"It's really strange that you didn't geass Ikoma just in case."

Xiao Yun walked out from behind the screen with Saeko Busujima, and said in a slightly novel way.

The plan of the three of Xiao Yun is to use the "Jet Stream Bullet", a thing that can change the world situation, to attract Tianniao Meima who wants to destroy King Kong Guo, and then catch the offender T-15486's feet, and complete the judgment task .

With Lelouch's temperament, he would definitely choose to use geass to prevent Ikoma from revealing the manufacturing method of the "jet bullet", so as to ensure the success rate of the plan.

What surprised Xiao Yun was that Lelouch didn't use geass on Ikoma.

"Captain, how can you be sure I didn't use geass?" Lelouch walked out of Ikoma's question and smiled slightly.

"Maybe I geassed Ikoma from the beginning, otherwise why did he inform me of the information as soon as he researched the "Jets"?"


Xiao Yun blinked, thinking about it, it is really possible, but Ikoma's appearance is not like when he was ordered to geass.

The doubt was only for a moment, and in the next second, Saeko Busujima asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"It's very simple, first seek the cooperation of General Sifang Chuanjian, and then let Xianjin Station monopolize the manufacture of 'Jet Stream Bullets', and pass this news to each station."

"The hope of human beings rebelling against Kabane has appeared, and Tianniao Mima, who is looking forward to taking Kabane's revenge against King Kong, will naturally attack us, and then be deflated, looking for the help of the violator T-15486, let me use this to eliminate his power .”

"After we are fully prepared to kill the violator T-15486, we will directly use geass to control Tianniao Mima, and then go straight to Huanglong!"

It was not Lelouch who answered Saeko Busujima's question, but Xiao Yun.

There are only two difficulties in completing the judgment task. The first is to find the location of the violator. Even if the Dimensional Game can detect the violator within 10 kilometers, this range is still too large compared to the entire Dimension Dungeon.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yun and the others chose to rely on Tianniao Mima, who has a cooperative relationship with the violator T-15486. Through him, the area where the violator T-15486 is located can be roughly determined.

The second, of course, is how to kill offenders. This difficulty lies in the competition of strength between the two sides.Xiao Yun is confident that he can deal with the violator T-15486 alone, but don't forget that there are 15486 strange origins on the violator T-4.

This thing is unreasonable. It can bring about fundamental changes to other existences. Think about Lang Yusuke's strength after fusing the blood of ghosts and berserker demons. When it is still not completely successful, think about Xiang Kai's The arena where the fights are forced
Although Xiao Yun is not afraid of a single strange source force, a large number will cause trouble, increasing the chance of the violator T-15486 successfully escaping.

Even with the assistance of Lelouch and Saeko Busujima now, Xiao Yun still thinks that one or two strange origins need to be eradicated before he can directly fight against the violator T-15486.

However, the violator T-15486 doesn't seem to know how to maximize the use of the strange source power, and the network bride is not as tricky as Wolf Yusuke and Xiang Kai.

At this time, Lelouch asked abruptly: "Captain, are you sure you can protect Xianjin Station under the attack of Tianniao Meima and the violator?"

"." Xiao Yun pondered for a while.

"To be honest, there is no absolute certainty. As long as the violator T-15486 does not attack at the same time as the carriers of the four strange origins, I am not afraid of either of them."

"However, if both sides shoot at the same time, once Kabane invades Xianjinyi, and I get caught by the offender's side, it will be bad."

"Although I am sure to protect people from escaping, the population of Xianjin Station is too large, and one or two ships can't carry it. Most of the people are destined to die!"

In order to complete his adjudication task, he sacrificed tens of thousands of dimensional copy natives. To be honest, Xiao Yun felt that his conscience would be disturbed.

That's right, it's just that emotional, but this is Xiao Yun himself.

"Since this is the case, then find a way to reduce the residents of Xianjin Station. You can send them out to buy the raw materials for making 'jet bullets'. But in this way, Tianniao Mima may intercept and kill the running materials in Juncheng. In order to curb the output of 'jet bombs'."

Saeko Busujima on the side also began to make suggestions. She is also a character from the Dimension Dungeon. She cares about her heart, and naturally she doesn't want people in her own world to die because of the inexplicable plan of outsiders.

However, she also has no good solution.

Xiao Yun knew very well that both he and her were rookies in terms of layout, but the reason why Xiao Yun came up with this kind of plan at the beginning was because there was still a great master in this area.

"I will leave the arrangement to you, Lelouch." Xiao Yun directly threw the pot out.

"Find a way to reduce the probability of the fall of the Xianjin Station, or reduce the number of civilian sacrifices when the Xianjin Station falls."

Lelouch: "."

"I see."

He replied in this way that it was not difficult for him to reduce the casualties when Xianjin Station fell. Even in his speculation, the probability of Xianjin Station falling was not very high.

In his opinion, the violators T-15486 and Tianniao Mima will not throw out all their strength at the beginning, and will only attack tentatively at the beginning.

And as long as they cut off the strange origin force of the violator T-15486 during the temptation, even if there is only one, it will be enough for Xiao Yun and the three to completely let go and launch a frontal attack on him.

"I'm going to discuss related matters with General Sifang Chuanjian."

Lelouch with the geass in his body doesn't need to prepare in advance at all. After forming a large scale, he will overwhelm others with power. If Sifang Chuanjian will not cooperate, then submit to him!

When Lelouch left, Xiao Yun and Saeko Busujima also sat down in the room. Once the plan unfolded, the offender T-15486 and Mima Amano would move at any time, and they could not leave Xianjin Station .

Xiao Yun put his hand on his chest, and all the red devil soul stones accumulated in the past few days were tilted on the dark black lining, and the equipment level of "Yan Mo Bi'an" continued to rise until it reached the limit of this dimension - Level 30.

As Xiao Yun expected, the level 30 "Yama·Other Shore" already possesses a full 2000 of the power of the other shore, which is enough to pull Xiao Yun back from death. In conjunction with the "Yama Amnesty Order", every Resurrection twice a day.

"The most complete preparation!" Xiao Yun's eyes shone with confidence.

【Name: Xiao Yun
Number: Z-10086 (Junior Adjudicator)
Race: Half-devil (Human · Yanhuang Terran / Devil May Cry World · Black Devil · Spartan Devil)
Level: Lv30
Occupation: Demon Hunter

Experience Points: 24/30

Basic attributes: strength: 242, agility: 242, constitution: 242, spirit: 392
Hidden attributes: Comprehension:? ,will:? ,Lucky:? ,charm:?
Health: 4420/4420
Mental Power: 2920/2920
Demon Power: 3000/3000
Original talent: fan author

Professional Talent: Demon Body, Demon Blood, Demon Hand, Blood Soul Enhancement, Glory Soul
Professional style: Juggernaut lv1, Gunslinger lv1
Occupational Skills: Mana release lv2, up pick lv5, down slash lv5, flying swallow lv5, stab lv5, swift shadow lv5, chopping wind lv5, ghost step lv5, castle in the sky lv5, magic shooting lv5
Style skills: concentrated firepower lv1, colorful lv1, storm lv1, gunfire lv1
Basic skills: gun proficiency lv8, sword proficiency lv8, spiritual world lv2
Special skill: Breath of the wind lv7]

Anyone who sees such attributes will not believe that this is something that players with a level of only 30 can achieve.

However, this is very real.

After the equipment level of Yan Mo's suit reaches level 30, regardless of their special abilities, just adding four basic attributes to Xiao Yun can reach 20 points, and 5 pieces of Yan Mo's suit is a full 100 points.

In addition, Xiao Yun's own real attribute has 142 points, and he can reach the delicate number of 8 points by 250 points, and because all the free attribute points are added to the spiritual attribute, Xiao Yun's spiritual attribute It's almost breaking 400.

"Even if you use the ghost path obtained by talent, even if the fit is only 40%, you can pretend to be a qualified mage, but you can confuse the enemy in future missions."

You think I'm a mage, but I'm actually a sword master. You have to distance yourself from me. In fact, I'm also a gun master.
Thinking of that scene, Xiao Yun felt satisfied, but it was not enough.

"Trickster and royal guard style, because of the lack of resources related to sacrifice, there is no way, but in other places, it can continue to improve."

Turning his attention to the two skills of "Sword Mastery" and "Wind Breath", Xiao Yun's original plan was to integrate "Wind Breath" into "Sword Mastery", so as to advance "Sword Mastery" to "Legend of Sword" in the future. "lay a solid foundation.

But now, Xiao Yun still didn't give up on this idea. "Sword and Sword Mastery" has been raised to lv8, and "Breath of Wind" also has lv7. This matter can be put on the agenda.

Xiao Yun predicted that when "Breath of the Wind" merged, it would be the day when "Sword Mastery" broke through to "Sword Master".

"Then let's get started!"

Lelouch's plan unfolded very quickly. After he came out of Sifangchuan's mansion, the news that he was going to launch a counterattack against Kabane spread in Xianjin Station.

A new factory building was set up next to the forge, and it was quickly established. At the same time, workers began to suffer from the "jet bombs" created by the workers to deal with Kabane.

In addition, the information of the "Jet Bullet" was also transmitted to various stations by Sifang Chuanjian, and some of the "Jet Bullets" were sent to each station by using Juncheng to verify the authenticity of the "Jet Bullet" information.

Immediately, the Xianjin Station became a topic of constant discussion among the residents of the various stations, and at this moment, the plan of Xiao Yun and the three encountered the first wave of resistance.

After Xianjinyi produced a certain number of "jet bullets", it had no choice but to stop work, because the materials for making "jet bullets" in Xianjinyi had been exhausted.

The reason is that the materials purchased by Xianjin Station from other stations have not arrived for a long time.

"Which force intervened!" The three of Xiao Yun gathered together and began to discuss.

"According to part of the information I got, it is speculated that Mima Amazonori has something to do with it, and the shogunate also played a role in it." Lelouch said, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"The shogunate, the governing body of Japan, why is it like this?" As soon as he uttered his doubts, Xiao Yun understood.

"I see, are you worried about your own dominance?"

"Indeed." Lelouch nodded, and said with emotion: "Xianjinyi, who has mastered the manufacturing technology of 'jet stream bomb', will undoubtedly be far more powerful than other cities. By selling 'jet stream bullet', Xianjin station will Rapidly growing, it can influence and even control other Juncheng, becoming Hinomoto's new center of power."

"Compared with Tianniao Mima, who wants to destroy the Kongo Kingdom where the shogunate is located, and take revenge on those in power, the shogunate does not want Xianjin Station to develop."

"Heh, how stupid, in the case of being destroyed by Kabane at any time, but still care about these things."

"This may be the thoughts of these people in power. Enjoying the service of the low-level laborers, maybe hiding in the post can strengthen their position." Xiao Yun also shook his head, and then asked.

"The managers of other stations should think the same way. They want to get the jet bullets to deal with Kabane, but they don't want to be taken away by Xianjin Station, so they simply obeyed the shogunate's intention and cut off the trade of Xianjin Station. .”

"You should have predicted this development, so what's the solution?"

"There is no need to solve this problem!" Lelouch replied confidently.

"On the contrary, we need to expel a large number of people from Xianjin Station to go to each station through Juncheng to collect materials!"


Xiao Yun and Busujima Saeko were stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that they were indeed political players, and they had so many calculations in their hearts.

What is the purpose of Xiao Yun and the others? It is to lure Tianniao Meima to take action, but the most fundamental purpose is to use him to find the trace of the violator T-15486, and use this to reduce the violator's strength.

If the shogunate secretly takes action against Xianjin Station and blocks the exchange of resources between Xianjin Station and other stations, because Xianjin Station focuses on the construction and maintenance of Juncheng, the food stored in it will not be able to supply people's daily life.

The last solution for Xianjinyi, which has come to a dead end, is to dedicate the manufacturing method of "Jet Stream Bullet" to the shogunate, and continue to honestly manufacture its own Juncheng.

But this approach was something that Amado Mima, who wanted to destroy the shogunate, would not allow it to happen.

Therefore, in the predicament that Xianjin Station is facing now, it is not Xiao Yun and the others who are most anxious, but Tianniaomeima.

"High, really high!"

Xiao Yun had to admire Lelouch's plan, and took advantage of the situation to speed up the time for Tianniao Meima to attack his side.

Moreover, this move can also take the opportunity to reduce the population of Xianjin Station. If Xianjin Station falls at that time, Xiao Yun and the three can also protect such a large number of people to escape through Juncheng without causing sacrifice.

"Just do as you say!"

The Xianjin Station, which was originally excited by the appearance of the "jet stream bomb", soon appeared a series of rumors.

It is rumored that Sifang Chuanjian, the ruler of Jinyi Station, intends to use "jet bullets" to control other stations, but he was blocked by each station and issued an order to refuse to deliver supplies to Xianjin Station!

Various resources such as food and cloth on the market began to decrease rapidly. Sifang Chuanjian would send countless people to various post stations to receive various supplies, but almost no one came back.

The people in the Xianjin post were panicked, unwilling to follow Sifang Chuanjian generals, they fled to each post through Juncheng one after another.

In just one month, the population of Xianjin Station has dropped by a full 1%, and only some warriors and workers are still on duty.

"Damn it, do these nobles only know how to attack their own people?" Ikoma threw his gloves to the ground angrily,

Lelouch was right, those in power were not willing to destroy Kabane at all, but wanted to use those monsters to consolidate their rule and imprison everyone in the post city.

At this moment, the whistle of Juncheng resounded, and a gray-white steel Juncheng drove into Xianjin Station.

Not long after, the three of Xiao Yun received a message from General Sifangchuan.

"The Karakata are here, and they want to talk to us about the 'jet stream bomb'."

The three of Xiao Yun looked at each other and smiled slightly, Tianniao Meima finally couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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