Chapter 2 Dimensional Games
The bustling city did not know when a raging fire ignited, and the smoke and crying filled the whole city.

Xiao Yun's whole body turned into a scarlet demon, constantly waving his sharp claws, sending up scorching blood and countless broken limbs in his sight.

Countless people in strange clothes surrounded Xiao Yun's body, one after another powerful attacks unceasingly unleashed on Xiao Yun, and finally what came head-on was an aurora that seemed to shatter the sky and the earth.


Xiao Yun woke up suddenly, looked at the bloody moon in the sky, and found himself lying on the cold floor.

"I'm alive?"

He raised his hand to touch his chest with lingering fear, and looked down, but saw that his chest was safe and sound, there was not a single blood hole, not even a scar left.

Xiao Yun clearly remembered the pain at the moment when his heart was pierced, and even more remembered the panic as if his body had become different from his own, but the fact that he was completely unharmed now made Xiao Yun wonder...was he having a nightmare?

"No, this is a dimensional game!" Three minutes later, Xiao Yun came up with the answer.

Xiao Yun was at the top of a building at this time. On the cold floor lay nearly a dozen people scattered in a state of coma. There were men and women of different ages. Judging from their appearance, they were about 16 years old. — Between the ages of 40!
Standing on the edge and looking out, Xiao Yun could see a hazy group of buildings. In the center of this group of buildings, there was a tall bronze tower piercing the sky like a sharp sword.

Even further away, Xiao Yun could see the mountains and rivers in the distance, hidden under a blood-colored mist. After watching for a long time, it made people feel restless and murderous, and fell into frenzy involuntarily.

Xiao Yun had already spent the past few minutes investigating, and found that he was on the roof of this building, and there was no downward entrance and exit from the roof.

Xiao Yun also found that his body had changed. He used the key on his body to experiment. With a little force on his fingers, he easily bent the key. His body did not deform, but Xiao Yun's physical fitness was already several times stronger than before. .

Whether it is strength, physique, or jumping ability, there has been a terrifying improvement.Especially the heart, it seems that the small motor of the original battery car has become a sports car engine, beating calmly and powerfully, pumping blood to the whole body.

Physical strengthening is a good thing, especially now that the situation is unknown, but when thinking of the monster that pierced his heart before, Xiao Yun couldn't be happier.

"What is this place?" A pleasant female voice came from behind.

Xiao Yun looked back and saw a young girl with big eyes and long hair came to her senses and was getting up from the ground.

"This is the Shadow Realm, the main city of player No. A7 of the dimensional game, Tianyang City!" The deep voice suddenly sounded, and Xiao Yun and the girl looked at the source of the sound at the same time.

A middle-aged man was standing in an open space not far away. He had a sturdy appearance. A slanting scar started from the corner of his eye and almost ran through his entire face, giving him an extremely tyrannical aura!
Xiao Yun's body tensed up, Xiao Yun checked the unconscious person after waking up, there was no such man inside, he appeared suddenly!
"That's right. Knowing that they are vigilant and they are the first group of people to wake up, their physical fitness is not bad, so they should be able to live longer!" Scar said to Xiao Yun.

First to wake up?Xiao Yun was indeed the first to wake up, but compared to the girl who just woke up now, Xiao Yun was the first to wake up for a full 5 minutes.

"Who are you? Why did I suddenly appear here?" the girl asked.

Scarface snorted coldly: "You will know in a while, wait until the others wake up first, I don't like to repeat it a second time!"

Seemingly frightened by Scarface's appearance, the girl did not dare to ask any more questions and gradually calmed down.

The sleepy people woke up one after another within a minute. They looked around in a daze, completely unaware of what happened and where they were.

Surprisingly, these people seemed to be very observant and well-aware of current affairs, and they did not yell.

"That's right, the quality of players selected by Dimensional Games is getting better and better." Scanning all the people around, the man with the scar nodded in satisfaction, and continued.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I don't have much time and energy to talk nonsense to you. Now, move your consciousness to the coat of arms on your right hand, and the player coat of arms will inject relevant information into your in mind."

in mind?
Xiao Yun tried to follow suit, and found that there was information appearing in his mind.

This place is called the Shadow Realm, or it can also be called the dimensional game world.

Many years ago, a strange energy came to this world. This energy will absorb the negative emotions of human beings and materialize, turning into a real existence and appearing in the real world. represents dark and negative creatures.

Evil spirits, ghosts, demons, strange beasts...these creatures in fantasy represent the negative emotions in the hearts of creators, movie viewers, readers, etc. Because of this strange energy, they have truly come to reality. People regard these creatures as Creatures are collectively referred to as "strange creatures"!
In the face of those mysterious and weird forces, the combat effectiveness displayed by guns continued to fail. Human beings gradually retreated in front of these strange creatures, and once faced the crisis of extinction.

It was a game that saved humanity, a game that came out of nowhere.It qualifies people 16 and older as "players" to improve themselves by hunting these creepy creatures.

With the help of this game, human beings have the qualifications and abilities to fight against the weirdness. After countless years of hard work, powerful players have joined forces to open up a huge strange space called "Shadow Realm" outside the real world, and bring the weirdness to the world. The energy and negative emotions emitted by human beings are all imported into the different space, and the real world has thus ushered in peace.

Powerful players and dimensional games jointly established the order of the shadow world, cleared all the memories and data records about "strange creatures" in the real world, and then selected those who had talents and died to enter the shadow world, become players, and resist weirdness biology!

As a player, you can get the most expensive sports car, fill the room with gold, eat the top food, and even bring money to the real world to re-live the second life!
And all of this requires only the currency called "Dimension Points". As long as you kill strange creatures, players can get a certain amount of Dimension Points, and then get everything you want!
Strange creatures, players, and Blue Pole Star have such a history?

But why clear all records about "strange creatures" in the real world?
Oh, by the way, "weird creatures" are a combination of that weird energy and the negative emotions emitted by humans. People in the real world have a great influence on weird creatures.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yun woke up from his "memory", and saw the cold smile on the face of the man with the scar, and looked at the excited crowd with an inexplicable look.

Indeed, this is a game where you can harvest everything, but unlike games where you can regenerate infinitely, the life of a player in a dimensional game is only once!
"Now, you all already know where you are, right? It's time for you to choose." The man with the scar said, two light gates, one red and one blue, appeared on both sides of the rooftop.

"Stepping into the red door, you will officially become a dimensional game player, abide by the relevant order, and gain unlimited possibilities; and stepping into the blue door, it will be regarded as you have given up the qualification to become a player, and your memory will be cleared , go back to Blue Pole Star and continue to live your lives!"

"Oh, by the way, for those who came in because of death, you only have one choice: the red door. After all, no one wants to go back to being a corpse!"

Seeing everyone who looked excited but didn't make a sound, Scarface laughed.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with your performance, so I will give you a little extra hint!"

"As new players, you will have a 10-day rest period, and you will also have an opportunity to enter a designated dimensional dungeon. The dimensional dungeon is the main place for players to obtain professions, skills, and even equipment. For this, you have two choices!"

"One is to arm yourself with the initial 1000 dimensional points of novice players, rely on yourself to collect information, and then enter the dimensional dungeon 10 days later to obtain a career."

"The second option is to take refuge in the big forces in the player's main city! Some big forces have needs for things in some dimensional dungeons, and they need you to enter a specific dimensional dungeon to obtain them. For this, they will conduct a certain degree of Funding, including some information about the dimensional copy, and even some equipment that you newcomers can use."

"How to choose is up to you. Finally, I will add a piece of advice. Players are not allowed to fight in the main city, so don't worry about being blackmailed. The only thing you have to pay attention to is the agreement. Don't sign the agreement between players randomly. There are quite a few players who have been cheated to death!"

"The task of guiding the newcomer is completed, and I request to return." After the man with the scar finished speaking, he disappeared in the sight of everyone.

After the man with the scar left, there was a commotion on the rooftop. Some people want to form a group and explore together; some people are still considering the pros and cons, whether to become a dimensional player.

And Xiao Yun had already walked towards the red door.

Xiao Yun didn't die, but he didn't choose, and now he already understood the reason why he was kidnapped before.

The countless dimensional copies under the control of the dimensional game all come from the animations of the previous life, and most of the players' occupations and skills come from the dimensional copies.

Xiao Yun released the "Naruto" manga on the Internet carelessly. In the eyes of the players, it is undoubtedly the most precious information about the dimensional dungeon, so why not arouse their covetousness.

This case vividly tells us that after time travel, you have to think twice when doing copywriting, you never know how your work will be presented in this world!
"Hehe, it's really hot!" The corner of Xiao Yun's mouth twitched, and he stepped into the red light door.

Even if he didn't die, he didn't dare to go back to the real world. Who knows if someone is blocking the door at home!

After walking through the light door, Xiao Yun saw a white room. According to the information, this was an exclusive room for players, with absolute security and privacy.

【Ding!Start to implant the dimensional game system, officially register the player identity, start data scanning, and the semi-data system is ready to open.]

【Ding!The implantation of the dimensional game system is completed, and the player is given the number K-82947.]

【Ding!It is detected that player K-82947 has the coat of arms of the second player, and the coat of arms inheritance is started, and the player number is changed from K-82947 to Z-10086! 】

"The second player's crest?" Xiao Yun was startled, and immediately remembered the thing the masked man threw at him. Isn't that just a player's crest?

"Oops, it's a trap!"

Xiao Yun's face suddenly darkened.

 Ask for collections, ask for recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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